Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 8: Phantom of the White

Stones in the wilderness.

Shen Yu is comforting Zhou Yiyu: "Well, don't be depressed, this is not growing again."

Zhou Yiyu frowned: "Not original."

"It's all the meat that grows on your own body, so what do you mind?" Shen Yu comforted him.

"You said it is light, you don't know how to use it. If you use it well, if we leave the world one day, the power we have can't take away, then what happens when the effect is lost?" Zhou Yiyu answered with a cry.

If a person takes up his heart, then anything can be scared.

Shen Qian was very serious about thinking about it, and then opened the big mouth of the devil's leader, and pulled out a round meat from inside to Zhou Yiyu's eyes: "Would you like to keep a memorial?"

Zhou Yiyu looked at the things in Shen's hand, and he didn't dare to look at it in the cold. He turned his head and said sadly: "Buy it."

"it is good."

"To be buried."

Shen Yan couldn't help but laugh, punching Zhou Yiyu: "Come on you."

The black lightning re-entered the journey to the monastery, calculating the time, and in order to experiment with the thoughts of sinking, they were delayed for almost ten minutes.

According to this progress, they are absolutely unable to catch up with the Dragon Tooth team, but Andalil is located in the catacomb below the monastery. The terrain is complex, the road is long, and there are many monsters. The Dragon Tooth team is bound to see Andalil. They have to go through some hard work first, so they still have great opportunities.

Running all the way, Shen Yan opened four blue boxes, each with a flame amulet.

Flame Amulet: Increases your own Fire Resistance by 6 points.

The so-called increase of fire resistance of 6 points means that the fire damage below 6 points of fire is automatically exempted. Like a sinking spirit gun, every bullet has 3 fire damage, which is completely ineffective for those who have amulets. If a fire bullet or a fire is used, the bullet's fire damage is 10 points, and the owner of the amulet can only inflict 4 Fire damage.

This thing is also a very practical prop, Shen Yu throws it to Ivy, Lao Meng and Zhou Yiyu one person: "Exactly four people." He laughed.

"I hope that Andalil can also be divided into four people." Lao Meng replied that he is more concerned with the completion of the task. Although I don't know how to indulge in the tiger's mouth to grab this piece of food from the dragon tooth team, at least there is enough temptation and motivation to let him go to life.

"I am afraid that it will not work. Andariel's strength must be at least six or seven times more than Bisuo Boss. I will not hesitate to lose vitality. At most, I can only reverse her twice." Ivy quickly said.

"Twice is already good." Shen Xiao laughed.

"How is that divided?" Lao Meng is a little nervous.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu said: "I see this, you each get a point, I get a reward, how?"

Lao Meng called out: "The reward is all for you? It can't be done, you are too cheap!"

Sinking and sneer: "Then you get the reward, I take the reward points, how?"

Lao Meng was dumb.

The reward points are directly related to whether it will be erased by the city, but the reward has nothing to do with it.

Andariel’s reward points are 600 points. Once you get it, you can get rid of the shadow of death. As long as you continue to fight, the standard score will not be too far away. In this case, whether the reward is important or reward is important. The answer is self-evident.

For Shen Wei, he is sure that even if he gives up the task, he can get points in the following tasks. After all, he has the whole team as the backing. Lao Meng and Ivy can not have this grasp - no sinking, they even have other Don't want to grab the contribution points of the mission.

I thought that he could only agree: "So, what can you do to grab the food from the dragon tooth team?"

For this question, Shen Yan’s mouth smirked and smiled and answered: “Simple, kill them!”


The car entered the black wasteland at a speed of up to 300 kilometers per hour through the stone wilderness and headed for the Tama Heights. In the nearly half of the journey, the **** coat of arms came to remind me that the number 4215 killed the blood, completed the task of burying the bones, and scored 200 points.

As for the rest of the world, there is still no news, Honglang, they are still rushing on the way to Tristram.

While marching, I will make a battle plan while sinking. Lao Meng is familiar with the Dragon Tooth team and generally knows the main components of this team.

The Dragon Tooth team consists of five melee players, two long-range players, two summoners and a special intensive adventurer. The boss is called Long Hao, who is still awesome, is too conceited. It is said that he once challenged Xie Rongjun one-on-one. Although he was defeated by Xie Rongjun, he finally survived.

From this aspect of analysis, the Dragon Tooth team, like the thorn team, should be the team whose strength is mainly built on the captain.

In fact, a team of quite a part of the **** city has the characteristics that the captain has at least one-third of the team's strength. On the one hand, there is only enough strength to shock all the players, to make their orders obey, soft talk can never be compared to powerful iron fists, and on the other hand, because people who have the skills are not willing to succumb to others, more willing Pull up the team yourself. Therefore, in all regions of the **** city, powerful adventurers often play the role of captain in each team, and few real elites come together.

Like Xie Rongjun, Shen Yu, Ban Dongming, Liu Sen and other people, it is impossible to get together. Everyone is a talented person who has outstanding performance in different fields. If you get together to complete the task, it is enough to distribute the task rewards enough to kill each other. If you are not looking for something worse than yourself, you will become your own support. While leading them through customs, they will also meet their own huge reinforcement needs, thus further expanding their leading edge.

This is also related to the unique thinking of the Orientals that the chickens are not for the sake of the cows. Correspondingly, it is the model of the strong combination of the Westers. The more elite people, the easier it is to come together and form a super strong team. However, this lineup was cheap in the early stage. In the later stage, the limited rewards of the team when they were doing the task dragged each other down, causing the phenomenon that the strong team was not strong.

As for the North and South Districts, they are divided into groups based on national regions. They have nothing to do with strengths and weaknesses...

In short, the performance of different teams in different regions of the **** city is very different due to the differences in regional culture. For the adventurers in the Eastern Region, the leader is the soul, which is normal.

After understanding the general situation of the Dragon Tooth team, Shen Shen’s mind has already had a belly case. To deal with this team with the captain as the main battle core, he is quite experienced, and soon developed several sets of action plans.

The plan is not detailed, mainly because of limited knowledge of the opponent. In the case of insufficient understanding, an overly detailed plan of action will not help the battle, but it will easily lead to rigid rigidities, so only the spirit can be understood.

This is a great appreciation for Lao Mengzhi - he rarely sees people who have done things so carefully and well-prepared.

With a plan of indulging, even if it is not possible to fight, it is at least no problem to escape.

"Now I am beginning to have 20% confidence." Lao Meng said.

"Only two percent? It seems that you are really cautious." Shen Xiao laughed.

"Cautiousness is the guarantee that I can live to the present."

"Unfortunately, the **** city needs the soldiers who dare to go forward, not the sentinels who watched cautiously." Shen Yan sent back to Lao Meng with a blue face.

Plan to do well, look at the time, Shen Wei suddenly asked Ivy: "Right, can you tell me how you got time back?"

Time-lapse is not the cabbage on the roadside. It is not always possible to get to the wilderness ten times. There must be some special reasons.

I didn't think that Shen Wei would suddenly ask myself this, and Ivy's face faded.

For a while she muttered: "This is the ability I got when I last performed the mission. At the time I was still in the slums, I entered the mission world of the first season of the hero. That mission required us to protect the world of missions. The plot character, the optional task is to kill Serra. Although Serra is only a 3rd-level mutant, but he is a rare multi-powered person, can directly grab abilities from other abilities. In the world, his strength has been strengthened. It can be said that we can't be his opponent at all. So at first, everyone just wanted to complete the main task and it was satisfied. What I didn't expect was..."

Her tone paused and she said: "There was an adventurer on that mission. He was very smart and very powerful. He organized us and made it easy for us to complete the main task. Just at the end of the mission. He suddenly said that he would take us to challenge Serra and take away his power..."

"I remember Serra seems to have no time-like powers?" Zhou Yiyu asked,

Ivy sneered: "Of course, he doesn't. The time ability is the plot character Hiro, the Japanese. So that person made a plan..."

Sinking out of the mouth: "Let Serra kill Hiro, killing Serra after he has a time ability, and gain the power of Hiro."

At the same time, everyone was shocked. Ivy was surprised to see Shen Shen: "How do you know?"

Sinking nodded: "Because this is the most reasonable explanation. Time-like abilities can't be obtained through normal tasks, only through some abnormal means. Of course, this also means huge risks... Dead a plot character, BOSS The strength has been greatly enhanced."

"Yes!" Ivy exclaimed excitedly: "I was firmly opposed to the adventure, but everyone was fascinated by this huge temptation. They just don't want to be killed, just like a group of madmen!"

"Greed is the source of all progress, or embark on the peak, or fall into hell." Shen Yu faint, for this kind of adventure, he can understand.

The adventurer who proposed the plan is actually like Shen Shen, who is the kind of person who dares to take risks for great benefits. They are bold enough and crazy enough. Behind the daring and madness, however, is full of death crises – not to take risks, you will be successful.

"But finally you are still successful." Zhou Yiyu said.

Ai Wei shook her head. "No, we failed. Our original plan was to kill him at the same time as he got the ability. I didn't expect to be promoted to the fourth level when Serra got the power of Hiro. He The energy has increased, and even life has increased. Although our sneak attack succeeded, it only seriously injured him without killing him. And Serra, who has time control ability, is simply invincible. He immediately took us. Everyone is settled. The 25 adventurers who participated in attacking him are killed by him one by It’s easier than killing the chicken, and it’s only killing me...”

Speaking of this, Ivy's body trembled slightly, and it was once again reminded of the scene when Serra was invincible.

Each adventurer falls down like no power, and Serra is like a demon, crazy, arrogant, horrible, **** and wash everyone who attacks him.

"How did you survive?" Zhou Yiyu did not understand.

There was a trace of confusion in Ai Wei’s eyes. After thinking for a while, she said: “I was settled by Serra’s time ability, but I don’t know why my consciousness is still awake. I watched Serra killing us one by one. I was afraid, but there was no way. Just when Serra came to me, I suddenly felt that I could move, so I instinctively used all my strength to fight Serra... He was killed by me like that. ""

“How is this possible?” Zhou Yiyu exclaimed: “How did you do it?”

"I don't know." Ai Wei shook her head. "It's like a nightmare for me. I don't know how I got out of that nightmare... I got rid of the time control, so it's so inexplicable. Killed Serra, survived, and even got the ability to go back in time."

Everyone is silent at the same time.

What Ivy said was so strange that no one could figure out what went wrong in the middle.

For a while, Shen Yan said: "In the process of killing Serra, did you see anything strange? I mean... no matter what you see, even if it is an illusion."

Ai Wei trembled a bit, and she looked at me and said, "Yes, there is something weird."

"What is it?" Shen Yan asked.

Taking a long breath, Ivy replied: "A... white figure... a girl in white..."

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