Infinity Armament

Vol 6 Chapter 4: Super factory

In the room, Shen Yu and his team members are still discussing each other about the construction of the super factory.

According to everyone's understanding of Shen Yu, if one thing sinks into saying that he already has a basic idea, it means that he has a solution to the problem.

At this moment, gentle: "Talk about how you can build this super factory."

Shen Yu replied: "First of all, we must understand that we can't afford to pay such a high **** point directly from the city to get the assembly line. So to get around this problem, the only way to build this super factory is to make it ourselves."

"Make it yourself?" Everyone looked at my eyes and was shocked.

"Yes. Since Skynet provides all of our technology, why can't we make it ourselves?" Shen Xiao said with a smile: "Not everything must be provided by the city. For example, you had dinner yesterday."

"Get it." Hong Lang / cried: "What do we take to produce the assembly line? That must have an industrial machine. But what do we use to make the industrial machine? You will not let us produce ourselves from nothing." Let's do one screw and one screw?"

"Stupid." King Kong gave a low drink: "He is not here."

“Not here?” Hong Lang stayed: “You mean...”

"Yes, it is in the gentle world of X-Men. There are enough heavy industry and high-tech industry bases to support our plans. We can directly produce through the existing technology there." Shen Weidao.

Gentle frowning: "A super factory needs a small number of production lines and more resources. If you want to get all the production lines, you may not be able to eat thousands of identification rolls."

Shen Yan immediately said: "First, we don't need all the technology products, we only need the most practical. Second, we don't need to bring the super factory back to the city, we will produce it there. We will bring back only the finished product. Third: It is not easy to bring the technology products back to the city. But what about raw materials? This is like cooking. The raw food we buy back is ours, but after processing the mature food, it still belongs to us... ”

Indulge in this, and finally let everyone suddenly realize.

Because the material has no scientific value, a D-class identification reel can take away a lot of material. As long as these materials are determined to be owned by adventurers, no matter what products they are processed into, they are still risk takers.

According to Shen's plan, what he has to do is to build a super factory in the world of X-Men, and then use the identification scroll to get a batch of basic materials for making Terminator or other weapons. Then make it into a terminator through this super factory and bring it back to the city.

As a result, they have received a large number of technology products, which can be said to be unprofitable.

This is actually to break down a large task that cannot be completed into several small tasks that can be completed.

It is not surprising that many methods are said to be worn.

It sounds like a huge investment need, and the impossible task, in the eyes of Shen Yu, is just a game that turns waste into treasure.

The flower field logistics base of the home world, because of the decision of Shen Yu, instantly expanded into a garden. From here, Shen Yu can pick a lot of fruit. It is a pity that Hong Lang is temporarily not thinking about getting abilities.

However, King Kong still frowned. "Even in the world of X-Men, it is not easy to build such a super factory?"

Judging from the huge base construction of Skynet in the Terminator world, to have such a super factory, the cost required is as high as tens of billions of dollars, and only the technology products below the C level are produced. If you upgrade to a high-end program in the future and develop future technologies, then it is normal to invest in capital.

Such a high number, even if it is an adventurer, don't want to have it in a short time.

Not even their few shots in the stock market can be harvested.

“It’s not easy, but it’s easier to buy directly from the city. But the most important thing is that you have never understood the true meaning of the existence of the home world. The city once told us very clearly that the home world is what we use to develop. The world of our own power. At that time, we only knew that the city allowed us to exchange legal income for the identification scroll, but we ignored another thing: the development of power. What is the identification scroll used for? It is used to develop us. Power is brought back to the city. So in this process, what we use is not important at all. The urban restriction is only the means by which we bring our strength back, and does not limit how we have these powers."

Gentle eyes: "I understand, you mean that on the issue of building a super factory, we don't have to be restricted by the rules of the city!"

“Yes!” Shen Xiao smiled. “Now do you understand?”

Honglang’s slap in the palm of his hand shouted: “Yes, I understand. Let’s grab him for tens of billions of dollars and build a super factory directly!”

When Honglang’s words came out, everyone almost didn’t fall.

King Kong’s slap on the head of Honglang’s head: “You stupid, how many billions of dollars do you say you can grab it? Are you X-Men’s world we are casually swearing?”

Gentle and laughed: "Even if you can grab tens of billions of dollars, you have to build a factory, you have to go through the local government's permission? Even if you are not afraid of all the mutants and humans, I hope I can't do it well. I forgot that we can only stay in the home world for ten days. We will build the factory with the money we have robbed, and when we come back next time, I am afraid it has been razed to the ground."

Shen Yan also laughed: "Hundreds of billions of dollars! Don't say if we can grab it, even if it does, what kind of trouble will it bring to a country? The home world has just recovered peace, our legality All income is based on peace. When a group of people with special abilities suddenly appear, yelling * state property, what will the US government think? What impact will it bring to the peace agreement that has just arrived? When we finally got the money we got through this investment, I was afraid that it would be completely ruined."

The voices of several people made the waves whisper.

This is actually not stupid, but he is rude and accustomed to solving problems in the simplest way, but ignores that the home world is not an adventure world. Develop in such a world, use your brain to do more.

The truth is, they may be able to grab millions or even tens of millions of dollars in the X-Men world, but never expect to build a huge enterprise through *.

At this moment, he thought about it and said very depressedly: "That is to say, even if there is no limit, this is still not an easy task."

Shen Qianzheng replied: "For anyone, even for adventurers with super powers, it is necessary to build a super factory worth up to tens of billions of dollars in a world for ten days a year. It's impossible to complete the task. Or it's difficult to complete, it's easier than buying a factory directly from the **** city. You think that the value of Skynet said that it is difficult to play, it is so easy to be broken. Is it?"

"What about technology exchange?" King Kong asked. Since **** cities do not limit the way adventurers build super factories, they simply work with the US government to exchange technology for money or even invest. This is also a good idea.

Shen Yan still shook his head: "I thought about this idea. But Zeus clearly told me that if I do this, it will mean turning the X-war police world into another Terminator world. As long as we are at home. In the world, there is any seed left about the Terminator program. In time, it will grow and become an independent Skynet. When two different worlds are mixed together, there will be unpredictable and terrible consequences. By that time, We are likely to lose this home world and everything in it."

"Is there no way?" Hong Lang said with a depressed voice.

"There is no difficulty that cannot be solved. Building a super factory is a long-term and a long-term task. It is certainly not easy. Otherwise, it will not be what Lan Yan said. No one has fully played its role. If you want to build it, you can't do it, but you can do it step by step. From small to large, you can still succeed."

Shen Yan said and stood up: "Well, this is the first time this thing, let's go out and go."

"What?" Hong Lang asked.

"Going." Shen Yan answered very seriously.


Out of the 125 building, it is the trading ground of the ordinary district.

In addition to autonomously choosing the world of missions, getting the items you want by trading is perhaps the most important way to fix the enhanced route in the city.

Shopping in the market has always been a woman's love of life, but in the **** city, both men and women, have a soft spot for shopping. Adventurers here often find the skills they need, the equipment they have, or the way they get their support at a lower price.

Due to the Skynet program, they didn't get any extra rewards. Together with the T1000 and the cost of life, the **** points in the hands of the team are less than 20,000 points~www.mtlnovel. Com~ is less than four thousand in each person's hands. Therefore, Honglang can only shake their heads while watching, and the eyes are like the helpless little boy who stays in front of the toy counter, reluctantly, but have to leave.

In fact, the average of four thousand **** points is normal for those who have just risen from the initial difficulty. However, in recent missions, everyone has gained a lot of money, so that the psychological expectation has increased, and the gap has become more apparent.

What can four thousand points do?

Even a double D level skill can't be bought.

The general area is based on the C-level area. Most of the items sold here are some C-level skills or equipment props. The various strange and intensive ways from the various mission worlds come together here, and even some from the magic world. The strange creatures appear here and are also sold by adventurers.

Standing here is like having a hundred dollars in your pocket to visit a brand-name boutique. The feeling is imaginable – you can see everything and you can't afford anything.

"What a hell." Hong Lang muttered: "It seems that there is no chance to strengthen myself this time."

Shen Xiaoxiao said: "From the low-level area to the high-level area, the first time is always a little bit sad. After we have completed a normal area task, this phenomenon should disappear."

"You mean, should the task rewards in the general area be greatly increased?" asked tenderly.

"It should be like this, but the difficulty will increase greatly."

"Then we need to strengthen ourselves."

"But we don't have so much capital right now."

Everyone, you say a word.

Shen Xiao smiled: "Don't worry, someone will send us money soon."

Not far away, a figure is coming to him in a hurry.

It’s exactly what Ali is.

He waved to the sinking, and he lost his sentence: "Come on me."

He walked toward Ali.

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