Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 50: Deadly

The bullets flew around the nest like a meteor, and a soldier ant was laid down on the way forward.

Throw away the magazine and replace it with the fourth box of armor-piercing projectiles. Shen Shen knows that he has not had much time.

He was in a big battle at this time. In fact, he was exhausted. He was injured in many places. Although hesitant medical surgery can restore the life window, he could not restore his energy consumption.

The continuous use of medical techniques and the skills of shooting moons has also consumed his spirit. Today, less than half of the spirit is left, and he must also leave at least 15 points to use divine medical skills.

Even the medicine is not much left.

However, these are not the worst.

The power consumption of the T1000 is entering an accelerated state – as the sinking deepens, the attack power begins to increase. Sinking for a moment, if the attack maintains the current intensity, then the T1000 will not last longer than 20 minutes. And for every doubling of attack power, power consumption is doubled. When the attack power is three times the current situation, the T1000 can last for only about forty seconds.

This means that he has not had much time to spend.

At this point he has entered the deepest bottom of the ant nest.

It is like a spacious hall with a height of more than ten meters. Not far from this cave is the hidden wall pointed out by the engineers.

The queen is there!

As the cave space increases, the number of soldiers and ants gathers is also increasing. The soldiers who fly in the sky have completely blocked the entire space, and almost no safe place to find.

With the ingress of indulgence, the soldiers and ants simultaneously angered the sharp, screaming, oscillating above the entire cave. A soldier ant began to spit into the sinking spit.

The thorns are like a scorpion, flying all over the sky, like a big nail board.

The left wrist is turned over, and the double D-level heavy shield is in the hand, and the sinking is under the shield. The shield is like a scorpion that sounds like a scorpion from time to time.

The **** coat of arms is more like a nasty old woman in the ear:

"The heavy shield is attacked by a puncture type, and the durability is reduced by 2 points..."

"The heavy shield is attacked by a puncture type, and the durability is reduced by 2 points..."

"The heavy shield is attacked by a puncture type, and the durability is reduced by 2 points..."

The spurs are like violent storms, and the durability of the shields has plummeted.

At this moment, the split whip suddenly flew out, and the whip was like a snake, and it automatically stretched to about seven meters. With a fierce slamming, it was a fierce whip.

Seven soldiers ants fell in the air at the same time.

The long whip shook, from straight to sweeping, and again swept a few soldiers from the air, making a short gap in the space.

Shen Yu will re-enter the shield, and people have rushed to the gap.

A large number of soldiers ants rushed, sinking and squatting, and even pointed at the head of a soldier ant, and leaped into the air.

People roll in the air, and the sinking has already shot at the most central point of space.

Here is the most dense place for soldiers, and with the sudden intrusion, up and down, around, in all directions, almost all the soldiers and ants are rushing toward sinking.

If you look at the slow motion, the entire screen is almost occupied by a large number of soldiers, but the small one in the middle belongs to sinking. They are fiercely slamming, and it takes only a short one second to tear the sinking into pieces.

However, Shen Yan laughed.

He suddenly took out one thing - resentful beads.

David Jones, who loves Poseidon, abandoned his duties after being deceived by Poseidon because of his extreme hatred. This bead contains the love and hate of David Jones and the grievances of those souls who cannot rest because of his abandonment. Be careful when using it, because it will turn the world into a terrible and confusing place.

Take out the resentment beads, sinking into the palm of your hand, it is like crushing a walnut to crush it.

Along with the rupture of the bead, a huge spiritual wave burst into the bead and rushed in all directions.

At this time, Shen Yu is located at the most central point of the cave. At this moment, the spiritual waves are scattered and expanded.

Hundreds of soldiers and ants in the caves and even soldiers outside the caves were affected, and loud and sharp.

The resentment from Sea Devil David Jones is so powerful that these soldiers can’t stand it for a time.

This sharp scorpion is emitted by hundreds of soldiers and ants at the same time. The sound is sharp and high. It is like a lot of fine needles stuck in the ear, which makes the eardrum hurt.

The screaming "ah" screamed and slammed his ear to the ground.

Even as a user is not affected by the resentful spirit attack, this moment he still feels the strong horror and resentment it radiates.

That is almost a crazy madness.

"Deep brother, are you okay?" The voice of the gardener’s concern came from the ear, and he apparently heard the cry of indulgence.

"I am fine! You guys!"

"We have already rushed into the ant heap!" The gardener replied with a cry.

I glanced at the screen of Zeus.

On the ant hills, black lightning is rushing into the black ocean, surrounded by fierce and terrifying black ants. Some soldiers from other nests even joined the battle, and the entire hills were quickly moved by the intrusion of adventurers.

In Shen Yu, there is no soldier ants attacking it under the huge spiritual impact of resentment beads.

All the soldiers and ants will be in the great chaos of the spirit at the same time.

They even began to kill each other and madly attack everything that exists around them.

The whole space suddenly fell into a **** and frenzied atmosphere, and the soldiers and ants were bathed in a storm-like killing...

A scene of full magical dance.

At first glance, this violent turbulence almost tears all the life into pieces in an instant, and even Shen Shen looks a little bit.

He didn't know how long this would last, but he knew it had become his best offensive opportunity.

Both the companions on the hills and the self in the caves need to seize this rare opportunity at once.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the deepest part of the cave. Three or four soldiers ants attacked him fiercely, but this was only an attack instinct under the violent reaction, and there was no confirmed goal.

Sinking only slightly flashed, grabbed a soldier ant and sent it to another soldier's mouth. The soldier's giant teeth opened and closed, and he bit the half body in the hands of the sinking.

Shooting the moon with the other's head and even a few shots, after flying the soldiers who stopped the road, Shen Yan rushed through the hole that looked like a wall, and flew to a new hole.

A large white ant is curling up in the center of the cave, a long tube behind the butt, still holding eggs.

"It's really a black-and-white version of the bleached version." Shen Hao whispered.

Beside the queen, there are still five golden ants with black stripes, which is the close-family guard of the queen.

Shen Yu did not hesitate, and took out the shooting month to target the queen, and the monthly mark skill was launched.

A shiny crescent mark appears on the queen's body.

The queen was probably feeling the threat, raising his long body and making a sharp shout.

At the same time, the five guard ants also launched a dive against Shen Shen.

Sinking did not dodge, just shot at the ant.

The armor-piercing projectiles poured out against the queen.

"Hey!" The queen later made a painful call and writhed his body desperately. It's just that it's too fat, and the goal is so obvious that it can easily hit the other side without using the standard.

The armor-piercing projectiles open a **** hole in the queen's body, and the other party's blood flow.

The damage of 315 points per second makes the life of the queen quickly fall.

A guard ant tipped the cockroach and the sharp sharp claws made a long ripple in the air. The sinking side flashed, and the claw fell on the rock behind him, and the stone wall was shredded like a golden crack. The sinking shoulders swayed slightly, and a side step slammed into the guard ant's arms and pushed it back to fly backwards. The guard ant screamed and spit out a spur in the mouth, straight through the chest, this thorn ignoring the T1000's armor defense, wearing the entire body on the stone wall, and then rushed again, the caries have fierce shears To the sinking.

Just when the pair of sharp molars had to cut the sinking into two breaks, Shen Shen suddenly hit a hand on the guard ant head. The blinding effect of the feather dragon snake work once again worked, and the guard ant issued an angry call, sinking hard to smash the wall behind him, and actually broke himself out of the spurs, and rolled on the It was the flying spurs from the two guard ants that swept past his scalp.

Shen Yu has already been a bullet into the body of the queen.

The queen screamed and squirmed his body, which screamed the nerves of the guarding ants. The guard ant captain slammed his head and slammed it over, and a long-legged slap on the body. The blow was so fast and fast that he only felt like he was being pulled by a steel whip, and the whole person almost split into two halves.

Others were pumped back into the air, but the bullets were still shot to the queen.

For Shen Yu, after breaking through the obstacles of the road ahead, the final kill is much simpler.

Hold up and shoot.

Or kill the queen before the opponent kills himself, or kill it by the opponent before killing the queen!

The bullets are flying in the air, and the silver armor is fully wrapped. People are like snakes swimming.

The life of the queen is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Perhaps it was the threat of his life, and the queen suddenly screamed and suddenly swirled a misty vortex around it.

As the vortex rises, a whole team of soldiers suddenly appear in the cave.

This is the group call of the queen's best hand.

When they encounter an attack, and the guard ants have no time to quickly kill the opponent, they summon a whole team of soldiers to return to protect themselves. This is also the reason why there is no need for guardians around the queen.

For it, no matter how far the soldiers are, it is close to being close.

However, this team of soldiers has just appeared, Shen Shen has raised his hand to play something.

Crystal cage.

It is the prop that comes from the body.

Crystal Cage: Creates a hard-to-destroy crystal cage that smashes all life in the range. This item cannot be used by adventurers. The number of uses is 1/1.

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