Infinity Armament

Vol 20 Chapter 70: Rural life (4)

Pierce sat next to him and watched the fishing. M*/.//*

He was so embarrassed at the moment that he had completely understood what had happened.

Why is there such a strange place next to the Zerg territory?

Why do a man and a woman look at the war as if they have nothing to live here?

But he at least understood the horrible power of men and women in front of him.

He did not see the Zerg flesh-and-blood fish, but he at least saw the smashing of the beast.

The power of this horror made him dare not ask, could only sit still, or Zhao Linger kindly, gave him a fruit: "External danger, wait for the battle to end and go out."

The poor boy Pierce bites the fruit in a bite.

The battle in the sky continues.

From time to time, soldiers fled to the jungle.

The survivors who survived gradually increased and became a small circle in the cabin.

The Alchemy Law Array is still in effect. Most of the Zerg rushing in will be dealt with by the Alchemy Array. Occasionally, there are powerful squadrons that can resist the power of the squad, and they are often killed by Shen Yan or Zhao Lin.

Surprisingly, the strength of Zhao Lin’s two women is now increasing rapidly. If you look at their attributes now, you will find that they are already too high.

But no one can see it.

I don't know how long it took, the smoke gradually dispersed, the fleet began to withdraw, and the swarm began to shrink.

The joint attack is coming to an end.

Several warships hovered over the jungle and eventually locked in their heads.

Then I saw a batch of people jumping out of the battleship, without flying backpacks, so they went straight down.

"Adventurist... is the adventurer general!" The rescued soldiers saw the coming.

I just didn't expect that there would be so many adventurers coming here.

Gentleness is the first to arrive.

For example, the eagle swarms in the sky, swaying when it is about to fall on the ground, and it falls lightly, and the gentleness has stood beside Shen.

The sinking is scratching the scales.

He took a knife, scratched the scales, looked at the gentleness from the sky, and smiled: "I have caught a lot of fish today, it is suitable for guests, but the tableware is simple, you have more people, you can only ask for barbecue. It is."

Not far away, Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru have set up a barbecue rack with a pile of meat skewers.

In the next big pot, there are a few freshly prepared fresh fish, which seems to be in the squid soup.

There are a few large iron tables on the central open space, which are filled with melons and saucers. It seems that Shen Shen has long been ready to greet them.

Only the melons and fruit pots were welded to the table, but I didn’t know what to use. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

"It seems that your life here is more leisurely and relaxing than I thought." Gentlely looking around, it was also a surprise to the environment.


The Honglang fell like a flying stone outside the sky, broke into the ground, and then jumped out.

The iron table iron plate does not move, but the melons placed are a few times.

Now gently understand why you have to weld.

Hong Lang patted the dust all over the body: "Dry, boss, are you hiding here? Your home next door is the zerg territory!"

"In fact, as long as you don't take the trouble to find them, they are still very friendly." Shen Yu put down the fish that was killed, and grabbed one to continue to work.

His movements are very stable and very good, just like a real farmer, without any ability, to handle the work at hand lightly and quickly.

In the sky, the following dumplings fell one after another adventurers, gathered in the eyes of a large group of soldiers, in addition to King Kong, even Ye Dongsheng, Calif, Cliff and others came.

"So many people, it seems that my popularity is better than I thought." Shen Xiao laughed.

"That is, of course, I want to see how you are staying here. Do you know how many people are worried about you during this time?" Calif jumped out of a huge pit and shouted. He and Honglang have a virtue, they don't like the sky to fight, so the whereabouts are also in the form of free fall. The result is that the land here will be smashed to the east and the whole block is full of pits.

But in the next moment, the land that was thrown out of the pit gradually recovered, as if no damage had been experienced.

Long before, the countless trees that were knocked down by the mammoth behemoths were also restored to their original state. The jungle was still quiet and there was no trace of destruction.

“Hey?” Ye Dongsheng, who appeared on the ground like a wind, stunned the scene he saw. He looked at the ground carefully and finally realized: “It’s an alchemy? Indulge in a gold squad here. ?"

"Well, it saves trouble, people fight, and fish."

"You just said that they are friendly." King Kong also came over.

"Wu Li is the foundation of peace, and muscle is a friendly guarantee." Shen Yan picked up a few strings of freshly baked chicken wings and distributed them to everyone.

After picking up the chicken wings, Cliff laughed: "You count as a fish, then there is no beast."

"Forget it, why don't you count? Eat fish!" The fat man licked the chicken wings, even swallowed the bones with the bones, and then began to fish soup in the pot, but not cooked, let him be somewhat disappointed .

"Eating food." Zhou Yiyu gave the fat man a head.

Everyone laughed and laughed a few times and talked about the parting, because the time was not too long, and there was not so much to be tired, just simply asked about the situation here.

For Shen Qien and the Zerg in harmony, everyone is still amazed, at least they thought that the bugs must be rushed to bite as long as they saw people. Now it seems that things are not all.

"Right, today's big battle, just saved some people by the way, go back and help you, bring them back." Shen Yan pointed to the soldiers in the distance.

"Give it to me." Zhou Yiyu had let the soldiers in the ship drive a transport plane down, take the rescued soldiers away, and let the warships drive away. Otherwise, the Zerg saw that there was a warship nearby, and I don’t know when it would have to rush.

"I said, you are going to stay here, have been waiting for the first half of the year?" Lao Meng came over and sat down beside Shen.

He hasn't had a newbie period, so he doesn't have to attack, but he has a broken blade team to take care of. He has a comfortable life, so he will come over and see Shen Shen.

"Isn't this very good?" Shen Yan asked: "I will give life to you when I give it to you. I don't think I am there, you are still mixed with the wind."

"That is, the foundation has been laid, and there is no ghost before it can be mixed." Lao Meng smiled and said: "But this is not like your style. Before you work hard, you will take the graduation exam. Are you going to give yourself a vacation?"

"It may not be a holiday." Ye Dongsheng interface: "It seems that you are here, you are not idle."

He looked at the surroundings carefully, and his eyes were full of sparkling light. He whispered in his mouth: "Six-mans array, two positions, seven stars... I am a ghost, what the **** is this? How have I never seen it?"

Dragon League's research on the formation method can be said to be the strongest in the **** city.

The problem that can make Ye Dongsheng unable to understand has already explained the problems.

"I have nothing to do with the fun of playing." Shen Yan answered quietly.

Ye Dongsheng shook his head: "No, no!"

There was a strange astrolabe in his hand, and the pointer swayed and trembled.

Ye Dongsheng looked at the pointer and frantically, and took a few steps forward, standing under a big tree.

He looked up and faintly saw the golden light, followed the floating gold line, and then looked at the steady pointer on the chart, Ye Dongsheng finally realized what, and blurted out: "The power of the rule! This is Alchemy array made with the help of rules!"

This shouting, everyone looking at sinking at the same time.

Shen Yu has frowned.

“Is that the way it is?” Kalif had some understanding: “You came here to study the power of the rules?”

The sinking face has completely sunk: "Are you coming to see me, or are you spying on me?"

Ye Dongsheng and Kalif were both sluggish and laughed together.

Kalifu patted his shoulders and said: "Just curiosity, don't mind too much."

Ye Dongsheng also had no choice but to take up the chart: "Sorry, I am on the rise."

Shen Yu is faint: "Since being exiled, idle is also idle, always do something, and avoid vain time. The power of the rules, the four organizations have mastered, I have a little research, not too much? ”

"That is, understand." Calif replied immediately. Of course, he will not believe in the words of indulgence. This cause and effect is reversed and it is justified.

Obviously, Shen Shen came here specially to study the power of rules.

Ye Dongsheng said: "But what rules are you using this time? How can I not understand?"

Shen Yu just shook his head, but did not answer.

Some words, this step is enough.

Too frank, only Ye Dongsheng feels indulged and has no secrets.

In fact, everyone knows why Ye Dongsheng Calif will come.

Private friendship may be there, but more is afraid of the commission of the Supreme Council.

Indulge in the blind spot of vision, and the council may not feel anything at first.

But as he can't hide for a long time, he will definitely feel a bit tricky.

It is impossible to let the Supreme Council not investigate, and the identity of the Son of Space must not be exposed. The best way is to use real alchemy as a scorpion.

Although the real alchemy is powerful, it is still the strength developed on the basis of the existing space rules, and it is still essentially a rule.

For the supreme parliament with the system, the rule power may be the least to worry about.

Of course, the use of real alchemy drilling system loopholes, self-contained system, will have a certain impact on the system, so it is also unacceptable.

But it is only because of this that it is a confession - if it is not a foul, why should it be hidden in the dark?

Sinking is not worried about the punishment of the Supreme Council.

It is also necessary to look at people to arrest crimes.

It is as if the heads of the four organizations have mastered the power of some rules, and they have not been seen by anyone who has been obliterated by the Supreme Council.

For the Supreme Council, the power of the rules is like a criminal offence. It belongs to the thief's small touch level. Although it cannot be tolerated, although it should be grasped, if the other party is mixed to a certain extent, it is ok to close the eye.

Indulge in the status of the present, not to mention the prince-level, at least it must be a level of the day, or higher, the problem caused by the teasing or **** / **** of individual women is not big - as long as you don't make it too sensational.

Therefore, although the Supreme Council will be dissatisfied, it will be a warning at most.

Of course, after the move is very big It is also possible to kill the pig.

But that is also a future event.

Time, this is the only thing that Shen Yu needs to fight for.

Real alchemy is his account to the parliament.

Sure enough, this time I saw Shen Yan did not answer, Ye Dongsheng also knows that I can't get the answer I want, I can only laugh a few times, just say a few words.

Anyway, he has already got the account of the council, and then how to develop is not what he needs to consider. Considering that the taboos of the rule power are not deep, he is not too worried about the end of the sinking. And he was embarrassed in his heart, and he also decided to say a few good words for Shen Yu.

Then everyone went to eat meat and drink together.

When chatting about it, Calif drank a large bowl of wine, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve and cried, "Come, sink, let's play a game, see if your devil is powerful, or Laozi's Shura. Wang overbearing!"

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