Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 67: Pastoral life (1)

The leather boots stepped on the thick leaves and gave a rustling sound.

The sun above the sky fell down the gap between the leaves and leaves, sprinkled on the sinking body, showing a light and shadow of the barge.

Here is the forest of abandonment.

Both humans and Zerg occupy the north and south sides, and the abandoned forest is located in the northeastern part of the Jade Star. Therefore, it can be said that it is already under the sphere of influence of the Zerg.

The west side of the woods is the official territory of the Zerg, but the eyes of the Zerg are attracted by the war, and there is no interest in this area. Therefore, there is no insects. It is like a piece of abandoned land, so it is called the abandoned forest. .

Shen has come to this jungle for two days.

He is like a small soldier who has crossed the river, carefully looking for the place he needs.

Not far from the front there is a small slope. The **** is a cliff. There are waterfalls on the cliff. Although there is no magnificent momentum of the waterfall, it is also beautiful and beautiful.

Shen Yufei looked up on the hillside and saw a lot of bugs in the west.

Sinking feels like he is returning to the trip to hell, condescending to observe the scene.

Looking up, Shen Yu saw the countless jellyfish-like host floating in the sky above the head, and there are some flying dragons around him.

Picking up his eyes, the golden light is shining in his eyes, and he sees some energy fluctuations like the air ripples tremble around the host, and the water ripples are scattered all over.

"Crack generator..." Shen Xiao chuckled.

It may not be appropriate to use a crack generator to describe the energy shielding of the host. At least this energy shielding does not obscure the observation of the naked eye, even for scientific instruments, but the invisible energy wave is sufficient to withstand monitoring from the regulatory level. .

Shen Yu can see that there are some golden ripples flying into the Zerg’s airspace from time to time in the sky, and then the energy ripples from the host are bounced back.

That is the rule shield belonging to the Zerg.

Take back your eyes and sink again to look around.

Here, the distance from the Zerg territory is about six kilometers, and the Zerg frontal defense line is 72 kilometers. The **** is about 260 meters away from the ground. The biggest advantage is that the view is wide and the mountains are beautiful. The biggest disadvantage is that it is too close to the Zerg, and because of the deep hinterland, once the Zerg expands into a half-moon formation, the frontline zerg returns with a curved knife, which will completely sink into the encirclement.

Shen Hao was very satisfied with this observation point and made a mark on the map: "It is here."

Then he turned on the talker: "Find the right observation point."

The voice of the bald head Carl came: "Where?"

"Northwest side of abandoned forest, coordinates 425.633."

"Let me see..." Carl started looking at the map. //.//

His voice suddenly rose high and screamed loudly: "Damn, there is a worm area, you are too close to them, you are just stepping on their faces!"

"Who told them not to build walls?" Shen Yan shrugged.

"Sinking you are crazy, if they want to eat you, you have no chance to escape!"

"Believe me, my ability to escape exceeds your imagination. What's more..." Shen Yu looked at the floating host, muttering: "I don't think they will make a big move for a human being."

" are putting the hope of living on the conscience of the worm."

"Maybe, but this is indeed a very good observation point, it is very suitable for building an outpost, right?"

"You are not an outpost. It is an endoscope." Carl cried, and he finally came to a general. He was a very cooperative general. He only went to the enemy's abdomen after a trip. This is his What is Niang called?

Carl has no choice but to ask: "Sink, tell me what you want to do so desperately?"

"For all human beings, what is the reason for this?" Shen Yan said with a smile: "Don't be so worried, Carl, I will set up observation points according to the standard process, and I will inform you of my movements every day. I promise that I will not surrender Zerg. Ok, that's it. I have to start building observation points."

Said Shen Shen interrupted the call.

He began to install miniature detectors on the hillsides, in the grass, and around the trees. These detectors will send back all the information gathered around the Alliance to discover the movements of the Zerg in time.

Of course, the detector itself will be discovered, and the Zerg will send troops to destroy everything here. The scouts responsible for maintenance will usually try to recover and reinstall new detectors after the destruction.


For Shen Yu, no matter what his purpose is here, the task assigned above has to be completed, otherwise even the fool knows that he has ulterior motives. At the same time, these detectors will also report to the league about his own situation, which is also a way to make peace of mind.

Of course, Shen Yu will only let them see what he wants them to see.

So he is very serious about installing one detector.

I have been busy for two hours and Shen Hao has finally finished everything.

He retired from the hillside and returned to the jungle. This began to dial the channel: "The detector is installed, the secret channel 135, automatically starts at 8 o'clock every night, lasts for 9 seconds, and the channel 442 is urgently opened. ""

"Received, coordinates 425.633, good luck."

Look at the work done, Shen Yu called Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru.

Seeing the surrounding scenery, the two girls exclaimed at the same time.

"This is so beautiful!" Standing in the grass, Zhao Linger giggled, turning his feet in a circle, a bird flew down from the sky and landed on Zhao Linger's shoulder, but he was not afraid. people.

The little girl is excited about the funny bird, Lin Yueru pointed to the distance: "Look, there is spring!"

The two women also made a happy call to the mountain spring.

I have lived in the steel jungle for a long time, and anyone who likes this natural scenery.

The reason why Sinking chose to do the outpost here is that it also partially satisfies the needs of the two women. After all, in the future, this is their home.

The two girls quickly took off their clothes and jumped into the water, happily playing the otter and playing for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Yue thought of something, and after flying to a big stone, he asked Shen Qian: "Is there anyone else here?"

Shen Xiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, I promise that there will be no human beings except us three people. You are 24 hours without clothes."

Lin Yueru’s face flew red Xia: “Dead wolf...”

The next moment she suddenly raised her arm, and a white cockroach flew to sink: "Then you still don't give my grandmother down!"

Shen Yu let her pull into the water, and the three people frolic and fight together.

Play to the rise, Zhao Linger shot a mountain spring, the water wave skyrocketed, has pushed the three people in the air.

They used the water waves as a bed, excitedly rolling over them, splashing water, and setting off a wave of ripples.

When the rain stopped, Zhao Linger was exhausted and the water wave disappeared. The three men fell back into the spring water and were shocked by the water flow. Lin Yueru was only sober, and realized that he was like this and Shen Lingling three people in this scene. In the environment of heaven and earth, Hu Tianhu’s emperor had a lot of shame, and he kicked his heart and kicked it: “It’s all you!”

Has been holding clothes and ran away.

When I was about to hide, I found that there was nothing left, and there was not even a place of shame.

For a moment, I was overwhelmed. Fortunately, Shen Shen came over and smiled. "Now there is nothing, I can only make it myself. We have to live a savage life."

Lin Yueru is flying red: "As long as you can be with you, how can you live?"

This is what the man sounds the most comfortable.

Sinking and laughing, and waving a hand, the scarlet blade has been cut on a big tree, and the big tree fell.

The next time, the three men cut the tree together.

Because of the early preparations, the indulgent coat of arms brought a lot of daily necessities, and it was not used.

With the adventurer's ability, it took only one day for a jungle lodge to be built next to the zerg territory.

Although it is a small house, it has a full kitchen, bedroom, study, and living room. There is a yard in front of the house, and the yard in front of the house can grow vegetables. Because they live for a long time, they have to grow their own vegetables.

The yard behind the house is covered with a corral, ready to raise some pigs and cattle, but the body can not be placed in the coat of arms, can only wait to go back and buy some, currently only vegetarian and prepared meat.

In addition, Zhao Linger also built a garden next to the house. Lin Yueru made a performance on the other side. Shen Yan painted the house with paint and finally built another tree house.

Whenever he is free, he will enter this tree house...

From this day on, the three people officially started a simple pastoral life without shame.

Every morning, Shen Shen will go to the hillside to check the detector. The communication of the detector will make the host aware, and then send the dragon to destroy. What you have to do is to replace the destroyed detector and modify the channel according to the situation to keep it working.

After completing this part of the work, Shen Yu will retreat into the forest and will no longer appear.

It’s not that the Zerg will not find him, but as he said, the Zerg usually has few times to make a big move for individual humans.

Occasionally there will be flying dragons in the sky, but so far, there have been no incidents in which the Zerg directly attacked the forest.

After completing the observation point, Shen Qian took time to return to a **** camp and bought some seeds and pigs, horses and cattle.

Knowing that Shen Yu is going to live there, the bald head Carl is speechless.

Are you sure you are doing the most dangerous outpost reconnaissance?

Why are those bugs not rushing to eat you?

After bringing back the seeds and young animals, Zhao Linger is responsible for planting, Lin Yueru is responsible for grazing, and Shen Yan is responsible for cutting wood – the scarlet blade that has not been drunk several times since the promotion of the ultimate ~ This has been turned into a felling axe, if it is intelligent, I am afraid I will cry.

When the three of them cook together, when they are interested, they will do what they do/love.

When the days are long, I really dare to run around in the jungle without wearing a shirt. The various **** lingerie that I once squandered and persuaded not to wear are now appearing in front of Shen Lan’s eyes. Don't go back and ask the bald head to bring him some more.

The bald head has never seen Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru. I heard that Shen Qiang wants to go to the city to help him buy **** underwear and then stares at him with a big eye. At that moment, he seems to have solved the mystery of the millennium, and since then he has not asked why he wants to Go to the ghost place.

In addition to this is not perfect, the days of indulging have been fun.

The daytime life is full and full of fun, and in the evening, Shen will go to his temporary tree house.

Here, he sat alone, rising from his body, and then a star-studded rising star, surrounded by everything...

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