Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 25: Old friend visit

After the negotiations, Zong and Ambera sat for a while. On the one hand, they talked about gossip and talked about their experiences in the city to deepen their feelings and make the foundation of cooperation more stable. On the other hand, the details of cooperation were also made. Further finalized.

Both Ambera and Zongxi were interested in the summoning soldiers. They decided to borrow fifteen soldiers from Shen Shen, including five elite soldiers and ten ordinary soldiers.

The cost of this part is completely out of Amber.

According to the conditions negotiated by both parties, ordinary soldiers will die for one person per battle and pay 15 points. If an elite soldier is killed, he will need to pay 200 points.

In addition, the two also proposed to rent Dabinit and Evans, renting a price of 300 points, and compensating for a price of 3,000 points.

Dabinit and Evans are the only two flying soldiers in the hands of Shen Yu. They are most suitable for aerial reconnaissance. Together with the ground forces, they can effectively ensure that the two teams are not harassed by any outsiders during the execution of the mission, thus maximizing The guarantee is worry-free.

I also agreed to this.

In a sense, this is also a hostage exchange - a member of the Wind Forest team will perform the Royal Prison mission together with the Broken Blade team. The Wind Forest team naturally hopes to have someone else in their hands. Although the value of summoning soldiers cannot be compared with the official players, it is at least a gesture.

After all this was done, all the things that were said were discussed, and the gossip was finished. The two stopped talking and left.

Watching the two leave, Shen Yu said: "Rosie, you can go to the palace now, and the mission of the aura warrior is gone."

It turns out that Shen Wei has not let the fat man pick up the task, that is, he has to wait for the tripartite talks and confirm the cooperation before implementation.

"So how do we arrange tomorrow?" King Kong asked.

Shen Yu thought and replied: "Before assigning the task, Hong Lang first went to the old man of Dika Kane to the death temple and the address of all six mission points."

Honglang is puzzled: "We only got two mission points, what else do we need to do?"

"To the wind forest team and the South China Sea team."

"Is that necessary?"

"Yes! Many people are still asking about the specific location of each task point. The opaque information is easy to cause chaos. If we have a good task point, but the wind forest team and the South China Sea team did not find their goal, they touched it. Lost city, what do you say? Or is there a piece of adventurer who ran to our site? It is easy to form unnecessary troubles! Honglang you have to remember, as the makers and beneficiaries of the rules of the game, we All that has to be done is to defend and protect this rule, and only the victims of the rule need to subvert the rules."

"So, we don't care about this loss of friendship. The most important thing is to ensure that everyone's cooperation can proceed as planned. Tomorrow morning, I will officially announce the address of the Holy Refuge, giving those scattered adventurers a specific direction of action. At the same time, the relevant task point address will be handed over to the Fenglin team and the South China Sea team, so the possibility of accidents will be greatly reduced, and the two teams will owe us a favor."

King Kong nodded in agreement: "Sinking is right, it's best. It also saves those guys who run around like no head flies and create trouble for us."

Honglang shrugged and went out with the fat man.

Twenty minutes later, the two men came back one after another. The fat man officially took the mission of the Halo Samurai. Honglang consumed 80 degrees of friendship and got all the information about the six mission points from Dika Kane. As for the address of the Temple of Death, it is related to the task that the old man himself issued, and there is no deduction of friendship. As a result, there is only 10 points of friendship between Honglang and Deca Kane. The old man is ungrateful.

After getting the map, Shen Yan carefully analyzed it and pointed to the map: "The lost city is located on the south side of Lugao, the royal prison is on the west side, from the lost city to Lu Gaoyin. The distance between the two places is about 120. Km. I saw that Zhou Yiyu, Ivy, Honglang, King Kong, and Luo Wei were responsible for the five monsters. After quickly clearing the monsters there, they then transferred to the Royal Prison. The reward points were won by King Kong, Hong Lang and Luo Wei. The distribution and custody are handled by King Kong."

Assigning Ivy to the lost city is mainly because the Hradick box is hidden in a golden box of the death temple in the game, not dropped by the BOSS. This mission world is likely to continue this mode, so It is not necessary to let her go to the Temple of Death. And the Hradic cube is one thing, one is enough, and no more meaning.

"As for the Royal Prison, it is up to me, Lao Meng and Huang Tianyang to deal with them. Our task is not to complete the cleanup quickly, but to ensure that it will not be occupied by others until the Honglang they complete the mission. Also I They also promised Huang Tianyang to ensure that their points can reach 450 points or more. The Royal Prison has a contribution of 1,800 points, which is almost equal to them."

After all, Huang Tianyang is a member of the Dragon Tooth team. Even if the general trend is driven, they have to bow their heads, but they will inevitably hate them. Indulge in not letting them follow their own team members, and simply let them follow themselves and mix with the dispatchers of the Fenglin team to supervise each other. If these guys dare to make any changes, he also has a scapegoat that can only pull down the water.

It can be said that in the personnel arrangement, Shen Yu is exhausted, and he must be careful and take full advantage of it.

"The Temple of Death is located on the east side of Lugao. This is a non-mainline mission area. The possibility of accidents is the lowest, and there is no urgency in time. So we don't have to send too many people, but we must have full capacity. Gentle, I take my The soldiers are handed over to you, and you take them to the temple of death, can you fix it?"

Gentleness is the most comprehensive of the current ability of the Broken Blade team. It also has the medium and short range combat capability, control, killing and recovery capabilities. Her Twilight Angel ancestry can resurrect the summoning creatures, which can be combined with the summoning soldiers to function. As long as they don't rush, they will fight one step at a time. Clearing the death temple should not be too big a problem.

Gentle nodded: "No problem."

"But you have to leave the star necklace to Luo Wei, and Frost will not bring the ant suit."

The Temple of Death is too far away from the Royal Prison, one east and one west, and gently went to the Temple of Death. Eighty percent of them are incapable of catching up with the Royal Prison. They can only take out starlight necklaces and ant suits in advance. However, for gentleness, skills that can only be used once are not too careless.

"Will the risk be too great? The death temple is good to deal with, we don't know anyone, let her alone..." King Kong was somewhat worried.

"You can't give up, non-mainline missions are not allowed to work hard, if necessary, summon soldiers to break."

"It has to be like this." King Kong nodded.

The general arrangement of the action is appropriate. If there is nothing wrong with it, Shen Shen said: "Notify the plan to other people. If there is no problem, everyone will prepare to rest."

Gentle and suddenly said: "Someone is coming."

“Oh?” Shen Xiao smiled. “It seems that we are really busy enough.”

He gave the fat man a wink, and the fat man ran over to open the door, only to see a person standing at the door, wearing a fight, followed by a Rogge maid, the adventurer who grabbed the **** task.

His hand has not been dropped in the air, apparently wants to knock on the door. I didn't expect the other party to open the door first. He couldn't help but laugh out loud: "The vigilance is good, sinking."

Hearing this voice, Shen Yan could not help but stay: "Is it you?"

The adventurer slowly took off the fight, and it was a knife.

Looking at the surprised face, the knife squinted and smiled: "I didn't expect it to be me?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be in this mission. I thought it was the hero of the road. I was able to grab the task from the wind forest team." Shen Xiao smiled and made an invitation to enter the house. gesture.

Knife and face are also welcome, followed by sinking into the house, I saw gentle waving to him: "Instructor is good!"

Knife licked his face and said: "Hey? You have passed the newcomer."

He still remembers gentleness.

"Fortunately, I don't like some people, I will go to borrow and go through the customs." Sitting gently on the balcony railing, answering with both feet.

Speaking with a knife and sitting down, Shen Shen threw him a cigarette: "How do you wear a hate to cover up? When you are in the Rogge camp, if you pick up the fight early, can you cooperate together? No matter how Say, we have been friends."

It’s true that Shen Yu’s words are correct. He has helped him with his knife and face. Although he has received his interest, he is willing to do so. Since then, there have been two transactions, which are considered acquaintances. If the knife face reveals the true face earlier, Shen Yu will definitely pull him. Of course, it’s not bad to look at the knife and face now. One person has exclusive **** tasks, and he won the reward points. He also got a Rogge maid, which is the most valuable of the first competition. One of the rewards.

The knife licked his face and lit it up. He took a few mouthfuls. This said: "I don't want it, but I can't."

"How? Is there a right?" Shen Yu immediately guessed the problem.

Knife nodded and said: "I came to the world to chase down an enemy. In order not to be discovered, I wore this fight, so I am sorry that I can't say hello to you at the time."

"That now..."

"already dead."

Shen Yu understood that he did not ask more, and there is no need to ask again. In places like **** cities, the entanglements of grievances and feelings are being performed every day. People are often not friends or enemies. Knife and face to chase the enemy world in order to hunt down the enemy is simply normal behavior.

The difference is that he is very smart to choose to hide identity.

At that time, he suddenly remembered Xie Rongjun.

Will Xie Rongjun also follow himself into the world of Diablo?

If he and the knife face, hide the darkness, then sneak up on the target, and then violently raided... Suddenly, there was a sudden irritability in the heart.

If the former Xie Rongjun is a tiger, he is brave and invincible. So now this guy has become a viper, hidden in the dark, I don’t know where to come.

Fortunately, this 52 adventurers only have a knives and a cloak, but it is difficult to protect Xie Rongjun from learning other abilities, appearing in other ways... This is what may exist. The world of wonders.

Waving his hand and screaming like a Shen Yu said: "Since things are done, do your best."

The knife slammed his face and smiled: "Task? Do we still have a task to do? Shen Shen, you tell me honestly, have you already talked with Zongtang Ambera?"

Sinking: "Do you know?"

Knife and face are cold and cold: "How could you not know. When Zongxi and Ambella came, they didn't plan to marry others. Are you three teams, aren't they going to take advantage of the crowds?" Tell me How did you plan?"

Sorrowful smile: "The sacred refuge is left to them, the other five points, who will go to die."

“Why do you want to leave a point?”

"The dog jumps on the wall, we still understand. Hungry dogs will cause trouble, but as long as they give the dog a bone, they will fight for themselves."

Knife nodded his face and he even smoked a few cigarettes. After thinking for a while, he said: "The guys said that they want to unite. In fact, they are just a group of temporary combinations. I can’t look down on any wind and waves. The sacred refuge is a bone. Put it out, most people have to run to grab the task, the rest dare to touch you is to find death, so you can only go to grab the task, no solution to the endless loop."

Sinking and laughing: "Would you like me to help you and the two of them talk again?"

Knife squinted and shook his head: "There is no need. Anyway, I have already got the blood task. Just a little hard work, leaving the death list is only a matter of time. I am looking for you, there is another thing that needs your help."

"What busy?"

"Let me have a few pieces of equipment."


"Kill Luo Damente."


PS: This book is the first Chinese language website, and other book stations are unauthorized. Friends who like the fate 0 novels are welcome to read genuine, genuine and free to read, and more clear.

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