Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 53: Intrigue

"Hong Lang goes on!"

Shen Yu grabbed the blade of power and threw it away.

Honglang caught it, first slammed it, then shouted: "I am still 5 points in strength, 3 points to be agile."

Shen Qiang threw the black shackle to the Honglang. After the Honglang took over, he replaced the iron bracelet. He himself took the blade of power and danced a few times. A chill was filled with a full house.

Zhou Yiyu looked at this guy dumbly and murmured: "You can be cool now, double-handed double-B-level sword, right-handed upgraded tomahawk..."

Hong Lang grinned and grinned.

Shen Yu has said: "Luo Wei, give the guardian suit to Hong Lang, you use iron bracelets. Now is the time to increase the offensive means, as for the human shield... We are more."

Everyone has a cold heart.

King Kong also murmured: "This is a pretty bull can be considered to be armed to the teeth."

Crudely, Honglang uses the blade of power after using **** madness, and the average attack reaches an astonishing 250 damage.

He can easily kill an adventurer without any skill. In the face of such a guy, even Shen Yu and Xie Rongjun would never dare to get close to him.

Sinking the strength of the whole team, finally armed a warrior with super attack ability, this moment is also satisfied with laughter: "Tactical arrangements, after encountering BOSS level monsters, will be your main, other people cooperate. You Responsible for the offense, I will arrange for adventurers with remote healing ability to take turns protecting you."

Said Shen Yan took the fighting special scroll and handed it over to Hong Lang: "Use it to maximize your destructive power."

"Do not worry about the boss." Hong Lang shouted loudly.

Things get to this point, almost end. Everyone went back to the house, and Shen Yan went to find Anbella and Zongtang and asked them about their action plan and income distribution plan.

After learning the specific plan, the two men also saw some indulgent plans, but did not express objection. After all, they were also beneficiaries in this plan, but they still proposed a few corrective ideas.

Zongtang proposed that all proceeds can only be managed by three commanders, and no allocation will be made until the end of the battle until the end of the day.

This proposal seems normal, but there is a scourge behind it.

Fighting is a matter of dying, and there is no profit for the dead. If someone in the team is killed, other people can inherit his share, but if the scattered ones die, no one can inherit and will be divided by the whole.

It is not ordinary people who can be the captain in this killing world. Zongtang is indeed awkward. He wants to calculate the income of the living, and he will count the dead.

Maybe he can't wait for all the non-self-teams to die after the end of the battle. Shen Shen feels that this kind of mentality is very difficult. It is too easy to cause incidents of self-harm, and he points a few words to him. This person is also smart and timely replenished. A suggestion: Find the person directly responsible for the war dead adventurer. If the death of a comrade-in-arms caused by a poor treatment, the qualifications will be abolished, and if there are signs of maiming, they will be killed directly.

What Ambera proposes is the bidding: the rewards that are harvested cannot be automatically distributed according to the contribution of the adventurers. The real valuable gains are often only a few, and some may be used now, and it is necessary to immediately Take it and enrich its strength, which requires bidding for acquisition.

This was originally a natural matter, and Ambera specifically proposed another purpose. What she means is that all three valuable rewards are bought directly by the three teams, and the other participants are promised **** compensation.

In fact, this is also a way of delaying the distribution. The core idea is the same as that of Zongtang, except that the practice of Ambera is more subtle and more invisible.

In addition, Ambella also pointed out that the three teams themselves do not raise prices each other to avoid vicious competition. In this way, it is necessary to first make a rough division of the various aspects of income.

So the three people made a fierce bargain on the income division.

Shen Wei originally intended to abandon the first four tasks, and strived to upgrade the reel of the skills of the fifth task. The sixth task was to be discussed according to the needs of each person. But Ambera and Zongtang also know the meaning and importance of the skill-raising scrolls. No one is willing to let go, and the noise between them is fiery.

Finally, I slammed the table and said: "For my broken blade team, it is unfair to divide the income in advance. If this is the case, I think we will give up this internal exemption plan. I am willing to openly compete, also I want to take this reel."

He was so worried, and the two did not say anything.

It is true that Shen Yu said that for the biggest beneficiaries, the prior division of income itself means the benefits of transfer.

Assume that the Broken Blade team is now divided into 30% of the bidding qualifications. At this time, there are ten C-class weapons that need to bid, so the Broken Blade team can only bid for three. In this way, if they make a 50% contribution, wouldn't they have to watch as if two weapons were bought by others?

Not everything can be measured by money. Some things are missed this time, and they may not be harvested in the future, let alone the money for this auction is not cash.

Therefore, for Shen Wei, supporting malignant competition in this case is more profitable than not supporting it.

Ambera and Zongxi looked at each other and the two eventually retreated.

If the skill promotion scroll is within eight, all will be purchased by Shen Shen. If it is more than eight, the extra part will be bid by Zongxi and Ambella. As for other identifiable gains, Shen Yu can no longer fight, and for undetermined gains, they should be as cumbersome as possible in accordance with the principle of cooperation.

The word Qian Qian is used very ingeniously. No one in the three parties has said how to be modest. They want each other to carry forward the style. In the mouth, they must carry forward their style...

The plan was largely fixed, and Shen Yu did not express any objection again. He only proposed an additional condition: the bidding can only be calculated by **** points. After the bidding is completed, all the auctions can no longer be traded in the world of this mission. That is to say, if you buy it, even if you buy it, it is impossible to re-sell it to others, at least not in the world.

The reason for the indulgence is to prevent someone from raising the price maliciously. This is not detrimental to the person, so it is still good for preventing it.

Ambera and Zong Yi felt that they also made sense and accepted this suggestion.

In the end, everyone repeatedly discussed the details and argued fiercely. The formulation of the terms looked very good. In fact, it was trapped everywhere. Until all the negotiations were settled, Shen Yufang left, and the sky was already dark.


Going back to the room, Shen Jin asked King Kong: "How is your relationship with Luo Sheng and his regular brother?"

"Basically no problem, but the time is too short to say absolutely trust."

Shen Yan said about himself and Ann, the resolution of the two, and then to King Kong: "Continue to find opportunities to get closer to the three of them. When the time is ripe, let them do a few things..."

Sinking in the ear of King Kong, a whisper.

King Kong was shocked: "You are too sinister? In case they suddenly turn their faces..."

"There are things that are both light and heavy. These two people still understand the general situation. As long as we do not get the bottom line, they will not easily turn their faces. Rest assured, the pits have been dug up, and we will jump on ourselves without us." All I have to do is pull them at a critical time..."

"How do I feel that this is simply pushing a hand, and then stepping on a few feet?"

Shen Qianzheng replied: "For them, that is to pull them."

King Kong still hesitated: "Do I think that we are not morally wrong?"

Sinking and cold: "Do you think that the two will tell us something moral?"


In the room, Ambera was serious about her team members: "Amei, after tomorrow's battle, try to make some friends in the twelve scattered adventurers. After we come out, we must have a person who can be trusted. When he is bidding for us, I will grab a few skill-raising scrolls from Shen Qiang. I can give him a 5 percent benefit for each."

The female adventurer named Amei sneaked on her long hair and smiled softly. "Why do you give me any more benefits? The girl is out of the horse, and the men don't have to kneel down to serve. I promise you to grab it all." ”

Ambella glared at Amei: "No, there are only two at most! You must grasp the measure and do it too much. It is not worth the bad situation."

"Know it."


"Is it clear to explain your business?" Zong Yi was lying in the wicker chair, half-squinting.

Opposite him, Zou Yi nodded and said, "All are clear, but Shen is a shrewd person, and I am worried that he will see something."

"Hey?" Zong Yi opened his eyes. "Are you not very convinced of him? How did you go to a royal prison with him? Are you a little admired for him?"

"It's a bit." Zou Yi admitted: "I was looking at what he was doing at the time. To be honest, his performance at the time was really not easy."

Zong Yi smiled and nodded: "Of course I know that he is not simple. But because he is not simple, we have to fight more! He is a general person, what is big, what is small, he sees better than you, I I also see it better than you. As long as we don't overdo it, he will never easily turn his face for a little profit. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Zou Yi nodded: "Only fighting, not fighting, is this what it means?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"What if Shen Shen also gives us a trick?"

"Then see who's the ability is big... small gambling, as long as you don't overdo it, the losers will be unlucky."


Huang Tianyang and other four people are playing cards at the moment.

Successful people pay close attention to all time planning, and those who fail will seize all the time to entertain.

For Huang Tianyang, they have completely lost hope in this task, so they are also happy and unwilling to think more.

So when Shen Jin came in, everyone stunned.

Huang Tianyang is a little nervous to see Shen Yu, I don't know if he is going to come over after the fall.

On the contrary, Shen Yan naturally came over and looked at the cards in their hands: "What card to play? Fight the landlord?"

"Escape from the city." Li Jianren answered.

“Escape from the city?” Shen Yu came to the interest: “Is this game fresh? Let’s listen.”

Huang Tianyang replied: "One hundred and eighty cards, eighty digital cards are skill cards, which represent different skills, and the damage is also different. It can produce various combinations and enhance the power. The flower cards represent the ultimate ability, including Bloodline is a big move, and the king of size is a **** city."

Hongsheng interface: "Before the card is opened, the king of the size is pressed at the end, and the other six cards are the biggest. Four people take turns to take the bottom, and those who take the end will be besieged. The kings and the kings all have invincible characteristics. Cooperate with other cards to form a big move. When the king and the king use it at the same time, they can still confess. When the card owner takes the lead in taking all the cards, even if the city wins."

Shen Yu came to the interest: "In this case, isn't it impossible to win the city?"

The four said at the same time: "It is difficult to win."

Sinking is somewhat clear.

This kind of gameplay should be invented by a boring adventurer in the **** city. In that person's view, fixing a player with a maximum of six cards and two players with invincible cards is like this high-rise city, and it is impossible to win.

Escape from the city is just a luxury.

But this does not mean that the person who won the card will be unable to overcome. In the design of this gameplay, there is a skill called separation.

It requires very complex boards to be combined and unique.

When the player of the card plays the king at the same time to confess the card, if someone has a combination of hands in the hands, you can use this combination card to directly detach the king from the size and make it fight, thus abolishing the two cards.

This also gives other players a chance to win, this opportunity is called "into the tower."

When someone grasps the opportunity to win, they call it "escape" and the city player loses.

Every adventurer who "escapes the city" is actually trying to enter the tower. Only when he first enters the tower can he hope to escape the city. They pin their hopes of unsatisfied reality in the game, indulge in this difficult game of tackling the game, and occasionally they will be happy.

This type of hand can also have a bet. Every time you escape from the city, the loser must pay the three parties a multiple of the bet, usually a hundred times.

In such a game, in order to win, not only must other players have to have strong cards, high-tech skills, but also have the opportunity to make mistakes. If the city player does not make a mistake, the other players have almost no chance, even if there is a strong card, it is useless.

"I didn't expect to have this kind of gameplay..." Shen Yan said with a smile: "I don't know how long it has been circulating."

Huang Tianyang replied: "I heard that a long time ago, there was It is said that the inventor of this card is still a very powerful adventurer."

"Oh? Did he enter the Tongtian Tower?"

"I don't know, but I think... I should go in. Right, I heard that it is a woman."

"Woman... escaped from the city... into the tower... interesting." Shen Yan laughed: "I didn't expect this kind of fresh stuff, how about teaching me?"

"People like you are calculating all the time, and leisure entertainment?"

"Occasionally I want to relax."

"Teach you no problem." Huang Tianyang put the card on the table: "But you still have to talk about what is going on with us."

Shen Yu replied: "There are a few small things that you need to help. If you do it well, the next task will be executed, you will get what you deserve..."


Out of the room of the Dragon Tooth team, Shen Yan went to the room with his face.

He came to the door: "I have something to help you."

"What?" asked the knife.

"Help me find out who is selling us."

It is already known that the action of indulging in the royal prison was betrayed. He nodded: "Is there a doubt target?"

"Yes, Huang Tianyang and Sansa Sa. I suspect that one of them has betrayed me, and of course it may be a collective act, which is currently uncertain."

“Why should I help?”

"Because they don't know your relationship with us, you can take the opportunity to approach and test the tone."

"no problem."

"But this way, we can't have too much contact during this time, I mean I will pretend that you are like them."

"Of course, if I help you find out who is selling you, you have to thank me for three thousand."

"No problem." Shen Xiao smiled.

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