Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 41: Mechanical Corps

after an hour.

Sinking in front of the Reaper.

He has recorded all the data and information of this reaper. Although there are many places that still don't understand, it doesn't matter. When he returns to the city, he has time to study.

The handheld shows the current situation of the reaper.

The C400 reaper has a breakage of 15% and an armor value of 400.

Although manual repairs do not accomplish too much repair work, the replacement of the fittings and some simple repair work can greatly reduce the energy lost during the repair, resulting in greater efficiency.

Nowadays, although the reaper is less than one-third of the original armor, the damage is greatly reduced, the basic functions are roughly repaired, and the repair work in the future becomes much simpler.

Shen Yu calculated the time and said: "Save two hours, the next part can be done within four hours."

Zhou Yiyu immediately said: "Do you still have a lot of mental strength? Direct overdraft life for repair, you can definitely repair it."

Shen Xiao laughed: "It is not a pain to spend other people's money, right?"

Zhou Yiyu’s face was reddish: “I’m just anxious to see the power of it.”

Shen Yan smiled and patted Zhou Yiyu's shoulder: "Don't worry, I promise that we will have a complete reaper to fight for us before the third round of chasing."

"I said, you are not going to complete all the tasks of the Terminator forces sent to kill them in a way that is eliminated?"

"As long as the conditions permit, what can't it be?" Shen Yu replied, this answer made Zhou Yi Yu smashed.

He is increasingly recognizing the indulgence of his courage and his thoughts on the day, but the feeling that this understanding has brought him is not so beautiful.

A low person will never feel good.

Seeing Shen Qian walked to the factory, Zhou Yiyu caught up and shouted: "Hey, you don't really want to do this?"

Shen Yantou also replied: "I honestly said that I didn't have this idea before, but now I am reminded of it. I think this is a good idea."

Zhou Yiyu shouted: "Are you crazy? We can't do those machines. The first wave is only T6, the second wave will send the reaper, the third and fourth waves know what else will happen! I don't want to Waiting for death! This is the survival mode, not the **** dead resistance mode!"

Shen Yu stopped to look back at Zhou Yiyu: "You are right, this is the survival mode, it is not a dead resistance mode but not a runaway mode. Hey, the problem is here, survival means many means, you can choose elephant The mouse is like a hole in the hole, you can also run like a deer in the grassland, or fight like a tiger... As long as you can survive, you can do whatever it takes. In other words, dead resistance is also a good choice. ”

"But you also said that the difficulty of the Terminator world itself is greater than the initial difficulty! It is the mission mode that makes this difficulty balanced. If you resist, it is equal to challenging the difficult world!"

"We have challenged two rounds."

"It doesn't mean you can challenge the next two rounds. You should know that there is a lot of luck in the second round of battle!"

"How do you know if you don't try? The **** city has already given us the task. Marcus and Kellys are there. We are destined to face big troubles. Kellys will definitely give me a problem. If so, why not try? Fighting on the spot?"

"If you can't fight it, you won't be too late."

"I never regret my decision, even if it is dead." Shen Xiao smiled, he hooked Zhou Yiyu: "Come, come in with me, I invite you to see something."

"No matter what you let me see, I will not change my mind!" Zhou Yiyu shouted and replied.

In the distance, King Kong sighed.

After all, Zhou Yiyu still doesn't know Shen Yu. He doesn't know that if he makes up his mind to let someone sell his life, then most of this person can't run away.

If Zhou Yiyu sees the preparations for Shen Yu, he will definitely change his mind.

At least will decide to stick to another round!


The control hub of the West Coast Repair Center is located in the main production plant.

It is a large factory building with an area of ​​more than 30 meters.

When Zhou Yiyu entered the factory, he was shocked by the scene he saw.

What is in the factory is a large Terminator repair line. One and the other damaged Terminator is being dragged onto the repair line by the airborne battalion soldiers and then transported by the conveyor belt. Numerous metal arms fluttered and worked on the broken Terminators.

The parts of the Terminator that were originally damaged were dismantled and replaced with new parts, arms, sensors, and even weapons.

There are also some severely damaged terminators that are simply dismantled, leaving only the intact parts to be used as accessories.

After a worn-out Terminator walks into the assembly line, it takes only half an hour to be repaired into a brand new Terminator robot.

At the other end of the assembly line, two rows of T6T7 Terminators and a large number of motor terminators have been stood and formed a small and large Terminator Corps.

"This is really fucking!" Zhou Yiyu almost fainted.

He looked at Shen Yan and Shen Shen shrugged his shoulders: "Xiao Fan has controlled all of them. Now they are our troops."

"Where did they come from?"

"Which is it? Hey on the battlefield." Shen Xiaoxiao answered.

Zhou Yiyu remembered that before he came to this place, Shen Yu had already installed a large number of broken Terminators in his own space. He was prepared for his feelings.

In fact, the reason why Shen Wei decided to come to the repair center was to repair the large number of damaged terminators by borrowing the equipment here.

When he first studied the T6, he considered a problem: since the mental exploration shows that the Terminator can be repaired after it is damaged, it is certainly not limited to having the activation ability to repair it. Otherwise, this repairable feature It doesn't make sense.

So in what case can you repair the Terminator without the ability?

Shen Yu thought of the repair center under the control of Skynet.

Only such a place can guarantee that the abolished Terminator will continue to function normally.

As for the automatic repair in the form of a pipeline, it is not surprising at all. If not, how can Skynet control the world smoothly?

Can't always use humans?

However, it is precisely because of this that Shen Yu can make full use of the existing conditions to make a batch repair of the Terminator after counterattacking Skynet. Compared with the control rights of the aircraft carrier, the control authority of the repair center is obviously more accessible.

With these lines, together with Xi Xiaofan, Shen Yu was able to effectively organize an army of his own in the mission world. Compared with the huge number of this army, what is the reaper that gave Zhou Yiyu?

It is precisely because of this enthusiasm that Shen Yu dare to challenge the finalist who is responsible for the pursuit of the next round.

"I hope they can give you some confidence." At this moment, he said to Zhou Yiyu.

“How many of them?” asked Zhou Yiyu.

He feels that he is confident now. As for the previous statement that he never dies with the machine, he has completely forgotten it.

"Not a lot." Shen Yu counted and replied: "There are almost 20 T6, 15 T7, 30 motorcycle terminators, but unfortunately there is no T650. The self-explosive terminator is actually quite easy to use. It's quite effective to play the role of a mobile bomb. I think it is also a rare class in the Terminator series."

Once the T650 armor value enters less than one percent, it will blew itself immediately, unless you take out the energy crystal before it blew, otherwise you won't get anything.

If it is one-on-one, Shen Yu is happy to do so.

One-to-many indulgence is meaningless, and after all, not every shot can be stabilized.

"Stupid, we can let them bring explosives on their bodies. How do you become as rigid as a machine?" Zhou Yiyu immediately said.

Sinking in the eyes: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it! Find some explosives for each Terminator, we can let them take suicide charges, and then detonate... Anyway, so many Terminators can not bring back ""

"I still have some magnetic mines that can delay detonation. If the explosives are not enough, you can use that instead, and then you can directly detonate the rockets. If used well, three or five ordinary terminators will be able to kill a reaper."

"It's best to put them on the motorcycle terminator. They are fast and weak, and the best choice for self-explosives..."

"You have to leave some motorcycles for your soldiers. Their defense ability is too low. Motorcycle Terminators can improve their speed and increase their It is a good idea, oh right, There are still some weapons here, you can help me to refer to how to play their role."

"What are the weapons?"

"Remember the heavy artillery on the Reaper? I brought them all back, I can fix it with my abilities, a total of four."

"Then we need to build a temporary fort."

"How about using off-road vehicles? Anyway, my soldiers have to change their motorcycles."

"It's a good idea. We can vacate four off-road vehicles and put two T6 terminators on each car, one for driving and one for firing."

“If you need to rush to make a self-destructing truck.”

"Or use my reapers to pick them up and tie them to the ropes..."

"Then you have to stay a little longer."

These two people talked about how to play the role of these robots. The tone is like how a group of terrorists are designing how to place a roadside bomb. Hearing the scalp numb behind him.

"I said... can you stop talking about it a little?" King Kong interrupted.

"What's the matter?" Shen asked.

"Look at your positioning function." King Kong replied.

Sinking and looking at your **** coat of arms.

The positioning function shows that the three small red dots are moving towards themselves.

"It's Hong Long!" Shen Hao excited to open the team channel: "Hong Lang, how are you?"

"We are coming over!" The channel screamed in Hong Kong's impatience: "The gentle and fat people are injured, and the **** is followed by a big ticket to the Terminator!"

The next moment, Shen Yu screamed: "Xiao Zhou and I will meet them! Others are ready for full battle!"

All the people have taken action.

Shen Yi and Zhou Yiyu ran to the motorcycle terminator.

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