Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 19: New conditions

On the fifth floor of the catacomb, there are neatly arranged dragons, glasses and the bodies of three ghosts. Shen Wei, Zhou Yiyu, Lao Meng, Ai Wei, Li Jian Ren, Sang Sansa, Huang Tianyang, seven people standing together in front of the three bodies, respectfully three.

This is a very interesting thing. Two groups of people who had been killed and killed not long ago stood at this moment and mourned for the dead.

This is not a slap in the face, it is not a rabbit sorrow.

For the **** urban adventurers, the killing of most adventurers is a helpless choice, just because of the need of the mission mode, they have to kill each other. Therefore, this kind of killing seems to be more like a battle between the two soldiers on the battlefield for a **** battle. There is no need for hatred between the soldiers on both sides, only the task that cannot be resisted and must be completed!

Since the battle is over, then the hatred must be put down, which has nothing to do with the agreement, but a kind of attitude that must be possessed in a special environment.

Otherwise, if anyone hurts you once, you will remember to hate people for a lifetime, then you are destined to not go too long on this **** road. Because everyone around you may become your enemy, but it may become your ally when you need it.

One is now.

Of course, it is said that to truly let go of hatred, it is not an easy task to fight together. Agreement can bind people's behavior, but it can't restrain the obsession in people's minds.

At this moment, Li Tingqiang seriously turned to Long Hao, he was still simple, and he was dissatisfied with his teammates' abandonment of Long Hao. Therefore, he was also apologized. For Shen Yu, there is no idea at all.

Huang Tianyang sighed and said nothing. Speaking of the Dragon tooth team, the most sensible and sober members belong to him. From the sinking of the sinking stone, forcing them to sign a sale agreement, he knew that he could not be the opponent of the other side, and that his reason beat the emotions, he would never try to find trouble for himself.

As for Sansa Sa, this person has nothing to do with the face, but the sinister poison that he reveals when he sneaked and sneaked, has fully demonstrated his inner thoughts.

Shen Yu is ignorant of all this.

He opened the three purple boxes.

Inside the first box is a C-level equipment lifting reel. The reel can directly upgrade a double D-class equipment to the C-class, with a 100% success rate and no variation. In addition to the reel, there is a bottle of depressing queen's blood, a piece of streak.

C-class rhyolite (Ayr): can be set in weaponry to enhance equipment special effects.

Inlaid melee weapons: increase the damage of melee weapons by 10%.

Inlaid long-range weapons: Increase the speed and range of bullets or bows, making it harder to avoid.

Inlaid defense equipment: 10% increase defense.

The rhyolite can only be used on equipment below C level, and the effect will not disappear after the equipment is upgraded. Each of the stylized stones has its own special attributes. After the limited rhyolites are inlaid in a special order, the language of the runes can be formed to generate additional effects with a maximum mosaic amount of five.

Note: The streak mosaic order is independent of the original game order and needs to be found on its own.

The second box, like the first one, was just one more streak, and two more snakes behind Andalil.

Hellfire Snake Touch: The snake touch refining with Hellfire Snake has powerful toxic effects and possesses the ability to smash the enemy. It can be used to temper weapons and is limited to whipping weapons.

In the third box, there are also scrolls, two stylized stones, and a strange half-face mask. It is the half-face mask of Andalil Dai:

"Devil Mask: After wearing, it greatly enhances the resistance to the shock of the mind."

"Bringing special effects deterrence: Make all life targets have a fear of the wearer of the mask, reduce the desire to attack, and in severe cases can produce powerless resistance, escape, and even surrender. The greater the difference in level, the stronger the deterrent effect, and the invalid for the adventurer. ""

"Special Skills Claws: The Mask Owner automatically has the ability to split the Claws, and you can use them freely whether you wear a mask or not. The Claws can be used five times per mission world. When you have a special claw shape, depending on the shape, Increase the attack effectiveness by 50% to a maximum of 300%."

Below this mask of the demon, there are still a few lines of words engraved.

"This is a gift from the fear **** Diablo to Andalil. Andariel was once the most beautiful woman in the monastery, attracting the pursuit of countless warriors. However, in an accident, Andariel suffered a fire, Burning her face. In order to restore beauty, Andariel accepted the temptation of Diablo and broke into hell. However, when she entered Hell, in order to have more powerful ability, she chose to give up the beauty of the past."

"The person wearing the mask becomes the new owner of the mask. The mask will not be transferred, cannot be traded, and become the devil of the devil, Diablo, and invites Diablo's attack."

"Equipment level A!"

Heraldry Tip: The mask must not be worn in the **** city for the first time.

This is actually a fallen equipment!

Unlike the general fallen equipment, this fallen equipment can be used directly. The price of just using it is to immediately invite Diablo's attack.

What is Diablo?

One of the three demon gods in the dark world, the strongest BOSS in the four difficulty areas of the city, to challenge this existence with the current strength of Shen Yu is something that you don’t have to think about.

Killing Andalil would have gotten such a mask, which is rare but not uncommon. As Lan Yan said, some of the rewards themselves are optional.

For example, this time, all the three boxes have C-level equipment lifting reels, this is a mission reward, it must be there, and all the streak stones, which means that as long as you kill Andalil, it must appear, but the number Obviously not uniform. As for the blood of the depressing queen, the snakes of the Hellfire Snake and the three masks of the demon gods are different, which means that these three things are not necessarily things, but the chances of blood appearing are much larger, and the estimated probability is over 90%. .

Since they killed Andalil three times, the chances of getting other items increased greatly. It is estimated that if they can kill Andariel several times, they may even come out with the claws of the beast, and the blood of the Queen may be counted. bottle.

As for the five rhyolites on the sinking hand, two of them are the same model. Different types of rhyolites have different effects, but in order to form the language of the runes, you need to get more rhyolites and corresponding formulas.

The language of the gods is like the reaper's crystallization. It requires multiple combinations and must be carried out in order. The reaper crystal can be obtained by killing the reaper, but the striated stone must be dried by BOSS.

In this respect, the language of the Rune is much more difficult than the Reaper, but its return must be higher.

In the analysis of indulgence, if you can get together five quadwords, form a charm, its value may be comparable to the soul of the gods.

Looking at the rewards in the hands of Shen Yu, in addition to Zhou Yiyu and Ai Wei, all people have a greedy light in their eyes, even Lao Meng suddenly regrets why he should make this deal with Shen Hao, give up rewards and get points.

You must know that six hundred points are worth six thousand blood points, and the three boxes, whichever value is far more than six thousand points, especially the devil mask, although it is a fallen equipment, he can not use himself, but he Can sell, sell to four difficulty adventurers, at least can sell one or two thousand points.

After a slap in the face, it was easy to account for more than 40,000 pieces, and the money was moving. Lao Meng finally couldn’t help but say: "I need to get equipment reward for the next mission."

The mission of the Rogge camp is over, and the mission of the Diablo World has just begun. Since there is no benefit here, Lao Meng naturally wants to recover more in the ordinary area. Speaking of the final BOSS in the ordinary district, Governor Ruhr, but the strength of the Hell Devil is stronger than Andalil. If you can kill him a few times, even if it is just a reward, you can say that it is worthwhile.

It’s just that he thought it was good, and he poured a cold water on his head.

Shen Yu replied: "I don't agree."

Lao Meng immediately anxious: "Why? I can not score!"

"That is, you already have points." Zhou Yiyu disdain sneer. Six hundred points, as long as you work hard in the next task, there is hope for breaking through the 900 points. Without the pressure of survival, Lao Meng naturally can turn to seek better returns.

Shen Wei faintly replied: "This time I give up points in exchange for all the rewards you agree with. To be honest, I did make a lot of money. But the problem is that I did not force you in this matter. The transaction is that both parties agree In order to proceed, since you agree with my plan, we can certainly execute it. But this does not mean that you can trade with me in the same way."

"This is not fair!" Lao Meng shouted.

“Where is it unfair?” Shen Yan asked: “Because I earned more, are you jealous?”

Lao Meng did not speak, Shen Yu has continued: "You have earned points. From now on, you don't have to worry about being killed by the city. Then you think you can bargain with me here. I have to say that the strategy you have adopted is very safe. First, keep your life, then pursue your interests, and let yourself be invincible, but because you are stable, you should be less profitable. As for me, I am still in a dangerous situation where the points are insufficient and can be erased at any time. I pay more than you, make more contributions than you, and take more risks than you. What do I get more? Isn't this a matter of course?"

When Lao Meng was arrested, he said for a while: "You are right, I should not be jealous of you."

He dared to admit his mistakes, and he was also bright and upright.

But the next moment Lao Meng said: "In this case, then in this transaction, you and I don't owe anyone, right?"

"Yes." Shen Hao nodded.

"The second competition field, we still follow the rules of the evil cave. Everyone grabs the task, whoever gets the blame, whoever you are. Anyway, you like to make a living for you. When you and your teammates are killed because of insufficient points. Don't blame me, Lao Meng is not moral."

Shen Xiao smiled: "You are right, so in order to avoid this, I want to make a new deal with you."

Lao Mengyi: "What trade?"

"Simple. In the next task, everyone continues to cooperate, you give up the reward points and equipment rewards, and I will give you some other benefits. As for the benefits, it depends on how much I need for you. What do you think of this idea?"

"Fart!" Lao Meng immediately jumped up and pointed at the sinking nose. "What is this condition? I don't think you have any sincerity!"

"You are right, I really don't have sincerity." Shen Yu nodded very seriously: "Cooperation, this kind of thing, both sides can accept each other's conditions to do it. If one party does not accept it, there is no way to cooperate. You see, you propose I don't accept the two ways of cooperation. I don't accept the cooperation method I proposed. In this case, we can't cooperate anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Lao Meng was completely stunned.

"I said no more cooperation." Shen Yan answered very seriously: "From now on, you are you, we are us, we are separated, we do everything."

No longer cooperate? Lao Meng’s head was immediately stunned.

He finally realized that he had made a mistake - Shen Yan did not care about him.

How much a person can get, does not depend on how much power he has in this team, but first depends on his meaning and value to the team.

The biggest mistake of Lao Meng is to miscalculate his own worth.

For Shen Wei, he has the entire team, and now with the help of the members of the Dragon Tooth team, even in terms of number, it is already the strongest team in the dark world. It can be said that he is not much, he is a lot less.

Since he does not care about Lao Meng, how can he accept his bargaining?

This is exactly the opposite of the situation in which the previous four people attacked the Dragon Tooth team. At that time, it was extremely important that one person was more than a quarter of the power.

For Lao Meng, there is no support for Shen, he is a complete cup, he can be lucky in the second competition field to grab even dozens of points. If you don't want your own income to stop, the best way is to continue to endure the indiscriminate exploitation, at least he still has the qualification to continue the task.

This is like a peasant without land, or choose to starve to death, or choose to endure the exploitation of the landlord's old wealth to do long-term work. You can hate him, anger him, but can't help but ask him, endure him...

In fact, if he does not bargain with Shen Hao, Shen Yan may not be so to him, just as an adventurer, how many people can do to see good rewards are not heart-warming? How many people do not know how to fight for their own interests?

Rely on the other side to be kindhearted?

In a **** city, good people may still have sporadic existence, and those who are generous will die prematurely. Even the lord cannot transfer the benefits to the general partners.

The wrong estimation of the situation led Lao Meng to make a big mistake. He wanted to abandon his friendship with Shen Wei and only talk about the interests. Shen Yan is also happy to do so. Instead, he still uses color to kill the price.

At this moment, Lao Meng took a deep breath and reluctantly said: "Well, I accept your terms and everyone will continue to cooperate."

Sinking and laughing: "That won't end瞧, this is another deal that you and I are satisfied with."

"I am satisfied with your big devil..." Lao Meng squeezed the words out of his teeth.

Sinking can only be heard.

Ivy suddenly asked Shen Wei: "What about me? I am also treated like Lao Meng?"

"No." Shen Weizheng replied: "If you are willing to give up the points, the task of the following four people, you can take half of the extra harvest. The task of the following eight people, the extra harvest you take one-third. Under 12 people The task, the extra harvest you take a quarter. If more than 12 people, according to the number of people at the time to discuss. As for the rewards within the mission, according to the contribution of the battle. How?"

Ivy immediately said: "The condition: 1 guarantees that I am at least 900 points. 2 I have the right to choose the equipment I get behind. As for this time, I have to buy you first."

Different abilities, different values, and how much you can get depends on whether you have a clear enough understanding of your value. Indulge can not care about Lao Meng, but can not care about Ivy. Of course, if Ivy is much more, he can't accept it.

Ivy sees her value very clearly, and her asking price is just stepping on the bottom line of Shen.

"What do you want?" Shen asked.

"The Hellfire Snake Touch."

Shen Yu did not hesitate to answer: "Two thousand points each, fair price."


"If you are willing to give up the priority, I will give it to you."

"..." Ivy looked at Shen Yu without a word, and Shen Wei also smiled at Ivy.

Half a ring, Ivy finally smiled: "The deal."

One thing Ivy already understands is that Shen Shen definitely wants to get at least one set of the charm, otherwise he will not value the priority.

This guy, he is more greedy than anyone else, but he is more risky than anyone else.

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