Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 17: response

The battle has come to an end. m.

The invading Zerg began to retreat, the sky was full of the host and the nest, and a large number of dragons guarded on both sides. At this time, the adventurer's battleship finally saw off.

At the Purgatory Angel Base and the Longmeng Base, each of the two warships set sail and pursued the Zerg. However, it seems that they are not eager to kill the enemy. They only use the range advantage to open fire and destroy some Zerg as much as possible, but never deceive. Recently, it is clear that there are still scruples about those strong nests.

A warship chased a little bit forward, and was immediately hit by a self-destructive worm flying out of the mother's nest, hitting the hull's energy cover and flashing, and finally retired in time to escape.

The lesson of the predecessors is the experience of my generation, and Shen Hao silently remembers everything he sees in his heart.

Some air defense towers are still launching missiles from time to time against the sky. Every time there are dragons or hosts falling from the sky, but compared to the densely wormed zerg, the effect is very small, it does not look like chasing, More like a farewell.

This war has come to an end.

The remaining soldiers have begun to clean the battlefield and clean up the wreckage.

Since the garbage disposal site has not yet been established, these things can only be piled up there first.

Zeus has begun to count the number of casualties.

Almost all of the factories in the base were destroyed, the most serious of which was a Terminator production line. Because this production line is brought out from the home world, it is able to bring out the existence of the mission world.

A total of more than 30 guns were completely destroyed and could not be repaired in the battle. There were three double S-class guns purchased from the system, and more than 70 guns were hit hard. Most of the bullets were destroyed. The shells are empty, the energy stone is exhausted, and some repairs take points.

In addition, there are many serious damages to the fence and need to be repaired.

The devastators destroyed 50%, and the rest were hit hard. The hunters were not covered by 40%, and half of the rest could not fly. The Terminator had one-third left in each series. The soldiers suffered less casualties, but more than 300 people died. Among them, 30 people died in the airborne camp, more than 100 people died in the Second Corps, and nearly 200 soldiers were killed in the battle. They were responsible for the fort, the most widely attacked, and the wounded were more than a thousand. Fortunately, he was paying attention to protection, and finally did not let the elite soldiers he was most concerned about suffered casualties.

The two warships were also damaged, and it was not a big problem. It was also a loss that did not appear on the battlefield at first.

As for the fortress, it is a pithole. The giants are happy when they play, and countless self-destructive insects bring the wounds to the fortress as never before.

Unfortunately, there was a worm that sneaked into the underground bomb shelter and slaughtered more than 200 workers before being killed...

Unexpectedly, Megatron and his Decepticons.

These Decepticons are deceitful, bullying and fearful. They should never be bubbling when they should not be in the first place. They obviously have a very thick armor. They are most suitable for blocking in front, but they only open fire in the rear. There is absolutely no intention to rush to stop the disaster. Ankanshu

As a result, the 12 Decepticons that were made by the fires did not even have a finished egg. At best, they were slightly injured, so they were still stalked for treatment.

Despite the psychological preparations, the report of such loss still makes Shen Yan sigh.

"In any case, the base has been saved, and then it can be officially developed." Gentle comforting him: "The most troublesome wall has been built, up to 20 days, a complete base can get up, then we will wait Counting money."

"It sounds good, I don't know when the next wave of bugs will come." Hong Lang came over.

Shen Wei is saying that there should be no bugs in a short time, and the talker suddenly sounded.

Michelle’s voice came: “Sir, there are large units in the southwest of the base that are moving to us.”

The news made everyone glance, and the gentleness jumped up and lifted the telescope to look into the distance.

Although she has no sentinel bonus, the telescope itself is a high-end cargo. It has been able to detect the movements of a very long distance. This is the tribute: "Three hundred miles ahead, we found a large number of troops coming to us."

"It seems that someone wants to rob the fire." Shen Yan murmured.

The person who came here is not good. At this time, I will come here with this kind of posture. I don’t know what to do.

In the analog world, the war between the adventurer and the adventurer has also been upgraded to the rank of the regiment. Just as Edmund is driving the Red Army attack, the adventurer will launch his own mobile unit if he wants to benefit from it. .

Of course, as a result, the secret of action is not up.

However, after seeing the amazing strength of the Broken Blades, they did not dare to act in secret.

The only thing they can rely on is the perfect armed forces of the first-in-comers, which is what the Broken Blades do not have, or are severely damaged.

"How much is the target strength?" King Kong has asked.

"Apocalypse tanks are 1,000, 800 cars, 500 phantoms, 2,000 rhinoceros, and some other types of tanks, totaling 5,000 or so, spider 10,000, soldiers 30,000, watching the situation It is a different force, it may be that the base over there... It should be two bases."

This is much bigger than the troops that Edmund made.

This is also the characteristic of the simulated world. As time goes by, the number of troops owned by the adventurers will increase sharply, and the strength brought by the speed of using points and self-production expansion will far exceed the personal strength of the adventurer. Improvement.

If this is not the case, it is impossible for everyone to block many Zerg.

However, there is no Kirov airship in the attacking unit, because in the battle against the Zerg, the Kirov airship is the most useless, its slow flight speed is the best target of the dragon and the self-detonating bug, the real Live target in the air.

"That is ten to sixteen adventurers." Shen Shen Shen Sheng.

The four bases belong to four teams, of which the largest number of eight, the least five, since it is from two bases, it is almost more than a dozen adventurers.

For the practice of the base to take advantage of the benefits, Shen Wei is not without prevention, or else he can't let Michelle patrol at high altitude, but he thought that after experiencing this battle, he should be able to make some small converging thoughts, but I still think there are people. Dare to touch the tiger.

No, no!

One or two idiots may be normal, and a group is not normal.

Suddenly, his brow suddenly wrinkled, and he said: "Michelle, there are no adventurers outside the stars who are approaching here."

Michelle drove the Copernicus on the top of Tianwei IV and heard the instructions of Shen Shen. He immediately replied: "There are two heavy cruisers, three medium-sized cruisers and a spaceship, flying to the Tianwei. It is expected to arrive in twenty-five minutes... I thought they were late reinforcements."

"Obviously they are not." Shen Yan said coldly: "It seems that the people of the Vientiane Palace are coming. The timing is really good. No wonder the courage of these guys is so big."

The actions of large-scale wars can never be accurate to the minute and second. They can come when the Zerg has just retreated, and the efficiency of the other party is already quite high. It is estimated that the Zerg has just appeared here, and some people in the base have notified the Vientiane Palace.

Although Shimak’s claim at the time of threat was a slap in the back of the locusts, it was actually a metaphor. There is no practical meaning. After all, the Zerg will not care if you are helping it. Anyone will only see it. And on.

Therefore, the best time to attack is when the insect tide recedes and the base defense system suffers a major blow.

As for why not attack when they just opened the base, the reason is the same as the Zerg, the initial investment base is small, the defender can easily give up the base, and quickly transfer, the Vientiane Palace can not play chasing battles with opponents every day.

"What now?" King Kong frowned. Six warships were attacked on both sides, and the Vientiane Palace came in an imposing manner. Although Shigak and Galouro were narrow in volume, they were not stupid. This is not a broken team.

The only way is that the Broken Blade team will now break the wrist and give up the base, but this also means that the early efforts have paid for the flow.

Shen Hao bowed his head and thought about it. He replied: "You can't fight the ground with the Vientiane Palace. They must have brought a lot of ground troops. So this battle has to be solved by space warfare. But Yi Yu, you remember, only play in space. Fight, don't fight the warship, just delay the time, we will stay here to deal with the base of those who wait for the base to pick up the base to help you."

As long as the troops of the Vientiane Palace do not fall to the ground, these ground forces will be useless in space warfare. Adventurers may be able to force the enemy ships in a variety of ways, and ordinary soldiers may not have the ability.

Zhou Yiyu nodded: "Do not worry, three to six ships, big deal, I don't believe they have driving skills better than me, just the eternal heart is enough for a while."

"Don't use three ships!" Shen Yan said quickly: "They don't know that we have three warships. We first use two boats to hold them, and then tell Melil about this. The Inferno sects and the Vientiane Palace do not deal with them. The Purgatory Angel Base also has Two warships, four to six, let Megatron and his Decepticons help, Linger Frost you also go, should be able to hold!"

Until now, no one knows that the Broken Blade team has three warships.

Although Zhou Yiyu used the Galileo reconnaissance before, the other two did not appear at that time. Because the models are the same, the difference is small, and the slightest inattention will be confused.

In fact, when the Vientiane Palace came, I only thought that there was one ship with a blade and two ships with a purgatory angel. So I sent five warships to an empty mother. I thought about how it was enough. I didn’t expect to get news from the middle of the road. There are two heavy patrols, which are already very shocking. Fortunately, the extra one does not change the strength of the force, so it did not give up the plan.

As for the Purgatory Angel Base, you may have to pay for other things, and you will not be able to say anything in the Vientiane Palace.

"Understand." Zhou Yiyu has called to the caller: "Michelle, send us up!"

A beam of light was shot, and Zhou Yiyu and Zhao Linger were thrown into the ship. Megatron and his Decepticons also became fighters and flew into the sky.

"Then how do we deal with those who are at the base?" Gentlely asked Although the space war was enough to hold the Vientiane Palace, the gang's gang was not good. Not to say how strong they are, but because of the advantages of early development, these guys already have a considerable number of troops.

In fact, those apocalyptic tanks are enough to make the base complete. In terms of viability, the human forces are not as good as the Zerg, but in terms of attack power, they are not worse than the Zerg.

Sinking and sneer: "Shou can't keep it, we take the initiative."

"But they have a lot of troops!" Hong Lang also had some concerns.

"We don't need to destroy the troops, we just need to eliminate the adventurers."


PS: It will explode tomorrow, and book a monthly ticket. In August, fight for one, strive for a higher monthly ticket, and strive for a perfect end. Look at the first official request for a monthly ticket for the fate...

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