Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 30: Pandora

On the way back, the car drove very slowly.

Shen Qiang has not talked, seems to be thinking about something, the lord and others are also embarrassed to bother him.

For a while, he suddenly said: "The staff."

"I'm here."

"Tell me about how you unblocked the fallen equipment."

"Are you interested in this?"

Shen Yan took out the star necklace and threw it into the staff. The staff screamed: "You also have a fallen equipment... Ah, you didn't unblock it."

"There is no way to unblock the envelope." Shen Yan took the starlight necklace back.

The staff sighed: "In fact, it is very simple to unpack the fallen equipment."


"There are three methods." The staff replied: "When you enter the corresponding level zone of the equipment, for example, if you enter the four difficulty levels, you can take it to the store and spend money to unblock it. You can get it for half the price."

"But then there was no grade difference advantage."

"Yes, the second way is to kill a higher-spirited beast of the same difficulty, wash it out with its blood, but it can't be that kind of battle."

"That's better to enter the four difficulty." Shen Yan sighed: "It seems that the fallen equipment is a joke made by the city, deliberately taking good things out to tease us, let us be obsessed with it, crazy for it, Like the carrots caught in front of the scorpion, it tempts us to step forward step by step... so let's upgrade to the five difficulty."

He looked back at the staff and said, "So the third method is what you have used, and it takes a huge price?"

The staff nodded: "In fact, that is not the way. Because I did not unlock its seal, but I gave it a new life."

"What are you talking about? New life?" Shen Yu stopped the car.

The counselor’s face showed helpless smile: “Yes, but at first it was just an accident.”

Said, the staff from the body pulled out a plastic doll toy.

This toy is not a city reward equipment, but a real life toy with a very small body.

However, just in time for the staff to let go of it, the toy automatically lived up, took a few steps, and looked stunned.

"This is my phantom phantom army, which can make toy soldiers and weapons into real army operations. Of course, it continues to consume energy during the control period."

"Good ability." Shen Wei did not ask, he knew that the accident must be related to this ability.

The staff continued: "The illusion army is actually a life-giving ability. After I have this ability, I have studied it more than once to see how I can maximize its value. In my In the research, I found that the so-called kinetic energy is actually another form of our life, and it works in different ways to produce different results."

"You mean..."

"That's why the power consumption can be replaced by life." The staff answered very seriously: "The energy of the power is actually an alternative form of life energy. Because my power is to give life to the dead, so I am right. I feel the deepest in this respect. I can feel that every life that I have given to my life, their lives are mine. When they die, I will feel sad and hurt..."

"My summoned soldiers will die, and I will be sad."

"That's not the same!" The staff answered in a positive color: "What I am talking about is a kind of existence that transcends feelings. It is entirely out of pity for myself. When my toy soldiers are torn into pieces by the enemy's artillery, I feel like When I got torn myself..."

This answer makes Shen Shen live: "How is this possible? If so, why are other adventurers not found? Bloody cities will not only be your illusionary army?"

The staff smiled and he took a shot. The toy soldier had already flew up, and the action was as normal as a normal person. A fierce hand pointed at a small tree in the distance.

The gun was extremely loud, and a big hole was opened in the tree. The power was quite large, and it was shocking to see it.

How can the staff's abilities be so powerful? This is just the illusion of his toy soldier, if he puts the toy tank illusion?

“Is it strange?” The staff asked: “It’s not really weird, it’s a gift of talent.”

"You also have talent."

The staff nodded: "... Before I entered the **** city, I was a boy who could not walk. I couldn’t go out, I could only live in a fantasy world all day, create a life that doesn’t exist, talk to them. I felt their joys and sorrows. On the third day I entered the city, I opened my talent: the soul will. It made me feel unique about all the life I created, and I can feel more effectively. They, command them, and give them more power. So the toy soldiers and weapons under my power control will be especially strong."

Speaking of this staff, he looked up and said: "This is why I know that our abilities are another form of life. Because my toy soldiers get more than just my energy supply, My soul will. They are one with me, they give me this answer!"

Shen Hao nodded, he suddenly remembered his communication, remembered the white girl he saw. Is kinetic energy actually the embodiment of the will or the soul? They are like the tentacles of life. They can extend freely to the Quartet in this world. Although they cannot replace life, they can play a unique role.

"So what does this have to do with the unsealing of the equipment?"

"That was after I got the fallen gear. You know, anyone who has this kind of equipment can't help but try to open its seal. Then it's so hard to open the seal... there One day I had a whimsy. Since the fallen equipment needs four levels of blood of the beastly beast level to unblock the seal, does that mean that the seal of the fallen equipment is actually an input of life energy?"

Shen Yanran realized: "Hell, do you use the phantom army abilities for the fallen equipment?"

The staff member smiled and nodded: "Exactly, it is the joint use of talent and power, not only giving it life, but also giving it my soul and blood..."

He looked at Shen Yan: "This is a crazy attempt. I think I was really crazy at the time. I looked at myself too high. It was like a devil, madly sucking my strength. I was exhausted at the time. Life is exhausted, even the recovery of medicines is exhausted, and it is about to die. But at the last minute, it turned out to be really successful... It was unblocked, and I couldn’t stand up again because I lost it. It’s not just the life at the time, it’s my soul will.”

Said, the staff took a picture of the wheelchair underneath, the nurse picked him up, the wheelchair became a round bead and fluttered the staff palm: "This is its original form, after accepting my infusion, It has some of my will, and I can change my body freely. It can feel my pain, it becomes a wheelchair, take me, just like myself."

"The spirit!" Shen Yu suddenly understand.

It turned out that this fallen equipment, under the influence of the staff, was not only unlocked, but also turned into a clever equipment.

This is simply incredible.

A spirit with the will of the user, he does not know what it means, but it is certain that this is absolutely very special existence.

The staff smiled blankly: "Yes, the spirit, that is, my soul, my will manifests! It can automatically change shape, can feel the pain and joy of the master... It is everything to me."

I understand all this, and I don’t say anything.

In any case, I finally knew the method of unblocking the fallen equipment. As for the experience of the staff, he could only express deep sympathy.

Suddenly, his mind flashed and opened his handheld: "Zeus, tell me if you have a way to let a person walk without legs?"

“That’s the easiest thing to do. Even the technology of the standard era can do it.”

"I am not talking about the technology of the standard era, but the future era. The truly intelligent legs can feel the user's mind and act with his heart. If you can, it is best to add something else, such as Powerful bouncer or something."

"Oh, that's a bit more difficult. You need to put a thinking traction chip in your body. It's a high-tech thing."

"How much is the rating?"

"At least C grade."

"How expensive is it, its price and the benefits it can produce are too inconsistent."

"Not everything can be measured by economic interests. A set of sounds can also be exchanged for ten rockets, my master." Zeus answered humorously.

"..." Shen Yan shrugged and turned back to look at the staff: "I can't make your legs recover, but I think I can help you stand up again and even become stronger."

The whole staff was so excited that he grabbed the sinking hand: "You... you mean... can you make a mechanical prosthesis for me?"

"In any case, it is definitely better than buying it on the street." Shen Xiao laughed.

A group of M7 members looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the staff with their staff, and they became more and more like children. The little nurse just kissed him with a deep indulge: "We will pay you bloody, not white to take advantage of you."

Sinking and touching the wet marks on his face, he smiled and said: "If you can sell me some identification scrolls, you can pay for a penny."

"That's fine! We have two home worlds, one has already identified the scroll, and one can get it next month!" The gardener yelled.

"More than mine." Shen Yu muttered.

What makes Shen Yan feel depressed most is that he is perfect for each task, but there is only one home world. From the perspective of the identification scroll, it seems that it can no longer be picky in the future, and there must be more home worlds in preparation for the future production of the super factory.

At this moment, the lord moved and looked at Shen Shen: "I... I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything, oh, the chip will not wait until next month. If the identification scroll is enough, I think it can have better legs."

"No problem, how long we can wait!" A group of half-size sons called together.

All the way cheerful, black lightning returned to the previous hillside.

In addition to Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier on the hillside, there was actually one more person.

Wearing a magic robe with a black mask on his face and a black and white double-edged sword.

It is Pandora.

How did he suddenly appear here?

In the distance, Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier have seen Shen Qi, they are coming back. Lan Meier shouted: "Sinking! There is a **** looking for us!"

The black lightning rushed to the ground.

Shen Yu jumped from the car and saw Pandora's white sword in his hand.

Corresponding to it is a little blood stain on Zhang Jianjun's shoulder.

It seems that the two sides have handed over, and Zhang Jianjun did not take advantage of the two-on-one.

Sinking and screaming The left hand grabbed Pandora's face.

Pandora rushed back: "Sink, I am not fighting, I have something to tell you, these two people want to drive me away, I am not malicious..."

Sinking out of the wind, stepping into the body, the right hand five claws pointed to Pandora's face: "I know that you are very strong, but if you hit my friend, you have to be called back first. If you have finished playing, say !"

Pandora was shocked and angry, and the left-handed black sword slammed, trying to block the indulgence of the fierce attack. I didn’t expect Shen Yu’s right hand to change to the next knock, even knocking on his black sword with great precision, knocking out a clear voice. Shen Shen’s backhand has kicked on Pandora’s wrist.

This kick was anxious and heavy, Pandora black swords swayed, the center of the empty door was exposed, a sinking and fierce spine flew up, one foot on his lower abdomen, he took a few steps back, sinking this Close your feet.

A group of half-size sons behind him called: "Play beautiful!"

Shen Yu has stopped the attack and said coldly: "Now it is even."

Pandora’s squatting on the lower abdomen was a few times, and then he said, “Bastard!”

He especially ran over to find Shen Yan. He didn't expect to be indulged in the first time. Although he was not heavy, he first ate a Mawei. The original prepared words were disrupted by this fist, so that he did not know how to do it. Opening.

On the contrary, it is sinking, saying in a calm and gentle tone: "If you come to me on behalf of the big sister, then we can really talk."

Pandora was shocked and looked at Shen Yan: "You know..."

"Not a lot." Shen Yu answered.

Pandora finally breathed a sigh of relief: "I want to talk to you alone."

"That depends on whether you have a topic that interests me."

“Is there any interest in a lot of blood points and equipment?”

There was a smile on his face: "Of course, very interested."

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