Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 6: Principle of paid mutual assistance

The indulgent plan quickly gained everyone's support. Bubble-book_m)

After a heated discussion, it was finally decided that adventurers who participated in the special operations of the Ministry of Defense could get 150 blood points per person from other adventurers, while those who participated in the protection of Sam Wiki would take fifty blood points. This is not the reason for the benefits - the task of protecting Sam Wiki will definitely be fighting, but the protection task is too easy to be restricted by the protected target, which has always been unpleasant for the adventurer, so how much is meant.

Although there are not many one hundred and fifty points, if there are fifty people paying, it is seven thousand five hundred points. This number may not be as big as the first mainline gain, but after all, there is no need to fight, the risk is low, so there are still many people willing to try.

The final decision was decided by the Scorpio team's quiet, the bulls' squad and the gentle three.

The secluded is the blood of the enchanting, can enchant and control any human life, time and success rate are affected by the target will, so it is difficult to control the adventurer, but the control of ordinary people is basically no problem. Because it is a bloodline skill, the number of temptations is limited, but it is enough to play a key role.

Before entering the **** city, District Yang was a small hacker on the planet. Although he could not be called the top, he got a power program detection after entering the city, and he could automatically find the system back door or program loophole. Using hacking to invade, his hacking ability has advanced by leaps and bounds.

As for the gentleness, it is because Shen Shen gave him the T1000. Of the 53 adventurers, no one has the power of a magical woman. This ability is extremely practical and the city is not easily accessible.

But then again, the liquid metal terminator is actually harder to obtain than the magical woman's ability. So when the liquid metal terminator appeared, everyone was surprised.

With charm, camouflage and hacking techniques, the gentle three can sway into the Ministry of Defense to try to control the human army and launch a fatal blow to the Decepticons when necessary.

In addition to these three people, Shen Wei and Zhou Yiyu were responsible for the task of protecting Sam Wiki. This task is indulged, and because of the revenue sharing, the subsidy of several thousand points is not too much, so no one is fighting with them.

In addition, everyone has discussed other methods.

For example, it was suggested that Wei Zhentian was still frozen at the Hoover Dam and immediately killed him.

After all, the adventurer is not a plot character. When the Autobot and the Decepticons are still looking for clues to search for Megatron, the adventurer actually knows where his position is. He has the advantage of predicting the plot and can be fully utilized.

This statement has attracted the support of many people, but Shen Yu has resolutely opposed it.

\"I don't know if you have noticed that this mission city did not give us the task completion time, but the completion of the mission after the end of the campaign. What does this mean? It means that the time of this mission is variable! We can completely delay the arrival of the final battle, so that we have more time to weaken the Decepticons!"

\"Now go to the dam to kill Megatron, the risk is too great. First, we may not succeed. Once Megatron escapes, the final battle will come early, you all know what it means. Second, even if we succeed in killing The death of the Earth, the damage caused by the battle, is also likely to lead to the leakage of fire energy. Don't forget that in the original plot, in order to cover the existence of the Hoover Dam is for the divergence of the fire energy. Who can guarantee that we are killing In the process of shaking the sky, there will be no damage to the dam. You won’t think that killing Megatron will be easy even without fighting. The result is that we earned a Megatron, but lost. The whole battle!"

\"Do not believe that everyone will look at the task again. The task reminds us that we must not take any violent behavior against Sam Wiki, but there is no hint that we can not disclose any information about the location of the fire and Megatron to those robots. Why? Because the city is fundamental Not afraid of leaking everything about the Hoover Dam in advance, it will only cause trouble for ourselves! Here, there is no meaning in predicting the plot, but it may cause us to accidentally step into the trap!"

Some words were said to be dumb, and finally agreed not to go to the Hoover Dam to provoke Megatron.

Finally, the 53 adventurers reached two conclusions on the task. One is to control the Ministry of National Defense and give full play to the strength of the government. The second is to delay the final battle time as much as possible.

In addition to this, this meeting established two principles.

One: the principle of teamwork, all the adventurers maintain a cooperative relationship, no matter what happens, they must not kill each other. In the event of a dispute, you can submit a decision to collective discussion by all adventurers.

Second: the principle of paid mutual assistance, when other adventurers encounter danger, nearby adventurers are obliged to help. Of course, the rescued party is also obliged to pay a certain amount of compensation as a thank-you. Not only is life at risk, but all the adventurous people who need help can provide paid assistance to others, thus avoiding the situation of unemployed work and maximizing combat effectiveness. Special task participants receive subsidies, which is a basic manifestation of the principle of paid mutual assistance.

In addition, there are other pieces of detail.

In order to facilitate contact, Shen Yu took out a batch of talkers and handed it to everyone.

Interestingly, during the discussion, Shen Yu and Chu Sheng gradually occupied the dominance of discourse, but they were not selected as formal leaders from beginning to end. Just because their arguments make sense, everyone is more willing to listen.

This is exactly the opposite of the mission in the West.

The West District's approach is to first select a team leader and then collectively discuss the task. During the discussion, each other’s opinions and opinions were inseparable, and the leader’s decision system evolved into a democratic discussion system.

Here, everyone does not discuss who is a temporary leader, but the final decision is often made by one or two of the most famous and strongest people. The person making the decision will usually add a sentence after the statement has been made. "Since it is a democratic discussion decision, then do it."

One by one, they like to hang sheep and sell dog meat.

\"Since everyone has no opinions, then do it." Chu Sheng's big hand wave, it is a hammer.

Everyone has dispersed, and the time has passed for an hour. It is time to start the task.

Warm and soft, the district Yang left first. When leaving, Shen Xiao whispered to her: "Be careful, the Ministry of Defense may not have the infiltration of the Decepticons. This is not a movie world, and many aspects may change."

In the gentle eyes, I smiled a little: "Is that better?"

Shen Yan also laughed: "Yes, that's better."

Gently drift away.

Since 45 adventurers paid compensation to the three of them, the mission has not yet begun, and the Broken Blade team has harvested 10,000 points, and this moment is full of laughter.

This makes Chu Sheng unable to understand, in his view, this gain is obviously not comparable to the benefits that the Decepticons can bring.

So after everyone left, Chu Sheng came to Shen Yu and said: "I don't quite understand why you made that choice. You don't look like someone who is greedy and afraid of death, and a small rich is safe."

\"I want to know?" Shen smiled.

Take out the Medal of Honor and summon the soldiers such as Frost.

Chu Sheng suddenly realized: "You have the ability to summon soldiers, then you want to use them instead of you to protect Sam Wiki?"

Sinking and laughing: "Not all, I will always be near Sam wiki to ensure his safety. But they are at least an early warning."

\"That's good, I don't want to take it, but don't steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice."

\" Of course, I just want to kill some Decepticons as much as possible, and increase the grasp of the final battle, which is good for everyone."

\"Take you a good word, but I want to remind you of one thing, no matter what we do, some of them are inherently our obligations."

\"What do you mean by this?"

Chu Sheng smiles and pats the shoulders of Shen Shen: "The meaning is that the three difficulties and the difficulty of one or two, the tactical command and planning ability itself is part of the strength of the city evaluation, and this part of the evaluation will also lead to the city in the task of scheduling Choose to increase the enemy's strength."

\"But you said that wisdom is not a strength evaluation."

\"Only for the plot characters."

\"That means that what we are doing now is just the basic condition that the city can barely deal with the Decepticons?"

\"Yes, unless you can do more and better, otherwise you don't want to pass easily." Chu Sheng said: "This is the world of three difficulties, enjoy your first upgrade challenge, man, good luck."

Said Chu Sheng took his team and strode away.

Looking at the back of Chu Sheng’s departure, Shen Shen thought for a while, and his face suddenly smiled: “I’m interested, since that’s it... then we’ll do more.”

Said, he once again picked up the medal of honor.

This time, he summoned 400 soldiers in one breath.

\"All soldiers immediately enter the city and look for the existence of the Decepticons. Remember that you don't need to fight, just report the whereabouts of the Decepticons, I will arrange people to kill them. Frost, send these dollars down Go and buy some detectors. Those Transformers have radiation on them for easy identification. The money may not be enough. Think about it yourself. Remember to put the guns together, but now is the age of peace."

When I heard the word peace, everyone laughed.

As the command of indulgence was commanded, a large number of summoned soldiers were thus thrown into the city of New York.

In the city hunting mission, the ability to effectively find the target of action is also a crucial part. I have to know that in order to find the mutants, it took a lot of effort to indulge them.

The wisdom and number of people in the airborne camp are fully reflected at this moment. With the participation of these 400 soldiers in the auxiliary search, the efficiency of the first main line task has been greatly improved.

Of course, Shen Yan himself wants to protect Sam Wiki, it is impossible to participate in every battle, but he can't hold him to sell the information to other adventurers.

According to the principle of paid mutual assistance, Shen Yu can find the Decepticons in his own soldiers, provide information to nearby adventurers, and charge a 5 percent information fee does not seem much, but when There are 45 adventurers who provide you with 5 percent of the time, which is quite impressive, not to mention that this does not include the three members of the Broken Blade team, which will also expand the results.

This plan was originally considered by Shen Shen, but was reminded by Chu Sheng that he directly expanded the original 200 soldiers to 400.

As a large number of soldiers accepted the mission to leave, Shen Wei was left with fourteen elites such as Frost.

\"Frost, Arias, Michelle, three of you stay with me, others follow Honglang King Kong, they immediately start the first main line mission, Yi Yu we go, to protect Sam Wiki."

\"How do you know where he is? The movie doesn't say which school he is on."

\"I don't need to know." The crystal pendant was taken in front of Zhou Yiyu's eyes, and he smiled and said: "I haven't used it for a long time."

Zhou Yiyu sighed: "In fact, I prefer to go out with the Hong Wave."

He was self-sufficient in metal control and always wanted to fight with the robot. He did not expect the task to be carried out, and he was taken to perform the protection task.

Shen Hao pushed him and smiled: "Go, are you afraid that you will not behave? Rest assured, since it is a protection mission... then there must be fighting!"

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