Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 9: territory

Tianwei No. 4 star. m.

This is a remote and ridiculous planet.

Its area is not large, probably only a quarter of the Earth's area, with a total land area of ​​80 million square kilometers and a sea area of ​​30 million square kilometers.

Less than half of the land area of ​​the land makes its natural ecology extremely harsh, the vegetation area is scarce, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and even the complete biosphere cannot be formed. Ultimately, it relies on the system to make it a place where human beings can barely survive.

Tianwei No. 4 Star Triangle Area, Purgatory Angel Base.

A team is coming from afar.

The leading flame chariot stopped at the entrance of the base and walked out of the car with a female surname wearing a military uniform that looked like a heroic hero. It was Meryl.

Meryl walked to the base gate, and the soldiers in charge of the alert saluted together: "General!"

Meryl returned to a military ceremony, then looked around and frowned. "Afonso? Why didn't anyone come over for a security check?"

"I am here." Not far away, a young man in a leather jacket and headphones came over lazily: "I just went around and turned around."

"Is it going to be lazy?" Meryl looked at him coldly: "All the outbound teams are going to have a routine check, and you don't know."

"I just believe in you..."

"I don't need your belief!" Meryl glared at him: "I only need you to obey the rules of the base!"

Alfonso raised his hands: "OK, OK, a few of you, check the team, let go after you finish, hurry up!"

A group of soldiers have rushed up.

"You are always so rigid, Meryl, this is really boring." Alfonso reluctantly.

Meryl looked at him coldly: "You are always so unfair, Alfonso, when can you put on your **** military uniform?"

"Get it, we are not real soldiers."

"But we are generals, and your performance will make your prestige in the soldiers fall."

"I don't care, I didn't rely on them to fight." Alfonso spread his hand. He made a hand-fired posture: "If those bugs come, I can clean them all by myself."

Meryl snorted, and she had nothing to say about this guy who was good but proud of her ignorance. Alfonso's time to enter the five difficulty is too short. He has only experienced two small-scale insects and attacks, and he has not really seen the terrible zerg.

The soldiers in charge of the inspection quickly returned to report: "Reporting General Alfonso, the team inspection was completed, no abnormalities were found, no signs of camouflage or sneaking. Two thousand tons of ore were obtained, the purity was 66%, and the report was completed."

"Wow, purity is sixty-six!" Alfonso whistled: "Good job, Meryl, always get the most out of every trip."

"And you always have the least amount of time." Meryl is welcome.

Although the ecological environment is very bad, the Tianwei 4 star is rich in mineral resources and is rich in a large number of high-grade metal veins.

Metal veins are not a resource that adventurers need to turn in, but it can be the best alternative resource for base expansion.

The base walls, defensive towers and other facilities will use a lot of metal. These infrastructures can be purchased by spending points or by construction. The latter will be troublesome, but the advantage is that it can reduce a lot of investment. However, the strength of the wall built with metal alone is not strong enough, and the system needs to be strengthened. This can only be done by integrating points.

In addition, some other defensive measures can also use such metal veins. For example, the development of the Red Alert Base requires a large amount of metal.

The Red Alert Base is a commonly used defense in the five-difficulty. It is cheaper and more numerous to produce soldiers through the base car building, which is far cheaper than recruiting soldiers from the system.

However, if the Red Alert Base needs to develop, it needs a mine source. To be exact, the Red Alert Base is not cheaper, but it can use a lot of alternative resources.

The Tianwei No. 4 star is rich in veins and far better than Tatooine. Therefore, although the living environment is harsh, the defense conditions are relatively good.

As long as there is enough time and mineral resources, only a small number of points can be used to build a huge ground.

Therefore, the team is in a sense like a mining vehicle in the Red Alert, which is responsible for mining work.

Of course, the Red Alert base car is not the only option.

In addition to the Red Police base car, there are some more powerful bases, the most typical of which is the Terran Star Base, which is the base in StarCraft. This base produces the arms of StarCraft, including those that can be directly exchanged, and the warships can also be obtained through production. Because of the replacement of resources by metal mines and self-production, the price is cheaper than the exchange of points.

However, there are very few people who do this on the fifth difficulty. First, the investment in such bases is huge. Only one base car will have 5 million points. In the later stage, production still needs to consume points, even if the generals are difficult to bear. Secondly, such bases are like natural ridicule, which will lead to the fierce attack of the Zerg. The bases built at great prices may not have played much role and will be taken away by the Zerg.

At this moment, I heard that Meryl said, Alfonsohaha smiled: "Why should you care so much, Meryl, even if it is more, it will be distributed to everyone."

"It is because everyone thinks like you, that the third ring defense system has not been built yet." Meryl snarled.

Cooperation is this kind of bird. Everyone wants others to do more. Everyone wants to do less.

The Chinese are like this, and the Europeans and Americans are not much better.

Just as she wanted to learn from Alfonso, the roar of the engine suddenly came from the sky.

At the same time, the two looked up and looked into the air. They saw that a large transport plane had been flying in the distance, and there were hundreds of fighters on both wings.

"It's a courier!" Alfonso screamed, and he leaped into the air, first on the wall up to 30 meters, then jumped to a nearby sentry tower, taking a telescope from the sentinel. Looking at the distance, shouted: "There are a total of 32 super-large L700 transport aircraft, how can it be so much? Hell, this is not a follow-up supplement, this is to open up a new base, we have to come to a new neighbor!"

Meryl also jumped up and looked into the distance: "It is also possible that newcomers will join."

"With a total of 32 super-large transport planes for delivery, it is impossible to be a newcomer. No newcomer has this ability. This must be a joint base!" Alfonso replied. It is not necessarily the newly added generals who open up new bases. It is also possible that the predecessors are too small to expand their sphere of influence, and it is not necessarily in the original area.

But no matter which kind, it is a big deal to be able to build so many materials for construction at the time of opening up a new base.

We must know that the vast majority of newcomers, when they first opened up new bases, can only choose a small amount of investment, and then take time to develop step by step. Even if the elderly expand, they will not invest so much at all, most of the time. Most of the support from the main base of the system is handled by three or five transport planes. More than a dozen of the 20 transports are relatively large, like the delivery of more than 30 super-large transport planes, even Meryl and Alfonso. It was also the first time I saw it.

"That's not necessarily." Meryl said casually: "Some newcomers may be able to have this."

When she said this, she did not deliberately think about who could do it, but after the export, the image of the Broken Blade team could not help but come to mind.

Why can't you always forget them?

Meryl shook her head and didn't want to think about everything she had experienced. However, deep inside, some people's shadows were stubborn and stubborn and they didn't want to disappear. The abominable smile was repeated again and again. Meryl's heartstring... Alfonso apparently did not care about Meryl's mood at the moment, his telescope is chasing the transport plane all the way: "Look where their location is... Oh... no... hell! They actually chose the Platinum Mountains... they are next to us!"

Alfonso’s voice was sharply pointed, but then his face showed a lot of anger: “No, these **** don’t know the rules? There are our radiation zones, they can’t build a base there!”

The so-called radiation zone is the non-direct control zone.

For example, an adventurer who builds a territory of 10,000 square kilometers does not mean that he really wants to build a wall of more than 300 kilometers along this land.

In that case, the area is too large.

The real approach is to build a core base for the corresponding territory, and the outer periphery of the base belongs to the radiation area of ​​the energy converter, but does not require absolute control.

This is like the relationship between urban and rural areas. The surrounding rural areas are still affiliated cities. When calculating the urban area, the rural area will be calculated, such as the total area of ​​a city, three counties, etc., but the city itself only protects the city.

For the adventurer, as long as there are no other adventurers in the area of ​​the radiation area to insert a foot.

However, precisely because the scope of the radiation area is ambiguous and there is no wall control, there will often be overlapping of radiation areas, and sometimes contradictions will arise.

Unexpectedly, the first thing the new residents did was to settle in the radiation zone of the joint base of the Western District. It is no wonder that Alfonso had to jump on his feet.

This is almost a joint base, the only difference is that the joint base allows the radiation area to cover, the neighbors can not, the back garden can not be shared.

Meryl was calm, she jumped to the top of the whistle tower, and raised the telescope to look into the distance until she saw the transport plane and said: "No, Alfonso, they are not built on the radiation zone. , but the border is close... they count the distance... they are prepared."

Without the coverage of the radiation area, it does not belong to the joint base, but belongs to the neighbors.

However, this time the neighbors are obviously at the close neighbor level, the distance between 101 and 102.

The problem is that there are enough empty houses here. Are you so close to me?

"Is it?" Hearing Meryl's words, Alfonso groaned. He jumped up and looked at the distance carefully. He finally confirmed that Meryl said: "But this way, we can't do it." Expanded over there."

Although the other party did not invade the radiant area, the two sides were close, which invisibly blocked an expansion direction of the Purgatory Angel Base.

The right to expand the territory is also the power that all adventurers value, and can only grow if they continue to expand.

"They left a part." Meryl continued to watch.

During the landing of the transport, some engineering soldiers are coming out of the transport plane, sitting in a special engineering vehicle all the way, the bottom of the car leaking white powder, draw a white line on the ground, which is in the delineation area. After the peripheral radiation zone is crossed, it is the base area of ​​the inner perimeter.

From the direction of the engineering soldier's dash, the other party apparently did not intend to block the expansion of the purgatory angel, retaining most of the blank area, which made the other's area not a complete circle, but this is not important, the construction of the territory is Need to consider the environment. The other's base is built on the side of the Platinum Mountains, which allows them to save the wall construction in one direction.

However, these blank areas do not mean that only the purgatory angels can use them, and the other's base can also develop in this direction.

"Even if they are going to be human." Alfonso also saw it, and finally eliminated some of the anger, but he still felt uncomfortable about the other side building a new territory on his side.

On the side of the collapse, let others sleep?

"Maybe we should talk to them and let them go any further."

"I will, but I have to see who they are..." Meryl said that she suddenly stuck here because she saw a batch of Terminators coming out of the transport plane.


A large number of Terminators are carrying goods out of the transport plane to various designated locations, followed by several familiar figures.

"" Seeing the familiar face, Meryl couldn't control it again, and the telescope fell to the ground.

———————————— “Seven energy converters, 12 double S-class shore-based fortress guns, eight energy cannons, four super fortress guns, three thousand workers, five hundred soldiers and All other materials have been put in place, please sign it."

A news-based adventurer handed over the documents to Shen.

"I don't know how to sign this program." Shen Yan smiled and signed his name on it, and the adventurer took it and smiled: "The world of simulation, the system function is being gradually replaced."

The adventurer said that he looked back at the workers and soldiers who had started to work in a hurry: "This is the biggest **** I have ever experienced. The Broken Blade team is not a broken blade team. It is a large territory of 100,000 square kilometers. Others. The team starts with one or two energy conversion territories. It is most difficult to know when you are just starting out. The ones that the worms love most are to destroy all of them when you have not completed the construction of your territory. Let your investment go all the way. The bigger the territory, the longer the construction period and the longer the weak period."

"So I have to recruit more workers. Unfortunately, the wages of workers are still too high. Three thousand workers are 150,000." Shen Yan sighed.

Gentle smile: "Hey, this is the face of the capitalist. When the boss hates having to pay."

The adventurer smiled and said: "It's already good. I really didn't think you have so many self-employed soldiers and terminators. Otherwise, it will take more points to recruit temporary soldiers."

In fact, it is completely unnecessary to recruit new soldiers by indulging the number of soldiers and terminators they now have. After all, there are only 3,000 people in the Second Corps.

The problem is that the defensive measures such as the purchased fortress guns can only be used by recruited soldiers. Although their soldiers can be trained, they are too time-consuming. Therefore, Shen Wei recruited a group of soldiers of about 500 people, who were responsible for the escapement. Various types of forts.

He bought a lot of turrets, only a total of 24, but all are double S-class goods. As for medium and low-level artillery, the artillery's own artillery is enough, so this is to reduce the recruitment of soldiers.

The scope of the core base has begun to be delineated. All work has its own charter and does not require temporary design. The efficiency of recruiting workers is much higher than that of the Earth. In fact, only these workers are better than the best special forces on the planet. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive in this environment with a bad planet.

Despite this, it will take at least fifteen days for 3,000 workers to build a core base of 1,000 square kilometers and six satellite bases.

In the past, in order to get through the start-up period at the fastest speed, the adventurers either depended on other adventurers, or united, or first established a super-small base to protect themselves.

The Broken Blade team is a standard base of ten people at the beginning. It is more than one step and two steps ahead. According to Meryl, this is the first expansion after the completion of the standard construction.

Most of the teams completed the standard construction after a period of one to two months. The Purgatory Angel Base has not yet completed its third full expansion.

Of course, they are based on 36 people.

"Zeus, hurry to complete the division work, we have been behind schedule for five minutes!" Shen Yu shouted to the distant construction commander Zeus: "Only after the completion of the division can start the construction of the energy supply center!"

The energy supply center is like a city power plant and is the core to support the operation of all equipment. Since the scale of the beginning is relatively large, the base of the Broken Blade team will be built up with ten energy supply centers.

After telling Zeus, Shen Yan came back and laughed at the adventurer: " Thank you all this time, I believe there will be a chance to trouble you later."

"You're welcome, then I wish you good luck." The adventurer knew that this was the busiest moment of the generals, and he stopped talking and left.

Watching the transport fleet leave, Shen Hao clap his hands: "So well, from now on we have to play this farming game. Arias, you bring a few people to set up a temporary alert point, Frost, Lyle, Ralph, you bring people there, there is there. Michelle, bring your people to build a patrol. Honglang, King Kong, Linger, you are responsible for helping the construction, speed up the project Progress, let those wars mech also come to help, high power is not only used to kill people. Gentle, you go to explore the nearby metal veins. Yi Yu, find a suitable open space between the main base and the satellite base to put down the fortress! We expected it before the base was completed."

"Understand!" everyone answered together.

"What about you?" Gentle eyes sinking.

"I am responsible for foreign affairs and receive some guests who come to visit." Shen Xiaoxiao answered.

Looking back, a shuttle is flying at this high speed. q

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