Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 52: Ultimate summoning beast

With this scream, an illusory figure looms in the nest space.

In the blink of an eye, it is a blue entity.

The timing of his appearance is so coincidental, it is precisely the moment when the guardian ants attack and sink, and the sky is flying. As he emerged, these attacks instantly turned into him.

He obviously didn't have any mental preparation before, but he was attacked when he was indulged, and he was shocked by Lan Yan. Seeing that five guard ants were throwing at the same time, Lan Yan was completely instinctively extending his right hand, and the five fingers flicked, and actually shot five ray of light, which was playing on the five guard ants.

The five fierce and fierce guard ants were repeatedly pointed by Lan Yan, and they even pushed away like a toy. Then Lan Yan flashed like a shot, illusion of the sky palm, even the hundreds of shots of the flying thorns were all removed.

Gently pinched, hundreds of flying spurs were simultaneously turned into fly ash in his hands.

This series of actions, simple and casual, seems to be handy, but nothing is just right.

In the eyes of the indulgent shot / fine light - this is the strength of the five difficult generals?

I didn’t expect to see the shot of the general-level adventurer, which was far beyond his expectations...

A wave of hands shook back the soldiers, and Lan Yan looked back at Shen Yan: "What are you doing? How can I find me in this place at this time?"

As soon as he spoke, he knew that he had asked a nonsense.

Obviously, this is the reason why I am here at the moment!

Although he did not know that he had come to the ant's lair beforehand, he quickly knew where he was at the moment, and more quickly understood that he had inadvertently blocked the disaster.

After the volley of hundreds of spurs was sent to Shen Yu, a large number of soldiers and ants had begun to disperse at this time - the queen was dead, and the nest had no need to exist.

In the empty cave, there are only five guard ants left.

Sinking may still not be their opponent, but at this moment, Lan Yan can't watch Shen Shen being attacked.

As soon as he raised his hand, a golden ray was released from the five fingers to the five guard ants. The five guard ants could not move at once.

Lan Yan looked at Shen Yan’s eyes but was full of cold and cold killing: “Do you dare to use the agreement between us? I remember that I warned you, Shen Shen, the only reason you call me is only related to the urban rules. Things! I can't help you with anything other than that! You dare to use me to deal with the black ant nest..."

"Who said that I used you to deal with black ants?" Shen Yan suddenly interrupted Lan Yan's words.

This made Lan Yan stay, and Shen has picked up the box where the ant fell on the ground, and then slowly said: "You can see clearly, this queen is killing me alone, and You have nothing to do with it? Why do you say that I am calling you to help me complete the task?"

Blue Yan stayed: "But just..."

"The situation just happened can be dealt with without you and me." Shen Yan blocked Lan Yan's mouth in one sentence, and his expression was full of innocence, just as he did not have any call for blue face to stop himself.

It is also said that Shen Yan is just shouting a scorpion of blue face, never said anything from the beginning to the end of your help against black ants. It’s entirely that his blue face appeared in the wrong position, blocking the attack of the black ants, and maybe blocking the “counterattack” of the sinking...

In such an analysis, the behavior just now seems to be like Lan Yan himself.

Anyway, for what did not happen, Shen Yan said what it is. He said that he can block it. If you argue with him, it is just a waste of effort. Is it difficult to achieve that he can't stop it, and does not allow people to "calculate mistakes"?

Therefore, Lan Yan’s ambiguity in this moment can only be swayed, and it will take a while to gnash his teeth: “You are a sly bastard.”

Sinking and laughing: "Don't be so angry, as long as I don't break the rules, right?"

Lan Yan sneered: "Even if it is, I can not pursue the fact that you use me to stop the disaster, but I said that you can only call me when you find the rules. If you violate the rules, I still have the power. punish you."

Sinking face Wei Su: "I did find a rule loophole."

"What vulnerabilities?"

Shen Xiao smiled. "First ask you a question. Every time we go to the mission world, we have three or five days, and we have grown up for a long time. Why is it that after we return to the city, our stomach is not hungry?"

Lan Yan’s face was pumping. What is the problem?

He had a lot of urges to make a fuss, but he still endured it. He didn't sigh with a good answer: "Don't you eat anything in the mission world?"

I didn't expect Shen Hao to take a shot: "Yes, the problem is here. We did eat in the mission world, but those things are not obtained after the identification. Why does it disappear automatically after returning? If so The longer we stay in the mission world, the stronger the hunger will be when we return."

The words were still somewhat level, and Lan Yan sighed: "That's because the food has entered your body and has changed and become part of your body's energy."

"That is to say, what we eat in the mission world will be transformed into human energy, and it will be one with the human body, so even if it is not approved, it can be brought back to the city. Is that true?"


"I know there are some special products in some mission worlds, I mean, like witches potions." Shen Yu said to take a bottle of witches from the coat of arms: "Let me come up with a hypothesis. Suppose I was at the beginning. I chose to kill the 缇 朵 码 code and grab the witch syrup from her. Then the way to get it is definitely not right, it is not recognized, right?”

"Yes." Lan Yan has some vague understanding of what he wants to ask.

Surely, he said: "But if I took it down?"

Lan Yan thought about answering: "I understand what you mean. This is indeed a small loophole, but fortunately it will not cause rule conflicts. We will test you when you come back. Since we did not cause any harm to you, We will not break the rules. That is to say, the syrup that you get through non-permitted means, even if you take it at the time, is only valid in the mission world at the time."

"It turned out to be the case, then I will make another hypothesis now."

Blue Yan frowns: "Where are so many hypotheses!"

"Don't worry, you should listen first." Shen Yan said with a sigh: "Assume that I let my summoned soldiers use the potions obtained through informal channels, then cancel the call and return them to the space. According to the rules of the **** city, the space manager You can't take any coercive behavior against the adventurer. The Medal of Honor is my personal trophy. You can't forcefully break through the soldiers who summon me, and you can't make up for the drug. So how do you fix this loophole?"

Lan Yan’s face changed. He thought for a while, suddenly screaming and screaming: “I’m fucking! You’re **** idle, nothing to do all day, how to add us to block it? Is it so ridiculous that you want to come out? ?A good task path, you don't have to complete it, you have to go to the wrong way?"

Sinking and smiling: "It seems that you are going to hurt. Then... it still doesn't work."

Lan Yan took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down his feelings. After a while, he finally said: "You are awkward, this loophole is established. But the question is how many people will do this? The chances of this happening are too small. Have The guardian of special intensive syrup will give you a way to get a channel. The difficulty is not too big. You don't have to do it. You just deliberately find an excuse to let me block these ants."

Yes, Shen Wei did find a small loophole.

But not all vulnerabilities have value.

It’s as if you found a puppy hole in the school wall, unless you have “special needs”, why do you have a door that doesn’t leave the dog hole?

The loophole itself does not make much sense, or its only meaning is to find a perfect excuse for Shen Yan to call the blue face, so that he is in a position that does not violate the rules.

So Shen Yan also chuckled at this moment: "So... I did find a rule loophole anyway, so I have the power to call you, and not against the rules of your agreement and the city, right?"

Lan Yan nodded helplessly: "Yes, yes. For your speech, my answer is: If you can force the fortified potion to be plundered in this way, then congratulations, you can have it. Anyway, as long as You don't affect the conflict of rules, then how can you say it... I said that you used to play the game when you were very fond of looking for a system bug?"

When I said this, the anger on the face of Lan Yan had completely disappeared. Instead, I looked at Shen Yu with great interest, just like watching a little monster.

"No, just before I entered the **** city, I was desperately trying to study the legal loopholes... In fact, it was much better than the system bug." Shen Yan shrugged.

“No wonder.” Lan Yan laughed. “You are one of the most interesting adventurers I have ever seen in the **** city. I dare to break into the double-C ant colony and kill the queen. Use the space manager to get away from you, very good, you did a really good job."

Speaking of the latter, his words are full of appreciation. For the use of his own behavior, not only does he blame, but appreciates it.

What is even more amazing is the performance of Shen Yan. He seems to be not surprised at the attitude of Lan Yan, but more of a expression that should be so.

To know that the act of sinking at this moment is to call the blue face as a summoning beast.

The former five-difficult generals, now the space manager, summoned the beast to call, is unacceptable to the individual, but the blue face does not care.

What he really cares about and anger seems to be that there is only a violation of the rules.

As long as he does not violate, then everything is easy to say.

Not only that, after all the questions that have been answered, Lan Yan is not even eager to leave.

Looking at the ant corpse all over the place, Lan Yan suddenly sighed: "When we were an adventurer in the ordinary area, we also licked this black ant nest. At that time, I stood in your current position. ""

He pointed to the location where Shen Shen was located, and then pointed a finger: "The purple sand is there, the crow, the red dragon, the yellow crane is there, the blue bird and the white snake are responsible for the rear defense. We seven people work together and fight After half an hour, I finally got rid of the queen, and I paid a huge price..."

Lan Yan whispered softly, and his eyes flashed his memories of the past. His words are slow and powerful: "Maybe most people think that the life of a **** city is cruel and bloody, but one day, when you reach the end of the road, look back and you will find that there are many worth cherishing. thing."

"Once we were fascinated by the shackles of killing and life and death, hating and even hating the world we live in, we want to go out at all costs. But when one day we come out, maybe we will find what we expected. Freedom is not necessarily better than the environment we are in..."

Indulge in a word, just look at the blue face, listen to him.

Lan Yan did not say it, as if the sensation just had just a sense of time.

He looked at Shen Yan: "You are not the first adventurer who likes a **** city, but you are definitely the first person who has never put a **** city in his eyes, only regards it as a mountain and tries to conquer. Most of the adventurers who can accept the existence of **** cities, they are valued here is the atmosphere of freedom, unconstrained environment, the atmosphere of free killing. And you are to challenge the limits. This makes you as acceptable as they are. Here, it grows quickly, but it doesn't get lost... I am very optimistic about you, sinking."

"and then?"

"And then..." Blue Yan sighed a little: "In any case, you have to admit a fact, sinking... you took advantage of me."

Shen Yu did not answer, he did not know if he admitted this fact, Lan Yan will immediately have to punish his own evidence, but Lan Yan does not expect him to admit this, just continue to say: "For your use, I You can choose to ignore it, or you can choose to retaliate. Although I can't kill you publicly, I am also a space manager, and some aspects of the authority are still there. For example... some mission world BOSS, you may get after killing, You may not get some rewards; for example, some accidents may or may not occur during your mission; for example, after you complete the task perfectly, you may have some organic choices. Good rewards may or may not be..."

He looked at Shen Yan: "I mean, as long as I am willing, I can still make some punishment for you. These punishments may not only affect you, but may also affect your teammates."

"What do you want?" Shen Yan directly asked.

Lan Yan smiled: "This time you owe me a favor, sinking. But fortunately, you don't know that only space managers can help the Sometimes things can be reversed. It's like a two-level adventurer who has a certain value to those of the four difficulty levels. The adventurer is also true for the manager."

He looked at Shen Yu: "Whether I am Zisha, we have helped you. Maybe one day, we will need your help. I hope that you will not refuse us that day."

Shen Hao nodded: "I understand that as long as it does not violate my principles, I am obliged."

"Principles... The so-called principle is just an excuse for asking for price." Lan Yan whispered: "So, the last thing is left now. You know that I can't help you kill the five guard ants, but it's up to you." In my current situation, you can't be their opponents at all. How can you solve them after I leave?"

"Just for me, of course not their opponents. But if not just me?"

When Lan Yan stayed, he suddenly realized what he was and looked back outside the cave.

In the distance of the passage, there is a faint vocal.

It was the gardener and they were still indulging in the airborne soldiers who were following the emptied ant nest channel to find the sinking. The dialogue between Shen Yan and Lan Yan effectively earned him the precious time he needed most.

At this moment, he is no longer alone.

Lan Yan haha ​​laughed: "Our original purpose is to use my time for you to wait for rescue! I did not expect that I will not only help you to lift the temporary crisis, but also help you drag the time to help. It’s beautiful, indulging. Remember, you owe me a favor!”

As he said, his figure began to fade away until it disappeared.

With the departure of Lan Yan, the five guard ants finally recovered their ability to act.

However, at this moment, Shen Yu has no longer care about defending the ants' attacks.

Because he is no longer alone!

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