Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 11: Cooperation

At the moment of the energy of the beads, the soul of the sinking slammed.

The originally stable energy in the bead suddenly became violent and violent, and at the same time, numerous wires in the body have been uncontrolled to fly out and shoot into the beads.

The next moment, the energy in the beads rushed into the sinking body along those lines.

No, not the body, it is directly injected into his soul.

The soul of the sinking voice makes a silent roar, and in the moment grows up, the body universe is also exploding at the same time, sinking like a sudden return to the endless universe of void, standing proudly between the heavens and the earth, beyond the reincarnation, sit watching Tao The sound cloud is extinguished and the world changes.

The stunned and shocked, this is definitely the result of the induction of energy in the space and the stimulation of one's own soul.

Damn it!

I should have thought of it!

After the independence of the soul, he has not been able to strengthen in this respect, because he has re-applied the body of the human body, interrupting the connection with this space, only occasionally releasing some wires for small connections.

Security is safe, and the growth is extremely weak.

However, the result of the system energy beads transforming the energy is unintentionally breaking the interruption. The energy of the present is the energy that can be used by the material life. It is just the means of extraction and application. The independent soul makes him completely unnecessary. Any means can be directly absorbed, which makes his soul energy expand rapidly at the moment when the energy beads start.

It’s just this second effort, and the intensification effect of sinking energy is more than the sum of the previous two worlds!

Shen Yu knows that this force cannot be allowed to expand and develop. Otherwise, the Supreme Council will surely notice that it will forcibly interrupt the absorption. There are countless wires breaking, and the next moment the universe is shattered, and the sinking has been separated from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking back, he still stood still, motionless, everyone looked at him, as if nothing had happened, everything that had just happened had completed the birth and destruction of a universe, but here, it was just a matter of moments, even Can't make people feel the passage of time.

Shen Yan grew a sigh of relief.

But looking down at the beads, his face suddenly changed.

The pale yellow beads, which were originally cobblestone-sized, have now become glass marble-like.

The sinking hand was tight, and the energy beads were held in the palm of his hand. Turning his head to the Alfonso cableway: "The deal."

The transfer of the holy water has been thrown to Alfonso.

A bottle of rejuvenation holy water sold 10,000 points, not cheap but not expensive, with Alfonso's thirst for holy water, Shen Yu asked him to add one more, Alfonso will probably agree.

But now this bead has been absorbed by most of the indulgence, Shen Yan can not be returned to Alfonso anyway, so it can only be pretending to be generous.

Anyway, the holy water that this kid needs is not a bottle or two bottles, there is a chance to kill him.

On the contrary, this energy bead brings a lot of shock to Shen Shen. At that moment, he has understood that he is the biggest opportunity in this world that can directly contact space energy!

Mindfulness, no words in the mouth, Shen Yu has talked with Colonel Meryl.

With the holy water bridge, this time even Alfonso is no longer so second / forced.

"Well, let's talk about why the Broken Blade team chose to build a base near the Purgatory Angel. It's no coincidence, right?" Meryl asked.

"If I am such a choice that someone made for your sake, would you be furious?" Shen Xiaoxiao asked.

Meryl is surprisingly just smiling.

She squinted into the distance and fell into a state of half-memory and half-thinking: "I joined the Inferno sect at the beginning of the difficulty. There are resources provided by the sects, counseling and guidance. The difficulties I encountered were far less than others. There are always dangers of companions trying to save me. This makes me experience little setbacks... until I meet you. I know, people often have different opinions about the same events at different times. There was a time when I really hate you very much, I can't wait for you to die... I didn't realize until later that you didn't do anything wrong. You just survived as much as possible, under the pursuit of a powerful opponent..."

She looked back at Shen Yu: "It is the first major setback that you brought to my life. It also made me know the cruelty of this world. It is that you let me really grow up, so since then, I no longer hate. You, I am beginning to face life positively."

"Oh yes." Meryl added: "I am not a sect of the sect, so I can talk about marriage now, even if I want, I can find a lot of men. So if Zhou Yiyu is still not dead Heart, let him join the ranks of my flower ambassadors. As long as he can beat other competitors, there will be a chance to give flowers to me. If my mood is good enough, I will let him kiss me. instep."

The expression of indulging immediately became wonderful.

He finally laughed: "I will tell him this."

I just don't know if Zhou Yiyu is satisfied or angry with this answer, but whether it is true or not, it is impossible to expect to use Meryl to subdue Meryl.

Next to the school, Shen Xiao smiled and said: "Alice misses you very much. You can also go and see her. If it is not strong, she will come. If you want to seduce her, I promise you don't need to be like Meryl. So trouble, she is very kind to you."

"Get it, buddy." Shen Yan smiled and shook his head. Catwoman really feels a lot about sinking, but Shen Yan now doesn't want to get any more.

The four men walked and talked while Meryl and the colonel knew why Shen Yan would run to a place so close to the West End. The feelings were that the guys in the Southern District were bubbling.

"Small Mark is really a big courage. Does he think that the Vientiane Palace is stronger than the Inferno sect?" Meryl snarled.

The colonel immediately said: "He is not courageous, but only weighs the strength of both sides. When Shen Shen can defeat the purgatory sect, it is undeniable that they are strong, but there are many additional factors, first of all, because of the limitations of the mission world, the purgatory sect is impossible to shed. The second is that there is Cliff in the back. The third is that Edmund is trying to win the Sissis, and he is looking for a dead end. But here, these inferiorities do not exist, but instead they are new. At that time, even the base has not been established, it is the most frail moment. Tianshi, geography, people and, these three broken blade team can say no, Smark choose to deal with him, is not stupid. I think Shen Shen is also I have approved this, so come here to build a base?"

Sinking gently tapped his head and his face was no longer as relaxed as before.

The colonel said yes, the Vientiane Palace did choose a good time to deal with the Broken Blade. The simulated world that entered the region is no longer limited by the number of people. One thousand and four hundred adventurers, counting one quarter, there are 350 generals in the southern district, half of them, and about 175 generals belonging to the Vientiane Palace.

If 175 generals come together to attack, which is equivalent to a pair of 30, how strong the broken blade team can't stop it, let alone their development, there is a huge force under everyone's hand.

Of course, nearly 200 generals scattered twelve planets, each with a territory that needs to be stationed, and there are zerg threats. It is impossible to attack together. But just as the Zerg will not rush out of the nest, there are dozens of mother nests, and 200 of them are dispatched by one-fifth. Nearly forty generals are also enough to have a pot.

The quality is better than you, just overwhelm you in terms of quantity. After all, the generals are generals, and the rotten generals are gathered together, which is enough to make the strong lose. Just think about just throwing out a second product is to drop the gods, you can know that the general is not cabbage, after all, can not let you casually play.

In order to indulge the current strength, one may play four or five. If the summoning of Megatron and Zhao Linger is counted, as long as the opponent is not the level of Mark Augusta, it is possible to play ten.

But what about other people?

There are warships in the Broken Blades, and there are even more in the Vientiane Palace than in the Broken Blades.

The warship-changing battleship and the point-for-change warship are at least no different in this simulated world.

Therefore, even if it is indulged, it has to be a little bit, at least only by the three warships and a fortress can not stop.

"So you built the base next to our inferno sect?" Alfonso screamed: "It's a wise choice! Don't worry, there is me Alfonso, those guys are useless, of course, I mean, if you are willing to give me a few bottles of holy water, there are those spirits in your hands."

Sinking is very speechless.

This year, the world, such a second cargo is really not very easy to find.

I thought about him and said, "In fact, I am not afraid of the Vientiane to attack. I mean, if only Vientiane is only playing forty or fifty, I can still fight against it. After all, they are unlikely to All the troops are pulled out, and here is my home, there are still some advantages to take advantage of. The problem is that if I attack when I resist the Zerg, I will be more troublesome."

"So you chose the West End? Cliff has shattered the source of the artifact, and the Vientiane Palace has been in trouble with the Inferno sect. Because Cliff is not there, we are at a disadvantage in the recent period." Meryl said.

"Well." Shen Yan nodded: "Dragon League and the Blood Legion do not want to go to war with the Vientiane Palace, but the Inferno and the Vientiane Palace are already in a state of war, so the Inferno sect does not need to pay attention to the threat of the Vientiane Palace."

"It can only be said that the Dragon League and the Bloody Legion are too incompetent." The colonel snorted: "Since the source of the artifact has been broken, the Vientiane Palace has been played with the Inferno sect, and the battle group has become bigger and bigger, and it has begun to pervade the entire southwest. District, I was invited to come in this way. In this case, Shimak dared to threaten the two organizations, it was simply looking for death, but the two wastes actually accepted this level of threat."

He had no good feelings about Ye Dongsheng Kalif accepting the threat, so he called the waste directly.

Shen Xiaoxiao laughed: "I understand that the three forces have joined forces to destroy the Vientiane Palace, but it is not possible to destroy the light. Once the Vientiane Palace is desperate and cooperates with the Zerg, it can at least bring a heavy blow to a certain force. I am not theirs after all. People, they don't have to work hard for me."

"Then let go of the threat?"

"That's not laissez-faire, just don't compete with the madman for a short time." Shen Yu is very calm: "Ye Dongsheng and Calif can't be tempered people. The threat of Shimak can't make them not angry, but only There is still a lack of opportunities."

"what chance?"

Shen Yuyou asked: "Remember how the three organizations jointly suppressed the infernal sect?"

The colonel glimpsed and immediately understood: "You mean..."

Shen Shen calmly said: "The people who say don't do it, the people who do it don't say it. The person who talks about the knife may not be really embarrassed, but the one who doesn't talk is not necessarily not swearing. Wait, as soon as the time comes, the two Help people not to rush you, you will be on the scorpion."

"I am afraid that you will not be able to support that time." The colonel was very vocal.

"So I have to put the base here. There is our invincible Alfonso, I believe I will never sit and watch me swallowed by the Vientiane Palace." Shen Yan smiled and patted Alfonso's shoulder.

Since the goods are so arrogant, he does not mind pushing the boat.

Holding Alfonso’s hand, he is so eager to know: “The future of the Broken Blade team will depend on Alfonso!”

Alfonso blinked: "If you don't come, you can't take advantage of it."

By the way, this time is not stupid.

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