Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 91: Intrigue

Seeing that Sargeras said to himself, Shen Yan smiled and said: "Please wait a moment. m."

Sargeras frowned: "What else do you have?"

"What can I have? Of course, I will hold the Buddha's foot temporarily." Shen Xiaoxiao answered: "Just you can take a break."

He said that he had taken out the Hradick box, put his own demon warrior into it, and then put it in a C-class armor, and it was actually starting to upgrade the equipment.

Everyone is happy to see this scene, and the feelings of indulgence should be as good as the promotion of Honglang.

After watching the battle of Sargeras, Shen Yu has already been very aware of the horror of Sargeras.

This guy's easy attack has the horror of destroying the land, and the most important thing to deal with him is to improve his survivability.

Since the gun of the soul has been upgraded, this time he directly chooses to upgrade the armor of the demon god. The armor of the demon **** is a double A level, which can be promoted to the S level. He has not upgraded before, but is strained. Don't wait for the prompts, directly said: "Cancel the skills, increase the damage weakened, the funds that need to be paid are deductible, I just increase the damage weakened, less nonsense, the sooner the better."

With the horror of Sargeras, every minute of rest is a life-recovery, so you don't have to use the other side to rush, you can't wait as soon as possible.

In the face of Sargeras's violent attack, to be honest, defense has little meaning, only the damage is weak. As for the will of Diablo... The fear of the devil is not as good as the dog in front of Sargeras.

The skills of deterrence are, after all, scare the younger generation.

Damage reduction is a more advanced defense than defense. Unfortunately, most of them are restricted, such as weakened skill damage, weakened by distance, weakened by melee, weakened by curses, etc., and the overall weakening is extremely rare.

They have always wanted to weaken the type all the time, but they have also gotten some before, but at that time, for the big universe plan, occasionally get some and sell money.

Until today, he finally put this important work on the road under the strong pressure of Sargeras.

At this moment, with the change of light in the Hradic square, the demon armor is promoted to the S level, accompanied by the disappearance of the skill of the Diablo will, and the level increase, instead the five percent damage is weakened. Only the original 52% defense remains unchanged.

Raised a level, erased a skill, and doubled the number of points, and only added 5 percent of the total weakening, showing its difficulties.

Sinking is naturally unsatisfactory, and the brush has pulled out a batch of armor equipment to pick and choose.

Let's take a head together: "It's coming again!"

Don't ask, this is another time to start smashing the equipment.

Sure enough, after picking out a few pieces of armor, Shen Yu began to smash the equipment, but this time, as long as he had a surname, the damage was weakened.

The forging of the damage is simple, and it can be extracted according to the percentage of 20%. If there is a decimal, it depends on whether the character is raised or decreased.

Equipment is generally up to 15% of the damage is weakened, but 15% of the total weakening is extremely rare, and there is no sinking on the hand, so he smashed the best armor on his hand and eventually Four out of two percent, three percent, and seven times added is 11 percent less damage.

Fortunately, there is no waste, just to get rid of seven pieces of armor, and finally save more than the weapons of Honglang, of course, there is no need to save where, after all, the damage is weakened, the best, usually can not buy, indulge They are the highest.

Someone has already turned a blind eye: "There are millions of games in the first two games. Isn't it so fun to have money?"

Shen Yudao is: "Less nonsense, I can't wait to add more, who else has damage to the equipment? Borrow!"

The devil's armor is also added to sixteen percent, which is already the limit.

Fortunately, there are others.

Start borrowing equipment!

Vera has a cloak, and five percent of the damage is weakened.

Others also have it, but most of them are about 5%, and most of them are armor, they can only give up.

Or the staff is the most powerful, take out a necklace, fantasy chain of protection, is his combination with his own talent to enhance, with 10% damage weakening effect.

Zheng Hao gave Shen Hao his own 32-defense belt with five percent damage-damaged super-powered brave boots to replace the combat boots.

This is the 36% damage that has been weakened.

"Is it enough?" asked tenderly. Her dark equipment also weakens the curse effect, but unfortunately she has been on the battlefield, the used equipment can not be delivered.

"Enough." Shen Yu replied: "The body of the diamond has 50% of the skill damage weakening effect, that is 86, and it is waste."

Damage is reduced by 90% of the upper limit effect. Adding to this level is not useful. For Shen Yu, the real horrible thing is that Sargeras' skill attack, 3 times flame damage, and the ending ceremony are all capable of spike effect. With these, you will not be spiked.

But this does not mean that it is enough.

Even the so-called all-round damage weakening means weakening the damage of the active attacking surname. For inactive attacks, indirect damage is invalid. For example, the attack on the toxin, the persistent burn of the flame, etc., has no effect. Class attacks are ineffective, and the effect of mental attacks is also halved, so other aspects of support are needed.

Sinking took the awake ring down and said: "Bring the ring with anti-life added."

If you can't add damage, you can add defense. If you can't add defense, you can add life. The principle is that you must be able to withstand it.

Chu Sheng took out a ring: "Add five hundred lives, my most precious baby, you can live and give it back to me."

"It's really a good thing, I want it. Who else?"

Lao Meng is very reluctant to take out a ring to Shen Shen: "I have a life-saving symbol of Laozi, which contains a dead soul life. When a fatal attack is carried out, the fatal damage will be transferred to the life of the undead, but the upper limit is only a thousand points, if You have been attacked by a deadly attack with more than a thousand, and you are still dead."

"Then, unless my life bottoms out, I don't know how to drink medicine." Shen Yan took it unceremoniously.

In addition to these two rings, Shen Yan took a ring with a physique plus 10 and a physique plus 15 to protect the bracelet with 10, until it can be used for all purposes, and really can't play with it. A group of adventurers continued to pay for their pockets. Both hands and groping, no matter what they could not use, were all stuffed into the sinking hands. It looked like a parting gift.

The Burning Legion watched has been numb.

Archimonde told Kil'jaeden: "I have seen many shameless humans, but I have never seen them like them."

"People always call me a fraudster, and now I think they are." Kil'jaeden said to his chin.

"Compared with that human being, you are pure." Mannoroth shook his head and replied.

"This is really insulting the devil." Kil'jaeden complained.

"There is no way, who is called Sargeras?" Tiktios sighed.

"He doesn't like it, just watching a clown show." Ner'zhul replied with a false test. He knows exactly what Sargeras is thinking at the moment. For him, everything in front of him is like a middle school student borrowing a machete and trying to kill a US soldier by arming the student to his teeth.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get the ring of the ring." Shen Yan looked at the four rings on his finger and sighed.

"As long as you win me, you can naturally get it." Sargeras smiled: "So... are you ready now?"

"I will be right away, Master Sargeras." Shen Yan answered and looked at his surname.

He had successfully reached the fourth level in the previous period. After using Nei Dan to upgrade the Promise to the top level, Shen Yu’s current surname is already strength 242 Physique 242 Agile 177 Spirit 217 Will 172, Dark Gold Amulet brings him 20 points are all surnames plus, plus 25 points of physique brought by two rings, Shen Yu is now 287.

After the source of life has been upgraded to the top, the vitality of the sinking reaches 4305 points, and the ring of Chu Sheng is 4805 points of vitality. Such a sinking still feels insufficient, and then take out the remodeling stone, reduce the will of 100, and increase the physical fitness by 100 points.

This time, his life has reached 6305 points, using sacred dragon blood to transform and add 3,000 lives, the highest life can reach 9305 points, if the combination / body can also double.

As for the defensive aspect, Shen Yan's self-defense 95, the equipment aspect of the Devil's Battlegear 52, the Witch King's Helmet 25, the borrowed Brave Boots Defense 32, a bracelet plus 10, and the equipment defense totals 119. In the state of transformation, the scales defended 80 points. In the wrath of the Holy Dragon, the defense is increased by 20% (excluding equipment defense), so the highest defense value is 329 and the lowest value is 214.

Normal damage is reduced to 36%, and the weapon's body is weakened by 86% of the damage.

Look at this surname, it is estimated that Sargeras will not want to kill himself even if he is holding a dark boil. He thought about it and took out a Nedan, and promoted Dapeng to the top.

This is the acceleration method. To deal with the existence of Sargeras, in addition to defense, it is also important to strengthen the dodge ability, so this skill is needed to increase the speed. Although the degree of improvement of this method is not as abnormal as that of a gentle high-speed neural response system, it is good at not consuming energy and being effective for a long time.

After completing all this, Shen Hao finally walked to the battlefield.

From the moment he entered the battlefield, he could no longer do any off-site preparations.

Surprisingly, at this time, next to Megatron, the Hornet and Zhao Linger and so on actually went in.

This gave Sargeras a glimpse: "What does this mean?"

The tone is already a little angry.

Damn, do you want to be a group? That Laozi also let the Burning Corps go up!

Shen Yu quickly replied: "As you can see, they are my personal strength."

"Your personal strength?"

"Yes, remember? Master Sargeras, I have asked you before, whether my human weapon belongs to my strength, and your answer is that calling without a surname is not personal."


"Then they are summoned with the attribution of the surname." Shen Yan smiled and replied.

Sargeras immediately stopped.

At this moment, he finally understood what he was doing.

That's right, sinking is like a group!

In this matter, Shen Yu actually took a big deal.

According to the rules of the **** city, the summoning class itself is indeed a personal combat power. The premise is that there must be a clear attribution to the surname. This is a consensus. Whether it is a **** urban adventurer or a heavenly **** god, the gods know very well. at this point.

But no one thought that Shen Shen had drilled a big hole in this regard.

When it comes to loopholes, we must first analyze the situation on both sides.

On the Sargeras side, the **** demon has a birth defect about the summoning.

That is the demon in hell. Under normal circumstances, there is no contractual relationship with the Legionnaires. Because there are too many, the contract does not come, and it is not necessary.

But if they leave Hell, some Legionnaires will inevitably form a contractual effect with some of the high-level members of the Legion and reach a call.

For example, the Devil's Gate of Azmodan is called by the soldiers who follow his own by opening the space channel, although it is impossible, but at least part of it.

In hell, Azmodan has no such ability.

Because it is not necessary, his army is by his side. What kind of devil's door is needed? Where can I summon?

For example, the head of the army, Sargeras, succeeded the Lich King Alsace and other demons. As long as they have commanding talents, they basically have the ability to summon the reinforcements after leaving Hell. At this time, the reinforcements belong to the call and belong to their own personal strength. .

In particular, Sargeras, as a demon **** that can appear in the mission world, has stood at the pinnacle of the world and can open the door to **** and call for a large army.

It is at the level of Hell, the quality of the skill name has changed.

Because he is in hell, the Burning Legion is by his side, no need for the gates of hell, and no additional summons.

This is fine under normal circumstances.

The problem is that it is now a gamble, and it is a gambling in hell. It is obviously not normal to call the offensive. On the contrary, Rose's little spider did not have this problem - it was all under her egg, so it belonged to her personal strength.

They didn’t have this problem, no matter in which world, Zhao Linger or Megatron, it’s his call.

Although Megatron was nominally owned by the team, the original contract was signed with Shen.

The same is true of the bumblebee except him.

As for Zhao Linger, not to mention, she does not belong to the team even in the name, only belongs to the individual.

Only Hera’s direct affiliation belongs to Zhou Yiyu, so Shen Yu can’t use it, and it’s a foul.

This is the advantage of the captain, the team has a common asset. This is not false, but unless the self-intelligence of the terminator belongs to the article, as long as it is self-intelligent, it must have personal belonging, because this kind of life does not Readable power exists and must be attached to the adventurer.

Therefore, like Megatron, the “team assets” such as the Hornet are all placed under the captain’s personal name, which is equivalent to the captain managing both personal assets and team assets.

Usually, this is nothing. Anyway, as long as it is for the team, it is a private possession in the critical moment of calculating combat power.

The same is true of the second airborne camp and the second legion. The former is indulged in private armed forces, while the latter is simply a grandson. Although they are all cultivated with team funds, they are all signed under Shen's personal name. If necessary, Shen Yan can naturally say that these are my personal strengths.

If he can, he can't wait to bring the gentle summoning beast, Zhou Yiyu's Hera and King Kong's Tina, as long as they can win, let him say that the world tree is his lover is no problem.

When I first said it, I said, "Only the summons with the surname of the family belongs to the composition of their own strength." In fact, it is better to say that "as long as the call of the surname is the composition of their own strength."

The meaning of a "only" and "as long as" changes is extremely different. The former is a restriction and the latter is a liberalization.

Sargeras never dreamed that there would be so many summons.

But he can at least see it. When he really noticed these existences, he found that Shen was not lying. These guys really existed on the basis of indulgence, not to mention that in order to avoid Sargeras's unbelief, Shen Yu personally summoned himself once. Show him.

Dry your sister!

"Mom!" Sargeras muttered in the mouth and spit out the two words.

This is the first time he has been insulted by shamelessness.

If the middle school students used to borrow equipment, then the middle school student has already pulled a group of students from his mother’s armor to come over to himself, even the **** kindergarten has been pulled out - in the eyes of Sargeras, those The soldiers of the Corps are kindergarten children. The problem is that these kindergarten children are now wearing God of War mechs!

"In any case, I have not violated the agreement, right? Theirs is indeed part of my combat power. This is undoubted. You can't make a summoner not use the ability to summon." .

He is now a summoner.

Sargeras took a deep breath, and he suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, very good! Shen Yan, you are the most despicable and shameless human being I have ever seen, but you must think that you can win with this ability. I, you are wrong!"

He suddenly turned his head and shouted at the group of Ereda wizards behind him: "Give me treatment!"

I saw the group of wizards in the rear who raised their hands to sprinkle the treatment beam on Sargeras. Thousands of wizards took the shot together and instantly healed the injuries suffered by Sargeras.

"Hey, hello, say no treatment?" The adventurers were angry.

"How do you think we are afraid of it?"

"It's too shameless!"

"you lied!"

"The devil is a demon, can't trust at all!"

One by one shouted and filled with indignation, as if they had suffered a lot of grievances and injuries.

The demons of the Burning Legion are also welcome, and they roared: "You are even more shameless!"

"At least I didn't regret what I said." Shen Xiao smiled: "All I did was in accordance with the rules."

"Is it possible for me to borrow weapons from my hands?"

"But you have repented." Shen Yan shrugged.

"But as long as there is no violation of the rules, isn't it?" Sargeras did not intend to indulge in the promise, he returned, Mannoroth has sent his abyss to the Sargeras.

The abyss trench is not the strongest weapon in the Burning Legion Demon, but this weapon has a powerful special effect, which is a self-contained split attack.

When Sargeras saw so many summons of indulgence, the first time he chose the abyss trench, which was precisely for the surname.

Of course, he can also borrow more equipment, but everything is done behind the ass, but it is too shameful, plus his own strength, borrowing one will be enough.

"Then follow you." Shen Yan is a handkerchief. Compared with the abyss, the darkness is even more threatening to him. He borrowed so many injuries to weaken the equipment. It is really impossible for Sargeras to deal with himself empty-handedly. It’s really urgent, maybe Sargeras would The dark boilers may not be able to get it back.

In fact, he did not expect the devil to pay much attention to the promise.

The devils are not attaching importance to the existence of promises. If they are not afraid of them to escape, Sargeras may not even keep the basic rules!

Everyone is the same shameless, and Shen Yan is certainly calculating everywhere, and Sargeras is also unable to adjust immediately.

At this moment, after seeing Sargeras using the abyss trenches, Shen Wei was turned back and took most of the soldiers back, leaving only nine soldiers. Since the other group is strong, he will release them in batches, avoiding summoning the soldiers to suffer too many hits.

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder, and before the battle really begins, everyone has to prepare for work.

This kind of entanglement at the level of rules is actually a kind of temptation.

Test the opponent's tolerance bottom line.

For Sargeras, if he does not make certain concessions, he may give up the fight, and for Shen Yu, if he does not make some concessions, Sargeras may also completely run away.

Achieving a delicate balance in each other's temptations, I feel that I have a certain degree of certainty, that is, the beginning of the killing.

So after doing this, I saw that Sargeras had no reaction, Shen said:

"So, let's get started."

"Of course." Sargeras sneered and laughed, and the abyss in his hand trembled, and he had already squatted against Shen. q

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