Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 47: The third round of killing (three)

Ten helicopters are already approaching the repair center.

King Kong took the lead in pointing at the two armed helicopters in the distance, driving two guys to collide. Unexpectedly, before the two helicopters hit, all the T750s actually jumped from the helicopter at the same time.

Two helicopters crashed into two large fireballs in the air, falling and falling, but the T750 was not hurt.

They rushed to the door of the repair center.

King Kong’s eyes were straight and straight: “Mom, it’s really smarter than Honglang. If you change to the ordinary T6, you will know to jump down actively.”

Honglang didn't rush over, and he focused on the machine gun and madly shot outside: "I put your mother's fart, don't you know that Laozi is jumping down?"

King Kong ignored him, just cried to Zhou Yiyu: "Don't take your big guy out, give them a good look, don't let them fly to our heads and lay eggs!"

Zhou Yiyu, who had been sitting on the shoulders of the Reaper, heard King Kong’s words and smiled. “Well, let’s see what the Reaper is doing with the 750.”

He slammed the tarpaulin around him, and the whole person floated from the heights with this force. As the tarpaulin kept pulling down, a big iron guy gradually revealed its huge body. The huge heavy artillery was against the shoulder and the muzzle was pointing in front.

"Open fire!" Zhou Yiyu yelled.

A heavy gun was hitting a helicopter flying in the distance.

As the helicopter exploded into a large fireball in the air, the terminators in the midair jumped down and, just as they landed, they ran to the repair center.

Some Terminators even stopped and started shooting at a distance.

The huge reaper opened three shots in the distance, and three helicopters blew up. The terminalman who was carrying it blew up before entering the wall of the repair center.

At the same time, five other helicopters began to fire on the reaper's huge body.

Ten missiles fell from both sides of the helicopter and whizzed to the reaper.

Zhou Yiyu yelled: "Breaking the missile!"

The Vulcan gun suddenly opened fire on the sky.

He is not indulged in the end. He does not have expert-level guns and specializations. He relies on the sky and the rain to hit the air. His guns are even stronger than the ordinary soldiers in the second airborne camp. Well, King Kong, Honglang and the airborne soldiers and the controlled Terminators fired at the same time.

Ten missiles that were fired by the sky were woven into the violent barrage and instantly tore six, and four of them were hit by the barrage on the reaper's body, exploding a large piece of steel.

As if I had been beaten by a general heartache, Zhou Yiyu yelled: "Get rid of all the helicopters!"

Everyone fired at the helicopter in the distance.

A helicopter flying close to it was smashed by fierce bullets. The bullet bounced off a large spark on the fuselage and finally flipped over the fuselage.

Two other helicopters were shot down by the reapers.

But the next moment, four missiles came again.

Zhou Yiyu tried to shoot down the missile again, but this time it was not so lucky.

They only shot one, and three missiles were hitting the reaper, almost bursting half of their breasts, and the armor was hit by seven consecutive damages to the ground missile. Each shot caused almost 200 points to the reaper. Injury, the reaper is directly hit with a hundred armor value, and the shoulder heavy gun is completely smashed.

Zhou Yiyu called out with a heartache. The next moment, the reaper suddenly pulled out the steel rope in his hand and called the helicopter in the air.

One helicopter was smashed on the spot, but another helicopter had already approached the repair center and sent troops to the bottom.

One after another T750 Terminator jumped from the air and began attacking the repair center

King Kong’s big hand waved, and the two terminalists who had just landed flew out. The great power of his swaying control has become more and more familiar in the continuous use, and he already knows how to save energy to a greater extent. After carrying four Terminators in succession, King Kong’s hand waved and fifteen T-Terminators had surrounded the rest of the Terminator.

When he wants to come, these guys are enough to deal with the T750, after all, it is a two-on-one advantage.

At this time, Zhou Yiyu entered the most painful moment in his life.

Just as the reaper knocked out the ninth helicopter and shot three pieces of sawtooth to the tenth helicopter, I saw dozens of Terminators in the distance stopping at the same time, lifting up their rocket launchers and aiming at the reaper of Zhou Yiyu. Cannon.

Dozens of rockets screamed and flew to the reaper. Only one round of volley shots blew the reaper.

"My baby!" Zhou Yiyu issued a hysterical cry.

He did not expect the Reaper to appear in this tragic fate until a minute has passed.

At this point, he finally remembered the indulging attitude of the reaper at that time.

Perhaps in his thoughts at the time, I have already seen countless Terminators in the end of the reaper.

Faced with the powerful firepower of the Terminator because of the sufficient number, the adventurers' ability to dodge is far more practical than the Reaper's defensive ability.

In contrast, the Reaper is much more practical than a large number of ordinary Terminators in dealing with flexible and individual-powered adventurers.

This is a process of interlocking.

In this mission world, their main enemy is the mission itself, not other adventurers, so the value of the Reaper is not reflected in the Terminator who has the advantage of firepower.

But Zhou Yiyu did not realize this at the time.

Without the reaper to attract firepower, all the Terminators finally began a comprehensive attack on the repair center.

The gunfire bursts around the repair center from time to time, with a strong smell of gunpowder.

More than ten rockets roared and flew near the first line of defense at the repair center. Several T6s that were on the front line were blown apart, and one turret was blown up. An airborne battalion soldier died on the spot.

Not far away, Honglang shouted at this side: "They are cleaning with cluster fire!"

The T750 Terminator is not stupid to know only the rush, but to use the rocket to clean all the surrounding resistance before the charge. A round of nearly a hundred rockets can be cleaned up, and its power can be imagined.

In the face of this situation, King Kong can only scream: "First use the remote firepower and they are right!"

"Our long-range firepower is not as fierce!" Honglang replied loudly.

"Mom!" King Kong slammed his feet.

In this world of machines, the skills of the adventurers are mostly unsuccessful, the metal storm is the king, and the strong one-on-one ability is here. Therefore, the **** city will arrange for the Jedi to survive. It does not intend that the adventurers can win the Terminator.

Perhaps according to the idea of ​​a **** city, while running and playing, slowly consuming the pursuit force, and then counterattack is the best practice, where I think that Shen Yu will use Xi Xiaofan to drum out a mechanical corps.

Even so, the adventurers are still struggling to confront the machine.

Fortunately, although the reaper is finished, there are at least a few heavy artillery pieces from other reapers. These heavy guns are the biggest threat to the T750, and each can damage the T750. Unfortunately, all of the heavy artillery shells were seized, so the number was seriously insufficient. There were only 30 poor hairs, some of which had already been used by the reapers.

When a heavy artillery hit a Terminator, the Terminator suddenly jumped to the side, and the heavy artillery slammed into the open space next to it, exploding a big pit.

"Mom! They also know dodge!" Hong Lang screamed.

The Terminator knew that the power of the heavy artillery could not be stopped and escaped in time, but he ignored the ordinary bullets and continued to walk forward.

This kind of intelligence that can distinguish attack damage is enough to make all adventurers have a headache.

"No, no!" said the fat man: "That is not 750!"

Looking at it, I saw the Terminator who was coming, the human skin on his face was expressionless, and the alloy skeleton of the whole body was covered with a layer of human skin – the outline of the face turned out to be quite imagined by the governor.

"It’s 800..." King Kong murmured.

Looking at it, I saw a few T800s coming to the side not far away. They were all neatly arranged, but their eyes were fierce.

"This is right." Next to Zhou Yi Yu murmured.

When the situation was tense, he refused to be sad.

"What are you talking about?" King Kong asked.

"I said this is right!" Zhou Yiyu replied loudly: "I have been wondering why the machine strengthening will be so weak! The external force reinforcement itself should be stronger than the same level of self-strengthening. Energy crystallization can be obtained, it should be more valuable, a dual D-class robot cost should be better than a C-class skill. But why is a T6 so good to deal with? Now I understand! These guys are real Machine hardening! These 800 are very strong! But they are powerful not attack firepower but mind!"

Zhou Yiyu shouted a little Other people may face headaches when faced with a large number of robots. They are afraid, but Zhou Yiyu will not, because he likes such things by nature. At this moment, I see that the T800 is so strong. Instead, he was excited and shouted: "I understand, I understand why the Reaper has C-level strength but only the regular level of the Skynet system, and these guys are the main force. For Skynet, The power brought by wisdom has a clear ascending effect! Although the reapers are powerful, but the IQ is insufficient, they can only be used as turrets. These double D-class terminators may not be strong enough, but their IQ is better than the reaper. Much higher, the attack power of the cluster is even stronger than the reaper! So they can really exert their power! So for Skynet, one hundred T750 or 800 is much more powerful than several reapers!"

Indeed, as Shen has said before, when the net has wisdom, it has completely different needs and desires from human beings because of different living conditions.

When human beings are committed to developing powerful weapons, large-scale fortifications, and absolute overwhelming advantages, wisdom is a more important manifestation of power for Skynet.

Therefore, the invention of anthropomorphic robots has become the preferred of Skynet and is dedicated to this. In contrast, the reaper's stupid moving turret is not a grade.

Only after meeting the wisdom needs, Skynet will continue to develop individual combat strength.

From this aspect, we can understand why China does not even have an aircraft carrier, but it can create an atomic bomb. The United States did not invent VCD, but first boarded the moon...

Technology will always leap forward according to needs, and the latter's technological content cannot be considered higher because of the order of occurrence.

For the **** city, the rating of mechanical reinforcement is also different.

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