Infinity Armament

Vol 6 Chapter 1: Executor

The handheld computer turned on, and a desolation sounded: "I said we will meet again."

A face appears on the screen, which is the image of Marcus.

Sinking and smiling: "I don't think I need to explain to you any more about our origins?"

Zeus sighed: "Yes, from now on, you are my master."

"Very good." Shen Wei slowly shut down the computer.

The big screen in space finally appeared, and the city began to calculate everyone's contribution.

Everything has finally returned to normal procedures.

In addition to the main line mission, Shen Shen eliminated the chasing force three times, and received 4800 points of **** points, plus the original three thousand points, a total of 7800 points, deducted the kick of playing Kaierlis, and 7500 point. .

As for the others, because they kill a round of Terminator, the reward for the first mainline mission is 500 points, so only 4900 points are awarded.

The **** reward of this mission is not high. Fortunately, some of the **** points accumulated before the indulgence, plus the eight hundred **** points that Beijing 12 paid, there are 11,000 points in the sinking hands.

“Request to combine three D-class general-purpose energy crystals and redeem the T1000 Terminator.”

A soft white light sprinkled and shone in the hands of Shen. The three general-purpose energy crystals disappeared. Instead, the T1000, a Terminator robot with a metallic glow.

"T1000 Terminator, Defence 20, Armored Value 600. Liquid Metal Terminator, Technology Evaluation: Class C. Use Evaluation: Elite. Features: No harm, free deformation ability, automatic repair of damage. Automatic repair is limited by nano batteries The power value is 3000 points. After the power is exhausted, it is completely damaged and cannot be repaired. The nano battery has automatic charging capacity of 20 points per hour. Class C charging items can supplement the T1000 with additional power."

When everyone saw this T1000 in front of their eyes, everyone cheered loudly. Skynet's program is of great value, but this T1000 is now able to play its strength.

Its value needless to say, everyone can understand.

At this moment, the T1000 Terminator stood by Shen Hao and said to him: "T1000 pays tribute to you, sir!"

"We should give it a name." Gentle smile.

"Don't be so troublesome, or continue to call it No. 1." Shen Yan Yang Yang's handheld computer.

"I don't know how strong it is." Hong Lang was very eye-catching and looked at No. 1, which was quite a bit of an opponent.

"If you don't take medicine, you are not its opponent." King Kong laughed.

"I don't believe it, do you want to try it?" Hong Lang was not convinced.

"This is not the place for experimentation." Putting No. 1 into the space, Shen Yu said: "When you go back, let's talk about it, there is still a lot to do. We have enough time to study it, not just it."

In addition to the T1000, Shen Hao has some other crystals in his hand, but he has no plans to redeem it here. Reaper, other types of Terminator, every time you exchange one, you need to consume a lot of blood. Despite the gains, the points in the hands of everyone are obviously not enough to pay for such massive demands. Fortunately, Shen Shen does not care about this.

When they came out of the space, everyone stood on the square of the **** city, not far from the treatment of the gods. There are no other people around the 641 team. Zhou Yiyu, the monk, did not appear. I don't know if they haven't come out yet, or they have already come out and left.

Heraldry Tip: "The 641 team completed the mission, the level was upgraded to 2. Now you can name your team. The positioning function is expanded to 2 km. The blood connection capacity is expanded to 20 meters. The death of the comrades is deducted from the **** point of 2,500 points. Take the regional difficulty level. You can now go to the general area and get the general housing. The next mission will enter the general area."

Shen Yan looked at his **** coat of arms, suggesting that his rank has been promoted to a corporal, the coat of arms space 20 cubic meters.

"There is no need to be a poor again." Hong Lang laughed.

King Kong muttered: "I didn't think there was any cola. I would rather have been mixing at the bottom." While talking about coming to the priests for treatment.

Indeed, for most people, the increase in rank is not a good thing, it only means an increase in difficulty and an increased probability of death.

In order to save their lives, some people even consciously treat tasks in a negative way, only to extend into difficult areas.

But he didn't care about this. After King Kong recovered, he also went to the priest: "I have to trouble you once."

The old man looked at Shen Yu and suddenly said: "You have a good skill, but you have not learned to really understand it."

As soon as he was stunned, the body of the priest suddenly produced a strange golden halo that spread toward the surroundings.

This aura is very large, and it will cover all of them, and even other people will feel the extraordinary speciality.

Sinking only felt a warm flow rushing down his wounds, his broken arm began to grow new meat, and the birth of a section. What shocked Shen Yan, however, was the familiar feeling - this is clearly the feeling that the mean medical technique brings to the self-treatment.

Each means of recovery has a different role and can bring different feelings. As the beneficiary of the most frequent medical treatments, Shen Yan can never feel the mistake.

But how can a despicable medical procedure resurrect a broken limb? To know that its greatest feature is to save energy rather than do nothing.

As if knowing the thoughts of Shen Yu, the voice of the priest came out: "You are a smart person, how can you not figure out, if the skills can mutate, then why can't it be restored?"

reduction? Does he mean that the mean medical technique can also be restored to the original medical technique? Consumption of more spirits, while restoring more powerful medical skills?

The reminder of the priest seems to have knocked on a door in the heart of Shen.


Despicable medical skills are mutating skills.

Since it is a mutating skill, it should be developed on other existing skills.

The original skill may be a skill that can restore a broken limb and have a higher priority in treatment. If you can freely restore your mean medical skills, does that mean that the flexibility of using this kind of medical treatment will be greatly increased?

Is this the true origin of the name of despicable medical practice? Use one skill to achieve the effect of two skills?

The sinking is almost screaming.

But...but why is the priest reminding him of this?

Looking at him at this moment, he seems to think of something, suddenly said: "You are also a rule performer!"

Everyone heard this sentence and looked back at the treatment of the priest.

The old man did not deny: "This time, you will not charge your expenses. Plus the previous reminder, it is a compensation for you. I hope that when you see you next time, you still don't need me to take care of you."

"This compensation is not enough. You can't solve all the problems with one reminder!"

The sergeant made a sly laughter, but his figure gradually faded away, leaving only a trace of ethereal sound: "Don't be too greedy, young man, the seed has been planted for you, how to make it sprout depends on your own The last thing to send you: the restoration and variation of skills is not necessarily clear. Many times, the starting point is the end point and the end point is the starting point..."

"Wait a minute!" Shen screamed.

But there is a shadow of the priest in the square.

Gentle rushing over and holding Shen Shen: "What did you say? The priest is also the rule executor?"

"Yes! He must be! Lan Yan said that the city needs rule executives! Blue Yan is one, the priest is also one, and he just used my medical skills. I can be sure that he just used the past. The treatment, but the skills, and he is using my despicable medical skills!"

If it weren't for the space manager, he couldn't imagine the treatment of the priest as a rule executor.

In other words, he is also an adventurer!

Everyone was stunned.

The task is that they know the most about the **** city, but the more they know, the less they know about the city.

"How is this possible? Your medical technique is unlikely to be reborn."

"This is the problem." Shen Yu stared at the direction in which the official disappeared: "He can restore the mutated skills to the original skills... Another medical technique, a more powerful, more comprehensive treatment. skill."

King Kong has some tough voices: "You don't want to tell me...he is...the medical treatment of the mean...inventor?"

"I don't know... I used to think that the person who invented this ability is a ghost. Maybe my judgment is still wrong. Maybe it wasn't what he invented..." Shen Xiao smiled.

"This is incredible." Gentle and shaking his head.

"It's not even more incredible." Shen Shendao.

"How to say?"

"Did you find out? He is good, blue face, and there are no **** coats on their wrists."

"You mean..." Everyone stayed, and realized that things were wrong.

If these two people are just like the other adventurers, they are simply selected by the city as staff members, and they are also entering the mission world.

But they don't have **** coats on their hands, which is why no one thinks that the official is an adventurer. It was not until Shen Yu saw the space manager that he heard the words of the priest.

In this case, how does this special adventurer exist?


Some questions Unless you face it, you will never get an answer. Since you can't get an answer, it's better not to think about it.

It’s not too late, everyone walked to the store together.

This time no one has the heart to go to the bar to drink.

There are too many problems that need to be resolved immediately.

In the store, the young people called Ali saw the indulging them coming in, and the face showed excitement: "Great, you are finally alive. I am worried all day!"

"Do you mean a reward order?" Shen asked.

"You already know? Yes, everyone knows that you are wanted by the stabbing team. I want to inform you, but you have no way in the mission world."

"Thank you for your kindness, don't worry, we have solved this problem. I have to ask, did you get the information I asked?"

"Not yet, but I will get it soon."

Honglang interjected: "You better hurry, you have wasted us for a month."

Ali was very dissatisfied and looked at Hong Lang: "You should thank me first for not selling you. You better understand that you have to spy on the most powerful blood stab team in the ordinary area. I have to guarantee my own safety. Say me It has been very principled."

"Give up your principle." Shen Yan patted Ali's shoulder: "When you have time, you will go to Xie Rongjun and tell him about the information you know about us."

"What?" Ali stayed.

Shen Yu whispered a few words in his ear.

Ali realized this, and his eyes showed excitement: "Well, I will do this. I will inform you after the news."

"that's it."

Ali glanced at them and said: "So from now on, you have to go to the ordinary area, and let's go there. Everywhere, everything is starting from scratch."

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