Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 55: Team battle (on)

As the adventurer rushed back, there was a large number of monsters behind him. Not only the front, but also a large number of monster figures appear in the left and right direction.

These monsters have different shapes and looks, some are agile, dwarfs dancing short knives, some are tall, solid, iron-like glares, and some monkey-shaped monsters are jumping on the trees. They are only licking their teeth. There was a huge snoring, roaring and rushing to the adventurers, and forming a three-sided situation in a blink of an eye.

"Fighting!" With the shouting of the sinking, at the same time, a monkey monster was released for spiritual exploration.

"Destroy the monkey monster, life 200, melee damage 22, skill 1 monkey claw attack, two consecutive attacks, each hit 55 points. Features: fast movement, jungle terrain damage added 20%."

This monkey monster should have been a monster appearing in the lower layer of Kurast, and I did not expect it to appear here.

All the adventurers jumped up and ran to their position with weapons. As long-time adventurers, they are not as easy to panic as newcomers, and they are basically calm when faced with large-scale monster raids.

The first thing that sounded was the gunshots.

Before the monsters approached, all the adventurers with the guns and the summoned soldiers fired at the same time against the four sides. The bullets dazzled in the dim forest, illuminating the entire space. The chain is flying across the air, like a fire dragon shooting in all directions.

The Vulcan Cannon in the gentle hand is even more violent at this moment, truly showing the powerful power of the double C-class fast-fire gun facing a large number of monsters, and the muzzle pulls a turbulent flame with the bullet jet.

The rear seat force brought by the violent shooting is great, but the gentle holding of the gun is completely unaware, but the arms gradually accentuate a little muscle mass under the effect of gradually increasing the force, plus she stands lunge and holds the gun. High-shot, high-spirited, it seems that some of the female full-length guns in the Alien 2 starring Sigourney Weaver, or Linda Hamilton in the Terminator.

With the crazy shooting of the Vulcan gun, the dwarf who was the first to be rushed was hit by a blood hole, and the dwarf who was the most advanced was directly smashed into pieces of flesh and blood by the Vulcan gun.

A monkey scream jumped from the tree, and a few jumped out of the distance of more than 20 meters, jumping over the top of the outermost adventurer's head and fluttering to the top of the gentle head. Gentlely, the Vulcan cannon was thrown into the air, and the right hand suddenly burst into the air whip. The whip was pumped in the monkey monster. The left hand samurai sword was then fiercely slashed and chopped on the top of the monster. The monkey who chopped several times was screaming, a pair of monkeys. The claws slammed into the gentle chest, and the gentle flash did not flash. A knee hit the monkey monster and flew it out. The samurai sword flew out and was smashing the monkey to the tree.

The long whip received, gently caught the Vulcan cannon in the air, the muzzle turned again, continued to open fire against the distant monsters, the movements were consistent and smooth without any pause.

This wild and fierce play saw a group of adventurers vomiting at the same time: "This woman is fierce!"

Among the 37 adventurers, in addition to sinking, gentle and summoning soldiers, there are three gun-based adventurers. These five people, together with more than forty summoned soldiers, formed a powerful firepower network to block the surrounding space. A restricted area of ​​life, tearing all the monsters who dare to enter their fire zone into pieces. Mixed with the rain, it is a branch of the whistling arrows, although they are small, the power is greater.

The flesh and blood fluttered, and the smoke filled the jungle quickly filled with a pungent **** smell.

A few glaring rumors rushed over, and the huge body was like a huge shield blocking the front of the monsters. The bullets hit them and they just swayed a few times and continued to rush forward, seemingly unaffected.

"Scarred Devil, Life 350, Attack Power 22, Defense 20. Skill 1 Shockwave: Smashes the ground to cause superficial earthquake effects. All targets within 50 meters are difficult to stand. Skill 2 hardened skin: has absorption properties for long-range damage, Damage is reduced by 70% and melee damage is reduced by 10%."

One of the stunned sorcerers suddenly rushed forward as they approached, and the right arm was fiercely slamming against the ground, and a strong force followed the adventurer.

This level of impact naturally has no effect on the adventurer, but the huge vibrations on the ground force everyone to jump into the air. Indulge in gentleness and change color at the same time, swearing: "Hell!"

At the same time, several people in front of the jump, but also blocked their attack line. Several summoned soldiers were caught in the air, and a few bullets hit the adventurer. Although the injury was minor, it still attracted a big sigh: "How many of you are smashing? Where to fight!"

"Less nonsense, they rushed over!" Shen Yu muzzle a turn, three rounds of bullets around the adventurers hit a monkey monster: "Hong Lang, kill those few glare, Luo Sheng help him! ”

A large number of dwarfs swarmed under the cover of the savage demon.

"Understand!" The two yelled at the same time.

Luo Shengyi raised his hand, and the radiance of red and white has already hit Honglang.

"Class C Mastery Fighting Level 4: 5 percent of the normal attack on the target's use of the target, lasts for 5 minutes, and increases by 1% for each level, up to level 5."

"Double D-level damage weakens level 4: After the target is used, it deals 5 percent damage to all attack types, lasts for five minutes, and increases the effect by one percent for each level, up to level 5. This effect can be Any similar effects overlay."

After receiving these two skills blessings, Honglang has rushed out, and the **** enthusiasm of the skills has turned all the defensive power into attack power. The blade of power cuts the tide of the sky.

He has been battling for a long time, and he is a master class fighting specialization. Together with Luo Sheng’s mastery fighting, he has improved his power by 8 percent, so he can play a 100% strength. One knife will smash the long ends of the konjac, and the right hand will kill the axe, and cut the savage head with the cut vegetables.

Two hits!

While killing the savage demon, Honglang jumped up with a big spin, and the battle axe and the blade of power squatted at the same time, and the other savage demon was directly cut down, and then continued to rush and slash and kill, and swallowed, If you enter the uninhabited territory.

This can make everyone stunned, one by one murmured: "Mom, what kind of monster is this guy? How so fierce? Two knives, these monsters are dishes? So good to kill?"

"Short! 370 life's glare, self-contained hardened skin that weakens the damage, the meat shield type of arms, you have the ability to hack to die!" Some people also have reconnaissance skills, see that these glare are not good to deal with, want to spike At least one double C level skill and one C level skill can be used. However, Honglang was only two simple ones. It was a surprise to put all seven or eight stunned demons down.

This is also the intention of Shen Yu to make the Hong wave show great power, and impressed everyone in the eyes, only to be able to erect the strong impression of the broken blade team.

Once this impression is established in everyone's mind, when the battle is over and the benefits are distributed, even if someone finds that the broken blade team gets too much, it will only think that this is because the other party's strength is too strong.

As the stunned demons fell, the short crowd was not covered and completely exposed to the muzzle of the crowd.

The gunshots sounded again, sweeping across the entire short crowd.

About a dozen of the devastating monkeys leaped from the trees under the cover of the trees and jumped into the crowd from the air. Several melee adventurers who had been waiting impatiently were not surprised, and smirked and greeted them. The iron fists were on the monkeys, and they proved their strength with the blood of each other. At the same time, they made their own efforts. Fight to fight for the share you deserve.

Lyle is like a battlefield observer. He holds Zeus in the most central safe zone of the battle. He records the battlefield scene from various angles through more than ten electronic bees, and also reminds Shen Shen: "Sir, be careful of the defenses on both sides!" ”

Shen Yan turned his head and looked at it. He saw the west side of the command of Zong Pu and the east side of the command of Ambeira. A large number of dwarves and monkey monsters have completely rushed through the fire zone under the attraction of the glaring, and launched a close battle with the adventurers.

"Hong Lang retreats, go to help Ambella, Yi Yu to help Zong Yi, come up with your unique skills!"

"Understand!" The two men drank at the same time.

Honglang turned and rushed to the side of Ambeira. A charge in the past would have fallen down the monsters along the way, and the momentum was huge and shocked.

Zhou Yiyu took out his black lightning and jumped into the car. He laughed and said: "It’s time for the old man to be angry."

As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, the black lightning head suddenly erected, and rushed toward the nearby tree. He rushed to the top of the tree and slammed toward the sky. When he rushed out of the ground for more than 20 meters, he slammed down and jumped over ten. The heads of many adventurers fell heavily on the top of a savage demon. They flattened it on the spot, and the speed of the car continued to rush forward, hitting another stunned monster, and pushed the big guy out. I always climbed into a big tree and embedded it in the tree. Zhou Yiyu then drove back.

A large number of dwarves rushed over black lightning in the original place a sharp turn, the wheel spindle spine out, as if cutting grass, all the legs of seven or eight dwarfs were cut, the body followed by a traverse, hit the first On the body of the three stunned demons, the spurs plunged into the big guy's leg, and it hurts loudly to call, and the iron fist has fallen against the lightning car.

Zhou Yiyu took a shot of the body, the lightning car has leaped and leaped, while avoiding this blow, the body madly swept through the head of the savvy, banging its head and smashing.

The huge body walked a few steps on the ground, and finally could not fall down. Zhou Yiyu drove back to Zongyi and others.

Looking at the eyes of Zong Yi and others, one by one, his eyes were full of complexity, and Zhou Yiyu could not help but feel a glimpse.

This is no wonder.

The jungle is densely packed with trees. It is very difficult for ordinary cars to be opened here. He is totally unaffected. He drives black lightning on any terrain, and even kills three savage demons in one breath. How can it not be made? Marvel

They don't know the tricks like this relying on skills and floating rings. Even Zhou Yiyu can't use it continuously, and his attack is far worse than the Honglang. So he can only kill three, so he will The squad retraced and fought with everyone.

But this is not important. What is important is that the momentum must be sufficient when you are worried, and you should be impressed. The 100-meter race is always more attractive to the audience than the marathon.

In the words of indulging, it is: if a man can't be strong for a long time, at least it should be short and fast, just like an estrus lion...

This meaning is endless, making Zhou Yiyu impressed.

The situation on both sides was slightly stabilized with the support of Hong Lang and Zhou Yiyu. At this moment, a clear whistle rang through the sky.

Zong Yi looked at the direction of the sky with his voice, and his face suddenly changed: "Be careful of the sky!"

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