Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 36: Jedi counterattack (middle)

The off-road vehicle drove straight into the air. This scene shocked Marcus stunned and even forgot to shoot. He could not understand what it was like.

The off-road vehicle rushed to the top of the building, and eight hunters who hovered in the air did not even react. Shen has already pointed the rocket launcher at one of them.

With his expert gunmanship expertise, the precision of control of heavy weapons such as the rocket launcher has increased greatly. This rocket hits one on the spot.

The swallowtail sniper blasted a large fireball in the air, and the sinking muzzle turned slightly. At the same time, another rocket was put in.

The second rocket was also unimpeded on another dovetail fighter.

Throw the rocket launcher into the coat of arms and scream at Zhou Yiyu: "T6!"

Zhou Yiyu quickly released the T6. This T6 also has a rocket launcher and a rocket.

Shen Yu grabbed the T6 rocket launcher and was about to launch a third rocket. The six swallowtail fighters in the air had already swooped at him at the same time. The aircraft guns madly poured out/a lot of bullets, huge bombs. The rain even collapsed the walls directly.

Sinking quickly pressed the rocket's launch button on the Terminator, throwing the Terminator out while the rocket flew out. Massive bullets drown the Terminator in an instant, even if it was unable to withstand its alloy body, and was directly dismembered in the air.

However, just because the Terminator blocked this time, Zhou Yiyu had driven the off-road vehicle in time to escape this terrible attack frenzy. A large group of fireballs exploded in the sky, and another swallowtail fighter was killed. The remaining five swallowtail fighters flew. Cross the head of the off-road vehicle and fly back into the air to prepare for the next round of dive.

"Mom, I haven't played it yet, I have been used by you!" Zhou Yiyu yelled out, and said that he gave it to himself. How to end up giving it to his T6 is so consumed and consumed. It is.

"Return to lose you a better one!" cried.

The off-road vehicle continued to run on the top of the building, and five fighters had already flown back.

Shen Yan took out the spirit gun and shouted: "King Kong!"

King Kong was attacked by two sniper fighters, and the two fighters slammed into each other. King Kong himself spurted blood and almost fainted.

"Medical bomb!"

The musket fired two rounds of medical bullets from the roof of the building and screamed into the body of the diamond.

However, the remaining three fighters have already swooped in and launched a Sidewinder missile toward the off-road vehicle.

"I can't hide!" Zhou Yiyu shouted.

"Jumping!" Shen screamed.

Zhou Yiyu and Marcus jumped out of the car together, and Shen Yu grabbed Xi Xiaofan and threw him out.


At least four rattlesnake missiles hit the off-road vehicle at the same time, and the off-road vehicles were blown into countless pieces. The fire was skyrocketing. Zhou Yiyu jumped fiercely and seized the infinite energy battery to see if nothing sighed: "Fortunately." It’s not bad.”

At the same time, Shen Yu has already jumped into the air. He jumped a little later. The huge air waves instantly sent him to the high air. The powerful shock wave caused the sinking to directly lose half of his life.

The indulging person is in the air, the medical technique has been launched against himself, and the left hand has pulled out the flying claws at the same time. He is holding the bottom of one of the fighters, hanging under the sniper body, and sipping a low voice: "piercings!"

Several armor-piercing bullets hit the fighter plane, but failed to hit the key, just shooting a few holes/eyes on the left wing of the plane.

The swallowtail fighter whizzed past the fireball and violently flew toward the sky. The other two dovetail fighters also hovered as if they were escorted to the sky, and the silhouette of the hanging hang quickly turned into a small spot in the sky. Rapidly rising to the clouds.

"Sinking!" King Kong hysterically shouted.

The three swallowtail fighters rushed to the sky in madness, and they quickly rose with sinking.

When people fly upwards, they generate huge winds, and they can’t open their eyes. Shen Yu had to lower his head to avoid the terrible strong wind. The earth that looked at his feet quickly became smaller. If he changed others, he was afraid of being weak.

Only at that moment, you can understand the fatty of being omnipresent and measurable, but it is extremely scary.

Ordinary people, even if they look at some photos, will have a high fear, let alone be dragged into the air by the plane.

Scaring death is normal.

In my heart, I can still stay calm.

In his mind, he has quickly turned a number of thoughts and quickly calculated the possibilities and ways to survive in this real Jedi.

Keep calm in a huge crisis and keep yourself awake. This is the strongest point of indulgence.

Only when you look down on life and death can you be fearless and fearless, and you can quickly find a solution in a difficult environment!

The next moment, he slammed his claws and rushed to the top of the fighter plane, which was falling on the right wing of the fighter plane.

The left hand is clutching the claws, and the right-handed spirit gun has cut back the ordinary bullets and fires at the hunter.

The constant attack caused the armor of the fighter to fall.

When a bullet finally broke the armor into the engine, the dovetail fighter finally stopped in the air.

After the inertia rose by tens of meters, it turned and fell to the bottom.

Shen Yu’s left hand stretched out and touched the flank of the hunter. He even pulled out a piece of energy to crystallize it:

"You get the L500 hunter energy crystallization, you can get a L500 hunter assistant after paying nine thousand **** points."

Unexpectedly, Shen Hao could still get rewards.

The next two, the other two dovetail fighters rushing into the sky simultaneously turned and fired two Sidewinder missiles against the scrapped fighter.

The sinking slammed into the fuselage and leaped toward the sky. The fireballs behind the big group burst and burst into the air.

The man is dancing in the air, and Shen Shen has thrown the crystallization into the coat of arms and at the same time took out the medal of honor.

Summon paratroopers.

Choose the summoning method: airborne summoning.

Specify the summoning location: two meters below the right side.

An ordinary paratrooper appeared out of the air, and there was a parachute on his body.

Shen Yu fell from the paratrooper's side, grabbed the umbrella rope, the parachute ate heavy, and the speed of landing suddenly increased.

The other two dovetail fighters hovered down and slammed down against the sinking. The aircraft guns spewed out a large number of bullets. People were in the air, and the sinking could not escape. A large number of bullets passed through the paratroopers and slumped. On the body, only the D-class bullet-proof props that can withstand forty bullets were quickly consumed, and even Shen Shen himself was shot continuously, and the vitality was once again greatly reduced.

At the same time, Shen Yu also used a gun to fire continuously against one of the fighters.


"Fire bomb!"

With two consecutive cold voices, three rounds of armor-piercing projectiles, three fire bombs roared into the fighter cabin. This time, he aimed at the fuel tank.

In the previous attack on the fighter, he had found the key position on the fighter.

At this moment, three armor-piercing projectiles were fired through the shell of the fighter, leaving three small holes in the fuel tank but not exploding. However, three fire bombs whistled and drilled into the fuel tank from the original hole.

A huge explosion reappeared in the sky.

However, another dovetail fighter has already fired another Sidewinder missile against Shen Shen.

The hand that grabbed the rope was loose, and the man fell to the bottom. The rattlesnake missile hit the body of the former paratrooper and rolled up a fierce flame.

The last swallowtail fighter continued to dive and pursue the sinking, apparently to shoot him before Shen died.

Due to the rapid drop process, Shen Yu could not aim at the target.

"Medical bomb!"

Shen Yan opened two shots at himself, first made up for the lost part of his life, and then released a paratrooper to his side, but this time, he was not attached to the paratrooper.

When he fell by the paratroopers, Shen Yu’s left hand emerged from the invisible vampire’s touch, facing the paratrooper’s head, the umbrella rope broke, and the parachute that lost the heavy object suddenly rolled toward the sky and was wrapped in the fighter. .

The fighter plane loses its view and can no longer attack the sinking.

Seeing that the speed is getting faster and faster, and getting closer and closer to the ground, I can even see the huge reaper that has already rushed underneath.

When the reaper's huge figure was getting closer and closer, only less than forty meters away, Shen Yu finally released the third paratrooper. The parachute appeared out of nowhere stopped the body that was assaulted like a comet, and the huge reaction force would The sinking body slammed in the air, and after most of the gravity was removed, the sinking suddenly let go and the whole person fell down again. But this time, he is very close to the ground. Just as he left the parachute, a heavy artillery hit the umbrella bag, and the body of the third paratrooper was smashed.

I escaped the fate of this deadly shot, and the body fell to the bottom, rubbing the reaper while falling, sinking the steep hand and pulling out the flying claws, grabbing the shoulder of the reaper, and the falling body was flying. Under the action of the claws, it was pulled up and violently. It was like a pendulum of a big clock. The indulgent body drawn a perfect parabola in the air. By this pulling force, Shen Shen turned and fell to the head. On the shoulder of the reaper.

Less than a metre away from him, it was the mighty heavy artillery on the reaper's shoulder.

Sinking kicked on the heavy gun and turned the muzzle towards the sky.


A heavy artillery hit, hitting the last dovetail fighter in the sky and blasting it into a sky.


Being able to fall from the sky without falling to death is a miracle in itself.

However, for Shen Yu, the miracle is only the beginning, and the glory is still going on – whether he wants it or not.

After killing the last fighter with a heavy gun, Shen Shen himself fell into the reaper's encirclement.

The other three reapers on the ground simultaneously pointed the heavy artillery into the sinking and fired.

These machines don't care if they will accidentally hurt themselves. They simply don't have the concept of life.

The indulging action is simply not at all, and good observation always keeps him on the fire.

While solving the fighter, he had already leaped into the air, and the three heavy guns hit the reaper under him, even if the reaper's armored body of 1500 points was hit. Shake.

The reaper after eating the three cannons tall body swayed like a landslide, crashed into a building, and pulled out a large piece of dust and fog.

But it is still not dead, but it is a little difficult to get up.

The indulgent figure was in the air, and he had not touched the ground for a few minutes, but this extremely fierce battle made his heart more excited.

The flying claws were raised again, and a reaper was hooked up, and the sinker flew toward the reaper.

Two large super-alloy steel ropes were simultaneously waved to him, tearing the power of the sky and following the indiscriminate flying. When Shen Yu flew to the reaper, the two steel cables had followed, and the sinking was too late to escape. They could only slam their bodies, just like the contraction of the hedgehog when it was in danger. Almost compress your body into a ball.

This kind of practice naturally does not allow him to resist the steel wire, but it can greatly reduce his footprint and reduce the chance of being hit.

At this moment, only bet on the shop!

Two steel cables were rubbed against his scalp and the soles of his feet hit the second reaper, and they were embedded in the body of the reaper. The reaper was hit hard, and the reapers of the two attacks were also entangled because of the cable, and they could not be separated.

At this time, the body of Shen Yuqu re-stretched, as if the crouching wolf stretched out the fangs, or the hibernating snake vomited a long red letter.

His eyes are already with a blood red, with a fire-like fighting spirit.

The touch of the vampire of the left hand suddenly appeared, and smashed into the chest of this big guy. With this power, Shen Yu leaped into the air.

He landed on the reaper's shoulder again and landed next to the heavy gun.

Lifting the heavy artillery, Shen Hao is mad at the other two reapers...

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