Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 47: Consumption

In the sharp metal friction sound, an alloy door slowly opens. m.

Now behind the door is a wide hall, empty.

Jia Louluo is serious: "Be careful, we are fighting on the other side's land now, remember, don't push in anyway, don't let the enemy separate us! If something is originally divided, remember not to To be greedy, you must protect yourself first and then wait for rescue."

He is now killing the opportunity to never split up. The people nod and step in slowly, and the adventurers with reconnaissance skills release various means of reconnaissance.

Unfortunately, no traps were found.

A group of people looked around cautiously, and the posture looked like a protagonist of a group of savage enemies, looking around for the big SS hidden in the dark.

It is a pity that not every battle is ended with the victory of "Lonely Hero".

Everyone is still careful to guard, the pure eye of the Pure Land team, Anzai Heng suddenly pointed to the front: "Look, there is an elevator over there. From here, you should be able to go directly to the upper floor, then walk a few cabins, you should be able to go to the command hall. ""

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Smack immediately walked to the elevator.

"Smack, you better be careful, our enemies are hiding in the dark waiting to ambush us! Elevator this place is easy to be ambushed." Jia Louluo reminded.

"There is more to go to the command hall, is it not our purpose to seek a decisive battle?" Smack did not reply back: "If other places are destroyed, they can bear it, but the command hall is the entire mothership. Control Center, they are absolutely impossible to accept where it is destroyed. Going there is the best way to force them out!"

Jialou Luo was stagnant and felt that Shimak said it was not bad.

Although Shimak is not a particularly tactical person, it is the people who are concerned that the fewer problems they consider, the more critical they are, and the easier they are to point to the core.

"Well, Supra, check the elevator!" Jialou Luodao.

Supra walked over, opened the elevator, looked around, and then pressed his hand on the elevator to close his eyes and shook his head: "No energy fluctuations were found, no mechanical traps were set... safe."

Everyone has entered the elevator. This elevator is no bigger than the world, big and strong. Don’t say that there are eleven people. It is no problem to double it.

Just when most people entered, the elevator door suddenly closed, and the people who had not yet entered were separated from the door, and the elevator had risen rapidly toward the air.

The people were shocked. Abdullah, Bia Mo, Buda and Deqin Suba stayed outside the elevator.

At the same time, the four people saw the situation and took out the weapon at the first time. At the same time, the upper ventilation duct suddenly opened. Four people had jumped from above, and it was gentle, Honglang, King Kong and fat.

"Enemy!" Bia Mo called out the first time, and at the same time released the shield.

He kept in mind the instructions of Kalouro and first resorted to self-protection in the first time he was divided.

The next sharp sword light has already slammed against him fiercely... On the other side of the elevator, Jia Louluo found it wrong, and roared: "Supra, what is going on?"

Supra pressed the elevator wall with his hand and called: "They forcibly closed the elevator."

"You are not saying there is no trap?"

"This is not a trap, this is the basic function of the elevator!" Supra also shouted.

He was responsible for the inquiry only if the elevator had been done, but did not expect that the other party did not need to do anything.

At the same time, the battle of the **** crests has not entered the battle of Biamo and others.

Jialou Luo is in a hurry: "Remove the elevator and jump down!"

He was eager to save the man, punching the elevator floor, smashing the floor, and the man had jumped down the hole, followed by a group of adventurers.

Just just jumped down, I saw the number of steel plates protruding from below, actually sealed the entire elevator space.

"What is this?" Jia Loulu was shocked.

“This is the separation board!” Supra said: “The automatic safety protection device is used to isolate the space capsules. Once a fire occurs, an intrusion event can be used to divide the upper and lower spaces, standard configuration.”

"Mom!" Jialou Luo snorted, and then he heard a scream in his ear, which was the voice of Biamo.

"Bia Mo!" Jia Loulu was shocked and shouted in disregard of everything: "Use the assembly order!"

Jialouluo and Shimak had taken out the assembly and started to launch. They only saw a few flashes of light, and four people such as Biamo had appeared around them.

Bia Mo was in the middle of the sword, seriously injured and fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

He looked at Jialou Luodao: "gentle, Honglang, King Kong, three people jointly attacked me, they used a big move, King Kong dizzy me, but fortunately I started all defenses in time... If you are later, then I can't see me."

When he said this, he also took the chance to escape.

Next to the pull-up, he also snorted: "They have a lock on the sky, locked Deqin Suba, the dead fat man alone entangled us both."

"Is there no shot?" asked Smack.

Four people shook their heads at the same time.

Everyone was silent at the same time.

After thinking about it, Jialou Luo said: "He should still be in the control hall, responsible for monitoring us. I think I understand his thoughts..."

He looked up at the elevator that had already hit a big hole in his head.

Yes, Shen Wei is still adopting his usual old warfare method and wanting to weaken them one by one.

Separating the enemy from the crowd is originally the principle of eternality in battle. The change is always only a means - it is like the eternal principle of the net text, and the change is only the means to achieve the goal.

Unlike the world of the Dragon War mission, Shen Wei did not think that the Vientiane Palace would use the Star Alliance to force the battleship. Therefore, he did not arrange such things to kill the war, and the warships were not ground buildings, nor were they suitable for doing so. .

But as a battleship, the lord has its own unique advantages.

First, it is big enough, there is enough space, and there is no need to change the position through various rooms to confuse the opponent.

Second, there are a lot of equipment here. As long as you use it well, it is a trap. There are no traces of human beings.

In addition to this there is an important difference - the master number it is flying in the air.

Thinking of this, Galouro suddenly realized what he was saying and shouted: "Get out of here!"

Muhammad Iqbal had punched the iron wall next to the elevator passage, and made a big hole in the iron wall. As he drilled outside the hole, the spacecraft suddenly slammed.

The huge warship slammed sharply toward the side, and Iqbal, who was about to go out, was thrown back by the overturned hull.

Then all the separation plates suddenly retracted, and a group of adventurers lost support points while falling down, and a flame was blown up below the passage.

"Go out!" Jialou Luo shouted at the tip of his throat, his body trembled, the falling body suddenly stopped, and then hit the side of the passage wall, the alloy passage was actually hit by him, the whole person had rushed out of the elevator passage. .

Also with him is Bahar and Ahmed. Others are missing, but they have not heard the death warning. It is estimated that they are in different positions during the fall, and they have made a gap to escape.

However, in this way, people have been dispersed.

"Not good, hurry to concentrate!" Jialou Luo was in a hurry and threw himself back into the passage. The flames were fierce just now, but the damage was not great for the adventurers. The reason why they could break everyone down was to use the nervousness of everyone and let them think that every attack that was indulged could pose a threat to themselves.

But as long as you think about it, you can understand that if you can kill them with a single blow, the power of such an attack is only that the spacecraft can't bear it.

Underestimating the enemy is not correct, and overestimating is not a good thing.

Just as Kaloulou wanted to return to the passage, the spacecraft slammed again. This time it was tilted to the right, and Garro was again smashed out.

Kaloulou roared, and the flying leg was on the wall of the ramp. The man had already borrowed the force. Just as he was about to enter the passage, the two Terminator robots suddenly jumped from the top and flew toward Jialou.

"Get out of the way!" Jia Louluo violently, a golden sword appeared in his right hand, and a raging sword light was shot in front of him.

"Women's three thousand!"

The two Terminator robots were actually broken into pieces in an instant. Galoulou was about to rush into the passage and suddenly found that his body was light, and the whole person actually ran towards the top.

Gravity elimination!

This is exactly what Michelle used when he was on the 13th of Flying Fish, and after learning about the battle, he learned it now.

Most of the generals have the ability to fly. This gravity elimination is of little use to him, but the sudden change in speed and direction caused him to return to the passage.

In the next moment, the channel wall has all fallen, and the master ship has made a big rollover of 360 degrees in the air, which will make it impossible for a group of people to divide the southeast and northwest.

At the same time, I don’t know where I’ve heard the screams of my own people. It’s obviously another attack.

Galouro no longer hesitated, took out a piece of assembly and started to send everyone to his side.

However, this time he reacted much faster. After gathering his team, he called out for the first time: "Smack, put the remaining assembly orders into the team space, and anyone will be responsible for the transfer." Otherwise it is wasting, they are consuming our assembly orders!"

Although the team like Jialou Luo Shimak is rich and wealthy, it is impossible to have an assembly order indefinitely. After so much tossing, it will be tossed by the broken blade team sooner or later.

"Understand!" Shimark apparently has also used the assembly order to recall the players, but the two teams have been scattered, and finally seven to five, not an absolute disadvantage.

"Where are you? I am going to find you!" Jialou Luo hurried.

"You still come to us for a good time." A voice suddenly sounded.

Galoulou looked at it, and it was gentle that he was standing not far from them.

"Kill this cockroach / son!" Bia Moo Singh slammed up, he was just sneaked in a gentle attack, and sustained more heavy blows, almost killed, this moment saw a gentle appearance, naturally let her Try the taste of being besieged.

Gentleness has been laughing with a long whip, pulling a pillar behind him and using it, the man has flown backwards. This is the moment of gravity elimination, which is much faster than running in this way.

"Don't want to run!" Bahar Zelong also rushed over, pointing at the gentle and distant: "Leader!"

The gentle and fast-moving body slams into the ground and stays on the ground. This is a control skill that can be used remotely.

This skill is not related to the relevant records of the other team.

At the same time, Ahmed and Abdullah also rushed over. The former had a half-moon scimitar in the hand and took out a round of meniscus. Under the crescent moon, the gentleness was slightly disappointing. Abdullah raised his hand to play a boxing style, and the boxing wind swayed, showing the image of a white tiger, rushing to the gentle heart.

Magic knife!

Eaten tiger!

From the powerful skills of the Brahma team's two strong players to attack, the former has the effect of affecting the mind, so that it can not concentrate on the correct response, accompanied by strong damage, the latter is four times once hit the target heart The effect, combined with the power, is powerful.

Two whispers of fluttering, gentleness has been recruited, snoring. Fortunately, she practiced to raise the heart, can effectively offset the attack on the heart part of the attack, coupled with its own powerful reduction effect, this attack has limited damage to her.

What surprised her was that she couldn't retreat. Bahar's holding hand pointed her away, and the effect still existed, which prevented her from taking a step back.

Compared with other control techniques, Bahar's pull-in machine only has the effect of restraining the opponent's ability to move, and during use, he himself cannot move and cannot attack.

In exchange for such a price, the target time of the **** is exceptionally long. As long as Bahar does not let go, the other party does not want to leave.

The will of the bound target is only determined by the spiritual consumption of Bahar.

At this moment, the gentleness of Bahar's ability to hold the hand is strong and shocked, but I don't know that Bahar is also suffering.

His restraint effect is completely ignoring the opponent's anti-surname. Once used, and then cooperated with other people, he almost wants to kill whoever kills, but never has a moment like this, the mental power is actually 12 per second. The speed of the point is crazy.

This is simply his mother is bleeding!

How high is the woman’s will?

The next moment Jialuluo has appeared in front of gentleness: "Weituo!"

In the hands of the golden sword into a golden light column to the gentle, gentle eyes, a humanoid giant python has suddenly appeared in front of the gentle body.

This powerful blow is being cut on the giant python, and the python has been savagely stunned and fell, and it is not dead.

The reason why gentleness has not been learning the shield skills is because her spells are summoned to use the same effect. However, no one has ever been qualified to force her to use her pet as a ghost. I did not expect to be with the Brahma team. Fighting hands forced this hand.

Jia Luluo is no matter what it is. After a blow, it has raised a hand and cut a sword. This time it is being cut on the gentle body, even with gentle and powerful reduction and defensive skills, it will not be able to pull out a blood line.

At the same time, all members of the Brahma team also followed, and attacked against the gentleness. Kaloulou himself took out a golden ring and threw it into the air. He said, "You are dead!"

The ring of excess!

Low-level artifacts, self-sufficient skills for eternal life: locks a specified target, zeros all defenses of the target, and temporarily applies them to the user. When the target is killed during the locked period, the killer is permanently raised according to the target strength from one to three points to specify the surname (for the Zerg, the lower rank soldier, etc.). The lock time depends on the target will, but regardless of the target's will, it maintains the effective time of three seconds, and can be used repeatedly for any existence. The cooling time is one hour, which consumes 30 points of mental power.

This is a very special artifact. In addition to having a powerful deprivational defense effect, the key can also obtain a surname blessing from the target of being killed.

This is simply encouraging the adventurers to kill, if the Supreme Council is against the adventurers too much to kill each other, I am afraid that only by this thing, Jia Loulu will be killing everywhere.

With the appearance of the super-circle, the gentle body's defense was completely eliminated at the same time, while Jialou Luo handed a hand, a white puppy has already appeared.

"Bono Moro!" Gentle color change.

She knows this puppy.

To be exact, it is not a dog, but also an artifact, a special artifact that has been sacred.

Pono Moro, a low-level artifact, with the artifact of the soul of the dog, can enhance the special existence of its own strength through killing.

A skilled horror killer: 200 bit damage per second after a target bite, not loosening before the target dies or is crushed. The target that is killed by it can give Bonomoro an additional 1-3 attack (ineffective for Zerg, low-level soldiers, etc.) and upgrade the soul level.

Pono Moro's injury is not high, but its style of death to death is quite similar to the broken punishment, and it is not as unsolvable as the broken punishment. But gentleness will never think that the current Pono Moro will only have two hundred damages, plus now she is completely defensive and does not dare to resist.

At this moment, there are still a group of adventurers in Pono Moro. The face of the Brahma team has already seen the joy of killing a member of the Broken Blade team.

Gentle but sneer: "Is this enough?"

Her words were not finished, only the sound of the bang was a loud noise, and everyone sank to the ground at the same time.

Gravity recovery!

The Brahma members who had just adapted to the elimination of gravity immediately planted them together on the ground.

Bahar took a step forward and decided to stabilize his figure, but this step also invalidated his driver.

Gentle by the falling machine, slamming the floor, the man drifted backwards, can't escape the bite of the Pomono, and the four arms are behind, slashing on the white dog, the white dog is actually I made a terrible cry and backed back.

Gentle has taken the opportunity to fly back.

"Catch up with her!" Jialou Luo shouted, his left hand raised, and did not know what was hit out, chasing the gentle vest.

At this moment, the gravity suddenly disappeared again, and the body of Jia Luluo was light again. I saw that gentleness had already smiled and smashed into the air, and by the way escaped the attack.

This gravity elimination and recovery is the same for everyone, but it is very different for those who are prepared and unprepared.

Gentle and keep in touch with the command hall, naturally know when to recover, when to eliminate, so in this gravity change can be prepared in advance, there is no adaptation problem.

Of course, as this situation increases, the effect on them will be attenuated, but at least it is still easy to use.

The next moment, the spacecraft turned over and over again, and Jia Luluo and others were turned over again.

Jia Louluo stepped in the air for a few steps, ignoring how the spacecraft tossed and chasing the gentleness into a large room.

This room is very strange. It is filled with dark light. A beam of light flies around. If you don't see the gentleness standing between the beams, and the beam sweeps over your body, Kaloulou almost doubts what the laser is. trap.

When I saw Jialuluo coming over, the gentleness didn’t run away. It was very flattering and caressed the forehead and long hair: "Call, isn’t it just tempting an enemy? It’s so bad that the old lady is almost finished. You must admit that your Brahma team really has two sons, Shen Awkward caution is not unreasonable."

Jia Loulu’s heart was slightly stunned. When he saw those beams, he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart and shouted: “No, fast withdrawal!”

"It’s late!" Gentlely pointed at Galoulou, and the beams suddenly turned and shot at Kaloulou.

Jialouluo is fast, and there is no light.

The next moment the light beam swept through his body, the imaginary horror attack did not appear, and Gaillou felt only a flower in front of him, and found himself in the space and floating alone.

"Mom! Light transmission, light transmission!" Jialou Luo angered and drunk.

"Sink, you are a bastard! In addition to separating opponents, what else would you have?" Galou Loucheth's big sister.

He was greeted by warships from all sides.

In the hands of Jia Louluo, there was a jade in the hand, and a piece of light was released to cover the whole of Jialou. The next moment, numerous guns and fires blew on Jialuoluo, and the light on his body was shaken, but it miraculously stood up. It is another artifact-level defense item.

I don’t know how many treasures there are on this item. It is an artifact level to take one piece out.

"Take me back!" screamed in the Louthes of Kalou.

The figure flashed, and Jialou Luo returned to the boat. Bahar looked at him and looked pale: "Boss, this is the last assembly order."

Gaillou took a breath: "I won't let him separate us again!"

The next moment, a cold and ruthless voice sounded.

"Emergency alert!"

"Emergency alert!"

"The ship has started the self-destruction device will blew after ten minutes, please all members to prepare for the escape!"

——————————— PS: The optical transmission itself takes three seconds, so the enemy can avoid it when it realizes it, but the platform transmission does not have this defect.

In addition, it is not necessary to wonder why they don't directly break the wall and destroy the observation eyes. The former means physical exertion, and forcibly breaking the road will bring untold chance to the ambush, while the latter is unrealistic. When you enter a place, you have to look for the eye first. At the speed of their running, 90% of the time has to be wasted on it. Instead, it will give the opponent more opportunities. Moreover, it is useless to eliminate it, and there are reconnaissance bees and mutants.

Finally, it's not surprising that they are separated. Entering this kind of place, all kinds of rooms, equipment, countless passages, robots, plus the inevitable reaction of everyone in the chaos... so isolation is the normal state, and isolation is the abnormal state.

These contents should have been explained in the story, but for the sake of the plot, it is PS. I used to think that if something in the plot is to be explained by PS, it is a failure, but now my understanding has changed. I feel that in order not to affect the coherence of the plot, it can be explained separately, so make appropriate changes and adjustments. q

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