Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 39: Repair center

When Shen Wei previously repaired this big guy, it consumed 100 energy and 8 spirits. Even so, it only repaired 90 armor and a small amount of damage.

He will have to do at least 14 times to repair it to this extent.

100 points of energy with his double recovery ability also requires 2 hours of recovery time, 8 points spirit with his current will take half an hour to recover. On average, 2 hours of recovery time allows him to perform 2 such repairs, so 14 repairs require a full 7 hours of recovery time.

When I was indulged in repairing, I naturally wouldn’t tell Zhou Yiyu this question. At this moment, Zhou Yiyu asked, and Shen Yu answered.

Zhou Yiyu was stunned.

That is to say, he was relieved of the reaper obtained from the three hundred **** debts, and seven hours were used by the sinkers.

This makes him hate to think about her mother.

However, Shen Yu’s next words hit him even more. He looked at Zhou Yiyu with sympathy. “The worst is not this, but another problem.”

"What?" Hearing Shen Yu said that the worst is not this, Zhou Yiyu's heart is like being shackled.

"It's too big, it's too big to fit into our space." Shen Wei regrets the spreader: "It's not too fast, it can't keep up with the speed of your driving...that is, in it can Before it became combative, it was first and foremost a burden."

"Hell!" Zhou Yiyu realized that Shen Shen was so generous. He even forgot the problem that the Reaper was too big. He shouted: "I don't want this reaper to do it?"

Shen Xiao smiled slightly: "Don't worry, if you really can't take it away, why should I fix it?"

Zhou Yiyu’s mood was overwhelmed by the indulgence, and he said with no anger: “Then you said that there is any way!”

"Remove it." Shen Yan answered very seriously.

Zhou Yiyu was shocked by the chin and almost fell out: "Remove? You said to be removed?"

"Yes!" Shen Hao nodded with certainty: "Our heraldic space has ten cubic meters. It is definitely not possible to install a complete one, but it should be no problem if it is installed in everyone's space after the split."

"The question is, can it be used if it is removed?"

"It seems that the last shot you made was hit by a reaper of half a body?"

Zhou Yiyu was half-sounding and finally spit out a sentence: "Mom!"

A large armored robot is so good that it is indulged and packaged. How does Zhou Yiyu think that it is not a taste.

Indulging in the clear is to deliberately throw a chicken rib to him, but also sold him three hundred points.

"This profiteer..." Zhou Yiyu gnawed his teeth, but he still dared not offend himself. What if he didn't give him repairs?

However, it is a very humane expression to think about the confiscation of repair costs. Zhou Yiyu suddenly felt that he couldn’t get angry. He was in a state of conflict and didn’t know what to do.

Sinking this to King Kong Road: "You help to separate this big guy, remember not to hard-demolition, you have to install it."

"How do I remove it?" King Kong said, "I don't know how to do it."

"Remove the screws."

"You said let me use the control to remove the screws?" King Kong screamed. This is too big to use, right?

"Don't worry, it's your job to screw up when assembling."

"...I began to hate being omnipotent." King Kong complained.

Shen Yu continued to shout at the airborne camp soldiers he summoned: "Remove all the weapons from the reapers, especially those shells, take them all away! Complete it in ten minutes!"

Even if you have already got a reaper, for those heavy weapons, you will not let go.

In addition to the reaper, Shen Yu also got a T700 Terminator energy crystallization, Zhou Yiyu got three pieces, King Kong got two pieces - Shen 奕 mainly dealt with the reapers and hunters, so the ordinary harvest did not have Zhou Yiyu .

The most regrettable thing is the swallowtail fighters.

In addition to the crystallization of a hunter that was previously indulged, other hunters have been scattered in the air, and they are scattered in a large area. It is extremely difficult to find them.

In addition to these, Shen Wei also put some of the more complete Terminator and Motor Terminator into their own space.

Ten minutes later, Kellys returned and brought back five off-road vehicles. Most of these cars have some problems, they can only barely start, but they are indulging in. These small problems are not a problem at all. Moreover, these off-road vehicles are low in technology and do not consume much energy when repaired.

After repairing the car one by one, Shen Yu jumped on one of the off-road vehicles and waved his right hand: "Drive!"

Five off-road vehicles drove away in the direction of the city.

"Sinking, where are we going now?" Zhou Yiyu asked aloud while driving.

For the convenience of dialogue, Zhou Yiyu and Shen Wei, King Kong three cars, and Kellys and Marcus and other airborne soldiers soldiers a car.

However, considering the indulgence of their previous performance, even if they did not hear their conversation, Marcus and others already knew that these people were very strange. Only they are very clear that because of this situation, proper stupidity is necessary behavior.

Sinking open the handheld computer with the map they entered before entering the Terminator world. While searching for the map, he replied: "There are two things to do now. First, find my other partners. King Kong, you and them. Is it connected?"

King Kong replied loudly: "Yes, Honglang and gentle have just got rid of the chaser's terminator. They are chasing us around the road. The fat man is coming over. This guy is an escape expert. He is faster than Honglang."

The sinking head didn't lift, and the fingers twitched on the handheld: "Let them go to the new designated assembly area."

“The new designated assembly area?” Zhou Yiyu asked: “Where is that?”

"That's the second thing, that's where we are going now."

Sinking presses a button on the handheld and a factory outline appears above the computer.

“Repair Center?” Zhou Yiyu screamed: “This is a repair center in the suburbs. What are you doing there?”

"I got some information from the airship, which clearly shows that this place is a repair center occupied by the Terminator, specifically for repairing the damaged Terminator, but only for the Terminator series. You are not trying to get your Reaper Will you resume the battle as soon as possible? Go to this repair center and I will fix it."

"Do you mean to use the original way?" Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yu with amazement.

Shen Shen nodded: "Before I entered the **** city, I was doing precision mechanics. I have some research on mechanical engineering. This is my old business. Do you know that not everything must rely on special abilities? Ability can be repaired. Things, hammers and screwdrivers can also be done. Although this repair center can't repair the reaper, there are always some accessories, I can try to fix it as much as possible."

Zhou Yiyu grinned: "I think you still use the ability to rely on some, the reaper is not so good to repair. Do not say that you do not understand its production principle, even if you understand it, it is impossible to fix it in a few hours."

"Because I don't understand, I have to study. I like mechanical engineering." Shen Yan’s face gave a bright smile.

At that moment, Zhou Yiyu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart - this is the name of the reaper for himself, and most of the time he still has to be scrapped in the hands of Shen.

"What a **** hell, why do you always have all sorts of weird things in this guy's mind?" Zhou Yiyu couldn't help but mutter.

King Kong’s meaningful answer: “You will get used to it when you are long.”

At that time, Shen Yan whispered softly: "Weird, why do I suddenly feel that I seem to have forgotten something important?"


The off-road vehicle is arrogant all the way.

The West Coast Repair Center is a repair center located on the western edge of Los Angeles. After the trial day, Skynet incorporated the factories in its own control, and the West Coast Repair Center became the Terminator Repair Center in Los Angeles.

I have to admit that Shen Qiang's thinking is very leaping. When his own energy is not enough, he does not choose to waste time waiting for energy recovery like most people, but goes straight to the repair center. This is like people used to use a lighter to light cigarettes. When a lighter is out of gas, they often don't realize that matches can also achieve their goals.

Reflecting in reality means that the opportunity to miss the battle can be very serious.

The West Coast Repair Center has about 40 T6 Terminator guards, supplemented by a small number of turrets. But in the eyes of them, this level of defense is equivalent to non-existence.

The off-road vehicle screamed into the repair center. After hitting the gate, King Kong jumped out first, and both hands were lifted. Two T6s had already crashed out and were squeezed in the air by an invisible force. Deformation.

Then Zhou Yiyu drove a cross-country vehicle over the headspace, and the Vulcan cannon sprinkled a large number of bullets in the air, tearing those Terminators into iron filings.

Twenty minutes later, the battle ended and the repair center fell into full control of the adventurer.

Shen Yu jumped from the car and walked quickly to the repair center. At the same time, he ordered loudly: "Charles, you go to the west of the highlands to observe. White, you and Newman hold the gate, Black, you go to find the control center of this factory. Bring my partner to the past, I want him to control it in the first place, your task is to protect him, you can't die if you die!"

Shen Yu said that Xi Xiaofan was pushed to one of his soldiers. The soldier, with Xi Xiaofan, ran to the factory.

"Marcus, I need you to take care of Kyle for me, is there a problem?"

"No problem." Marcus nodded.

Shen Yan turned his head and called Zhou Yiyu: "Put out your reaper, and then assemble it with King Kong. I will help you repair the broken thing after the meeting. This factory should have some accessories, you can save it." I have a lot of energy. Other soldiers, to get familiar with the situation of this factory, to clear the residual robot, I asked this repair center should be under my absolute control within ten minutes, fast!"

He shouted loudly and all the soldiers acted.

Zhou Yiyu complained when she jumped out of the buggy: "I haven't joined your team yet. I have already become your captain's men. I have to listen to his orders and do things. The worst thing is that I can't refuse him."

King Kong shrugged: "You will get used to it when you are long."

"This is the second time you have said this."

"You are used to it when you are long."


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