Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 40: mutation

The black lightning rushed wildly in the wilderness, and behind it was the fearful devil who strode over.

Out of the Temple of Death, gentle, they have a black lightning to accelerate, this fear of the devil is no longer blocked as a cave crawling, plus the snake touch effect is being discharged a little by him over time, so the speed is actually Also mentioned.

Until now, you will find that this guy, regardless of strength, speed or skill, has a super amazing side. Perhaps this is the only way to qualify for the ultimate BOSS status in his dark world.

"He is catching up!" Michelle yelled. Black lightning has entered the limit of speed 320, only slightly faster than the other side. However, with the disappearance of the rocket power, the fear **** behind it gradually narrowed the distance.

"Mom, how long does this guy's transformation last?"

He has never seen such a powerful, long-lasting transformation. If he can continue for so long, I am afraid that none of the four great devils is his opponent.

"He can't be so powerful..." Gentle struggling to sit up: "He must have used some method, such as overdraft life."

"For a Hradic box? Is it worth it?" Lao Meng has never seen such a lingering BOSS, so it is difficult to understand why Beria is so crazy.

Gentle smile: "I also used an endless curse on him..."

Lao Meng: "..."

Suddenly a sullen chest, gentle coughing out a large piece of blood, the blood is black.

This old Meng was shocked: "Are you okay? How could this be?"

When he rescued the gentleness, he noticed that the whole person was almost out of strength, sweating all over the body, and the body was constantly twitching, seemingly enduring tremendous pain.

This situation is extremely rare among adventurers.

As the adventurers improve their physique, their tolerance for pain has long been far greater than that of ordinary people. Even if an arm is cut, it is often a brow and a bite for them to pass.

If there is no fatal or troublesome injury, the simple vital damage is not easy to cause the situation in front of us. How gentle is it now still in great pain?

He had to think that it was the fear that the devil used strange skills for her, which led to this consequence.

Gentlely wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Nothing, it is much better."

She forced the use of Andalil's blood, conflicting with the blood of her own angels, causing great problems in her body, and she will lose her ability to act at the last minute. At this moment, he was taken to the car by Lao Meng. After a short break and no longer using the bloodline power, the conflict gradually eased, and the gentle feeling was much better.

But she is still very aware that in her own body, Andalil's blood power is still entangled with the blood power of the Twilight Angel, as if two snakes bite each other in her body. The blood of the Twilight Angel is higher than the depressing Queen in the pedigree level. As a supplementary bloodline, its aggression is not even as good as the latter. Therefore, the **** battles between the two sides are very lively, and it is impossible to win the game.

Gentle, don't care about them. Anyway, no matter how much injury, you can naturally heal after returning to the **** city. It's just faint, and I feel that my troubles this time are not so simple.

"The distance is only two hundred meters!" Michelle called again.

The fear of the demon is accelerating, and Beria is running faster and faster. Obviously, he is fully urging himself. As gentle, he is also consuming himself to maintain the transformation of this fearful demon, so this moment is also all-out.

"La the rocket!" gentle scream.

There are also four rockets on the black lightning car that are not in use. Michelle pressed the rocket launch button and two rockets whistled and flew to Beria.

Beria was also fierce, and even both hands grabbed the rocket and caught two rockets in her hands. There were two bangs, and the rocket exploded in his palm, but he continued to rush if nothing happened.

Two rockets were fired. This time, Beria did not resist hard and went straight into the air. Two rockets flew over the bottom of his foot and landed far away.

A gentle eye: "He can't hold it anymore!"

As if to verify the gentleness of the words, the fear of the devil in Beria's body turned out to have some light and shadow of the class, flickering.

That is the harbinger of a transformation that will collapse.

Beria also knew that she could not support it for a long time, and suddenly mobilized her full force to leap into the air. This jump was more than a hundred meters, and it instantly narrowed the distance with the other party.

He rushed a few steps, slammed his knees down and made a heavy blow to the ground with one hand.

I saw that there were countless thorns on the ground.

The demon **** destroys the earth and destroys the ground: a large number of ground thorns hit the target within a hundred meters and create an earthquake effect. The ground thorn hurts each 245 (350) points.

Just listening to the bang of the sky, the brush on the ground rushed out of the numerous large stone pillars rushing into the sky, which was a trick used by the previous fear of the devil to destroy the temple of death.

A stone pillar picked up from the bottom of the black lightning, and it was placed on the chassis of the lightning car. The huge impact directly pushed the black lightning to the sky, almost breaking the car into two pieces from the middle.

Gentle, Lao Meng and six soldiers also fell from the air.

A gentle whip of a whip, wrapped in a stone pillar, steadily falling on it, did not suffer a little bit of damage. Lao Meng then slashed his sword, and the tip of the sword was on the stone pillar, which also saved the doom of stone pillars.

However, the six summoned soldiers are not so lucky. Michelle, Fesci, Kafka and Frost fell out of the car, just hit by the rising stone pillar, Michelle, Kafka died on the spot, and the physical defense is higher. Frost was seriously injured.

Lyle was also smashed by the stone pillar, but he did not die. The effect of the blasting medal blocking the critical strike was effective, leaving a poor ten-point life for Lyle.

The only one who did not suffer any injuries was Arias. He even stepped on the steps and escaped this terrible blow, but witnessed his partner's death.



Frost and others also screamed at the same time.

Gentle Lao Meng also has a glimpse of the heart. Such a wide range of remote skills, even the high power of single killing skills, this adventurer has never seen since entering the **** city.

However, this was not enough. After the black lightning was hit, Beria's hands were flat, and the earth was suddenly ascending a super-fire sea more than destroying the earth.

Ten-party Purgatory: Turning the 300-meter range into a sea of ​​infernal fire, all enemy targets in the sea of ​​fire will be subject to 21 (30) damage per second. Duration is one minute.

"Frost!" Arias shouted with sorrow.

In the raging fire, Frost, who was seriously injured, Lyle and Faith were killed almost at the first time.

Gentle and rushing, grab Arias and throw it overseas, and rushed to the fire with Lao Meng. Fortunately, due to the distance, they are not at the very center of the 10th Purgatory, so they quickly rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. Even so, they were burned by the 10th Purgatory and burned more than 100 points.

In the wilderness, the flames raged, and it took a while to fade away. On the surface were five charred bodies, a flame that had not been extinguished, and a black lightning that was almost burnt into scrap iron.

In a farther place, the horror demon has disappeared, and Beria restored his identity as the king of lies. It’s just that he has no previous arrogance, and he is helpless and frightened.

The guys didn't die!

He turned and ran.

Looking at the back of Beria's wolf, the gentle lips vomited: "The trick is finally used up? Then, it's time for our performance."

Lao Meng smiled and said: "When you chase, you are so fierce, now you know you want to run? You save the soldiers, this guy will give it to me."



Tuluier slammed into the roaring body with a fierce rush, just like hitting a sandbag with a heavy hammer and directly hitting the fat man, hitting the wall and actually hitting the fat man in the wall.

If this collision is hit by ordinary people, it is a hundred lives.

Luo Wei just shook his head and pushed the wall out of his hand. Falling back to the ground, he moved his muscles and found that he did not seem to be hurt.

Just this shot, it seems that the power is huge, but it only caused 1 basic damage to him.

It's no wonder that Luo Wei's current standard defense has reached 68 points. Although Dürr's ordinary attack is fierce, it is obviously not yet enough to break through this value, plus fifteen percent of the guardian suit. Damage exemption, attack damage is not more than 100, basically do not want to threaten him.

This is still the case when he has not used the guardian fortress and does not move.

If these two skills are used, Rosie can even resist most of the attacks below 150 points. Of course, the exception of elemental attacks, but the damage that can be caused will be extremely limited.

Seeing this performance, Luo Xiao laughed.

In fact, he is not unaware of the amazing degree of his own defensive power. It is only after some things that he has to face and try his own taste before he can feel deeply. Seeing that Drill’s Thunder’s blow did not affect himself. He couldn't help but be bold, and even the fear in his heart was much weaker.

Dürr is obviously shocked by the powerful defense ability of the fat man in front of him. He curiously looked over his head and looked at Luo Wei: "Hey? You are not easy? Maybe I should change the way."

He waited for Rosie's reaction, his arms suddenly rose, two knives appeared out of thin air, and the X-shaped cross fiercely slammed to the fat man, it was his most successful death cut: hit two knives, all on the straight line The target deals damage, and each damage is 100 points and the effective distance is 50 meters.

This death cut is the most commonly used attack method of Drill, which can easily tear a huge beast into several pieces. However, it is like a normal knife scratched on a fat man, not to mention tearing the opponent, even Serious injuries can't be done.

This made Governor Ruhr more and more surprised: "You are really not very simple."

The fat man was shocked by the sudden second strike of Governor Ruhr. He first stunned, then immediately angered and jumped his feet and shouted: "Why are you **** Laipi, how can you even hit it twice?"

"I thought this should be called a grand greeting." Tunier replied with a smile.

The fat man obviously stayed for a while, but he didn't expect this guy to be shameless than himself. He saw that he was hit by this attack. Because the guardian suit also had the effect of long-range damage reduction, this death cut damage did not reach 20 o'clock, and the bottom of the breath suddenly grew stronger: "Dry your mother, then let Laozi also be good. Greeting you!"

The more men who don't have the courage, the more they like to bully the weak.

He is now defensive and powerful, and he has put all the fears of Dowler behind him and regarded the other party as a weak person. Therefore, he bravely went forward and broke the golden knife and slashed it to the Governor!


"Ha ha ha ha!" Zhou Yi Yu smiled forward and back, almost could not stand.

"What are you laughing at?" Hong Lang was puzzled.

Zhou Yiyu pointed to the **** coat of arms placed in his ear and whispered, "I finally started playing."

It turned out that he had been listening to the fat man and Governor Ruhr.

King Kong glanced at the time and muttered: "It took two minutes to formally start, really served this guy."

Sinking and laughing: "In any case, at least he now dares to face Dowler."

"Yes, after discovering that Drill could not hurt him... It was a bully who was bullying and hard." Zhou Yiyu laughed.

Shen Yu replied: "Everyone is bullying and hard, but only to a different extent. Luo has actually had the courage, but he does not know that he needs only confidence and exercise."

King Kong asked: "So you let him face Dowler alone, more reasons is to train him?"

"Yes." Shen Yan admitted: "He has been with us for too long and has relied on us. Although he has made great progress, he has lost his independence and self-confidence... In his opinion Everyone is better than him. I hope that he can face some tasks alone, relying on his own ability to complete it, so that he has more confidence, it will be very helpful to him."

Hong Lang asked: "What if he loses? Isn't confidence even lower?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "For a person like you, losing a battle may cause a psychological blow, but not for him. Because he is used to failure, it is common for him to fail, but victory is rare. Therefore, for those who are always winning, failure is the mother of success, but for those who are always at the bottom, success is the mother of success. Luo has already had enough failure experience, he No longer need someone to tell him which way to go, he just needs to know which way to go... All he needs is a successful experience, and this battle will give him what he needs."

King Kong immediately said: "But this does not mean that he will be able to kill the Governor's 1,800 lives in three minutes."

Shen Xiao smiled: "I never thought he could do Honglang didn't understand: "Then why do you want to..."

"Just to further cultivate his confidence." Shen Yu replied: "When the battle is over, if he knows that his captain has pressed him a 3,000-point bet, I think he will be very touched. Remember this Fight, no matter how the performance of Luo Wei, you have to praise him, understand? If anyone dares to laugh at him, I will kick his ass!"

"Understood!" Everyone responded together.

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed over in the distance, and it was a long-awaited Zou Yi.

It was only that he was **** and scarred at this time. A face that was still pretty and handsome was even more unrecognizable. Even his nose was cut into two pieces, and it looked like a terrible thing.

He ran down to the ground in a few steps, and he could not climb for a time.

"Zou Yi!" Shen Hao hurriedly ran over to hold him, and the medical operation started: "What happened? Who hurt you like this?"

Zou Yi screamed: "Mom, it's the scattered adventurers, they come to the royal prison!"

"What?" Shen Yan glanced: "Yi Yu, you immediately go to the fourth floor!"

Zhou Yiyu took the motorcycle and flew out.

Sinking, I asked Zou Yi: "What the **** is going on?"

Zou Yi gasped in the air: "I didn't have much to go out of the royal prison. I saw a group of adventurers running towards this place. There were a total of fourteen, all the **** came! They saw me as soon as they saw me, but fortunately I The reaction was fast, they didn't wait until they were close, they were coming all the way, but they were not familiar with the terrain inside, and the speed was slower. I also heard someone clamoring to kill everyone here!"

"How far are they from here?" Shen asked urgently.

“Up to one or two minutes will arrive!”

Shen Yan’s face changed greatly: “Broken, Luo Wei...”

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