Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 10: Death speed (top)

The driver of the Hummer has changed people, Shen Yu is responsible for driving, and gentle is indicating the position next to him.

“From here, rush out of the road, then turn southwest, deflecting angle 25!”

I must be glad that this is a high-tech map that can indicate where I am in real time, otherwise it is really difficult to grasp the direction of distance.

"Tell me left or right, not east or west!" cried.

"Left!" answered softly and loudly.

As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, the Hummer slammed into the guardrail next to the road and drove into a flat land beside the road.

Although the speed of the Hummer is not as good as that of the red sports car, it is stable in performance, solid and reliable, and can ride freely in a variety of terrains.

Indulging in the crazy Mercedes-Benz of the Hummer, it was like a red-eyed bull doing the final charge, rushing into a household, slamming the entire house and crushing it all the way.

If you look at it from the air, you can see that the Hummer-driven Hummer is working diligently as a large-scale bulldozer.

His work was hard and efficient, and dozens of houses were demolished in one minute. In the residential area, a man-made road was introduced and a thick black arrow was formed on the map.

In front of this arrow is the most prosperous urban area in New York, where there are many buildings, numerous vehicles, and numerous pedestrians...

"After 200 meters, you will enter the main square of Habib. You must pass there to get to the next road belt. Be careful there are many people there." Gentlely look back at the narrow ruins behind him, dozens of people who have been drilled from the ruins. The residents are facing this side, and some people have already chased them in the car.

"Hong Lang!" Shen screamed: "Shooting everyone to scare away!"

"Understand!" Hong Lang took the machine gun and drilled out of the sunroof and began to shoot at the rear chaser.

"Put the front!" Shen Yan said with no anger: "I will let you open the road. As for the people behind, what do you do with them?"

"Oh!" Honglang wakes up like a dream and re-turns his gun.

The Hummer screamed into the central square of Habib.

It was originally a lively place in the Brooklyn area, surrounded by seven or eight large shopping malls. Fortunately, the infighting has made New York a depression, and the central square of Habi is no longer as full as before.

When the Hummer rushed into the central square, Honglang desperately used a machine gun to sweep the ground, screaming wildly: "All flashing! This is robbery!"

The war-tested citizens rushed to the sides, and a man just jumped to the flower stand next to him, but saw that the Hummer had already rushed toward him.

He screamed in horror, and suddenly felt that his waist was tight, and a long whip had rolled him into the air.

The gentle wrist shook, and the man fell from the air to the back of the car. Gentlely poked his head out of the window, and said with a smile: "No thanks."

"I didn't intend to thank you for my fuck!" the man shouted.

The Hummer was rampaged in the central square, gently retracting his head and picking up the map: "There is a shopping mall in front, we have to go through it."

"Small meaning." Shen Yu answered, shifting gears.

King Kong sat behind and shouted: "Why do I think we are shooting American movies?"

Hong Lang laughed and said: "If you have a poor camera, it will be a poor camera! It's too exciting!"

With the sound of the Honglang, the Hummer plunged into the front of the mall, crashed into the glass curtain wall, and drove crazy in the mall aisle. The glass **** that flies in the sky is drawn on the face of Honglang, cutting out a **** mouth, but the Honglang is completely fearless. With the body of his adventurer, this level of damage is really a piece of cake.

From time to time, people’s crazy sweats are heard, and pedestrians are rushing to avoid.

"Twenty meters ahead, turn left!" softly shouted.

Shen Hao fiercely hit the steering wheel, and the Hummer rushed into a fashion store, knocking out the colorful fluttering of the sky, whistling out of the mall.

Gentle and easy to grab, caught a women's dress: "I always thought of shopping in New York." Turned over and looked at the sign, very nice to pick up a small mouth and vent: "Made in China."

When I rushed out of the mall, the Hummer turned back to the road. The police car was roaring in the back, and a helicopter was flying in the distance.

"Mom, when did the efficiency of the New York police become so high?" Honglang was dissatisfied.

Sinking and coldly replied: "In the era of war, everything is prioritized by efficiency. I admit that I underestimated them, but compared with us, they are still a bit worse."

"Now what?"

"Get rid of the helicopter."

"Why don't you grab it?" Hong Lang asked.

"Who will open?" Shen Yan asked.

Hong Lang immediately shut up. After thinking about it, he said, "I will kill it."

"No! It’s not enough to use a gun. To make them really scared, you have to use something difficult." Shen Xiao laughed.

Sinking quickly cut the file, and the Hummer drove in a building.

Most American malls have their own circular driveway, which can be directly opened from the first floor to the rooftop, and each floor is a parking lot.

Sinking along the circular lane all the way up, rushed to the roof, the helicopter outside the building just raised to the rooftop position, the police inside began to shout: "I will immediately lay down the weapon! You..."

Sinking and slamming on the gas pedal, the Hummer ran wildly on the roof of the building, and rushed straight to the helicopter.

The police officer who was yelling was scared to swallow in the stomach and yelled at the helicopter pilot: "Climb! Climb!"

too late!

Shen Yu drove the Hummer like a meteor to the top of the roof, and even jumped over the top of the helicopter. The anti-collision bar behind the car was hitting the helicopter's rotor. With a spark, the helicopter's two rotors instantly Twisted and stopped, the big iron scorpion lost power, the plop fell down, and the insider screamed in horror.

However, the Hummer was leaping in the air, because the impact was somewhat unbalanced, and it was impossible to fly to the opposite building. Shen Shen called: "King Kong!"

King Kong did not respond with a good spirit: "I know you are counting on me."

After the control was launched, the Hummer in the air screamed through the long days and rushed to the opposite building.

With King Kong’s power of thinking, it was quite laborious to control such a big car. Fortunately, the horse-drawn carriage itself has gravity acceleration. He only needs to add a driving force. This is not like stopping the shell from falling. Pushing and blocking consumes more energy.

Even so, the Hummer did not jump to the rooftop of the building, but rushed directly to the glass curtain wall in the middle.

A suit man is calling in the office at the moment: "Hey, baby, believe me, this is a big deal. Just talk about this sale and we can live in the jump apartment. Yes, you didn't get it wrong, jump apartment. , understand?...What? War? No, no, believe me, it’s safe, there’s no war, no mutants... Oh, my God, what I saw! A car is flying in the sky...”

The man looked at the wagon in the sky and screamed and flew in his head. He swept his head into the building. A lot of glass debris drowned the man in an instant. The man did not forget to yell at the phone:

"War! Total War!"

"Boom!" The carriage crashed into a wall in the building and stopped after a loud noise. The fat man who has been shaking for a long time can no longer stand it. Wow vomited out and spit it out on Honglang’s clothes.

"How do you go below?" Shen Yu asked gentle.

Gentle and helplessly replied: "Can you drive the stairs in the car?"

"Nothing is necessary." Shen Wei searched around for a moment, and suddenly it was bright.

Not far away is a large freight elevator.

The Hummer drove into the elevator in the eyes of the people in the building, gently reaching out from the inside of the car, gently pressing on the switch with an elegant posture, and the elevator descended toward the building.

On the first floor, a manager is screaming at the porters: "The power is lighter when you let go, and these office equipment is worth millions of dollars!"

The door of the freight elevator slowly opened, and a Hummer was banging and hitting the office equipment waiting for the elevator, breaking through the gate and whistling away.

Behind them are countless people staring at the back of the smoke in a stunned look.

A porter asked the manager: "Sir, need to find a claim for them?"

The Hummer car returned to the road again, and the rear police car was still chasing. Because a helicopter was destroyed, all the New York police were chilling. Although the whistling alarm bell is still the same, the speed of chasing has obviously slowed down.

"There is no way ahead!" Honglang was standing because he was standing, and looked farthest. This moment shouted: "There is a big construction site there!"

Gentle and helpless: "There is no such thing on the map."

"How do you go below?" Shen Yu asked gentle: "You still have ten seconds."

"There is a car wash on the right. Can you go through it?"

"No, you can do it." Shen Yan almost madly switched gears, constantly adjusting the direction, not far from the car wash factory is constantly zooming in front of the eyes.

It can be clearly seen that the cars waiting to be cleaned have been lined up in two long queues.

Honglang quickly returned to the car and re-fastened the seat belt.

The Hummer rushed into the parking lot with a thunderous rush. While driving through a section of the slope, it volleyed and crashed into two of the cars, and then drove directly on other cars all the way through the road~www. 砰砰砰砰 数 数 数 数 数 数 数 数 数 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰 砰砰砰砰Fortunately, the people in the car are mostly without any damage.

The Hummer was plunged into the car wash room and only heard a series of slamming and smashing sounds.

When the Hummer came out, the roof of the car was gone, and it became a cabriolet. Although the people in the car are gray-faced, their faces are filled with the joy of forbearance.

The open-air carriage turned to the highway and headed forward.

As for the police cars, they were thrown to the back.

At this point, you can finally stop for a while.

Everyone is relieved.

King Kong smirked on the sinking shoulders: "I said that your kid is really crazy enough to drive! Have you ever learned a speed ride?"

"Before entering the **** city, there was a plan to fly through the car and later gave up." Shen Yu answered.

"Why give up?" asked tenderly.

Sinking a serious answer: "Because there are too many toll stations on China's highways."

King Kong and gentle laughed at the same time.

Hong Lang stared at the fat man in disgust, pointing to the smothered hate of his body that was vomited by the fat man: "Clean the old man!"

Gentle hand-picked the women's long skirt that I had previously caught: "If you want to change clothes, I have one."


I recommend a song to everyone, which is what I wrote about the speeding and following some intense scenes.


"Don't kill the island" episode.

You can search directly on the cool music box on the cool music box.

I hope to bring you some feelings of being a speeding car.

Ha ha.

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