Infinity Armament

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Fat value

The sixth wave of the Germans was finally repelled.

In this battle, the insane madness of the people made everyone open their eyes.

"You **** is a madman!" Hong Lang pointed at the sinking nose, then he shook his head and said: "But I like your madness."

Lying on the sandbags, he snorted a few times, and he was dismissive of Hong Lang’s statement.

It was King Kong who asked him: "How much is your bulletproof props left?"

"Three times." Shen Yu answered. Just the madness, let him suddenly have seven or eight bullets, which is equivalent to seven or eight deaths. Then he smiled and said: "A Stuka is a bit bloody."

"I rely!" Hong Lang slammed his fist on the ground and made a big pit.

Sit softly and sit up: "Can your anti-tank guns hit the (flying) machine?"

"Of course, but there are not many rockets." Shen Yan said with a smile, he licked his gentle face: "I didn't expect you to be a small fan, and I will live when I hear **** spots."

Gentle and stunned with the eyes that killed you, then whispered: "Thank you for saving me."

I saw that Shen Wei was angry and burned for his shot, and rushed out and desperately for the German plane. The gentle heart was quite comfortable.

"You're welcome." Shen Yu answered.

Two people next to King Kong and Honglang suddenly did not speak at the same time, and the scene was a bit terrible.

Gentle, look at them and find that they are staring at their chests.

She looked down and her face was red.

It was just gently shot, and there were several bullet holes in the clothes. One of them was close to the chest. At that time, the situation was urgent. Naturally, no one would be interested in this. At the end of the battle, everyone's minds were active. After sitting softly, they didn't notice the problem. The clothes everywhere were exposed to the faint scenery. The two guys stared at them without looking at them.

"A group of perverts." Gentle, shy and angry, tightening the clothes and giving the two **** one foot.

Hong Lang was kicked and muttered: "The kid was still touching and touching on your Mimi. Why don't you teach him. Hey, the world is unfair."

Gentle and shameful: "He is trying to save me, can that be the same?"

King Kong immediately said, "Hey? You said this, I am thinking about it. The treatment of Shen Shen can only be used close to the wound. If you are injured again, if it is not a place to be injured..."

Everyone stays at the same time.

The sinking is also stunned.

At that moment, he turned his mind into countless thoughts and suddenly cried: "Damn, I know why this skill is called despicable medical treatment. Mom, this must have been invented by a certain color wolf. Its role is not what we thought before. That's all, it's all fake! Its role is to pick up girls!"

What kind of males in the world can reasonably and legally get rid of the pants of an unrecognized woman without worrying about the accused harassment?

The answer is simple: doctor.

The adventurer who invented the mean medical technique is an absolute satyr, a guy who has a passion for female body. Therefore, he deliberately invented this skill that must be treated personally. The purpose is not to save spiritual strength, but to soak up the girl, in order to be able to play with women. In some special scene worlds, such as ancient China, women have absolute strict limits on physical contact. Many dynasty women even touched me, I am not married.

In other words, with this medical technique, the owner of the skill can be mixed in many worlds.

You can even get help from some special female forces.

It's hard to imagine that the adventurer who invented this medical technique was originally not intended to heal itself, but to soak the horse. If it is not the name of despicable medical treatment reminds Shen Shen, it is absolutely impossible to believe that in the world of **** cities, there will be such adventurers.

But I have to admit that this is indeed a whimsical but very practical method of picking up girls.

Speaking of attitudes towards women, Shen Yu is not pedantic, and it is not enough to have a beautiful woman to send a gift or not. But to say that such a deliberate cultivation of a skill is to make it easy for a woman to play, and Shen can not do it. So when I want to understand this, Shen Yan is also a little bit smirking.

This skill is really good, but it is shameless to think about it.

It was the Honglang King Kong who looked at Shen Yan with envious eyes. I really want to take his skills down and use it for myself.

"How can I not have such a skill?" Hong Lang said with regret.

"Shut up, you." Shen Yan didn't bother him: "Today is the past. At night, the Germans are not expected to attack any more. There are still three days. As long as you support it, you can go back to the city. Complete this mission. Everyone's **** points will not be less, the number is five thousand five, and how many women you want to play after returning to the **** city."

Honglang shrugged.

Three days, there are still three days.

But have these three days been so good?

Even the bombers came out today.

In the next three days, planes, tanks, cannons, and a large number of German soldiers will be killed. How about supporting the current half camp and the dozens of adventurers?

Hong Lang sighed and said nothing to lie down.


The next time, the Germans' charge was even more ferocious.

The offensive was stronger than a wave.

When the tanks appeared, there were dozens of vehicles, and the planes in the sky began to increase to seven or eight, or even more than ten. The attacking force is the rush of the whole group. It was hard to repel an enemy attack, but it was a more massive attack by the enemy in a few hours. The weapons and ammunition in the 2nd Airborne Battalion were seriously inadequate, and the weapons and ammunition seized on the battlefield were not enough to consume. Some soldiers have even started a white-blade battle with the enemy. In a few places, suicide attacks have been launched. From time to time, soldiers will carry explosives to the other's tanks and end up with the enemy.

The situation of rapid reduction of staff in the second airborne camp has increased significantly, and even if it is indulged, it will not save too many people.

The situation in the 2nd Airborne Camp was bad, and the situation of the adventurers was not much better. Most people's bulletproof props have been used up, they can only rely on the body to support, and then treated by Shen Shen.

The gentle Kevlar body armor has been broken due to continuous attack, and can no longer be used. Fortunately, the Shen Yu has brought one more and gave it gentle use.

In addition, the rockets have already been consumed almost, although the sinking has been saved again and again, and it is no longer used when necessary, but it is still unable to drive the other tanks and cannons.

There are so many places to use the rocket launcher, but he has only a few rockets.

The other adventurers have not many bullets. In addition to the four sniper rifles and bullets, the two 62mm Gatling machine guns have already been smashed. The two adventurers picked up some weapons from the battlefield and temporarily arrived. use. But in the eighth day of the battle, the two adventurers died in the cluster of tanks and cannons.

At this point, the 21 adventurers who came to the original had 17 left, one seriously injured, four with bullets in their bodies, and more than two-thirds of the bulletproof props had lost their effect.

The adventurers began to feel the shadow of death coming to them. Bullets are lighted, protective props are ineffective, melee skills can't be effective in the people's wars, and the enemies in the back are getting stronger and stronger, the gap between them is shrinking infinitely, and the adventurer's strength is not much different from ordinary soldiers.

Weapons and ammunition are seriously inadequate. In order to survive, some adventurers are not allowed to use the rewards obtained during this time--the Schneider submachine guns in the gray boxes that can be used to exchange **** points.

A few people began to regret choosing to accept this optional task, saying that it was Shen Yu who took them to a dead end, otherwise they are now back to the city to eat spicy and spicy.

On the ninth day of the battle, the adventurer died two more.

One of them is Asheng, the big boy from Hong Kong.

He was hit by a German tank, and the high damage of 300 points blew his entire body into pieces.

He couldn't have died. The reason why he was shot was because the timid fat man was reluctant to retreat in battle. When he fled, Asheng and another adventurer were planning to attack the Germans from the side. This dead fat man actually ran from the other side to Asheng their hidden point, but also attracted the attention of a German tank. As a result, the tank was fired in the past and the two were killed at the same time.

The dead fat man who brought them a deadly disaster was only slightly injured.

This incident made all the adventurers and the soldiers in the second airborne camp grieve.

After the battle, the fat man was tied up.

An adventurer shouted at his head with a gun: "You bastard, from the very beginning, I saw that you are not pleasing to the eye. I am afraid of death, and I have not even used anything to fight back! How can Germany not take you?" It’s killing! But it’s okay, the Germans can’t kill you, and I’m shooting you, saving you from harming everyone!”

"Don't! I don't want to!" The fat man cried in tears: "Don't kill me, kill me, you will lose the team reward!"

"You reminded me, since this is the case, I will not kill you. I interrupted your legs, tied you up and put them on the front line, let the Germans kill you. Can you always?" The adventurer sneered at the thighs of the fat man. Trigger, one hand suddenly stretched over, held the muzzle up and lifted up, a string of bullets rubbing the fat man's face flew over, scared him to scream.

It is sinking.

"What are you doing?" The adventurer yelled.

"You can't do this." Shen Yan said coldly: "We need people now."

"This dead fat man counts his hand? In addition to helping him, he will not do anything. He killed two of us! What is the use of keeping him?" The adventurer yelled.

In fact, in addition to sinking, everyone feels that it is useless to keep this fat person, except for dragging everyone, there is nothing at all.

These days the German soldiers who killed him will be able to count a slap.

Shen Shen faintly said: "At least he has a gun in his hand, and there are bullets in his gun."

"That is, he didn't even shoot at all." The adventurer sneered.

"There is the value left behind, not to mention that he can create mental armor and improve everyone's chances of survival." Shen Yu said, then he looked at the dead fat man: "Of course, considering his previous mistakes, returning to the city After that, let him take half of the **** points for everyone."

This sentence made all the adventurers hesitate.

The adventurer thought for a moment and nodded and said, "I can see it, but it can't be half, it's all."

"Two-thirds, do not do too much, leave people alive. So let the **** points of the main task to others." Shen Weidao.

Everyone looked at each other and finally nodded.

King Kong used a gun to lick the fat man: "Hey, talk, don't agree? Are you dumb?"

The fat man yelled: "I agree! I agree! Don't kill me. After I go back, I must give you **** points!"

"First, let's take out the 1,700 points that you have already got. Now there are 15 people here, each of them takes ... 113 points. When you return to the city, you will take the rest of the blood and sign the agreement. Just spare you not to die!"

Where does the fat man dare to say no?

Suddenly said: "This time I will not want it, that more than one hundred **** points to Honglang, King Kong and gentle."

Said that he turned and left.

Everyone stayed at the same time.

Hong Lang asked dullly: "How is this kid suddenly so generous?"

Everyone does not understand, only King Kong is thoughtful.


A man sitting on the abandoned tank in the middle of the battlefield, his eyes squinting, looking at the soldiers in the distance, no one knows what he is thinking.

Hong Lang strode over and unknowingly sat next to Shen Yu. He handed a cigarette to Shen: "Come one?"

Shen Yu took over, wanted to find Honglang to fire, thought about it, directly hit the mouth with a spirit gun, the smoke directly burned half, Shen Shen took a breath: "Enough!"

"There is no gun for you, but your gun is not as strong as your heart."

"Guess it?" Shen Yan did not look at Hong Lang.

Hong Lang smiled bitterly: "It was still guessed by King Kong, but only told me and gentle."

"King Kong guy is not simple." Shen Xiaohe laughed.

"He is an adventurer who has experienced a novice task and four formal missions. It is also an old man at a difficult level." When it comes to this, Hong Lang has no choice but to say: "I really served you, Shen Shen, I can think of it." Use the fat guy to reduce the average value of the contribution. After waiting for this, you will become a big money."

For this optional task, the real reward is not the **** point of the four thousand points, but the highest reward of the team based on the contribution ratio. According to the order issued by the Bloody City, the team's top contributors will be able to get a special reward for each level by 10% higher than the average.

As Shen Yu got the combat contribution of the 2nd Airborne Camp in this battle, it was already the first contribution of the iron plate, plus his treatment, the rocket launcher, and the delay caused by his command for three days. The plan of the lower bridge is very likely to be included in the contribution, so after the end of this mission, as long as he is not dead, I am afraid that he can get nearly half of his contribution. But Shen Wei is not satisfied with this.

The existence of the fat man makes Shen Yu realize that something interesting - this is a guy who contributes almost zero.

Since his contribution is almost zero, the living fat is undoubtedly the best way to reduce the contribution ratio of all surviving adventurers.

If there are fewer people living, the average value will be reduced even more.

This is why Shen Qiang does not let the fat man die.

His presence directly plays an important role in the rewards that Shen Yu may receive, and it is likely to help Shen Shen break through a 10% ratio.

This is a **** world of cruel killing. Only by improving yourself as much as possible can we survive to the maximum. Everyone wants to be strong, but it’s obviously not enough to use your brain. This is like doing business. You not only have to complete the sale, but also have to maximize the benefits and minimize the cost in the process of completing the sale.

No matter what kind of world, as long as it has rules, there are loopholes that can be exploited.

The loophole may not be obvious, and it may not necessarily work, but the old saying goes well: grasping the details is the inevitable path to success.

The overall situation must be there, and the details cannot be ignored.

The difference between success and failure often differs only in this small point.

Sinking is the key to discovering this, so I saved the fat man.

"Is it very mean?" Shen Yan asked Hong Lang.

Honglang smiled and said: "The world of weak meat and strong food, the woman's benevolence does not work. There is no such thing as a dead fat man, and you have nothing to do with it. If you don't have a little bit of benefit, you can desperately protect him. I can only say that this is in the **** city. On the road, you are not far away. This world is not suitable for the Virgin to survive. As for now, I am more optimistic about you."

Shen Yan also laughed: "Since you said this, you will help me a favor, bring me to the bridge after the fat man, and give it to Frost protection. Don't let him fight."

"What? I am afraid that other people will start with him?"

"Who knows. King Kong can guess that other people can guess it sooner or later. You know that this kind of emotion is sometimes terrible. Some people prefer to get less and don't want you to get more. They dare not deal with it. I don't want to start from the fat man. Don't give them this opportunity. Sometimes people are bad people because you gave him the chance to be a bad guy. It's like your door is open every day, neighbors do The opportunity for the thief will increase. It is useless to keep the fat man. It is in the front line and you will be killed by someone else. Right, let him leave the gun and bullets and give him a pistol. ”

"Good." Honglang nodded and agreed: "Yes, I don't know where you are from."

"W city, what do you want to do?"

"Whenever asked, people in W city... very close to S city, I heard that there is a good development there, the environment is good." Hong wave big head swiftly, together to sink into the sink: "I also heard that the southern girl's skin is Special water spirit?"

"Okay." Shen Yan faintly replied: "What about you? Shaanxi?"

"Hey, let you hear it, I am from Xi'an." Honglang touched the back of his head and lay on the lid of the car: "No, you are good, but then how is your hometown. Unfortunately, no chance to take a look." ""

"It doesn't have to be, is there a desire mission?"

"As far as I can bear this, can you look like someone who can be a marshal?" Hong Lang laughed, and there was some sadness in the laughter.

He saw Shen Shen want to talk and waved: "I know what you want to say, but don't say those who are comforting. What I expected is that I know how much better than that fat man. Maybe more than him. Off, but the final result is the same This **** is a death game, maybe there is a person in 10,000 who can live alive, but that person will not be me. If you must let me say we Who among these people is the most hopeful to live out, then I think this person can only be you."

When Hong Lang said this, his tone was very serious and his expression was serious.

Shen Wei slightly stunned and threw away the cigarette butt: "Don't **** say this boring words, life and death, wealth in the sky, do everything, listen to the fate, it's as simple. No one stipulates who must live, who must Dead." He patted Honglang: "I said that we will all be alive and leave."

"You will comfort people." Hong Lang smiled: "To be true, when I arrive, I will ask you to eat the mutton in our hometown. I promise you will like it. Don't look at you as a southerner, I see you, Don't lose our northern man, sometimes it's a little more thoughtful."

Sinking and laughing, "Well, if I can really go out, I will go to your mutton."

"That line." Hong Lang took the head. He suddenly took out a small book, wrote a line of words on it, and then stuffed it into his pocket: "This is my home address and my family's name, put it in your **** coat of arms, and leave me a permanent there. space."

"The preparation work is still quite adequate." Shen Yan smiled and took over.

"Help me, brother, if I am dead, and you can live alive, go to my house to see. Go see my aunt, go see my sister..." Hong Lang said very seriously.

Sinking at Honglang, suddenly lost.

He suddenly understood why Hong Lang had to tell him this.

He is telling the last words.

I figured it out, and I smiled bitterly.

He lay on the tank cover and fell asleep like that.

I don't know how long I have slept, and the distant round of rising sun rises.

The tenth day finally arrived.

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