Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 4: Collective reinforcement (below)

The four people laughed for a while, King Kong said this: "Since everyone has already understood each other, then we are ready to strengthen it. Everyone has to form a team to carry out tasks, then the direction of reinforcement is best to discuss each other, it is best to complement each other. ""

Shen Yandao: "My has been fixed, no way, bought a Thunder wristband, this time to add strength attributes, but also to upgrade the fighting specialization ability."

"It doesn't matter, we can cooperate with you." King Kong said very seriously.

Although it is a newcomer, the strength of Shen Yu is undoubtedly the strongest. In this case, nature can only be their cooperation. The world is sometimes so realistic. Although King Kong is gentle and other people are not snobbish people, if Shen Qiang does not have the strength, he will not look at him more.

Because Shen Yu has enough strength, the adventurers will be willing to hope and Shen Yu to form a team. In the same way, if you want to choose, you will only choose the best of the adventurers as your comrades.

Birds of a feather flock together.

According to King Kong’s proposal, even if you form a team, you will not let Shen Zhi suffer, and then the distribution will be decided according to the contribution. After all, this is a free team. It emphasizes the interests of the group. Everyone comes to the average distribution. In fact, it is the practice of idiots and NCs. Even if they are unselfish, they will not make concessions on the issue of the distribution of life. Even if it’s a brother, you have to settle the account, let alone know the adventurer’s partner with limited time.

Why do I make such a big contribution, but I want to share it with you? This so-called fairness is the most unfair. Without a fair friendship, it is the weakest friendship.

History has long proved that the big pot rice system is just a wish of some people.

As for the so-called I am good to you, you will be good to me, it is a childish joke. The kind of person who can move with one or two pieces of equipment is not an adventurer, but an NPC.

Of course, with the increase in the number of times people share the danger in the future, mutual understanding will increase, friendship will gradually deepen, and some interests will be blurred. The degree of ambiguity depends on the depth of friendship.

So Shen Shen first sold the three Messi submachine guns that were opened in gray boxes, deducted the tax, and there were 5,256 **** points in the hands of Shen Yu.

First, I added 6 strengths to myself, and Shen Shen put on her own heroic accessories. As a result, his power became 15 points, satisfying the first need of the Thunder Bracers. Then I spent 2000 **** points to buy a special reel of fighting, and I have the basic fighting ability after learning.

After having the basic fighting specialization ability, the **** coat of arms reminds you that you have the basic level fighting specialization ability, your normal attack will increase by 5 percent if the damage output does not reach the maximum value, the increase will not exceed the full value. Output.

The so-called increase in the effectiveness of normal attack damage refers to the ability to take damage to the opponent when the attacker attacks the opponent.

It’s not that the adventurer has 40 power, so he can shoot 40 damage per punch.

40 points is full value damage, but it is not that every punch can be full.

The punch of the fluttering and the punch of the full force are completely different.

Don't look at a skill that has only double or even double the power damage, but it is the power of ordinary attack two punches. In fact, the damage of the skill is effective and stable, and there will be no change. Even if you just touch the opponent, as long as you use the skill, how much damage is caused.

Normal attacks are different.

The adventurer must attack the opponent with full force to play the damage effect of his own attributes. If the power is not concentrated enough during the attack, the damage will be reduced, and there will not be enough agile support. The faster the attacker is, the smaller the attack damage will be, but the more worthless. Therefore all attack speed, attack damage, refers to the full value effect. But in actual combat, more damage is actually non-full, half or even one-third of a quarter is possible.

In addition, ordinary attacks can be offset, blocked, and evaded.

Therefore, when the adventurer is on the battle, the outcome depends mainly on the skill damage of both sides, and the ordinary attack can only make up for it. Only when the fighting specialization ability is improved, can the effect of the normal attack be improved, but even if it is upgraded to the master level, it is impossible to make a full-fledged effect with a punch.

At this time, fighting skills are still important, but it depends on the ability of each person.

Because the **** city is not provided by the ready-made fighting skills, you can only exercise and comprehend yourself.

After mastering the basic fighting specialization, Shen Wei still has 2656 blood points, he added 10 points of physical fitness and 6 points of agility.

After wearing the Thunder **** wrist, his attributes become power 10 (30), physique 30, agility 13, spirit 30, will 10 (13).

The remaining 1056 blood points, 56 blood points to deal with the cost of living this month, the rest remain, waiting for the next task to be temporarily activated.

Finally, Shen Yu used the 1 skill point on the arc ballistics and raised the arc ballistics directly to the level of nearly 3 levels.

As for the three of them, this official mission, everyone has benefited a lot, and there are more than 6,000 points of **** gains.

Everyone started to discuss how to strengthen themselves.

Hong Lang intends to continue to add strength to himself. He smiled and said: "I want to add my strength to over one hundred, and it will be cool to beat people."

I didn't expect the young people in the store who were responsible for the sales to suddenly come to me: "This is impossible."

Everyone sighed and asked the young man: "Why not?"

The young man replied: "After the nakedness attribute reaches 40 points, each additional attribute will consume three hundred blood points."

Honglang stayed: "Do you mean that the property also carries the price increase?"

"How do you not know the rules of the **** city?" The young man answered with confidence.

Hong wave puts a hand: "Where do I know where to go, I don't have more than 40 points of property, and the bare-faced power is only 30 points. You don't know that the information here is paid, you don't give money, No one will tell you any useful news. This time the task has been developed once, I am trying to break through 40 points, I did not expect to even **** the price increase."

The young man shrugged.

Honglang is right, no one will easily tell others about the information. The reason why young people are willing to tell Hong Lang is because of the nature of his work here. When you leave the store and don't give him money, I don't think he can provide a piece of information.

After thinking about it, he asked the young man: "After 40 points, the attribute will be upgraded to 300 **** points plus 1 point attribute. If it continues to increase, is it still going to rise?"

The young man nodded: "The bare-featured attribute reaches 75 points. If you add 1 point attribute, you need to consume 600 blood points. When you reach 100 points, the 1 point attribute consumes 1000 blood points. After that, I don't know, anyway, here. No idiot has added his attributes to more than 75. A few will exceed 40, but mostly for equipment needs."

The sinking frowns: "In this case, the property is promoted to the end and becomes a very burning act. What about the adventurers in the difficult areas? How do they improve the attributes?"

The young man shrugged: "As far as I know, the adventurers' later promotion of their attributes is no longer dependent on blood. The **** points will be used to purchase skills, equipment, exercises, etc. But I heard that the exercises are the attributes. Ascension is relevant, but the specific situation is not clear."

Was the practice method related to the promotion attribute? Shen Yan slightly raised his eyes and remembered his feathered dragon snake.

If this is the case, he is not in a hurry to learn this practice. After all, it is still a good deal to increase the **** point by 100 points.

"Thank you for your reminder, I know." Shen Yan faint.

Losing the power to add attributes, Hong Lang bought himself a violent ring.

Rage Ring: Increases power by 4 points, with skill violent: After using it, it consumes 50% of its own life, increasing attack damage and attack speed by 40%, and when the vitality drops below 10%, the skill ends.

This violent ring has an amazing ability to improve damage, but it consumes too much vitality. Honglang was obviously interested in the medical and medical bombs that he had indulged in, so he chose this ring.

Then Honglang bought himself a D-class axe.

"D-level two-handed axe, attack 20-28, possesses 30 points of power, basic level combat specialization. Axe weapon comes with features: knockback."

The so-called feature is that when you use an axe weapon to attack an opponent, you can use a good application to produce a knockback effect.

Different weapons have different characteristics, but they require sufficient skill for the user to play.

This axe does not have its own skills, but the normal attack is the most injurious of all D-class weapons, and is the same as the double-D weapon. For Honglang, who already has axe skills, it is undoubtedly the best choice. In this way, he became the most powerful melee in all people.

King Kong directly chose a double D-level skill: a heavy blow.

Slam 1 level: Launches a full-strike attack on the enemy. After hitting the opponent, it causes the skill level to multiply by 5 damage. It produces 100% stun effect. The stun time is determined by the skill level, target level and target will. Skill effect priority 32.

The biggest problem with this skill is that the damage is too weak, but as a control skill, it is quite horrible. The priority of the skill effect is higher than that of the indulgent vampire. There is basically no immune vertigo effect in one difficulty. If only King Kong himself, his control skills are no longer meaningful, but with the melee attack on Honglang, it will be different.

5 seconds of stun time, enough flood waves to cause horrible damage to slum adventurers, and even spike opponents, 32-point effect priority, so that adventurers in the same difficulty area can hardly produce exemption. .

Gentlely chose a D-class whip, and finally made her whip skills have room to play.

"D-class single-handed whip, attack 6-8, ranged mid-range damage, can attack three targets at a time, target range is limited to 3*3. Attacking enemy 5 percent rate has a tearing effect, loss of life per second 15 Point, lasts 5 seconds, reduces the loss by 3 points per second. Skill effect priority 14. Whip weapon comes with features: bundled."

In addition to the attack damage is too low, this whip's accompanying skills are quite good, especially the gentle winding skills plus King Kong's stun technique, which is very effective in controlling the enemy. Although the triggering effect of the tear is only 5 percent, attacking multiple targets at the same time is equivalent to increasing the probability of triggering the effect.

Because of its low attribute, gentle did not choose to buy skills, but spent a lot of blood to upgrade a lot of attributes for themselves, and use that skill point to improve the passive skills of hearing enhancement, and raise it to level 3. Level 3 hearing enhancement not only enhances the range and sensitivity of the hearing, but more importantly, it can lock the familiar source and filter out the meaningless noise. Otherwise, a group of mosquitoes flew over and it sounded like the roar of the band. The gentle hearing of the last mission was not very important. The main reason was that on the battlefield of artillery, there were guns and roars everywhere, and gentleness almost dared not use this ability. However, after the reinforcement, the side effects of this ability gradually diminished, and it feels much better.

After the collective reinforcement, everyone went to the training ground to practice hard.

When you are free, you will run in the bar to have a drink and chat.

In the slums where no facilities are available, drinking seems to have become their only form of entertainment.

Regarding the task of the market garden, Honglang sold it several times, but it was used to buy the tasks experienced by other adventurers. Fortunately, the **** point at the time of the first sale was still there. Everyone used the **** points to drink and eat meat. It was a happy day after a month.

Only most of the time, everyone is still buried in the training ground.

In this time of ruin, it is really equal to the ruined life.

A month passed quickly, and Shen Yu finally upgraded all three skills to level 3. Arc trajectory can lock 3 targets at a time, and the healing effect of mean medical treatment has become - effective treatment for traumatic and bleeding injuries, 50 points per life, puncture, tear, shock and skill Injury to moderate treatment, each time to restore life by 30. Weakly treat the toxins and toxins, and recover 5 points each time, which is invalid for special attacks.

Hong Lang accepts the suggestion of Shen Yu, the skill points are used in the strong impact, coupled with hard training, even promoted it to level 5 ~ ~ skills: strong impact level 5, caused by individual targets 2 times power attack damage, 10% rate produces double attack effect, D level skill. Use this skill to consume 3 points of mental power and cool down for 1 minute.

King Kong upgraded the critical hit skills and upgraded it to level 3.

"Skill: Smash 3, launch a full attack on the enemy, hit the opponent and cause the skill level multiplied by 5 damage, 100% 1-3 seconds stun effect, stun time according to skill level, target level and target Will decide. Skill effect priority 36!"

Everything is ready, and the rest is waiting for the coming of the mission.

On this day, Honglang, gentle, King Kong and other people came together to find Shen.

"Oh, this day is finally here." Gentle smile said to Shen Yu.

"I hope this time is still a teamwork scene." Hong Langdao.

"Even if not, as long as it is not directly for the enemy's mission, everyone can help each other." King Kong said.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu replied: "If there is a day that must be an enemy, then choose to deliver **** points to bear the failure. In any case, we will not aim the gun at ourselves."


A **** crest comes with a crisp tone:

Tip: Go to the transfer area immediately and get ready to enter the mission world.

Mission scene: X-Men.

Preparation time: one hour.

This mission is a regional competition mode, killing adventurers can randomly inherit each other's heritage. Attack damage between adventurers is reduced by 25 percent.


PS: I don't like to write about the world that others have written, but it's not likely that someone else has written it, it is too restrictive. Since the X-Men has already written many infinite streams, let the X-Men in this book become the most special one.

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