Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 38: Jedi escape (on)


A purple thunderbolt passed through the long martyrdom behind the gentleness, and a horrible wound was blown behind the gentleness. Then it jumped four times, hitting Lao Meng and three mechanical reformers, and mechanically transforming the soldiers because of weight problems. They ran much slower than the elite soldiers. Even though they took the first step, they were still gentle and they quickly caught up.

Thunder Purple: A purple Thunderbolt is fired on the target and can jump to attack four targets. Direct damage 245 (350) points, only on the target itself, element damage 126 (180) points, each goal is jumped, the power is reduced by 20%.

The power of this attack is fierce, and it will almost be a gentle hit, but fortunately, the effect of her starlight has not passed, and she has barely lost her life.

Even the old Mengdu, who was affected by it, fell awkwardly and screamed and screamed at the same time. "There is no big problem with other people? Ah? You are talking to your man like this?" Dual use, the mouth is still clear.

Gentle also rushed to take medicine to himself, while rushing to answer: "Then how do you want me to answer? Oh, Shen, we are being chased by Diablo, my man, come to save me? Is this?"

"At least you can let him use the team assembly order!"

"And then throw you here?"

When Lao Meng stayed, he realized that he could not enjoy the benefits of the team assembly order. His face became bleak: "Do you have the power to join the team?"

Gentle and gentle with a sympathetic look: "You still pin your hopes on your own speed."

Lao Meng looked back and saw that Diablo, who had turned Beria later, was chasing the stride. Because his body was too tall, the original tall space of the temple could not accommodate his head. When he ran all the way, the top double corner hit the dome ceiling, and as he ran, the ceiling was torn apart for a long time. The mouth, the stucco on the top kept falling, and it looked like the gentle death of the temple of death that was in disrepair.

"He is catching up with us!" cried Lao Meng.

Diablo's body was so tall that he stepped out of every step and they were gentle and they were seven or eight steps. Although they were running hard, they were still close by.

"Sir, you are going, let's block the guy!"

It is a mechanically modified soldier.

Gentle and gentle: "Utrede, you..."

"Come on!" the soldier named Utrede shouted, and turned back to Beria.

"Go to death!" Beria violently punches, huge iron fists seem to fall from the sky, the devil God Diablo powerful attack skills Thunder weight: attack target caused by Thunder strike, according to the proportionality of the offensive and defensive gap caused damage.

This hit on Utrecht, actually turned him into a patties, a fatal blow.

Then Utreda's body flashed, the bomb blew himself, and bombed Beria, but he was nothing but just shook his body, took the smoke that was contaminated with him, and then strode back.

"Utrede!" gentle screaming.

"Come on!" Lao Meng pulled her a hand and accelerated before running.

When they ran more than 40 meters away, they only heard a sound from the rear, and it was another mechanically modified soldier who died.

Within a few seconds, another explosion sounded.

When they rushed to a layer of holes, the fourth explosion also sounded. Gentlely, all the mechanically modified soldiers had all died.

And they also succeeded in delaying a little time for gentle people.

Just rushed into a layer of holes, but see Lyle actually standing in the hole waiting. When they saw the gentleness, they did not say that they quickly pressed the detonator, and the hole exploded, and the huge waves that were picked up even spread the gentle old Meng. Looking at the hole again, it has been almost completely collapsed by Lyle.

"Good job, Lyle!" cried softly.

Lao Meng grinned in his ear: "It’s just blowing up early, almost thinking that you want to blow me in."

"Come on, this can't stop him for how long!" Lyle threw the detonator and ran forward.

A few of the sorcerers wanted to come and block the road, and they were all evacuated by a gentle whip, and called to Lyle:

"How much explosive did you bury?"

"All, sir, the explosives are gone, the rockets are running out. We have to use them to open the way. There are still many undead creatures on the road, but without the **** witches, they can't regenerate. Unfortunately, we don't have Time to grind with them."

"You are doing the right thing!" Gentlely glanced back and saw that the bombed hole was moving, apparently Beria was trying to drill out of the cave.

"Lyle, give me your magnetic mines!"

Lyle pulled out a magnetic storm mine and threw it to the gentle, gentle push the initiator to throw at the hole. The magnetic storm mine flashed innumerable electromagnetic lightning, and drilled straight through the small gap between the stones, hitting Beria. This kind of magnetic storm mine is not an ordinary explosive damage. A large number of electromagnetic shocks directly cause Beria to be paralyzed all over the body.

"Go, fast! Fast! Fast!" shouted softly.

The three men ran all the way, because the road had been cleared by Frost and others, so all the way, when they rushed to the entrance to the temple, they had seen the back of Frost and others.

"Froster, let John start the car!" Gentle and screaming.

"The order has been made!" Frost replied loudly.

"Good, I think we will get rid of that terrible guy." Gentle and relieved, the terrible footsteps behind him seemed to have stopped completely.

At this time, the entire death temple suddenly violently shakes.

Gentle look changed: "Not good!"

I saw the underground mud rolling in the temple, and I smashed a big hole, just like an earthquake, I even tore the whole temple.

This is not counting, the big head below is awesome, it is the horrible face of Diablo.

Lao Meng almost cried: "This dog day will also cut the road!"

Despite the current physical qualities of the adventurers, in the daily situation, although the building is not fun, it is not impossible, but the mission world given by the **** city, especially the environment with strict task execution procedures. Never allow adventurers to break easily.

But the existence of Diablo at this moment seems to be able to ignore this rule and go directly from the second floor of the temple to the first floor.

"Come on!" gentle screaming.

Everyone is mad at the outside of the hall, and a little light in the distance is hidden. However, Diablo's big hand was also pressed on the land on both sides of the temple. His huge head continued to arch, and it seemed that he had to dig a layer out of the hole and return directly to the ground.

The entire temple was crumbling in this huge impact.


Wearing a guardian suit, wearing four ant rings, an ant necklace, an ant medal, the left wrist is a black shackle, the right wrist is an iron bracelet, the left hand is holding a heavy shield, the right hand is holding a gold knife, and the outside is covered. A layer of T1000 deformed armor was placed.

At this moment, Luo Wei can be said to be fully equipped and prestige.

His attributes have been upgraded to the point of strength 55 physique 56 agility 35 spirit 39 will 14 , with the guardian suit, standard defense power 68, its strong defense, the average three difficulty adventurers can not match.

It’s just that his cringing expression doesn’t look like a human warrior who challenges the Great Devil, but more like a sacrifice to be offered to the gods.

"Hey, get up." Shen Wei sorted out his clothes and smiled and patted his face: "What? Scared?"

" afraid." Luo Wei stood straight and answered.

Honglang dismissed: "Cut, the teeth are shaking."

I glanced at Honglang and then laughed at Luo Wei. "Nothing to fear, you are now a real warrior. You are alone in the castle of the Great Devil. There is a beautiful princess waiting for you in the castle." Rescue. You see, in this process, you are the protagonist, the devil is the supporting role, it is to show your style. BOSS? BOSS what? Not just to give us some difficulty, add some stimulation, then let us explode The best, let the days be more comfortable?"

Luo Yan squeezed an ugly smile: "It sounds very easy, boss."

"It’s not difficult." Hong Lang grinned. "I want to have this equipment for you. I dare to go to the heads-up." If your mother doesn't even support it for three minutes, you still die early, Laozi loses. Can't afford this person."

King Kong also patted Luo Wei: "The wave ball is a jerk, but it's not rough, it's not a big deal." He patted Luo Wei's stomach: "Like a man, bravely face all difficulties. ”

"Yes!" Luo Wei replied loudly, as if the voice shouted louder and even stronger.

Zhou Yiyu also smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you really can't stand then run out. If you can't finish the task, can you really let you die?"

This made Luo Yi feel a lot more peace of mind.

Evil words will be good, and soft words will be more conducive. In fact, it is less meaningful than giving promise to give confidence.

At this moment, Luo Wei looked around and saw what he said. He said that if he dragged his time, his ugly wife would still see the in-laws of Governor Drill, and only one bite: "Then I went!"

He did not go back to the room of Governor Drill.

The room of Governor Riel is at the end of the fifth floor of the Royal Prison.

At the end of the door there was a small door. At the same time that Luo Wei was about to push the door, the **** coat of arms suddenly came up with a message: "After entering the room of Governor, you will not be able to leave unless you kill Governor. Are you sure to enter?"

Luo Wei was shocked: "Boss, after this place goes in, you can't come out without killing Dowler. Listen to the tips, even the team assembly order can't bring me out."

The sound of Shen Qiang is stable: "Don't worry, we will come in early to help you when it is too big."

Luo Wei was relieved.

When I walked into the room, Luo Wei looked around and looked at it. It was like a thief who broke into another house. He crept and cautiously looked at it and saw that there was no movement. He walked a few more steps forward.

The room was dim and nothing could be seen clearly.

Luo Yan stretched his neck and looked around, but he did not find where Dowler was.

He was confused, and suddenly a voice rang in his ear: "Are you looking for me?"

The fat man looked back at the horror, and saw a pair of green eyes behind him staring at himself. The huge body shape, the hard carapace, the head of the skull, was the king of pain.

Luo Wei took a breath.

He looked at Dowler with a sly look, for a while, he said:

"Sorry, go wrong."

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