Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 43: Forced by the war (1)


A fierce and fierce punch on Luo’s stomach, and he hit him on the back.

Luo Yi turned over and climbed up: "The gentleman does not move, let's talk, OK?"

Responding to him is two sharp swords that shine like dead light, and two deep blood troughs are cut out on Luo.

"Humble humans..." Dürel returned with disdainful ridicule.

Another sharp knife slashed to Luo Wei, Luo Hao shouted and jumped.

If the former governor is only playing with Luo Wei, then he is getting more and more serious at the moment, and every time he takes a serious point, Luo Wei feels the pressure from the king of pain is a big point, that kind of The threat of fear of death increases by one point.

The attack from Dürel has gradually become denser and the attack speed is getting faster and faster. The whole space has become a piece of land. The knives of the flying air are like a circle of knives, madly cutting his skin, drawing a blood mark, Luo Yan’s face, hands are full of blood marks, it seems to be like a certain The shrews grabbed a few on the face fiercely.

Although each knife only brings him a little damage, but when the knife frequency is large enough, the drop of this damage becomes very fast, just like the water droplets falling at high speed gradually become water.

So with the knives flying in the sky, Luo Wei was shocked to find that his life loss rate is also getting faster and faster...

"Hey, hello, you are slow!" Luo screamed.

Dürer’s laughter became sharper and sharper: “Unfortunately, you have a strong defense ability, but you don’t know how to attack. There is no offensive defense, only to stay alive!”

That's right, without attack, you can't break the madness of the governor. He doesn't even need to use any powerful tricks to deal with Luo Wei. It's enough to rely on the crazy knife to make Luo Shengsheng dead.

Just then, a sharp whistling sound suddenly appeared in midair.

This howling sound is so sharp that even Dowler is one of them.

Six black ants appeared out of thin air and slammed into Dowler.

The attack came so suddenly that Tully was completely unprepared. He couldn’t respond at the moment. The whole person who was hit was flying, and six black ants flew on him and started to bite.

The knife light in the air dissipated at the same time. Luo Wei slowly stood up and slammed his mouth: "When you are a mother, the tiger is not angry. You really treat Laozi as a sick cat. You are not going to attack? I will attack you." Look."

The black ant's guardian of the suit skill is launched. As one ant is turned into fly ash, the remaining five black ants are simultaneously alienated into guard ants.

As the strongest guardian of the East 2nd District of the Wilderness, the melee strength of the five guard ants can definitely rival the top two BOSS. This is also the biggest reliance of Shen Hao to let Luo Wei take over the professional mission of the Halo.

Just as the five guard ants turned into a moment, the captain of the defending ant, who was headed, suddenly gave a sharp long scorpion and slammed into the governor, and the captain skill joint attack launched.

This attacking power is huge, directly placing the Governor on the wall and inserting it into the wall, letting Dürr also try the feeling of the previous fat man.

"Beautiful!" The fat man jumped out.

Governor Durre only felt a burst of anger in his heart.

"Small creatures dare to challenge the majesty of the king? Let me go!" He yelled.

His body suddenly released a strong ray of light, scatters frantically toward the four sides, bringing out a vigorous blast, and blasting all five guard ants.

Then the governor's arm slammed, and a bright light was condensed on the tip of the knife. The governor turned into a hurricane and rushed to Luo Wei. He was not a guy without a brain. It was clear that there was no point in battling the ants. .

The skill burst and the broken star knife are launched again and again.

A few guard ants tried to block the defender at the same time, and they just flew when they met Dowler. Tsurel was like a heavy tank, and the rumble ran into the rogue unstoppable.

"I fuck!" Luo Yan said, fiercely slammed the shield and blocked it in front of him.

The Broken Star Knife hit the heavy shield with unparalleled power. The huge force hit the heavy shield and opened up. The remaining momentum continued uncut. He continued to slash to Luo Wei. Seeing that Luo Wei could no longer hide, he suddenly had one more Layer silver armor.

The arm of the knife hit the silver armor, and the silver armor burst out of the silver of the sky, flying like a silver rain, and watching the governor also stayed for one.

At this time, he saw this scene for the first time. The silver awns that danced in front of him were like the stars of an angel.

At the same time, Dürer’s eyes flashed in front of him, and he hurried back, but he still took a slow step. The broken gold knife was kneeling on the arm of his left hand, and his own skill broke gold again, and he broke his left arm into a big gap.

Dürr did not expect to have this change in his dreams, and he screamed.

Luo Wei was smug and continued to slash and scream, accompanied by five guard ants to launch a continuous attack.

With the completion of the Halo Samurai mission, his heart pressure has been greatly reduced. If people's courage is strong, their self-confidence will grow, and their play will be exceptionally good, because they don't have to be afraid.

He is confident and confident at this moment, and all the things he has learned in the past have come to mind. Therefore, in the face of the aggressive attack of Dowler, not only is the defense excellent, but he can even take the opportunity to counterattack, and it is actually very different.

At this moment, a number of knives were cut on the governor, and Luo Wei suddenly jumped up, facing the face of Dowler.

Although this foot is not hurting, it directly sent the governor to fly out.

This kind of thing is almost impossible to happen in the ordinary, but now it is miraculous.

Luo Wei suddenly found that he was not so weak. He couldn't help but twisted his **** against Druid. At the same time, he cocked his **** and shouted: "Hey, are you so two?"

Tirrell stared at Luo Wei, but his anger was growing.

He suddenly nodded. "I must admit that you are stronger than I thought. With only 20% of the power, it is really difficult to clean up you..."

Luo Xiao’s head screamed: “You...what are you talking about?”

Dürer did not pay any attention to him, but said a faint saying: "Four forces!"


The scimitar is like a moon, bringing a round of ecstasy, hitting the back of Zhou Yiyu, like a light breeze across the lake, bringing a water ripple.

Zhou Yiyu spit out a large amount of blood when he boarded, and then he couldn’t hold the body forward. When he fell, he shot the body and the motorcycle quickly flew out in a parallel ground position. It was his most proud spiral back. .

It’s just that this use is not for offense, but for escape.

The slender figure of the figure was closed, and the left hand stretched into a tiger-claw shape, and a button was pulled toward the front. A tiger-shaped claw came out of the body and grabbed Zhou Yiyu.

"Yi Yu abandoned the car!" Shen Hao shouted and rushed over.

Zhou Yiyu did not return to the jump, and the tiger claws were buckled on the motorcycle. The slender man had a claw and a buckle, and the motorcycle was twisted into a mass of iron twist.

Sinking shot at the moon, three rounds of double-B bullets have flew the slender adventurer, the left hand is shot against the car, activated and activated, and actually restored the car.

Seeing that the other side was about to be shot, the fat man suddenly appeared in the back of the man. He stretched out a fat palm and waved at the attacking bullet. His fingers flicked three times and flew all three bullets.

"Do you mean me?"

The fat adventurer is also a stay: "Do you know?"

"It’s much more than you think!" Shen Yu’s left hand and his claws have risen and he has caught the fat adventurer. This fat man's bullets have a unique restraining effect on throwing and bullet-like attacks. It is difficult for him to play his own armor-piercing projectiles, so Shen Shen regards him as a priority target.

The fat man saw the flying claws fly, stretched his fingers and re-played, and he was playing on the tip of the claws, and the flying claws were swept away. The former slender adventurer jumped up and slammed against the sinking. At the same time, Several adventurers appeared from the rear.

The sinking does not dodge, the flying claws catch the fat man again, and the scimitar of the slender adventurer is about to squat, just listening to the thunder and roaring: "Get out!"

The Honglang rushed out like a bison, and the Tomahawk blocked the other side of the knife. The backhand hit a fist and hit the adventurer. The skill was **** and enthusiastic.


It was as if a hammer hit the slender adventurer, and the man vomited blood and fell. Unexpectedly, at this time, the sinking of the flying claws was recovered, and it happened to be caught behind the man, and he was arrested.

The fat adventurer's face changed dramatically: "White Dragon is careful!"

The Honglang has already plunged the tiger, and the person who is holding it is slamming. This collision almost gathered all his power, and the man who hit him was blooming. This is called Bailong’s arrival, and the backhand is cut on the back of the Honglang. The meat is four or five cents deep. The Honglang is ignored. He holds him to the rear and pulls him thoroughly. I have been in the encirclement.

At least six or seven adventurers are simultaneously rushing toward Honglang.

Everyone is a long-time adventurer, and everyone knows that you should never give the enemy a chance to be widowed. The Broken Blade team defeated the tactics of the stabbing team. Because of the survivors, it is known to many people. At this moment, when the man settled down, he went forward to rescue.

Someone wants to save, and naturally someone has to stop. King Kong, Ivy, Zhou Yiyu and Huang Tianyang also met at the same time. A big melee started immediately, but the one called Bailong was completely unlucky.

King Kong took the lead and rushed up. The skill slammed and launched a punch on him, causing him to stun for three seconds.

Then Hong Lang took him up and actually exposed it to the muzzle of Shen.

Shen Yan raised his hand to play the monthly mark of the skill. He even fired six shots at the person. The man was dizzy. There was no chance of rebellion. Six bullets penetrated his body and were killed on the spot. The sinking and stopping did not stop using the plunder to the person, directly grabbed the scimitar, and the action was like a flowing stream, coherent and natural.

C-class Tianshui Night Moon Knife: Attack power 20-24 in daylight, 24-28 attack power in moonlight. Bring your own skills to the water and the sky: play a fan-shaped attack surface, can attack up to 12 targets, directly hurt 58 points, freeze damage 22 points, and increase the skill power by 20%.

This scene is seen by the hearts of the scattered adventurers. Although they know some about the division of the broken blade team, the spike tactics, but did not expect to be so fierce and fierce to use.

An adventurer yelled: "Centralized attack, kill the other captain!"

Since it is impossible to prevent the tactical implementation of the other party, then like the other party, kill one person by concentrated attack.

The idea is correct. The problem is that another person later called: "No, kill the Tomahawk first, the guy is high-attack and weak defense!"

Someone pointed to Zou Yi and cried: "First kill the injured boy!"

Three people have different opinions. One wants to kill the head, one has to fold the edge, and the other must first pick the soft fruit to eat. They all have their own reasons. In fact, no one is wrong, but it is also causing disagreements.

Although there are a large number of fourteen adventurers, they have not cooperated and lacked tacit understanding. They are not convinced by each other. A few people even have grievances because of the competition, so no one can do anything. This group of people did not know which one to deal with in the end, and ultimately they could only find each opponent.

The most taboo of team battles is the lack of an efficient and unified command A group of rabble people are gathered together, and it is strange to be able to fight a decent battle.

On the other hand, Shen Yu and Huang Tianyang are all different teams. As early as the usual training, they will find the common goal in the first time.

Because of the long-term cooperation, the four dragons teamed up to pick up five adventurers. Do not look at their defeat in the hands of Shen Hao, the strength of the four is not weak, at least in the ordinary area is also a standard level. Both Huang Tianyang and Li Jianren are close fighters. Sang Sansa and Hong Sheng are remote players with close combat ability. After four men and two, they will not fall into the wind with four to five. But this is not only the factor of their own strength, but what is important is that two of their chosen opponents are summoning adventurers, two melee adventurers, and a long-range gunner. Such a combination is most conducive to a prolonged war, but there are huge drawbacks in the joint attack output.

Although Huang Tianyang and others have been forced to fight because of indulgence, it is impossible to say that they are desperate to die. Picking such an opponent, with four to five, said that the face is too good, and the danger is also small. They are mainly on the defense, do not seek to kill the enemy, first seek no time, so it is actually a stalemate.

Zhou Yiyu and Ai Wei, Zou Yi together on the top three adventurers. When it comes to combat strength, Zhou Yiyu and Ai Wei actually have huge shortcomings. One is that talent leads to a decline in skill power. The long-term use of vehicle combat is also obviously insufficient in skills. One is just entering the ordinary area from the slum area, and the strength is at the lowest point. On the contrary, Zou Yi is quite arrogant and arrogant. Although he is injured, his strength is still tyrannical. While fighting alone, he also helps Zhou Yiyu and Ai Wei to share pressure from time to time, and is also in a stalemate.

Sinking instead of gentleness, formed a triangular array with King Kong Honglang, facing three adventurers - fourteen adventurers only appeared twelve, and two never appeared.

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