Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 58: Counterattack (3)

According to the setting of the film of the Terminator, the so-called Skynet headquarters does not exist in the true sense. Because it is a program that can exist on any computer. Despite this, we have also said that the large system and the small network on the Skynet are still essentially different. The Skynet program in the robot's head is Skynet, and the Skynet system in the mainframe is also Skynet, but the two are not comparable. The former is the seed, and the latter is the towering tree.

In addition, the headquarters is not the headquarters and should be called the base. Skynet is distributed in bases around the world, each of which can be called the headquarters, and can play a comprehensive role. This is also the most terrible place in Skynet - omnipresent.

The adventurers are heading to a Skynet base near Los Angeles.

It’s funny to say that this base is in the San Gabriel Mountains, near where they appeared when they were in the airship.

When the adventurers fled the mothership, no one would have thought that when they would run back here again, they would make a decision to return to the dangerous mountain to counter the huge and terrible Terminator base. .

The off-road vehicle was bumping on the mountain road, and the rugged mountain road shook the bones.

"Sinking." King Kong screamed.


"You said, if we let Marcus go to earn the door, can he still let us quietly mix into Skynet like in the original plot?"

In the original story of Terminator 2018, John Connor was able to enter the Skynet headquarters because of the existence of Marcus. It was he who entered the Skynet as a Terminator and opened a gap in the Skynet defense system, which enabled John Connor to sneak into it.

Therefore, King Kong could not help but think that since the world of this mission is not completely out of touch with the original world plot, then the significance of Marcus's existence is not limited to guidance.

Shen Yan immediately shook his head: "For a **** city, you should never have too much hope. It is neither kind nor generous. For it, the rules of the game is the only meaning! This battle, the game rules it specifies It is to enter the Skynet headquarters. Since this is not the case, you can use Marcus to solve the problem. The meaning of Marcus can be to increase the trouble for us, but to guide the story, but not to help us pass, otherwise he will It’s not a task trouble, but a helper. If we want to be smart, the **** city will definitely give us some color to look at. Do you dare to bet with me? As long as we let Marcus help us earn the door, maybe the next moment, Marco Sri Lanka will be crushed, and we will also fail the mission because of his death."

Upon hearing this answer, Hong Lang was sitting in the car with a gun and complaining: "Our strength is falling because of fratricidalism and consumption in the early stage, and the trouble we are facing is getting bigger and bigger. To be honest, I can even I can't resist the fourth round of chasing, but now I have to go back to Skynet headquarters. We are like a group of rabbits chased by a goshawk, don't want to escape, but think about **** the eagle's nest... What do I think about how I feel unreliable."

"Are you afraid?" Shen asked.

"No, I just don't think it's necessary to take risks. Maybe I should advise you to give up."

“Is it meaningless?” Shen Yan smiled and asked: “What do you think is meaning in a **** city? Live? No, in a **** city, power is meaning. Anyway, I will not accept **** cities, it will make me hard. The reward received was deducted by half of the penalty."

Sinking is right, the second stage of the hidden mission of the **** city is not so much a choice as it is a threat. This is like working hard, but the boss wants you to work overtime. Just because you don't work overtime, you not only can't get overtime pay, you have to deduct half of your normal salary.

It is a normal person who cannot accept this kind of thing.

The hateful is the boss of the city. It does not give you the opportunity to appeal. You can't rely on the backing of the union. You can only endure exploitation. Fortunately, when BOSS puts forward harsh conditions, it often means that the overtime income of this time is not low.

At that time, King Kong inserted: "I guess you will accept it without punishment."

Shen Yan immediately said: "But most of you will not accept it. So when I choose to accept, I must consider your emotions, maybe I will be forced to refuse. In this regard, the city actually helped me. It is helping us to unify our opinions and not to create internal disagreements."

The gentle brow wrinkled: "So if something similar happens in the future, there is no corresponding threat?"

The gentle meaning is that she knows that Shen Shen is a risky madman. He never cares about adventure, but the problem is that his teammates don't want to always face those powerful and terrible dangers.

Today, the 641 team can also take risks once because of the threat of the city, but in the absence of such threats, the internal contradictions will probably be highlighted.

It is never easy to have a team that is completely unified in all aspects. In addition to being able to enjoy the same benefits, there is a need for a high degree of unity in thinking. In the face of the problem of adventure, Shen Yu and his teammates obviously have too many differences, he is even different from most of the adventurers in this city.

Under this circumstance, if every task sinks and insists on picking the highest difficulty, insisting on taking risks, and using life to pursue high benefits and gains, there will inevitably be huge differences.

In the long run, it is likely to lead to a break.

Gentleness is a careful girl. She is not as indulgent in planning and planning. She is not as good at understanding the intentions as she is, but she is good at organizing relationships. She knows how to keep the team running as much as possible. Her anxiety cannot be said to be a very likely reality.

At this moment, she asked Shen Shen, which is actually a reminder.

After I heard it, I stayed for a while, then I thought about it for a while.

Then he smiled and said: "I understand that when I make an adventurous decision in the future, I will carefully consider what everyone means. I can not pay attention to my life, but I should not pay attention to the interests of the entire team."

He suddenly reached out and squeezed a hand in a gentle little hand: "I am always used to thinking about enemies or goals, not accustomed to thinking about myself. This makes me inadvertently make some mistakes when doing things. Later You have to remind me a lot!"

Hong Lang immediately said: "Is this a suggestion of disguise? Oh, baby, I can't live without you!" He shouted with an exaggerated expression in a hug gesture.

Gentle and not angry, give him a punch, knocking a -3 point damage on his head: "Close your crow mouth, Hong Lang!"

Shen Yan smiled and said: "Yes, maybe one day, I will openly propose to gentleness. You said, how about running a large-scale wedding in the **** city?"

"Oh oh! It's a good idea!" All the people screamed with joy.

"Maybe I can receive a lot of red packets!" King Gang called.

Hong Lang asked: "What kind of red envelope?"

King Kong replied: "How is the **** point?"

"That's a good relationship. The question is how do you pack your **** points? Let the city make **** dots into banknotes?"

“Awful, electronic data is a bit difficult to create romance!”

"Then change to equipment, I don't mind what equipment."

"It's not that you receive a red envelope. What do you mean?"

"Yeah, if they are really married, then we have to be a molecule."

"And still big!"

"Forget you still don't get married, cohabitation is more appropriate."

Everyone, you are saying something to me.

The gentle face rose red in laughter.

Speaking is a joke? Or is it sincere?

she does not know.

But at this moment, they no longer feel the danger of the future.

Warmth and laughter are always the best way to dilute the dangerous feeling.


Four hours later.

Standing on a cliff in the San Gabriel Mountains, you can see a large steel building in the distant canyon stretching over a kilometer, and you can hear a clear machine roar even at a great distance.

The architectural works from the machine are neat, symmetrical, and have no architectural beauty. They look like a soybean block, but they are complete and rigorous in the defense system.

The entire Skynet base is like a large military base. On its outermost periphery, it is a tall reaper, standing one every hundred meters. There are small Terminators on the fence, and the hunters are flying around in the sky.

A large airship carrier straddles the base and flies away from the ground with some large iron cages filled with humans. It continues its mission of finding and arresting humans.

Shen Wei took the far-infrared telescope and kept watching it. After a while, he put down the telescope and said: "There are about 50 reapers and 400 T7T6 terminators in the periphery, and 40 hunters are responsible for air support. There are also some T800s that are playing a defensive defense."

His sophisticated talents made him quickly see all the arrangements here, and it seems that Skynet's precautions against base security far exceed the descriptions in the film.

This is not surprising at all.

The T800 originally appeared in the late stage of the movie, and there is a third round of killing here. Even if it is said that the T1000 has been created, it is not impossible.

"Very good." Hong Lang muttered: "One tenth of the force inside is enough to kill us."

Sinking and shocked: "You will use the word "Hang Lang"."

Everyone laughed together.

"What should I do next?" King Kong asked Shen.

Shen Yu thought and replied: "From the point of view of the defensive power of the base, we are not likely to use the storm to kill the base. It is worth noting that the mission instructions given by the city is to enter the Skynet defense. Base, destroy the command center. That is to say, the city does not require us to enter in any way. As long as we can go in and destroy the command center, the task is completed. So the best thing is to sneak in quietly."

Gentle frowning: "Sneak into this kind of thing, it's easy to say, it's not easy to do. We don't have the skills to steal."

Shen Yan shook his head: "Not everything depends on skills. Traditional methods are sometimes more reliable than special capabilities. This is a base, and the base will have a defense loophole. As long as we can find a defense loophole, we can enter it."

"The problem is that we don't know the specific defenses of the base, and how can we find its defense loopholes??"

The sinking mouth slightly tilted up: "Without a defense loophole, we create a defense loophole. The tactics of the East Strike West are old-fashioned, but very practical."

Gentle and others look at each other.

"what do you mean……"

Sinking and replied: "The command of the city is just to destroy the Skynet Command Center. It is not much different for a person to destroy and destroy with everyone. Let me sneak into the base to complete this destruction mission. You have to do, It is the initiative to attack and transfer away from the base."

Gentle and straightforward: "Do you know how dangerous it is to let you go in alone?"

Shen Yan caressed her face: "One thing you reminded is right. I have the power to make my own adventure, but I have no power to let my partner and I jump into the fire pit... Don't worry, I know how to take care of it. Himself."


New Year's Day plus, I wish you all a happy happy, happy work, everything goes well.

New Year's overtime, wishing you can write a better story in the new year, with faster update speed.

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