Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 32: Double C-class nest

"Delegation cooperation system?" Pandora stared at the big eyes. Perhaps because of the veil, her eyes look extraordinarily large and bright.

"Yes." Shen Hao nodded seriously. He began to wrench and said: "First, you can't enter my team. I don't need an observer to supervise me."

"But my participation is helpful to your strength!"

"From your last performance... there is no equal." Shen Yan shrugged, Pandora gassed.

Sinking erected a second finger: "Second, I have the right to freely choose whether to accept or not, and have the freedom to decide how to enforce it. That is, you give me a living, I love to accept Then, how do you do what you love, you have no right to point your finger and understand?"

Pandora took a breath: "Understood, you continue..."

She used a special word for her, representing her anger, and he sneaked a haha ​​and continued: "Third, I don't have to find me to collect such information. I don't have much energy to collect and sell. Other people's intelligence. It is not worthwhile to sell people for a small advantage. You can't make a better price. I can probably consider picking up things like killing people, because those guys are really annoying, I don't want to have one day. They are pestering me and I want it. But my price will not be cheap, because it affects my choice of the mission world."

"Then I will still find someone else to do it."

Sinking shrugs indifferently: "The best, then the last one: go to the wilderness to hunt the designated beast and give you the harvest. The conditions are as follows: First, give me all the relevant information. Second According to the value of the reward, the reward is determined, and the sale is fair. Your big brother has the right of first refusal at the same price, which is the only power they have."

Pandora took a few breaths and finally said: "This means that you are not the agent of the big brothers, and the big men do not need to take any extra care for you. This is a simple entrusted action."

"Yes!" Shen Hao nodded with certainty: "I don't need your big sister to give me any special funding before I act, but after I do what they want me to do, they have to do what they want. Make a good enough price. Although this may make them pay more than the average agent, but also make them avoid unnecessary losses, isn't it?"

Pandora thought about it and finally nodded: "It's fair, but you have to make sure you don't tell us the deal."

"Of course, this is the most basic professional ethics."

“Occupation?” Pandora sneered: “Is your career a mercenary?”

"No, my profession is a big blackmail." Shen Yan laughed.


Pandora is gone.

Things have been negotiated, she must go back to life, only after the big guys nod, this matter can be finalized.

However, before she left, she went to give a topographic map and related information about the ant hills. Although it is not very detailed, but together with the information of the purple sand, it is basically possible to draw a complete picture of the ant hills.

The reason why Pandora is so generous is because Shen Yan told her that he is going to fight the team assembly order. If Pandora still hopes that this cooperation will be successful, then it is best to help him first.

For this shameless statement, Pandora was very helpless, but finally agreed.

She is very clear that the things that the big brothers planned are not easy to complete. If there is anyone in the East Second District who is most likely to complete this, then in addition to the blast team, it is the sinking blade. In this case, it is still necessary to take the initiative. The difference is that the cost of showing up is obviously higher than that of others.

Seeing Pandora leave, Shen Yan whistled and waved toward the distance.

The lord and others ran over, and the little nurse held the indulging arm and asked: "Sinking brother, what is the woman looking for you?"

"Do you know she is a woman?"

The little nurse proudly wrinkled her nose: "She thought she wore a phantom gauze. Her grandmother couldn't see her origins. Oh, but the phantom yarn can change its appearance, but it can't change her body."

Sinking and pinching her little face: "Count you."

The little nurse proudly smiled: "So what do you say she is looking for you?"

Shen Yu changed her nose: "I know I can't say it and ask."

"Know it." The nurse licked his tongue and suddenly shouted: "The gardener is back!"

The next person on the hillside jumped and swayed, and soon came to Shen Yu, the gardener.

"Deep brother, find their place."

“Is it discovered by them?”

"No." The gardener replied with certainty: "You can rest assured that you are relieved. The people of the blast team have some skills. I know best. I have been following them far away, and Ban Dongming is very slippery. Deliberately circumvented several times, and sent people to stay, but he did not expect that I had a black bracelet, and I was completely hiding."

"Good job, where are they going?"

"A valley 30 kilometers away is on the south side of the ant hills. The entrance is hidden. It is really not easy to find out if you don't pay attention."

"Do you know what they do?"

“When they got there, they started to sprinkle a white powder on the ground. The powder was sprinkled along the entire valley, basically filling the entire valley. Others planted seeds on the ground.”


"Yes." The gardener grinned. "I don't know what it is, but I know the seeds."

Shen Yan also laughed: "It’s really a party to send you, what is the seed."

"Bounding vines, an immovable aggressor." There are several black trees in the gardener's hands. It is the tree that he sprinkled when dealing with the violent beast: "The two stages of planting and spawning The shorter the planting time, the lower the life and attack damage, and the lower the survival time."

"Talk about how to use it."

"If the planting time of the magic vine is less than one minute, the life of the magic vine obtained after birth is only one hundred points, and the attack power is 12 points. The survival time is only one minute. If the planting time is more than one day, it is the vitality of four hundred. The attack power is 22, and the attack has a fixed effect. The target is fixed for 1-5 seconds and cannot move, but the priority is only 25."

“Is there longer planting time?”

"The magic vines that have been planted for ten days have a life span of 800. After 30 days of planting, the vines no longer need to be born, and grow automatically. The vitality is 1,200, the attack power is 40, and the target is fixed on the ground. - 5 seconds can not move, priority 65. In addition, it can emit a poison gas, the distance is three meters. Within this range, the user's life recovery speed increases, the enemy target is weakened, and the life recovery speed is also reduced."

"Thirty days? One thousand two hundred points of life? This magic vine is so powerful?" Shen Yan was also taken aback.

"Well." The gardener nodded with certainty: "This is the magic seed that is unique to the wilderness. It can't be bought in the store. Once it is planted in large quantities, it can form a magical vine jungle. If the user fights in this jungle, the strength is multiplied. The seeds of this magic vine I have left to them some, but only a few dozen. This time they used at least a thousand seeds, and they don’t know how much."

"Of course someone is supporting them." Shen Yan means deep and profound.

All the clues are gathered together at this moment, and he is completely clear about what is being contested between Ban Dongming and Xie Rongjun.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly: "To compete for dog qualification..."

"Deep brother, do we want to..." The gardener made a gesture of scribbling and rooting, and looked eager to express his expression. Obviously, he wanted to secretly attack the blast team.

Shen Yan immediately shook his head: "No, they use so many bound magic vines to surround the valley, it must be planted for a month to play a role. Since the target position is already clear, they should not be eager to learn from them. We still do it first. Good about our own affairs, wait for them to deal with them next time."

"what about now?"

"Of course, I first got the team assembly order." Shen Yan shook the ant hills in his hand and laughed.


After integrating the data of Pandora and Zisha, Shen Yu has basically understood the situation of the black ant nest.

A double C-class standard nest consists mainly of queens, guard ants, and a large number of soldiers and workers. The queen is the master of the entire nest, and the team assembly order is obtained by killing the queen. However, this information is not from the record of purple sand, but is known to most adventurers.

The queen is not aggressive. The real trouble of killing the queen is the large number of guards around the queen.

"According to the data records, in order to kill a double C-class ant nest, the first thing to face is the 4,000 or so worker ants. These workers have five hundred vitality, no attack ability, but a large number. When encountering an attack, they will Send a distress signal."

Shen Yu introduced the strength of the double C-class nest.

"Responsible for rescue is generally soldier ants, vitality of 800 points, attack damage 20, defense 10, can fly at low altitude, moving faster. With sharp attack skills, 2 times damage to the target after launch, in addition to spit Sting, but each soldier can only spit out a stinger within a day. A double C-class ant is about a thousand or so soldiers, and one of them will give birth to an ant. : One thousand five vitality, 30 damage, and 30 defense."

Speaking of this, he looked at everyone.

When you heard a combination of 5,000 workers and ants, everyone changed their face.

Zhang Jianjun, they have not forgotten, just more than 90 violent beasts, they forced the adventurers how to wander. Nowadays, the number of soldiers alone is ten times that of violent beasts, not to mention the individual combat strength is stronger than the violent beast.

In the ant hills, a large number of soldiers and ants constitute the most powerful guardian force of the ant nest. They not only have strong individual combat power, but also have the ability to fly, move in groups, and attack the target group. These soldiers also have a hard metal-like outer shell, belonging to the hard armor, which has great damage reduction effect on ordinary gunpowder and rocket.

This is also a drawback of ordinary explosives. The lethality has its limits, and the effects on armor-type, high-defense and other arms will be greatly reduced. Its attack damage is not a simple mode of combat reduction, but the higher the target defense, the stronger the resistance to ordinary explosive damage.

As for the combat power of the worker ants, although it is very low, the super large number of ant seas is enough to drown the adventurers.

However, for Shen Yu, who wants to attack the double C-class ant nest, this is far from over. Shen Yu continued:

"Single is the two hurdles. For most people, it is already an insurmountable scorpio, but it is still three hurdles away from killing the ants. The third ridge is the guard ant. Every ant will have Five guard ants, one of whom is the captain. The guard ants are the most loyal guardians in the ant cave. They will not leave the queens no matter what happens. They are fast, fierce and powerful, and their attack power is very strong. Fierce doubled. Among them, the guardian ant has three thousand lives, the attack damages 50 points, the guard ant captain lives for 4,000, and the attack damages 70. In addition to the lack of some high-killing offensive skills, they are almost no worse than the slum BOSS. And such a BOSS has a full five, this is the third hurdle."

Everyone looks at each other and doesn't say a word.

At this time they did not sigh.

When the difficulty is so great, it doesn't make sense to increase it. It’s like the speed of 70 yards is killing people, and one hundred and seventy yards is also killing...

Shen Yu continues:

"The fourth hurdle is active torment and call rescue. Black ants are not a beast with no IQ, they are much smarter than real ants. When an ant's casualty breaks more than one-fifth, They will choose the defensive defensive strategy, no matter how you tease it, they will not take the initiative. So the effect of taking a booby strategy on them is very limited. If you take strong measures against them, when their casualties exceed In one-third, they may ask for help from nearby ants at any time, and the nearby ant nest will send out military support. This is the most variable of all the problems, you don’t know when the ant nest you attack will Asking for help, I don’t know if support will come, or even know how strong the support is. It may be a small army of 100 soldiers, or it may be the nesting of ten large nests..."

Everyone simply does not speak, some people have fallen up on their heads, only to listen to the Bible.

"The fifth hurdle is the queen itself. I am honored to tell you that the vitality of an queen is eight thousand."

"I am not surprised at all." Zhang Jianjun muttered.

"But the queen has no attacking power, but only some special skills. 1 Spawning. It can make up for the consumption of the battle by mass spawning and incubating them into soldiers. 2 Spiritual influence. Mentally affecting the target life, weakening Its fighting spirit. 3 summons the guard. Regardless of where the guard ant is, it can quickly transfer his **** to protect himself, while also transmitting at least one hundred soldiers and one ant. 4 resurrection escort. Can be one The dying ants are resurrected."

“Why not a hundred times of resurrection?” Zhang Jianjun said with a big beard: “It can be more abnormal!”

"You don't have to be so I am comforting him."

"This makes people unable to be excited. The difficulty of challenging a double C-level ant is equivalent to the sum of ten ordinary district tasks BOSS! No, more than that! I now know what is fooled, I swear I will never again Don't come to this ghost place! Metamorphosis! Outrageous! Crazy! This is simply the themefrommissionimpossible!"

Shen Xiao smiled: "Do you think this is an impossible task?"

"Of course, no one can accomplish this task."

"How did the information come from?" Shen Qiang shook the paper in his hand.

"...maybe hundreds of people work together, just like the life corridor."

"In the wilderness, joint operations are rare, and fratricidalism is the norm. I am sure that this information in my hands is not a lot of adventurers, because those who have such information eventually become **** cities. The strong ones. If they can't even get through the ant's nest, don't mention it harder later."

"Then you mean that you have a solution?"

"of course."

"How to solve?" Zhang Jianjun asked.

"It's very simple." Shen Yan shot the moon, and then took out a box of C-class armor-piercing projectiles in front of everyone.

"C-level armor-piercing projectile, damage power 55 points, shooting moon, gun movement 15 points, bullet total damage 70 points. Skill month mark, increase the specified target 0.5 times damage within one minute, the total damage is 105 points."

"Determine an ant nest to be attacked, rush in, find the queen, then shoot at it, shoot continuously at three speeds per second, after 30 seconds..."

Sinking spread his hands: "Get it!"

The group is stupid.

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