Infinity Armament

Vol 6 Chapter 10: Armistice agreement

The moonlight of the night is as clean as a frost, and it is sprinkled on the gentle body, and her face is more and more clean.

I leaned on the railing of the balcony and looked back. Shen Shen was still operating a handheld computer under the lamp to study the various scientific and technological knowledge carried on the program.

After the end of the test of the T1000 and the Reaper, Shen Yi began to be so busy as soon as he returned.

Looking at his serious meticulous expression, occasionally brows raised by thinking, the gentle eyes reveal a fascination.

Some people say that men are the most fascinating when they work hard.

This is very reasonable.

Focus on the man at work, perseverance, seriousness, hard work, hard work, remove the slick and impetuous, leaving only strong and responsible.

Men are born to support the family's pillars, is a woman's umbrella, which makes men more use of steel to describe, not so insufficient to support, but also make men more generous to ask, not so inadequate.

The indulging in front of you should be such a man.

Seeing such a man, gentle feeling that even if the other party is not an adventurer, she is willing to stand with such an ordinary man and enjoy the care from him, not the protection of those who have strength but no responsibility.

A person with power may be strong; but a responsible man is trustworthy.

The finger banged on the keyboard and made a crisp hit, and Shen was still busy researching.

Gentle from the balcony, holding his shoulder from behind: "Busy for so long, studying what?"

Shen Xiaoxiao said: "I am just studying how we should develop our super factory. You know that every technology has different basic needs. There are too many technological developments in Skynet. We are basically impossible. Have all of them."

"For example, we choose the direction of the Terminator. Then we can now try to build a Terminator production line, first T6, then T7, step by step. If we want to have a hunter or even an airship, then we will A completely different production line must be built, which has little to do with the construction of the Terminator. Of course, Skynet’s traction beam is also good, which belongs to another kind of technology and requires new technological development routes. Some of them are interrelated. Some are based on others, and some are completely irrelevant."

“I have to distinguish them and design a best development route that allows us to get the most out of the shortest time, with the lowest cost and the least energy.”

“Why is it so hard? These things can be done later.”

"But I will miss this time." Shen Yan looked at the **** coat of arms: "There is still 40 hours to return to the city. I hope that the design work can be completed before this, and then handed over to Paul, telling him that we are not there. In the time, he must add equipment to the factory."

David Paul is the new general manager of the factory. He has served as the head of the technology development department and the deputy director of the European department in a large machinery manufacturing company. He is quite standard in terms of technology and management, and is also a well-known manager.

What's interesting is that he is willing to "condescend" to Newman Brothers, not to indulge in the high salary they give, but to the "full responsibility."

For managers, in addition to adequate compensation, enough room to play is also what they expect. After all, no one likes to be **** with their hands and feet. The more excellent managers, the more they want to get enough permission.

So when David Paul heard that the management of the factory would be handed over to himself, the boss would never ask, only the basic tasks were issued each year, and the main content of the task was to expand the scale of operations and increase the specified production line instead of the profit requirement. I did not hesitate to agree.

When adventurers are helpless for a ten-day stay, they do not know that their power is reduced, but instead become an important reason for attracting talents.

"I hope he won't be scared by your request." Gentle smile.

The screen of the handheld computer lists a large row of production lines that need to be indulged.

This part is also part of the purchase, and later Shen will also require the production of more advanced equipment and production lines. In the future, Newman Brothers may become a top machinery manufacturing company before becoming a super factory.

Although Shen Yu has repeatedly avoided the technology of the Terminator world affecting the world of X-Men, there are still some aspects that will inevitably exist.

Indulge only hopes that this technological change will not affect the balance of the whole world, or that before it affects this balance, he has already got everything he wants.

Two people laughed and said a few words, Shen Qian said: "Right, the improved reapers consume much less material than planned, so there are a lot of materials left, it is best to use them, saving waste. ”

Gentle said: "How about the mechanical warrior transformation plan?"

The brows of the sinking brows slightly: "It's not easy to be honest. The mechanical soldiers' reconstruction plan needs some medical equipment, some of which are only available in a few places. Our previous behavior has caused a lot of sensation in New York. I am worried that if we take another shot, it will lead the police and even the mutants. That will have a big impact on our factory."

The gentle ears suddenly moved and his face changed slightly: "I am afraid someone has already found it."

With a gentle speech, the sharp whistling outside the room suddenly sounded, as if the hurricane had blown through, a cold snap swept through.

Sinking and gentle at the same time, Shen Yu right hand lifted, the spirit gun shot a string of bullets, gentle left hand samurai knife in the grip, the right hand long whip screaming sharp sound, rolled to the window.

The window suddenly gave birth to an ice wall that blocked the bullet's attack and the long whip's slamming, and spread rapidly around the window. As if diverging thoughts wandered around, quickly filled the room, and in a blink of an eye, the entire room was frozen into a huge ice shell.

This scene is gentle and staying, and Shen Shen has already called out: "Don't do it! It's Iceman Barbie!"

With the indulging shouts, the ice wall in front of the window suddenly showed a crack.

Then I only listened to the loud noise of the cricket, and the ice wall turned into a smashing sky, and a figure rushed in from behind the ice wall. The broken ice was stuck on him, but he couldn't help it.

It is the Wolverine Rogan.


Since having the home world of X-Men, Shen has asked himself more than once, whether he is likely to deal with those variants in the future.

The **** city does not give this task. For the city, the home world is a small logistics base where adventurers develop their own strength and transform some of their strength into their own combat power. Under this premise, the nature of the world becomes less important, and the intersection with the original plot characters is no longer important. What matters is how the adventurers themselves live, develop and grow in the home world.

However, fate sometimes exceeds the will. Since this is the world of X-Men, the world of mutants, then in the course of your development, you will inevitably encounter variants.

Shen Yu also thought that he would encounter some mutants, but he did not think that he would encounter such a strong presence like Wolverine. Unfortunately, he is obviously wrong on this issue.

At this moment, Shen Wei and Wolverine looked at each other. From their eyes, they were surprised that they were suddenly surprised.

"What a hell, I thought I couldn't see you anymore." Rogan shook his head and said.

Shen Yan smiled and said: "I also thought about coming over like this... Don't misunderstand, we are not malicious this time."

"If *bank is not malicious," a soft female voice came.

The stormy woman with silver silk and the iceman Barbie appeared in the window.

These three people are really old partners, and always like to join forces.

Sinking and shrugging: "Hey, beautiful, very happy to see you."

The stormy woman looked at the sinking with a strange look.

For Shen Yu, the storm female heart also has a very strange feeling.

Although the **** city has erased their hatred of the adventurers who hunted the mutants, it did not erase the memory. The storm woman still remembers clearly that this man has defeated the powerful Wanwang Wang by his own power.

His power is not much stronger than anyone present, but he does what even Professor Charles can't do. Now, this man has once again appeared in front of his own eyes.

She can feel that he is stronger than before.

Gentle then sneer: "When did the mutants start to sell for the human government?"

Wolverine glared at gentleness: "That doesn't require you to ask!"

"Not so rude to women." Shen Yan very seriously reminded this grumpy guy.

Then he smiled at the storm girl: "How do you relax and talk a few words? Anyway, they are old friends, and there is no need to be arrogant when you meet."

He knows that in this three-year-old ancestor, the storm girl is the head.

"It was a former enemy." Barbie corrected the insult.

"Okay, okay, no matter what you think, I have never treated you as an enemy anyway. We come here to have our own reasons, not for anyone. The question is you, why are you here? Just because of us Grab the bank of the human government?" Shen Yu said that he took a step back and the spirit gun had disappeared.

This action has made everyone relax a lot.

The storm girl waited for each other to see each other.

Finally, the storm girl said: "We thought it was a bank of mutants*."

"It turned out to be like this..." Shen Yan felt his chin and meditated. He did not ask the storm women how they found themselves. For the mutants, this kind of thing is not too difficult. There are always people who have all sorts of weird abilities.

After a moment of contemplation, Shen Yu said: "So, all this is related to the peace agreement?"

"Yes. The armistice agreement stipulates that the US government and the mutants reach full cooperation and all discriminatory laws are abolished. On the other hand, the mutant organization is obliged to maintain order and uphold human law. When the mutant violates the law, the mutant organization It is obliged to assist the human government to pursue it. After the bank robbery in the past few days, there are signs that it is a mutant, and a strong mutant. We have been notified ~www.mtlnovel. Com~ So I found it... I didn’t expect to rob the bank, it’s not a mutant but you.”

Was it like this? Although Shen has long anticipated the consequences of the plunder, he still did not expect that even a small-scale shot would bring such trouble.

This made Shen Yu have to smile, then he came to the wine cabinet and gave himself a glass of red wine. After a light sip, he whispered: "So you know it now, this is not a variant." What are you going to do next?"

This question is very straightforward and is in the middle.

For the storm women, what they have to do is to ensure that the mutants do not endanger public safety. They are not responsible for others. In fact, the human government does not want them to manage too much.

The fact is that *banks are not variants, which means they can choose to leave.

Considering that Shen Yu and others are not good at dealing with it, this is the best practice in itself.

But on the other hand, if the human government insists that Shen Shen and others are mutants, the problem will be much more troublesome. The armistice agreement just signed is still in a fragile state, and it is likely to be destroyed by some special factors.

In this case, how to choose has become a problem for the storm girl and others.

The storm girl and the Wolverine looked at each other. In the face of the problem of indulging, they did not know how to answer it.

At this moment, everyone’s mind also sounded a vicissitude and wise voice: “I have seen that this is not a deliberate conspiracy. Young people, if you don’t mind, I hope to invite you to me. The school is sitting. Maybe we can talk about it."

Professor X?

The more mysterious eyes are invented: "Of course, Professor X. I am very honored to be invited by you!"

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