Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 53: Split (three)

The monk, Zhou Yiyu, watched the five adventurers in front of them with caution.

At the foot of the Honglang, Lu Deyi lay down, he had completely lost his ability to move, just a lamb to be slaughtered.

In the second to fifth, the monk and Zhou Yiyu can say that there is no chance of winning.

Around them, the soldiers of the Terminator and the Airborne Camp have surrounded them and sealed off each of their escape routes, and this is exactly what they secretly told when they attacked Rüder, all People have not found it.

The monk realized at this time that the original Shen Yu not only wanted to kill Lu De, but even wanted to kill himself.

All he had just done was to stabilize him. When he killed Rüder, he started to attack himself. This moment he was shocked and angry, and his white hair suddenly grew a lot.

Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yan angrily: "Sink, what do you mean? You want to kill us all?"

"No." Shen Yan shook his head.

He pointed the monk with his hand, and then Lu De and Jing 12 on the ground: "I want to kill them three, not including you."

The monk shouted: "Don't believe him! Zhou Yiyu, he is still playing the trick, want to kill us one by one!"

Zhou Yiyu looked at the monk and looked at Shen Yu: "Why? Why kill them three? Where did they offend you?"

Shen Xiao smiled: "This is exactly what I want to ask."

Said, Shen Yan suddenly turned a face: "Monk, where did I offend you, do you want to be against me?"

When this was said, everyone looked at the monk with surprise.

The monk's face changed greatly: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Shen Yan sighed with a sigh: "I said... Actually, I don't want to kill, but someone wants to kill me. I just fight back in advance."

Said, he took out something from the **** coat of arms.

Crystal Pendant.


Caressing the crystal pendant on your hand, sinking is like watching something you love, and your eyes are full of gentleness.

"This crystal pendant is what I got in the novice task. It can't add attributes or skills. It's not very useful, until now, I have only used it twice. But these two times, but I saved my life."

What Shen Yu refers to is the first time in the novice task, the Werewolf Viken sneak attack, "Maryka's hatred" promptly issued a warning, so that Shen Yu escaped a life. The second time in the process of retaking Xiao Jerry, "Irina's Missing" made Shen Yu always locked Jerry's position.

The Crystal Tear Pendant consists of Marika's hatred, Elena's thoughts and Verona's blackmail. Among them, Verona’s deceitful indulgence has never been used.

But at this moment, the three crescent moons that slowly turn the crystal pendant slowly reveal one side, which is Verona's blackmail.

He opened its function display, which showed a row of handwriting in front of everyone.

"Velona's Blackmail: Crystal Tear Synthetic Pendant. Smart, suspicious and calm is the birth of this vampire bride. Unlike her two brides and sisters, she voluntarily converted to a vampire because of her love for Count Dracula. She turned her feelings for Dracula into this crystal tear to help Dracula find all potential enemies and beware of possible fraud. This crystal tear can be used to record information about strangers you specify. Show their friendliness and malice to you so that you won’t be deceived by outsiders. Each mission world can only be used three times, each time only on one person."

Crystal pendant, this thing, Zhou Yiyu naturally knows, but the crystal pendant he saw is an introduction to the overall function, but it is not clear about the specific content.

At this moment, Zhou Yiyu saw Verona's blackmail function, and could not help but stay for one.

The monk saw this thing, and his face became extremely ugly. He obviously didn't think that Shen Shen had such a prop.

Sinking whispers in a low and soft voice: "Velona's blackmail is actually a thermometer. It has eighteen colors ranging from white to black, the lightest color is friendly, the middle six colors are neutral, and the darkest color is hostile. These eighteen colors also represent different levels of affection. If you have doubts about a stranger, then using it to test these people's attitude towards you is the best way."

Gentle and screaming: "Do you put the names of these two guys on the crystal pendant? Then their names show hostility?"

At this time, Sinking took out Verona's blackmail, and it is clear that all the problems have been explained.

Sinking nodded: "If it's just hostile, I won't be surprised. After all, I counted them as a **** point, even though I personally think it's not blackmail... The problem is that their hostility has exceeded the security cordon. ”

Said, Shen Yan reveals Verona's two names on the blackmail.

Lu Ming and Wei Yu, in which Lu Ming's color is thick purple, Wei Yu's name is lavender.

In Verona's blackmail, the six colors representing hostility consist of black, purple, purple, purple, red, and red.

All black means that the attitude of the pendant holder is hate into the bone marrow, the enemy of life and death, not endless. Light red means mild hatred and does not rise to the height of life and death.

Light purple means that you want the other person to die, and there is a certain possibility that you will shoot it yourself. Thick purple means that you want the other person to die, and there is a greater chance that you will take the initiative.

The two people of Beijing 12 and Lu De, the hostility to Shen Yu, are thick purple and faint, which means that their hostility to sinking has exceeded the security warning line - both of them want him to die, and both There is a possibility of shooting for him.

This is why Shen Shen wants to start with them.

Because these two people had premeditated to deal with him, but they were discovered in advance.

At this moment, I saw the color of these two names. Zhou Yiyu shook his head again and again: "How is this possible? Didn't you just take some of their **** points and give them some color? They don't hate to kill you. Is it true that these two people are so small?"

How could Beijing Twelve and Rüde be so stupid, because there is something to kill, and what does this have to do with the monk?

At this moment, I heard Zhou Yiyu say this. Shen Yan shook his head and smiled: "Yeah, I also feel very strange, but what really makes me strange is not this..."

Said, his eyes have been swept to the monk, but the monk just snorted.

Obviously, everyone has realized what it is - Verona's blackmail can hold three names in each mission world.

The next moment, the sinking fingers moved again, and the third name appeared.

Tang Zeng.

Reddish red!

Reddish, in Verona's blackmail, represents the person who wants the death of the crystal pendant, but will not personally.

Everyone was surprised to see the monk.

Shen Hao has already said: "Don't blame me for not believing in you, monk. In fact, I didn't want to use this thing for you at first. After all, I didn't offend you. But when I was on the bus, I used Wei for these two bastards. When Rona’s blackmail, I was surprised to find that their hostility to me was so big that I was going to kill me. This was a serious problem that exceeded my expectations and made me have to be careful.”

The monk hoarse and swearing: "There is no need to put me in here too?"

"Actually, I didn't test you because I suspected you, just because the color of the two of them is very strange. The color of Beijing 12 is thick purple, and the color of Lu De is pale purple. On the bus, I use the counterattack effect of heavy artillery. I played Beijing 12 times. From this perspective, it is because of this blow that the level of hatred of Beijing 12 is slightly higher. But what I can’t figure out is that if you blackmail **** points and attack Beijing 12 Two things, so that the hatred of Beijing 12 to me reached a thick purple level, then simply Lu De, who was blackmailed by **** points, hatred against me should not reach the level of light purple, at best it should be red or red. It’s right. It’s hostile to me, I’m not satisfied, but I don’t want to get rid of my own hands. After all, those **** points are the ones that I got after I eliminated the Terminator. It should be mine. Why Rüder Will hatred for me be added directly to this high?"

Indeed, if it is said that Beijing 12 is resentful and hateful because of its insults, then Lu De’s hatred and indulgence, only the Beijing 12th line, it is really impossible to say Laugh: "Because I was the first to use Verona's blackmail, I also want to know, in the end, Verona's blackmail is a standard for evaluating the hatred of others. In order to make a more precise comparison, I put it Your name has also been put in. At that time, I think I just received you four hundred **** points, and I am more polite to you. In theory, you should not think that I am dead, so your name color, It should be in a position of neutral dissatisfaction. But when I put your name on it, I was shocked..."

On the bus, Shen Yan put the third name, Tang, into the swindle of Verona, and suddenly found that the name of the monk's name is red.

He actually wants to die!

This is indulged in any way.

At that time, he thought that it was probably because the monk had a small amount of popularity, which is the only reason that made sense.

After the battle, the monk came over and told himself about the melee special adventurer as the team captain. The conversation between Shen Yu and the monk was quite pleasant. By this opportunity, he especially returned the four hundred **** points to the monk.

When he thought about it, he had shown enough respect and gratitude to the monk. The monk made a net profit of eight hundred because of himself. There should be no more hatred.

In fact, it is a normal person, and the name at this time should be friendly.

However, after the monk left, Shen Yan took out the crystal pendant and found that the name of the monk was still red!

He still wants to let himself die!


I was wrong, you have guessed it out, and this chapter is a bit wasteful. I thought everyone had forgotten the tears of Crystal and re-introduced the function. Yes, go back and send another chapter to make up for it.

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