Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 15: child

It is said that it is a secret room. In fact, there is a small door on the south corridor of the garage. After entering from the small door, you can see a spacious space after walking through a narrow passage.

The space is large, it is full of beds, and there are utensils for living. From the map, it was originally a warehouse in the underground of the mall. It was used by the mutants to make a living space because it was abandoned.

In the corner of the warehouse, a large number of weapons are placed, and it is these weapons that expose the whereabouts of the mutants. With these weapons, the soldiers of the 2nd Airborne Battalion can at least save the step of robbing the weapons store.

But the eyes of them are not resting on them.

At the end of the warehouse, a little boy is sitting on the ground with his legs.

"It's a child!" Gentle exclaimed.

Shen Hao finally understood why the soldier had to ask him to come and see it.

The boy looked only about ten years old. Both eyes had both gold and black colors. The brown hair was slightly twisted. The two-color pupil was looking at them, and the body was slightly trembling.

"Hey!" Gentle waved to the little boy and walked to him.

Standing in front of the little boy, he gently tried to touch his face and said, "Don't be afraid, we..."

Unexpectedly, the little boy suddenly yelled and slammed into a gentle hand.

"Ah!" Gentle and rapid contraction, this did not bite her, so she was shocked.

The little boy rushed out and rushed to the box where the weapon was stored like a rabbit.

Honglang quickly shot the gun, and he held down the Honglang wave: "Don't shoot! It's a child!"

"But..." Hong Lang was just arguing, only to see that the little boy had already gotten into the weapon box.

It turned out that he did not want to kill with weapons, just want to hide.

Gently and helplessly shook his head: "He was frightened, he must have seen what happened just now."

"What a hell. We are here to kill the mutants, not to be saints." Hong Lang shouted: "You don't want to let go of this little guy?"

King Kong smiled bitterly: "He is a child anyway."

"But he is just N in the mission world..."

"That is also a child!" Shen Yan interrupted Honglang: "Don't start with the child!"

The indulgent tone is resolute and unquestionable.

"OK, OK, three to one, you won." Honglang shrugged helplessly.

Sinking and looking around, then said: "If you don't find anything, leave it, time is running out."

Just then, a soldier who followed the search called: "Sir, look at this."

The soldier handed a document to the sinking hand.

Shen Yan took a look and saw a smile on his face.

"What is it?" Hong Lang asked.

Shen Shen handed the documents to Hong Lang: "It is the information of other mutants. This base is a sub-base of the variants of the magnetic king. There are their contact methods and secret gatherings of several other mutants. ”

"This is developed." Hong Lang laughed as he smiled.

There was no other discovery. Under the command of silence, everyone began to prepare to evacuate. Some of the soldiers in the second airborne camp also moved the weapons hidden here by the mutants. Compared to the old guns of World War II, these weapons can be much more advanced, and they can be used by ordinary soldiers or elite soldiers, but they cannot be taken away from the world.

Seeing that the weapon had been evacuated, the second airborne battalion was ready to evacuate. At this moment, the little boy suddenly rushed out and swept through Honglang at a rapid speed.

Honglang only felt a flower in front of him, and his hand suddenly disappeared.

The documents in hand were actually taken away by the boy.

The boy is as smart as a fish and rushes out the door.

"That kid took the file away!" Hong Lang shouted and raised the gun again.

Sinking grabbed the barrel and a string of bullets hit the ceiling.

"Sinking!" Hong Lang was in a hurry.

"Don't worry, the child can't run us. Let's go back and get the files back." Shen Yan coldly said: "But don't kill the child. The 2nd airborne camp is evacuated as planned, don't care about us!" The last one is Said to the talker.

Out of the warehouse, back to the underground garage, there is smoke burning after the battle. The cars that were scrapped because of the battle lie on the road, covering the horizons of everyone.

"gentle." Shen Shen Shen channel.

Gentlely close your eyes, turn on your hearing, and listen carefully.

After a moment she pointed to a certain direction: "On there, behind the white Toyota."

Honglang quickly ran to the white Toyota. He jumped into the car and then squatted and looked back at the gentleness.

"He is not here."

"How is it possible?" Gentlely: "I can't hear it wrong. I can still hear his breath now. He is by your side."

When Honglang saw it, he immediately understood it and smiled. "I know, the little guy is hiding in the car."

The tinted glass blocked the line of sight, so that people outside the car could not see the inside of the car, but the Honglang still proudly laughed at the car.

At this moment, the white Toyota suddenly launched, hitting the Honglang head-on and slamming him out. The sudden roar of the engine spurred the hearing and sensing ability, and the white Toyota car was whistling. Go outside the garage.

This change came too fast. Everyone didn't react. Only Shen Shen fired a shot in time and broke the rear window glass of the car. But when the second shot aimed at the little boy, he finally hesitated. Shooting, watching the Toyota car start running.

The Honglang tumbling in the air, and the slamming fell heavily on the ground. He quickly climbed up and screamed at the corner of his mouth. "How is it possible? The car was scrapped! It was my own hands!"

King Kong suddenly said: "I am afraid this is the child's ability."

"It's a good ability!" Shen Yan's eyes passed the color of surprise.

He did not use spiritual exploration for the child just now. After all, spiritual exploration consumes mental energy. I did not expect the little boy to have a very practical ability.

However, Shen Yu has never liked unnecessary regrets, but he immediately accepted the lesson and will not look down on anyone in the future.

Think about it too, the four adventurers even killed dozens of mutants in the underground garage, but in the end they were kicked by a child. It can be seen that the strength of an opponent is often relatively speaking.

"Must catch the child!" Shen Yan said and rushed out of the garage.

The fat man is still outside, and surprisingly he is currently fighting with the United States with a gun. Although it is still timid and shrinking, it takes a long time to shoot a shot, but it is much better than the previous performance.

King Kong rushed over and jumped into the Hummer, yelling at the fat man: "Get on the bus, fat!"

"What happened?" The fat man asked.

"Less nonsense!" Hong Lang simply rushed over to grab the fat man and throw him into the car.

Shen Yu and gentle have also arrived, Shen Yu jumped into the driver's seat, started the Hummer and drove away toward the boy.


"You mean that you were given a play by a child? Let him escape from the eyes of a large group of people?" The fat man couldn't believe his ears: "And you can also find other mutants if you **** it." Document information?"

"You **** shut me up, dead fat man, is it too much that we have left you a mutant?" Hong Lang did not have a good sigh.

The fat man was scared, and King Kong coughed and said: "There is no way to beat people, not to expose people, and to die."

Sinking and gentle, grinning together.

Shen Yandao: "Well, don't scare him. I just let him have some courage to face life. It is not a shameful thing to be played by children. This matter fully educates us and never underestimates our opponents. For gentleness, Take a look at the current rankings."

Gentle looked at the leaderboard, and then said with joy: "Congratulations, E5371 classmates, you are now ranked first in the rankings, killing a total of 30 points. I am tied with King Kong and the other two adventurers seventh, killing value 17, Honglang kills 16 and ranks eleventh with three adventurers."

"How much is the second?"

"The second is N4233, the killing value is 20, the third is N4236, the original first place, the killing value is 19, the third is tied for fourth, the killing value is 18, and they are closely chasing each other. Right, the leaderboard shows, Five adventurers have died and are now a list of 95 people."

"Which area is it dead?"

"It's all in the West." Gentle answer.

"You said that the West District suddenly killed five adventurers?" Shen Yan was shocked.

"Well, and the time of death is similar. In ten minutes, they have died."

"The West End is in trouble, right, who else is in the top ten?"

"In addition to the original four North District adventurers are still in the top ten, the other two are in the Southern District, the poor West District, a top ten are not, to have already died five." Hong Lang laughed "The Europeans and Americans who used to be the richest and most developed regions on the planet have become the worst districts in this **** city."

Indulging in the heart of the micro-motion, faintly said: "This may be the reason why the North District is so strong, the West District is so bad."

King Kong smiled and said: "Shen Yan is right. There are about the strength of the four districts. I have heard about some things. I don't know if you are interested in listening."

Shen Hao quickly nodded: "Well, then you talk, I see if I can match my guess."

It turns out that the North District has always been a place where the strongest are strong.

The North District is the world of African South Americans.

It can be said that it is the most chaotic place in the world. The world's most famous chaotic places like Congo, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe belong to the African region, while South America also gathers famous chaotic countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.

The separation of warlords and the civil war can be said to be the best portrayal of these two continents. Most of the people who grew up here have experienced the pain of war.

In contrast, except for a Kosovo region, most Europeans and Americans can be said to be children who grew up in sweet water. No matter how well developed their country is, there is no point in a **** city.

At least half of the countries like Africa are in a state of poverty, chaos and war. Their tribal wars are happening almost every day. They are the most frequent places on the planet. The primitive aborigines are **** and cruel, fierce and inhuman. They are never afraid of death, they are born warriors.

The indigenous people brought here by the **** city are undoubtedly able to play the biggest fighting talent here. They may not be as determined by Shen Yu, some people may not even know the word, even the number will not, but what does it matter?

In a **** city, combat ability is the first standard. As long as you are willing to fight, you can play, you can play, and other problems can be solved.

What does it matter if you don't know the word? What is the relationship between no knowledge?

As long as the novice task is over, words and knowledge are just a matter of **** points. However, it is not an easy task to cultivate a strong psychological quality that is not afraid of sacrifice in killing.

Strong, brave, bloody, brutal and violent African natives can kill people for a bottle of water and erupt a tribal war for a source of water. The people from the war-torn areas of South America are equally brave and fierce.

For them, killing is as simple as eating, and the price of life can only be a piece of bread.

In a **** city, it is also an adventure. These people can get what they want.

Perhaps for them, the **** city is not hell, but heaven. After all, here they pay more and they get far more than they do on Earth.

Attitude is the first foundation for determining achievement - you can never expect a job that doesn't love you, or even hate people who hate their work to make outstanding achievements in their positions.

Those from poor areas, they love this place, so they dare to face danger and even be willing to face it. The harder you are in life, the more you can live here.

People in developed countries focus on creativity, and people in poor countries focus on adaptability.

Those who do not have the ability to adapt have already died in hunger and cold or in war.

For this reason, the North District has always been the birthplace of the strong, and the adventurers who came out from here are mostly fierce and bloody, cold and brutal, and murderous.

In addition to the North District, the Southern District is also no shortage of strong people.

In addition to China, Japan and other places in Asia, there are quite a number of countries, including Vietnam, Laos, and especially Central Asia, such as Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and other places, which are also perennial wars. But the problem is that the population base of these areas in the Southern District is not large, because there is a majority of places in India, so the proportion of people selected by the **** city is not high, but as long as it is the hardest people who have passed the beginning The quality of the battle in the later stage must be excellent.

"So, in the **** city, should the strength of the North and South Districts be the strongest?" Gentlely asked.

“No.” King Kong shook his head: “In the **** city, the weakest recognized power is the Western District. This is beyond doubt. But the so-called strongest district has been controversial. It’s just that the dispute is not in the North and South. Between, but between the North and the East."

"You mean that our eastern region is the strongest? But China has not been fighting for many years. The urban pick is not selected from the soldiers, but from the civilians, how can we be the strongest?" Gentle and deeply curious.

"I think that's because the Eastern District is the only region that is dominated by one country. In addition to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Macau, etc., the Eastern District also includes a few regions such as Outer Mongolia and Singapore. But these regions The population is small, and most of the eastern adventurers are Chinese. The national centripetal force is easier to concentrate and unity is easier. Other districts... may not be so united. The southern region has the most Indians but does not occupy the dominant position. Moreover, this group of A3 also lacks leadership ability. Their sloppy and lazy national characteristics make it difficult to create a person with leadership power. The disputes in the southern district are too much and too fierce, such as the Arabs encountering Israelis. Pakistani people meet Indians. In contrast, although there are ethnic conflicts in the North District, many of them are caused by the problem of living resources. Solving this problem, many contradictions can be solved first and foremost, unlike the Southern District. The history of grievances is so heavy... The deeper the culture, the greater the historical grievances." Shen Xiao laughed.

The crowd immediately understood. King Kong is laughing and laughing: "It's right. If you let me perform tasks with the Japanese devils, I would rather kill the other party and finish it myself."

Hong Lang smiled and said: "Many people are strength. I began to miss the great Taizu."

Shen Yu said: "But I think there are two reasons for making China strong. One is historical reasons. We have a history of struggles of more than 2,000 years in China. We have a wealth of struggle wisdom and knowledge in our blood. History The best military strategists are always Chinese. Our Chinese have the most rich experience in historical struggle. Another reason is cultural reasons. Chinese people like to use the means of power and struggle as wisdom, and Europeans and Americans like to invent inventions. Seen as wisdom. In China, the brightest people are always Zhuge Liang, Taizu, and in Europe, Einstein is the most intelligent person. Unfortunately, **** cities do not need inventors, European and American culture. The idea makes them become rigid, lacking flexibility, used for production work, and can be used for combat... the high level of resilience required for combat, the ability to judge the situation, the ability to analyze the enemy and me, etc. They are far from enough."

These words say that everyone nodded and nodded.

"But the mission scenarios we have implemented are mostly in Europe and the United States. The people in the West District occupy the geographical advantage and cultural advantages, and can't underestimate." Gentle and suddenly said.

"This is the case, but these are all things in the future. Let's take a good look at it. We must first catch the kid and say it." Shen Xiao smiled.

The fat man inserted a sentence: "Be careful on the road, I feel dangerous in front."

Honglang disdainfully gave the fat man: "What kind of danger can a little boy bring to us? You are allergic."

Shen Yan smiled and said: "Since Luo said so, everyone will be careful, and don't take the bean bag as a dry food."

Everyone was talking and laughing in the car, and no one cares too much about the fat man's reminder.

After all, for the adventurers, danger is never the reason for them to deter, they are in danger.

The Hummer was flying on the road, and the shadow of the black Mercedes was already visible.

Gently lifted up the telescope and looked at it, then smiled: "He is standing and driving... he is too short."

Everyone laughed.

"The little guys will really find us trouble." Now that they have caught up, everyone's mood has also relaxed a lot, and Honglang's tone suddenly and squats down.

The Hummer whizzed forward and accelerated, and the white Toyota car went hand in hand.

Gentle and gentle waved to the little boy in the car next to him: "Hey, little guy, your family didn't tell you, can't you drive without a license?"

"FU(C)KYOU!" The boy yelled.

He suddenly took out the documents on the driver's seat and shouted: "Go away! Otherwise I will tear it!"

"The little guy is responding very quickly." Shen Xiao chuckled, and he slammed the car into the cross and slammed into the Toyota from the side.

The huge vibration made the boy's hand loose, and the file flew out of the window. As King Kong raised his hand, the document floated toward the air of his own side. The Honglang rushed, grabbed the document in his hand, and then jumped back into the car, laughing at the boy.

Seeing this scene, the little boy changed his face.

He did not notice the sinking of the collision. The direction of the Toyota car has changed and is deviating from the original lane.

Opposite, a big tanker is coming sinking and drinking: "gentle, save him!"

The long whip in the gentle hand had already smashed out and was lying on the boy's waist. He took the hand and pulled the little boy out of the car.

The out-of-control Toyota car, like a drunken drunk, shook his head and rushed to the front, slamming into the tank car on the side from the side, blasting the fire, and the tanker driver had time to jump out of the car and even climb the belt. Run away.

The spectacular explosions did not affect them, and they drove the wagons that had already crashed into the ragged car to the other side.

The little boy was shackled by the whip and pressed on the gentle thigh, screaming desperately: "Let me go!"

Gentle handcuffed a few times his ass: "Little guy, swear! Or you will drop you off the car."

At this moment, the fat man suddenly made a screaming voice:

"Danger! Extremely dangerous!"

The sinking quickly turned in the direction. At the same time, a rocket in the distance whizzed out of the scream of death and flew in the direction of the Hummer.


Just hit the tail of the wagon and fly the entire car into the air.


There are many friends who may be controversial about the strength of the four districts.

In this statement, I am an attitude determinist.

I believe that the achievement of a person's work depends first and foremost on his attitude towards the matter. The achievement of his life depends on his character.

Taking into account the particularity of the **** city, the more chaotic the place, the more like the **** city, so that a positive attitude can be faced.

Of course, this is just my personal opinion. IQ determinists, blood determinists or other readers of the class do not mind, because the strength here is only relative, not absolute. Every district has a strong person, and no one is weak when it is strong.

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