Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 46: Revenge (on)

The wind blew through and sent away a **** breath.

There are dozens of corpses lying on the cliff, most of them from summoning soldiers, all over the place.

There are three other ones covered in white cloth, and the precious ones are placed on a clean floor.

That is the silver wolf, Zhou Bin and the corpse of the cockroach.

There were ten people standing on the side, one wearing a **** robes, a complex face, a hooked nose, a deep-looking binocular, and a slender figure that looked about thirty-six.

Behind him, there are still six people standing, and then, that is the giant man, the sly and the three.

After reading the body on the ground for a while, the first man said, "How does the fourth child die?"

The voice of his voice was slightly hoarse, but he was faint with the power of wind and thunder.

I don’t want to talk about it. I’m a little nervous to see the giant man. The giant man grabbed the scalp and replied: “Being a... young man... shot with armor-piercing projectile.”

"Tell me the specific process!" The first man suddenly sipped.

The giant Han was shocked and looked back and said: " are with the boss...say, my mouth is stupid... I won't say it."

Taking a look at him, this took a breath and said something about the battle between the sinking and the silver wolf.

At the end, I was careful and said: "We really did our best, boss."

She glanced at the boss and saw that the hatred of the other party’s eyes almost swallowed herself, scaring her to keep her head low and not to speak too much.

There was a woman in a colorful dress standing behind the boss. The figure was also petite and delicate. At this moment, she turned back and her face was full of tears: "What about my husband? How did he die?"

I was afraid that this woman would be more afraid of her boss, and quickly replied loudly: "This can't blame us. The **** wants to run, he will chase him, but he didn't expect the guy to leave a hand, continue to him. Released the skill. He was unable to dodge in the air, and he was shot in the air. He fell under the cliff... He was too low in life, so..."

The woman in the colorful dress trembled, and the more fierce and fierce, the screaming of "Ah!", the voice was sharp and sharp, and the listener was chilling.

Then she rushed to the side of her hand and turned her hands together. She suddenly pointed out two guns and pointed them at the head of the screaming head. "What do you guys eat? Just watch him fall to death? Are you not the blood of the red feather eagle?" You can catch him completely!"

Desperately yelling: "I was busy attacking the bastard, a step later."

"Is it important for you to kill that **** than to save my man?"

"It's not like this. Autumn, you know that there is a bad wind, so we all thought that he wouldn't have anything. I didn't expect... there is a saying how to say, the good swimmers are in the water." Juhan quickly explained, it is rare for him. A rough face, even swearing.

"Go to your / mother's good traveler! A bunch of useless waste!" The color clothing female autumn fierce spins, kicked in the chest of the giant.

This mountain-like giant was kicked by her casual foot and the whole person flew up, and fell heavily on the ground, pulling out a big pit.

Still the screaming adventurer bowed his head.

She is too aware of the feelings between Yan and Autumn, knowing that it is useless to say anything at this moment.

Looking at the glance, the woman in the colored dress turned back to the corpse of the cockroach, plopped down, and the tears filled her face: "I have already told you, don't give me the points, give me more strength. You just don't listen, there is nothing to give to me. You said that you are stupid and stupid. If you can be stronger, isn't it so easy to die? You are dead, what should I do if I am left alone? !"

She screamed at her body and cried.

While crying, I choked and said, "I know that I am not good... I look at this good thing and want to buy it... I want to see that good thing... Why do you satisfy me? You can’t be selfish. ... The last time I helped you to look at the free-throwing props... You just don’t buy it, you have to give me a pair of magic guns... How do you **** this idiot?”

She was holding her awkward body and screaming and crying.

Everyone else was silent and silent. For a while, the man who led the head said: "When people are walking in the rivers and lakes, there is no sickle. Since you have come to this world, you are not killing me, but I am killing you. Nothing is so rare, you still want to open some in the autumn. But..."

He looked back and looked at the hustle and bustle. The giant man was still awkward. Suddenly, his voice sank and he shouted: "Half an hour! Let us wait for us for half an hour! How can you be so unsettled? Say! Who is it?" The order allows you to do it in advance? Why not wait for us to come?"

Three people, look at me, I look at you, and finally the giant Han bowed and said: "It is the fourth brother. He said that there is no need to wait for you, we can get six, I want to give you before you come... A surprise."

"Bastard!" Boss screamed, and if the sound of the big waves, it shocked everyone to tremble: "The greed, self-righteous, arrogant, arrogant! He thought he is now an adventurer in the apartment area, you can not Put the following people in the eyes? Put the **** fart! He may not even play the Xie Rongjun now, so proud of it!"

He looked at everyone and said one word at a time: "I have told you again and again. At the beginning of the three districts, the individual force, Xie Rongjun first! On the comprehensive strength, the blast team is the strongest. But they two teams Really want to fight with us, the lose must be them! Why? Because we are the most powerful team! We are the most united, the team that is best at playing the team strength! So we will always hold the group, forever Don't separate! Never act alone! Never advocate individual heroism!"

The more he said later, the louder his voice.

"But what about you? All of them put my words on the fart! I have only performed a mission in the apartment area. I don't know how tall the earth is, so I think I am very good. The fourth child made a mistake, you will not remind him?"

The more he said, the more angry he rushed out, facing the giant man, and there was still a slap in the face. The action was quick and fast, and the three men fell at the same time.

When I came out to fight the geese, I was blinded by the geese. I lost not only my life, but also my face.

When the three palms went out and vented some of the fire of the heart, he asked: "Kill the fourth, are they all the same person?"


"what is it call?"

"I don't know, but I know what enhancements he has..." Then I said that I saw all the power of sinking.

The boss gradually picked up his eyes: "Technology strengthens the line... armor-piercing... five D-level guns... liquid metal terminator... reaper... oh... strengthens summoning soldiers... many advanced weapons... instant Come and go... How could he have so many enhancements?"

No one answered him.

For a while, the boss suddenly said: "Jiang Wutong, you said this dead guy is called a priest?"

It’s hard to be such a big guy for the giant, and there is a good name. He screams at this moment: "He is the M7 team, their leader is the lord, it should be the guy who is licking the hands, playing with plants. It should be a gardener. The injured person should be an engineer. The woman is a nurse. The staff who can't stand up is the staff. I don't know where his wheelchair is."

The boss frowned. "I have heard of the M7 team. Are they not never accepting adventurers over the age of 18? How old is that who killed the old?"

“It seems to be in his twenties, and the specific age is not clear.” He replied.

The boss nodded. "That's right. He is not a M7. They are in the wilderness... I understand that these equipments are not his own. This person should be a member of a team, he puts all The team's equipment was brought in. The reason why he came to the wilderness alone was obviously because of the random transmission here, so he didn't want his team members to take risks. So this person must have great status and prestige in the team... he is team leader."

He squatted for a few laps, and he continued: "The liquid metal terminator and the reaper are the rewards of the Terminator world. If you can get it, it must be a perfect performance... The best way to get the armor is to perform perfectly... ...螳螂? Which world is that? There is no reinforcement on the watch, it should be a special reward... There are also a large number of summoned soldiers... This **** has at least three perfect performances. And he brings his teammates’ equipment into the wilderness alone. This shows that he is likely to be the first time to come to the team to familiarize himself with the situation, which means that he may have just entered the ordinary district. Can have so many perfect harvests, is he... all the way to perfection?"

He widened his eyes and looked at everyone.

Everyone also looked at him with stunned eyes.

Behind the boss, a hooded black robe, the man covered in the ghost of the whole body coughed a little, whispered: "It is no wonder that the silver wolf will die. This kind of person, even if the strength is not as good as us, but in the battle But it always shows a powerful force... All the way to perfection, not only the strength, but also the courage to challenge the limit. Such people can not be silent in the ordinary area, maybe Xie Rongjun Ban Dongming they know?"

He is called the corpse wolf Li Wei, the fifth in the Nether Wolf.

The boss quickly nodded: "The old five is right. Joe Fei, use a thousand miles to hear the old class and Xiao Xie who are in the wilderness, ask them if they know this person."

"Hope is Xie Rongjun. I don't like to deal with the old fox of Ban Dongming. The old things are too hypocritical. I can't eat him." A man with a muscular body feels like a bodybuilder has some reluctance to take out a thousand miles. Sound props.

The wolf is flying, the third in the wolf of the Nether.

The color-dressed woman Huo Ran stood up and glared at Joe Fei: "Then tell him, I am **** 10,000 points, buy the name of the bastard, identity, all the information!"

This price shocked Joe Fei, this woman is crazy.

Or the boss's first hand on the shoulders of the color coat: "Don't be impulsive, autumn, there is no need to pay such a big price."

The color-dressed woman looked back at the boss and shouted: "He killed my man! No matter how much it costs, I must kill him! Certainly!"

This vow of hatred echoed over the valley.


Sorrow does not always exist unilaterally.

Just before this, on the other side of the cliff, on an open space about seven or eight miles away.

The lords, nurses, gardeners, and staff of the staff are facing the West and look solemn.

They are worshiping.

For the dead priest.

Although it is too small and too small to know that the priest can survive, when the cold reminder of the **** coat of arms came, it was difficult for everyone to accept this blow.

Behind them, Zhang Jianjun and Lan Meier and 14 airborne soldiers stood side by side.

Lan Meier whispered softly: "I don't know how he is."

Frost calmly replied: "If the sergeant dies, we will no longer exist."

Lan Meier looked back at Frost.

For a while, she squeezed a bitter smile: "Time... it should be almost the same."

Zhang Jianjun looked down at the **** coat of arms: "I will be there soon."

Suddenly a painful snoring in the car.

The lord and others quickly returned to the car: "Engineering! Hold on!"

The engineer lying in the car yelled: "I am going to die, boss, I can't hold it!"

"Nonsense! Don't give up!" The lord yelled, and a healing skill has been released.

Zhang Jianjun suddenly called a blind man: "Time is coming!"

At the same time, everyone looked at the screen on the car computer, and the people on the screen flashed, and the sinking appeared.

It was just that he was covered with injuries. The whole person was like a living body. The whole chest was suddenly opened, and the five internal organs were poorly seen.

If you look at the injury alone, he is much more injured than the engineer.

"Sink your brother, you are fine." The lord shouted.

"It's very bad, but they are not good at it, but I have slaughtered two." Shen Yu answered hard, and at the same time, he took out a bottle of syrup to fill himself, and then used his birth muscles for himself. I didn't feel pain when I was desperate. The tight spirit was a little relaxed. Immediately all the pains broke out together, and he was so angry that he screamed.

When I heard that Shen Shen had killed two people, everyone was shocked and couldn’t figure out how he did it.

"Is the silver wolf dead?"

"Well, thanks to the priest's help... I am sorry that I have not been able to save him."

"I believe that you tried your best... You listened to me, the engineers couldn't hold it anymore. The big cow and the dead ghost dwarf were terrible, his heart was broken, and he couldn't cure it. Kafka's The treatment bombs barely made them not fragmented, but they couldn't make it completely heal. We have been continuing to restore his vitality, but it is impossible for him to complete the functional recovery. Again, our mental strength and drugs All the light can't save him! Kafka said that only your divine medical treatment can save him!"

"Mom!" Sinking kicked on the stone wall.

He finally completed a short treatment of his own injuries. The poor soldiers had just returned to the place, but they again smelled the intruder, and one only re-examined from the soil.

A soldier ant has not shaken the dirt on his wings. The sinking has been kicked and kicked on its molars, and it is thrown back into the soil: "I can't go back now!" He looked at the telescopic beads. On the time, my heart was cold: "All the cooling time has been reset. I have to go back in 80 minutes. Can you stick to me when I come back?"

"We can't support it for so long, his life is going too fast!" The lord almost cried out.

"Ah!" Shen Wei, the soldier ant, not far away is a few soldiers ants are crawling over. Shen Yu has turned a blind eye. Since he entered the city, he has his comrades who have been recognized by his head to die. The mood can be imagined. Seeing that the engineers will die again, all the anger is sent to the soldiers on the feet. He is now covered in blood, and the mud is all over the body. It looks like an image, and the movement becomes wild and wild. Everyone is stunned. Is this the sinking thing they know?

Seeing that Shen Shen actually hardly gave birth to this unlucky soldier ant, his brain was shattered and alive, and then he shot the moon. More than ten hair piercings were shot out, and all the soldiers who were approaching were shot at once. He has no intention of saving bullets at this time.

Then he shouted at the talker: "Tell me, how long can you keep him?"

"At most half of the time, all the drugs are exhausted and the mental energy is exhausted."

"I will meet you in forty minutes." It was just a few seconds of madness, and Shen Shen had quickly recovered to awake, and had already come up with a solution.

"How do you do it?" cried the lord.

Shen Yu replied: "Simple, I immediately rushed over and killed the queen. An ant will collapse without an ant, and the black ants will run away. You are now driving to the ant hills and looking at the screen. On my progress. When I kill the queen, I drove into the hole. If everything goes well, it doesn't take 30 minutes to solve it!"

"You want to kill the queen now?" The lord thought it was incredible.

Shen Yu has already said: "This is the only solution! I am already here now. There are thousands of ants trapping me outside. The only way out now is to move forward! Go forward! Go forward!"

"Or live...or die!"

With this loud noise, Shen Yan rushed toward the depths of the cave.

This time, he no longer wanders around, but rushes along the silver path line!

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