Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 30: Temple of Death (on)

When the gunshots stopped, the zombies in the wilderness were basically cleaned up. Mild and gentle, Meng Meng hardly shot, and it was completely indulged to summon soldiers to fight. This is also the first time they have fully demonstrated their own strength under the command of no sinking.

"Good job, Frost." Gentle said.

The strength of the crawling appearance is not too strong but not weak. It can be eliminated in this way, and it is really not something that anyone can do.

"Swear to die for the chief." Frost sent a box to the gentle hands.

Gentle open look, there is a D-class saber inside - in the identity of the crawling appearance, it is only qualified for this kind of goods.

Gentlely handed the saber to Lyle, and then to Lao Mengdao: "Half one person, temporarily lend it to our soldiers."

Lao Meng smiled: "I didn't participate in the battle, I don't have to give it to me."

Gentle striding forward: "Shen Yan said, except for the Hradec box, the other harvests are half-half. If you have yours, you are welcome."

Lao Meng shrugged: "It seems that this guy is despicable, shameless, greedy, and jerk, but at least he can count as a number."

"Are you boasting about him or yelling at him?"

"Taste him."

"It’s really an unpleasant compliment."

Gentle smile on the car, the soldiers began to clear all the way, Lao Meng was a guest driver.

After killing the crawling appearance and a large number of zombies, Frost, Fassi and Michelle each rose to the next level, and Ford rose two levels because he used a musket and had a higher lethality. In addition, Gambell, Knight and John were each upgraded one level at the time of Tristram. As King Kong said, the world of Diablo, a large number of scattered monsters played a great role in cultivating summoned soldiers. In this way, the summoned soldiers will soon break through the tenth level.

What is really gratifying is that during the battle, Frost and Gambell have successively realized the variation of the skills of the agency. As gentle as you think, summoning soldiers in the process of skill variation is greatly influenced by the indulgent talents, all showing a trend of precision, which can more effectively control the use of skills, making them more in line during use. It's up to you to run your own work, rather than simply releasing your skills. This variation does not seem to have much improvement in power, but there has been tremendous progress in the use of ingenuity, making it more flexible and suitable for more environments.

Think about it, gentle record on the computer: summoning the soldiers with excellent ability, but currently lacks strong central figures, it is recommended to train a real core combat soldier, as the key to the main battle, become the exporter and guide of the attack At the same time, it can effectively protect other soldiers. At present, it seems that Ralph or Habi has the potential in this aspect, and one person can be selected to do some individual reinforcement afterwards. In addition, it is recommended to allocate some resources to allow Zeus to design better tactics and strengthen direction for summoning soldiers.

This is the habit she learned from Shen Shen, rethinking after each battle, reviewing the inadequacy and further improving herself. The biggest benefit of this approach is that you always have a clear goal for your future development, not where you go.

Without strong monsters blocking the road, the soldiers advanced very quickly, and soon they finally rushed to the target location.

It was a temple standing on the desert, and the appearance seemed to be dilapidated. The stone beaks on both sides of the temple door have been weathered, but the one black-winged giant bird above the center of the temple is still alive. Under the giant bird are two sculpted sculpts. Scythe is a weapon of death in Western legends. It appears here at this moment, and the meaning of its representative is self-evident.

The black lightning stopped and the gentle hand waved. Arias quickly climbed a dead tree, and Barrett aimed at the entrance of the temple to prepare for the battle. Then there were more than a dozen soldiers scattered around, surrounded by the temple and observed around.

"Michelle reports that the road is safe!"

"Habib report, right on the road!"

“Ralph reports that the perimeter is safe and there are no suspicious targets within three kilometers!”

The scout Ford rushed into the temple with a gun and returned after a moment: "I have entered the temple and the entrance is safe!"

Gentlely released the wild horse car, let both cars park outside the hall, and then shouted: "John, you stay in the car, keep in touch, others go with me!"


Enter the temple, gentle to the channel: "I am going to the temple of death."

The resounding reply came: "Good, how is the situation?"

"It's a maze, I haven't encountered an attack for the time being." Gentle looked around and said.

In front of it is a large underground building complex with a tall dome. Below is a large stone wall that separates the room into a room with an oil lamp that seems to never burn. In the dim light, you can also see a strange embossed relief on the stone wall. At first glance, it is like standing in the middle of a strange city. There are tall buildings everywhere, the roads are all in all directions, but you don't know which direction to take.

The real reappearing dark scene is not a game, there is no micro map for your reference, and no special mark on the target point.

"First use the electronic reconnaissance bee to search for the path, find the target location and then act!"

"Will it be slower?"

"It doesn't matter, I prefer to be slower and safer first."

"If I worry too slowly, all the tasks at the mission point have been completed, and I will not be able to complete the mission by then."

"Don't worry, we won't challenge Dowler before you get the box, I will wait for you."

"Wait for me?" The gentle face of the gentle face overflowed with a sweet smile: "It sounds like a date."

"You want to date yourself." Shen Yan also laughed.

"Oh, when it comes to this, I really want to. I realize that we haven't dated yet, no, you have to play with me once you go back."

"... Don't say this at this time." Shen Xiao smiled. Women are women, and the pursuit of romance and good things goes deep into the marrow.

"That promises me first, I will definitely date me once I go back!"

"Okay, okay." The channel overwhelmed and reluctantly promised, gentle and fully imagined his crying and laughing, smirked out.

The soldiers and Lao Meng both consciously looked to the other side, only when they did not hear it.

Gentle and tender style: "Well then..."

A black shadow suddenly shot to the gentle.

Gentle instinct bowed, only to feel a cold ice in front of the eyes, three sharp claws rubbed her cheeks, a few long hair fluttered.

The residual strength of the claws is not reduced, and the soft eyes are directly reversed after the stab.

Gentlely lying on the ground, avoiding the thorn while kicking the right foot, kicking the sneak attacker and smashing it out. The black shadow of the sneak attack made a screaming scream, and bounced back to the depths of the darkness by the force of this kick. At this time, the soldiers also reacted and fired at the place where the black shadow rushed out. The gunshots were loud, and the flames of the guns shone the dark space.

Hey, gentle, then fell to the ground, her hands patted the ground, and started: "Stop!"

The soldiers stopped attacking at the same time.

Lao Mengchong looked at it in the past, looked back at the gentleness and shook his head: "It is not here."

"It’s really fast.” Gentle and cold, then he said to the channel: "I'm fine, sinking, there is a guy who sneaked at me."

"What is it?"

"Probably a cave hopper, the guy is very fast, and the view here is dim, I can't be completely sure. But being able to avoid the soldiers' warnings, it should be a monster with some stealth ability."

"It seems that next time we have to equip some night vision equipment and broken stealth equipment... you should be careful."

"I will."

At the end of the conversation, gently release a few electronic bees, and then take out the handheld: "Zeus, record the surrounding terrain."

The red light flashes on the handheld computer and begins to scan the surrounding terrain according to the electronic bee and it appears on the screen. A map outline gradually emerges, and it looks like a map function in the Diablo world. Every time you go to a map, the map opens up a point. Compared to games, the effects of electronic reconnaissance bees are more obvious and effective. The road to the second floor was quickly found.

Surprisingly, no monsters were seen on the road.

"Find the hole." Gentle, she pointed to one of the roads: "Go this. Be careful, the electronic reconnaissance bee does not see the monster, it may be hidden."

"Understand!" All the soldiers answered at the same time.

Ford took the lead in the passage, and Lao Meng trailed three meters away from Ford. His mission was to rescue the other party when Ford was in danger. Then the gentle and gentle Frost walked side by side, on their left hand side is Ralph, Michelle, Knight, Gambell, on the right hand side is Habib, Kafka, Lyle, Fessi, rear It was Arias and five mechanically modified soldiers.

If you use the formation of the football field to describe it, this is a typical 2286 formation, which is a typical conservative style of play. More significance lies in the retreat when the situation is unfavorable.

This is a special request of Shen Yu. If you don't ask for merit, you can't ask for it first. When he is careful, he is more careful than the deadly fat man with the least courage.

As the road went deeper, there were no monsters on the road. The passage was silent, but the rustling of the soldiers stepping on the ground sounded from time to time.

Ford is at the forefront of the team. He is holding a musket and his gun is constantly changing his position. He carefully observes the four sides every step of the way.

"What did you find? Ford," Frost asked.

"Except for three mice, two snakes, twelve bugs, nothing else, the answer is over."

"Wow, it sounds like our enemies are really a lot, mice can spread the plague, snakes are poisonous, they can all hurt us." Fessi whistled, he held the rocket launcher in the third echelon At the forefront, there is a strong breath that kills all the mice.

"Yeah, the mouse can jump and bite your cock, and then eat it as dinner." Hebi is talking.

Fexi grinned: "That will kill it."

All the soldiers laughed low.

Frost slammed his head: "Don't make trouble with the guys, it seems that we are in the graveyard."

They walked a long way and finally came to a wide hall, surrounded by tall stone pillars, with a coffin in the hall, and the atmosphere was filled with decay and decay.

This coffin is growing more and more, as if Frost had said it was into the graveyard.

Gentle brow wrinkles: "Somewhat wrong, everyone stops moving forward!"

Frost called out: "Stop forward, defend on the spot!"

Gentle look around, his eyes finally stay on the coffin.

She walked over and gently pushed the coffin cover away, and there seemed to be nothing in the dark.

The gentle and tight heart just relaxed, and the coffin suddenly stood up and grabbed a gentle, gentle, green fire in the eye socket. Gentle and hurriedly stepped back and escaped, and was about to whip up the sputum. I didn't expect that there was a thunder and lightning in the palm of my hand, and suddenly hit his face. Gentle one back and shun, the group of Raymond hit Arias. Arias stepped away to escape the thunderball, but a mechanical reincarnation soldier behind did not escape, was hit by the hit on the wall. Fortunately, his body is thick, and he hasn't suffered much from it. It's just that the electric light that is entangled in the whole body makes him look like a bad luck who has touched the electricity. The degree of wandering is far greater than his actual injury.

Gentle and a flash, the cracked whip has been pumped down, and the whip is pumping in the shackles. It doesn't fall apart, just swaying, and then a thunderball. Tenderly in the air, the backhand smashed the thunder ball, and actually scattered it, emitting a lot of lightning rays, illuminating the entire dark space.

"Be careful, it's a mage!" Lao Meng has shouted.

The Master, the kind of existence summoned in the door of the Devil of Pandora. Their vitality is not high, only 80 points, but with long-range attack skills.

At this moment, with the scream of Lao Meng, there was a strange whistling sound in the temple of death.

As the screams sounded, all the coffins suddenly opened at the same time, and one of them stood out from the coffin, and all of them were all sorcerers.

"Open fire!" Frost yelled.

The guns of the fourteen guns spewed out a flaming flame at the same time, instantly illuminating this dark space. The metal storm formed by a large number of bullets instantly torn several scorpions into powder and returned to the coffin.

However, more Masters have raised their hands with only bones.

A ray of light flashed on their hands. In an instant, the frost, the flames, and the lightning rays that dominated the sky dominated the entire space.


By the way, I would like to add a statement: in the Shenhai and Fenglin team Nanhai team agreement, not to absorb other adventurers refers to the Lugaoin area, not the Kurast Seaport area. After all, the latter has entered three difficulties, and competition is no longer necessary. Cooperation is king.

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