Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 18: Lure

The civil strife has made New York's business a depression, and the bustling scenes of the past are not in the first place. The reduction in tourists has left a large number of hotel suites vacant, and the hotel owners have introduced various discounts and preferential conditions in order to promote the room.

They chose to live in Imperial Holiday Inn, one of the best hotels in the United States.

It only takes two hundred dollars to live in the presidential suite, which was something that everyone could not think of before.

For the sake of safety, although six people have three rooms, the other two are just a cover.

After a day of fighting, everyone wants to take a shower and have a good rest.

When I came out from the bathroom, I walked on the gorgeous carpet with my bare feet, wearing a high-quality pajamas on my body, and a bath towel on my head. Two white arms were exposed, and I looked at a few men. Great drooling.

Hong Lang啧啧 praised: "I really can't figure out how a girl like you will run to be a policeman. You are in this position, face, and a good career waiting for you."

Gentle gave him a blank eye: "Are you sure that the occupations you get in your body and face are good jobs?"

Hong Lang shut up and said nothing, Jin Gang and Shen Xiao grin.

King Kong said: "In fact, wearing a police uniform is also good in a gentle manner. How do you describe a word?"

Sinking and answering: "What is the heroic attitude?"

"Yes." King Kong shot the thigh: "This is it."

Gentle and smug smile.

Suddenly changed his tone: "There is another word called uniform temptation."

Gentle, shy and angry, grabbed an ashtray and squatted, sinking and laughing and hiding in the bathroom.

Into the bathroom, the expression of indulging and laughing gradually gradually closed, becoming dignified and serious.

Gentleness is a careful girl. After taking a bath, she also took the initiative to fill the bath with water.

Lying in a bath that can accommodate four people in a bath, Shen Yan closed his eyes, and his mind was full of scenes during the day.

The shock from the adventurer from the North District has already touched him deeply.

All along, he is very confident that he is in the **** city, not to mention the best, but also the strength is among the best in the same difficulty area. Although he is not good at fighting, he never thought he would lose to someone in the battle.

Even a melee-risk adversary like Hong Lang, Shen Yu and his counterpart, have enough confidence to beat him.

But today's North District adventurer, Shen Yu clearly understands that if he is one-on-one and he is alone, he has no hope of victory.

As long as I think that the adventurer will take the initiative with the gentle and violent waves, he will feel the cold in his heart.

He realized that his previous two missions were too successful to complete, so that they still looked down on others. The adventurer from the North District did not hesitate to give him a head and remind him that there are many strong people in this **** city.

They may not be infinite, but they are amazing, and they also have the courage and bravery to ignore life and death.

Expert-level fighting specialization is not unknown, but Shen Yu has never heard of anyone who can rely on expert-level fighting to be so powerful. This shows that ability is only one aspect, and more important is the person who uses it.

What is certain is that even if Shen Yu has an expert-level fighting, it is impossible to have the crazy, fast, fierce and fierce style of the adventurer.

This style of play is not something that expert-level fighting specialization can give.

All the abilities are just to enable you to do something, but how to do it, how to play it out, or to see the user itself.

The bloodthirsty crazy character of the adventurer is the essence of his power. Even if he does not have expert-level fighting specialization, I am afraid that he will dare to fight with Honglang and gentle, and still can not fall. At best, the damage effect of ordinary attacks is reduced.

Thinking of this, Shen Shen’s heart suddenly became bright.

Those abilities are like the tools that the **** city gives you. How to use it well depends on the users themselves. It is not enough to use them.

Just then, the **** coat of arms suddenly heard a bang.

Bloody Heraldic Tips: Your awareness of the battle has increased, and you have entered the talent recovery period in this mission world. During the period of talent recovery, the **** coat of arms will evaluate your battle style and make special judgments. The wake-up period is 24 to 48 hours. Within 48 hours, you must use your own special skills to fight. In the meantime, the **** coat of arms will formally recognize your specialty and officially awaken your talent.

This tip made me feel a little indulgent.

Is the opening of talent actually going this way?

The original so-called talent is actually a specialty.

Opening the talent is to let the adventurer's special combat mode formally enter the systematic process.

Man is an uncalculated life, and a **** city gives him the attributes he can calculate. Since life can be calculated, the specialty should be the same.

The meaning of talent is here.

The only problem is that Shen Shen does not know what his talent is. He does not know what kind of fighting style he is good at.

Thinking of this, Shen Yan could not help but smile: "The people seem to be the most invisible is themselves. Maybe the talent recovery period is a process of self-recognition. You have to know what you are good at, what you are not good at, and then you can develop your strengths and go. On the right path. So what about me? What the **** are I good at?"

He put his arms behind his head and put it on the edge of the bath to look at the ceiling, thinking for a long time.


When I came out of the bathroom, the Honglang had to wait.

Sinking and swearing at him: "You won't go to another room to take a shower?"

"This is a presidential suite. It is different. I used to have no chance to live in it." Hong Lang smiled.

Shen Xiao smiled and gave him a punch. Hong wave flashed sideways. I didn't expect Shen Qian to step on it. The left elbow immediately slammed into Honglang. Honglang had a backhand and wanted to push Shen Shen out. Rotating, the left hand has drawn an arc in the air, slamming on the Honglang lower abdomen.

Hong Lang screamed: "Are you coming?"

He was also rude, kicked his legs and sank, and Shen Shen leaned back and leaned forward, pushing his right hand toward the legs of Honglang, pushing him to some physical imbalance, while one foot had already flew to the knees of Honglang. The Honglang was slammed into the ground and plopped to the ground. Before the person fell, he always used to grasp what he was. He waved his hand and was hitting a vase around him.

Seeing that the vase had to fall into the ground, the sinking had already stood next to the vase, and the leg was hooked, the vase was picked up, and it was put back in place.

This hand saw Honglang stunned and shouted: "How is this possible? How do you know?"

Shen Xiao faint smile: "When I came out, I was ready to find you, so I estimated the punch line and possible reaction in advance, and the rest is executed."

"I asked the vase."

"That is not within the scope of calculation, but I have included it in the variable factor, although it is not calculated, it can be dealt with." Shen Xiaoxiao answered.

Hong Lang shook his head: "I don't understand."

Sinking and shrugging: "To be honest, I don't quite understand. I just try to fight in the way I like, think, and try a variety of possibilities. When I kick your knees, I quickly analyze what you might do. The action and the possible consequences, I am not sure that the vase will fall, but it will not matter, it is important that I have entered the right position at the right time."

"What is it so complicated?"

Shen Yan said something about his just entering the talent recovery period.

"You mean, you can already awaken talent?" King Kong was very curious.

Indulge in the hand: "It's just a matter of entering the talent recovery period, and it is completely different from the formal awakening. Talent is the only ability in the blood system of the **** city that varies from person to person. Each person's talents are different and can play different roles. It can be said that it is the least rewarding nature in a **** city."

"So what is your talent?" asked tenderly and with concern.

"I don't know." Shen Yu helplessly answered.

Before the formal awakening of talent, Shen Hao himself did not know what his talent was. He could only try various ways to see what he was good at. To know that a person may be good at a lot of things, such as Shen Hao is good at cooking, and he has always been interested in cooking, but he does not want **** cities to identify their talents as cooking, but to set their own talents Cooking. If this is the case, then it will be terrible.

So even if you open your talents, you should develop your own strengths, and you should be cautious.

Several people said that they laughed for a while, and let the fat man bring the boy over. The fat man has no other skill, and the level of the child is good, and he has worked hard to bear all the burdens that people are unwilling to do.

When the boy came in, Shen Yu was holding the electronic map to look closely, not far from the gentleness is holding a book to see the relish.

Every time the indulgent hand points to a place, the corresponding building on the map will show a three-dimensional image to enlarge the front.

The little boy has never seen such technology, and his eyes are full of surprises.

"Sit down." Shen Yantou did not lift his finger to the opposite sofa.

The boy stood there and did not move.

Shen Shen looked up at him and said, "That is not a request."

The boy did not want to sit down.

Shen Yu continued to look down at the map: "What is your name?"

"Jerry Racio." The fat man replied quickly.

Sinking coldly: "I am not asking you."

The fat man immediately shuts up.

Shen Yan asked again: "What is the name?"

The little boy refused to answer: "Jerry devil!"

Sinking and laughing: "Rosie, this little guy is more courageous than you."

The fat man smiled and touched the back of his head.

"So... Jerillasio, can you tell me something about the mutant settlement? Because of your mischief, I lost the clue to find a mutant, you have to compensate for it."

The little boy yelled at his mouth: "I don't know... I know I won't tell you."

"It seems that you know it. I advise you to say it best, even though I don't want to start with a child, but if you really want to force me..."

"Come on what you want to do! I am not afraid of you!" The little guy shouted.

At that moment, the little boy's reluctant expression formed a vivid picture in the impression of Shen Shen - he seemed to see himself as a child.

Shen Hao looked at him for a while, and he suddenly burst into laughter.

Shaking his head, Shen Shen walked to the gentle side and said: "Guess what I thought of?"

"What?" asked tenderly.

"I thought of our last mission, the Major General of Germany. To threaten the child, the Major General once said to me. I suddenly felt that I would be like a Nazi, threatening a child and forcing him to say Out of the whereabouts of his fellow men, betray his compatriots. I am like a SS officer who is engaged in *, looking for Jews everywhere..."

"That's not your fault, we have no way."

"But that doesn't mean I can do the same thing with them." Shen Yan looked back at the child.

"Do you have any other way?"

"No, I can't start with a child." Shen Yu replied: "We still give up the idea of ​​getting information from that child."

This answer makes the gentle and fat man sigh at the same time, the little boy is happy. At that moment, he felt like he was a small hero who defeated the enemy and raised his head high.

Everyone seems a bit frustrated. As for the little boy, it seems that everyone is not interested in taking care of him.

The little guy is idle and has a look at the map on the table.

For the first time, he was so curious that he saw this high-tech map that magnified every point on the map into a three-dimensional image.

He will click on the building for a while, and he will have a little bit of the building.

“How did this map work? It’s amazing!” the boy exclaimed.

"Super-era technology, but it can't be used to help us find the people we are looking for." Shen Yan sighed back to the boy and played a game of zooming in and out with the child.

His fingers fell on a shopping mall on 198 Street, and the three-dimensional image of the mall immediately appeared, including doors, windows, floors, and the details.

Sinking pointed at the building and said: "We know that the mutants are in a corner of 198 Street, but they don't know where they are. Maybe in this building? Or in other places? There are at least 198 streets. Dozens of shopping malls."

"You don't want to find them in your life." The boy replied triumphantly.

"That may not be." Shen Yan pressed the building just back and put his finger on the intersection of 198 Street: "If a mutant person wants to hide himself, he must meet several basic conditions. One: must be a The right hiding point, the space needs to be large enough, and the best and the best of the people, which is conducive to their hidden whereabouts. Second: they must have a retreat, so the hiding point is best where the roads extend in all directions. They will not choose the street. The central government hides itself. If that is the case, the US government's troops only need to be separated from the two sides of the street. Unless there is a mutant who has the ability to escape, most people will not be able to escape. Three: If you have more people, you have to eat and change. People are also people, but also need to live. If you can choose the hiding point in the vicinity of the mall or supermarket, you can solve many unnecessary problems. From these aspects, the most suitable hiding point for the mutants should be at 198 Street. In the area of ​​the Eastern District, the roads are usually pedestrians with convenient transportation."

The boy's face changed slightly, apparently being said to be indulged.

But the next moment he quickly returned to calm: "The East Square has three big supermarkets, four big shopping malls, two large parking lots, a financial exchange and a big square, and there are countless small shops, if you have Patience is slowly looking for it. I promise you can't find it in the last year."

"That's right, so I still need the exact address."

"I won't tell you." The boy was smug.

He clicked on the building on the East Square in 198 Street, and he looked like he was flying.

Sinking and sitting still, watching the boy's fingers dance on the map.

For a moment, he suddenly said: "In addition to the three big supermarkets, four big shopping malls, two large parking lots, and a large conspicuous large building, why don't you mention it?"

The boy stunned The finger of Shen Yu has already landed at some point on the map.

The image of a tall building immediately appeared in front of the boy.

Isborough Catholic Church.

The little boy's face suddenly became very ugly, and he looked at him in horror.

Shen Shen said: "You just said so many places, that is, this place did not say. I deliberately seduce you to touch the architectural scenes on the East Square, all of your buildings are basically pressed, but this, you even touch Don't touch it. Why?"

The boy's body is shaking.

"They are hiding there." Shen Yan stood up and turned his head to gentleness: "I will attack the church tomorrow morning."

"Bastard! You lied to me!" The boy yelled angrily.

Shen Hao has turned into his room.


Just a few friends have persuaded me, think about it, and it’s meaningless and entangled.

Now think about it, things actually originated from one of my basic views:

That is, I think: readers have the power to speak, and I can't delete posts at will.

However, considering that some of the remarks may not be correct, it will affect other readers who have not read the book, so they will explain it.

For this reason, the more the result is explained, the more war is there.

In the end, someone led me out and yelled at me.

From this point of view, I made a big mistake.

So I changed my mind.

In the future, if I find an unfair book review in the book review area, I won't explain it, but I will delete it.

Just now a reader said that it was broken, I know that he is not malicious, just a joke, but considering the reader's influence, I deleted the post. After all, I have not broken it.

I hope you understand this.

This may be the only way to fight.

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