Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 30: Hidden task

When gentle and quiet, when the district came to the console, the bumblebee was still being sprayed with condensed gas by the staff in the seventh district to freeze its mobility. )

The freezing effect of this condensed gas is stronger than the general skill effect. If it is expressed by data, its freezing effect is at least 60 points. It can be used for the human body to freeze the ordinary people in an instant, even if it is an adventurer. Degree of frostbite. However, acting on Transformers can only make it ineffective and cannot cause any substantial damage.

Standing in front of the bumblebee, gentle said: "Enough, all stop and leave here, I want to talk to him alone."

\"But sir, it is dangerous to do so, it may be able to resume action at any time." A staff member immediately answered.

\"Execute the command!" The gentle face is expressionless.

\"This..." A group of staff looked at each other.

In the distance, Simon’s expedition called: “Let’s do what she says!”

\"But it is dangerous to do that!"

\"She is not afraid of a woman, what are we afraid of? We can catch it for the first time, we can catch it for the second time. But the most important thing is... I made a bet with her. Do you know? If I lose, I have to wear my underwear. Do you want to see me wearing my underwear?" Simon asked evilly.

\"Of course not hope." A member of the seventh district answered honestly.

\"Know it."

\"...but that's because your underwear is really out of stock." When the words were finished, everyone ran out of the control room at the same time.

Simon yelled and chased: "I am going to kill you a few rabbits!"

Gentle lips slightly tilted, looking to the quiet and the district.

District brows slightly wrinkled: \"You don't want us to leave too?"

Gentle and long breath: "If you can..."

Quietly laughing: "I know what you want to do, but if the car people are so good, the city has already run around the world."

\"So we chose the easiest one, and if you make sure you don't mess, you can stay here."

\"Don't look down on people." Speaking of Yu and District Yang, they took a few steps back.

Regarding the acceptance of Transformers, adventurers have never been tried before, but almost no one has ever seen anyone succeed. The adventurers who can have Transformers in the city are almost all made out of fragments of fire. However, the source of the fire source itself is extremely rare, and because it is a piece of debris, the Transformers produced are only B-level at most, that is, the ordinary Decepticons who can get 9000 points after killing, as for the main Decepticons. Don't even think about it. You must know that each of the main Decepticons is unique. Because they are unique, they enjoy a special plot bonus.

In addition, the source of the fire source itself cannot be upgraded by reinforcement. It can only be upgraded by collecting other fragments. As a result, there are almost no transformers of Grade B or above in the city. As for the Hornet, there are people in history. Brought out, Optimus Prime, Megatron's stream, even the legend does not exist.

At this moment, they saw that they had retired, and gently smiled at the bumblebee:

\"Bumblebee, I hope they have not hurt you."

Without the constant injection of frozen gas, the bumblebee gradually recovered a bit of mobility. But he was not as nervous as the one shown in the movie, but he tried to sit up slowly and look gentle:

\"Your hope doesn't make any sense, woman!" The bumblebee did not respond with a good breath: "If it is not because you don't want to hurt humans, I have already started!"

\"So you will be willing to be imprisoned by human beings, just like a lamb to be slaughtered."

\"Shut up!" The bumblebee was angry: "You are not qualified to teach me!"

\"Ha!" Gentle and tender smile: \"You let me shut up? Let a person who frees you from the imprisonment, can you be your savior to shut up? Just because I said a few truths? Just now Why don't you see you so prestige? Don't you think that you should thank me and pour your anger on those who catch you?"

The bumblebee was in the air, and at that moment he suddenly remembered the indulgence - how the style of this woman’s speech and the thought of indulging are so sharp, harsh, and irritating, but it’s just a matter of reason, so that you don’t have the slightest Method.

I thought about him and answered: "I saw you commanding them, you are with them all the way!"

\"Ah, finally found the reason?" Gentle and smirked: "But it's a pity that you guessed it wrong."

Speaking of gentle wave, long whip dance, rolled up a wrench.

With a pinch of the hand, the wrench has been gently squeezed into a group of scrap iron, thrown at the foot of the bumblebee.

The bumblebee stayed: \"Are you an intervener?"

\"Not only the intervener, do you need to listen to the old friend's voice?" Gentlely said to open the team channel: "Sink, I am talking to the bumblebee, say hello to him."

Handing the arm to the front of the bumblebee, the channel has already sent a sinking speech: \"Bumblebee, how are you? Don't worry, I have sent someone to save you. If you believe me, please believe her. ""

\"..." Hearing the insulting speech, the Hornet finally stopped talking about it. He looked at the secluded area and the district: "Is they also the intervener?"

Gentle nodded: "In order to eliminate the Decepticons, we have mixed into the US government in order to grasp the human military power. But because you were arrested, I have to ask the Secretary Keller to talk to you, which is a big risk. It may lead to the complete failure of all our counterattack plans."

\"So what is Optimus?"

\"I am sorry that he has not taken any action to save you." Gentle and unceremonious answer: \"You have been abandoned by him."

\"This is impossible!" The bumblebee whispered.

\"I am sorry to stimulate you, but this is the truth." Gentle said that he had taken out the pre-recorded videotape and started playing it on his handheld.

Here, I have to say that although they have falsified the meaning of the dialogue through editing, there is no basic change in the fact that Optimus Prime does not have any plans to rescue the Hornet.

In the film, the Hornet was rescued by Sam Wiki, although Optimus Prime did rush to the location of the Hornet, the purpose is to Megatron and fire, and the encounter with the Hornet is just the right time.

So don't say it's a rescue operation. He didn't even make a rescue plan.

From this point of view, Optimus Prime did not fulfill his responsibilities and obligations to his team members, and did not conform to his consistent image of goodness and justice. However, in the hands of Michael Bay, this is very good. Hidden. He showed Optimus Prime's greatness by placing the fire in his body, thus ignoring his responsibility to his teammates, but he could not escape the eyes of the people.

Therefore, it can be said that Michael Bay has destroyed the image of Optimus Prime's justice, and the city has only carried this problem over and then used it again.

Perhaps at this moment, Optimus Prime himself is wondering "what is it that motivates him to make such a ridiculous and incredible decision."

Unsurprisingly, watching the dialogue between Optimus Prime and Shen Yu in the film, the bumblebee shook his head again and again: \"Oh... no, no..."

The bumblebee has a heavy tone and brings a heavy sadness.

\"So... as you can see, Optimus Prime gives up on you. I can understand his choice. In order to eliminate Megatron, it is also helpless to extinguish the fire, but I still feel unfair for you. Yes, justice should be done, but the messenger who upholds justice should not be sacrificed. Sacrifice is a spirit, it comes from spontaneous, not from the coercion of others."

The bumblebee looked up and looked gentle: "You let me see this, what do you want? Don't tell me you have no purpose!"

\"Of course, we always have purpose in doing things." Gentleness does not deny: "We want you, be our friends, our comrades-in-arms, our partners, our partners, we want you to stand on our side." Optimus Prime abandoned you, but we won't."

\"I am a car man, a soldier of the Optimus Prime. If Optimus decided to give up on me, it can only be said to be my destiny. From the day when the war began, I was ready to die. ......"

\"It’s a heroic battle with the Decepticons, not a helpless death like now!”

The bumblebee stagnate slightly.

Yes, if you are fighting the Decepticons on the battlefield, the Hornet will not have any complaints. But as it is now, how can a bumblebee be willing to be imprisoned or even killed because it can't harm humans?

However, Optimus Prime is still his leader. He has always been loyal to Optimus Prime, so that he will give up in this way. From the bottom of his heart, he can easily do it.

For a time, he was in conflict with his heart, and he did not know what to say.

It seems to be the hesitation of the bumblebee, gentle and soft: "I hope you understand one thing, our purpose is to eliminate the Decepticons. At this point, we are no different from the car people. Although the camp is different, but the camp is different, but Everything that everyone can do is the same."

\"But I can't be with my car partner again."

\"Can you be with them now?" Gentlely asked: "If you don't have us to save you, losing your freedom is your best result. The possibility of death is even greater. If you die, you are How are you with them?"

The bumblebee is stunned.

Gentle has been fast: "Think clearly, from the moment Optimus Prime gave up on you, you have lost everything, you can't even master your life, and talk about the identity of the car man? So, you already For Optimus Prime, you are just reborn. But what vows have you made, no matter what ideals you have had, it belongs to the dead bumblebee, not now. you!"

At this moment, the bumblebee is completely speechless.

Yeah, if he is now killed by humans, what else is he to maintain? Everything will disappear.

His life was not saved by Optimus Prime, but a member of the Earth Guardian Alliance.

They may not be good people, but they are not wicked. They have made contributions and should be required to return.

He has no reason to despise or dissatisfy.

They are also enemies of the Decepticons. With them, they can fight as well, maybe it will be better...

The bumblebee meditates.

Finally, he slowly stood up. He said: "You are right, now I am dead, the new hornet, life belongs to the person who saved me."

Gently smiled.

\"But..." The bumblebee said: "I have a wish, I hope you can help me achieve it."

\"You said."

\"Automobiles can give up on me, but I can't give up car people. I hope that you can guarantee one thing. When fighting the Decepticons, try to protect my car partners and don't let them lose valuable because of the battle. Life. I know the ability to indulge, he can do it. If you agree, then I will join you."

As the hornet's voice fell, the **** coat of arms of all members of the Broken Blade team sounded at the same time:

\"The Hornet has increased its friendliness to the Broken Blade team to 250 points."

\"Hide task launch: protect all car people until the end of the mission."

\"Because you took the initiative to send a request to the bumblebee and get a response, you get the following prompt:"

\"Protect six car warriors, each surviving [immortal] a car man, increase the friendship of the bumblebee by 50. Optimus Prime died, and the friendship was 50 points."

\"Friendship reached four hundred points, the bumblebee joined the broken blade team, loyalty 50%. Under this loyalty, the bumblebee has escape, avoid the war, resist orders and so on."

\"Friendship is four hundred and fifty points, loyalty is seventy-five percent. The bumblebee will not escape, but may treat the order negatively, there is a tendency to avoid the war, and a certain degree of resistance to the order."

\"Friendship is 500 points for full value and loyalty is 100%."

\"You communicate with other car people, it will also affect the friendship of the bumblebee."



The so-called plot bonus is to further increase the strength on the standard level.

If the standard strength of a C-class robot is 10002000 for armor and 3050 for defense, then an equivalent C-class robot that enjoys the plot bonus, the doubling of the armor value is normal.

The ordinary Decepticons in Transformers, that is, the Decepticons without their own names, because they do not enjoy the plot bonus, so the strength goes according to the standard robot mode, a B-class Decepticons worth 9000 points, and their armor values However, it is 20003000 points and the defense is between 4060, which is similar to the standard robot. And an A-class robot, the standard armor value is 30004000 points, and the defense is between 7090. The main Decepticons and bumblebees, iron sheets and so on are all grades, but each of the main Decepticons is subject to the plot bonus, so the armor value doubles. Even the non-dominant Decepticons such as the Laser Bird, because of their own names, belong to the plot characters, but also receive the bonus, but the bonus is not high.

Therefore, robots like the bumblebee and the roller are special in the special. The Transformers are special types of robots. They have the wisdom bonus, and the plot characters enjoy the plot bonus. The strength can be imagined.

In this respect, bringing out a bumblebee is equivalent to getting at least a few Class A robots. I want to know the ordinary robots that I have produced myself, but I don’t have such high combat power, and I don’t have such high intelligence. The same level of A-class robots, four may not be able to beat a bumblebee.

Everyone can understand the difference between assembly line products and handicrafts.

This is why the insults are worried about getting the bumblebee. It is one of the three A-level rewards. It can be used as an independent adventurer or not.

As for Megatron, Optimus Prime, they are already equivalent to S-class robots. As a story SS, the bonus is not generally high. If you can bring it out, the four-level adventurer will play the same. Unfortunately, it only exists in theory, but no one has ever brought it out, including sinking and not moving its brains.

That is really nothing.

As for Diablo, the theory that it brings out does not exist, because it is already the existence of the concept of detachment, the devil, and there is no servant who may become an adventurer. However, when it was killed by indulgence, the most important undead character disappeared, so the strength at that time was at best an S-level existence, but there is no possibility of bringing it out - the strength is gone, the pride is still there.

Finally, a point: strength evaluation and reward level are two different things. It’s good luck to kill a C-level robot and get a D-level reward. But in addition, we must look at the strength of the two sides. Killing a C-class robot on a difficulty may be able to get a double D or even a C-level reward, but killing a C-class robot on three difficulty levels may not give you a fart.

This mission kills any Decepticons and can be rewarded because one has multiple bonuses, resulting in the general strength of the Decepticons is higher than their own level. Second, there are few rewards for items, and the main rewards are **** points, so the points will be sufficient.

The final final: once again emphasize the characteristics of foreign object reinforcement.

Because a friend complained a few days ago, saying that a double-B heavy artillery skill is not as good as a double C-class plasma acceleration gun. Here I explain again, the double-C plasma accelerator can have the disadvantages of long warm-up time and limited number of uses. In addition, the intensification of foreign objects must be greater than the self-enhancement. The reason I have explained is that if the power is the same, who will go to foreign objects to strengthen? Balance will inevitably be disrupted, and the **** city will not see the existence of any technological power, because it makes no sense.

As for the robot, as an independent combat unit, the high practical value is inevitable, but it also has its limitations.

The real robot army is far less powerful than everyone thinks. A C-class robot is also worth more than a thousand armor. Killing it is equivalent to scrapping a C-level skill. When you say it, you don't feel bad. Still can't upgrade, and later went to the difficult area, it is easier to hang.

To give you a simple equation to calculate, is a standard robot, about the equivalent of a sibling skill attack ten times.

Such as a standard C-class robot, armor value of 1500 points, defense 30 points, C-level attack skills damage 180 points, remove 30 points of defense after the attack, resulting in 150 points of damage. Ten skills kill the robot.

Of course, this is just a simple standard, don't be hard. The same level of robots have strengths and weaknesses, the same level of skills have high and low points, special robots have special bonuses, and the plot robots have multiple bonuses such as plot bonuses, which are completely different - ten S-level skills It is absolutely impossible to kill a Megatron, even half of the armor value can not be done.

However, it should be clear from this aspect that the robot is really no big deal.

The power of the Broken Blade team is strong because it is activated and can repair the robot. There is a base at home, which can produce robots cheaply.

These two factors add up to make the robot army powerful, and this powerful price is that Shen Yu has invested a lot of blood to enter.

Even if he doesn't dare to create too many robots, he is also worried about the devaluation after entering the high level. After all, once the robot has finished production, it can't be upgraded. In addition to changing weapons, others are hard to There will also be some unrecoverable casualties, and it is impossible to lose 100%.

It can be said that Shen Qiang’s powerful use of mechanized armed forces is based entirely on his own capabilities and large-scale investment, and has paid a huge price for it. Until now, his attack skills are still seriously lacking, and he is fighting the adventurers. Still relying mainly on skills rather than skills.

Of course, this is also related to his ability to activate and Skynet chips. Without this ability and chip, perhaps Shen Shen may not make such a choice.

The so-called right is the best, just as Ban Dongming created Wan Jianyu because of his own abilities, the instinct is activated, he naturally wants to create mechanized troops for himself.

Compared with Wan Jian, the mechanized units have higher practical value, greater benefits, and faster interest conversion.

This is because it has been said before, first and foremost, first practical and then permanent.

All in all, the powerful team of the Broken Blade team does not mean that the machine team of others is strong, and it does not mean that this is a once-in-a-lifetime reinforcement, but it is indeed the most promising way to strengthen. Because it is the only one in which quality can be self-reinforcing, it can also be qualitatively changed by quantitative change. The strength of the space warship is not because the technological reinforcement is better than the self-reinforcement, but it is itself a qualitative change through quantitative change.

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