Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 33: Conquer (on)

It seems that I did not expect that gentleness would guess my own intentions, and everyone was silent at the same time. m bubble! book. Right

Then the night magic nodded slightly: \"Good, very good, the broken blade team can rise in such a short time, it really has two brushes, you guessed it is correct, we are not killing Megatron, we are coming Conquer it."

\"Captain!" everyone called at the same time.

The night demon has raised his right hand to stop everyone: \"She guessed it, and denying it is not necessary."

Gentle gaze contraction, looking directly at the night magic, as if I can see each other's eyes through the black blindfold, she said one word: \"Conquering Megatron... You really dare to think, but this way What about the main line mission? But it is required to destroy all the Decepticons!"

\"As long as Megatron is willing to return, he is no longer a decepticon. This is not contradictory. It can be a big help for us... You can imagine Megatron helping us to fight against the Decepticons. ?"

Speaking of this, everyone in the Scorpio giggled at the same time.

\"It's hard to imagine, but what do you do?"

The night demon laughed: "That's our business. You want to know and it's very simple. Let's go through this adventure with us. How about it? As long as you put down your weapon, you will be shackled. I promise we won't hurt you." The reason Nali also said, we need the help of the Bulls and the Broken Blade to ensure that the Civil War can't afford it."

Gentle and surprising, there is no rebuttal, but instead look down and think.

It seems to have seen the inner struggle of the gentle, the night magic once again laughed: "The machine can not be lost, you should know, can witness the opportunity to recover Megatron, you can not meet several times in the city, if you participate It will help you to further understand the urban system and will be of great help to your future tasks."

Gentle finally said: "I don't have any air, how to ensure my safety?"

Hearing this, the other side of the channel, Hong Lang, Zhou Yiyu and other people are anxious: "Women, don't be stupid, these guys are not convinced! They can't catch you, deliberately trick you, don't take yourself. Handed them in their hands!"

Gentle and ignorant, just staring at the night demon.

The night devil immediately replied: "As long as you put down your weapon, I will make a curse on you, which will make you weak but not life-threatening, and I will also add a space seal to you, so that you can not Be influenced by the team assembly order. After these points, we can not take any action restrictions on you."

\"That just guarantees your safety, not mine."

\"Our safety is your safety, gentle lady, as long as you have no threat to us, we have no reason to hurt you."

\"Yes?" Gentle brows pick: "Then maybe not."

She looked at the beam: "It seems that someone has been screaming for a dead woman."

At this time, Fang Liang suddenly laughed: "The woman is a fart, and Laozi takes her as a blind man, and you still take it seriously."

Gentle and gentle: "You and autumn..."

\"There is no friendship." The night magic laughed: "The beam is our first meat shield. Since it is a meat shield, it is natural to attract firepower. So his natural duty is to find everywhere, every time before the war. You have to provoke your opponent first. Of course, sometimes you have to find a reason for no reason... Well, you can understand this as a taunting skill, and pull the hatred. If not, what happened to you? Will it attack the beam first?"

This answer made the Broken Blade team all stupid.

It will be like this!

Hong Lang is even more blasting on the head of the fat man: "Look at how people's meat shields are."

The fat man is wronged: "Rely, shut me down!"

However, when I thought that this meat shield had never been active in attracting firepower, I felt that I did seem to be unqualified. However, I think about my own performance, and I think that I have made great progress, and I can comfort myself.

The gentle eyes condensed slightly: "So to speak... you are ready to fight us from the beginning."

\"It’s just a matter of preparedness.” The night magic did not answer further.

In the tender heart, it was deeply shocked.

In the second difficulty mixed for a long time, the broken blade team all the way, has rarely encountered any decent enemy, did not expect to just come to three difficulties, they met such awkward opponents. It seems that I can walk up step by step. Sure enough, few of them are simple opponents. The night demon in front of me is very similar to Shen Yu.

The most difficult thing is that they all seem to like to fight without fighting.

Only when a mystery is untied, a new mystery will happen again.

Gentle and quiet asked: "Since you have nothing to do with autumn, then where do you know about us?"

\"Sorry." Out of gentleness, the night magic did not answer her. He said: "I can't give you the answer to this question. As a sincere invitation, I don't want to deceive you, so I don't want to say it."

\"Can't say even if it is." Gentlely accept the weapon: "Come on, I agree with your request, be your hostage... I really want to see how you conquered Megatron."

\"No, gentle, don't promise them!" everyone in the channel shouted together.

The secluded sky above has floated down, waving at the gentleness, and at the same time said: "Do not create resistance thoughts, this can extend the effect for a lot of time, avoiding my waste of mental energy repeated use."

Gentleness did not resist, a weak curse and a slow curse had fallen on her. Unlike the district Yang, due to the gentle initiative to give up, Yu did not use the curse that would cause harm to her, but only made her weak and unfavorable.

Doing all this, the night magic finally smiled with satisfaction: \"Come with us."


Nanshan commanded his special forces squad to open the road, and basically did not encounter any effective resistance. Not only because of the huge power gap between adventurers and ordinary people, but also because of the factors that Secretary of Defense John Keller is being alive.

John Keller looked at the gentleness: "I didn't expect you to be one of them. I have been so optimistic about you..."

Gentle and faint: "I am indeed a member of a special human race, but this does not mean that we are against the human government. We are killing the Decepticons themselves and fighting for humanity."

\"But you are attacking the government base now!"

\"It is them, not me."

\"Is there a difference?"

\"Of course." Gentle answer: \" Just like Transformers are also divided into mad and sects, the human government has countless factions, the state, and each other's battles... Special humans also have their own disputes and cooperation, this is nothing. Strange. As for me, I am still standing on your side. Mr. Minister, just like you, is a prisoner."

\"You could have resisted."

\"One hit eight? You can see me too much." Gentle smile.

The talking room has come to the control hall of Megatron. As soon as everyone enters, a huge yellow figure has been thrown at them.

\"Don't move, Bumblebee! You are not their opponent!" cried softly.

The bumblebee’s right arm’s thick muzzle turned and kept pointing to the Scorpio crowd: “Who are they? Decepticons?”

\"Don't be excited, Bumblebee!" Gentleness has already screamed: "They are not the Decepticons. They just want to turn Megatron into their followers and let him out of the ranks of the Decepticons."

\"This is impossible!" The bumblebee replied loudly: "" Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. It is a full-fledged ambition and will not succumb to anyone's orders!"

\"So I will stand here, I want to see how they can do this. From my point of view, I am very happy to see their failure." Gentle and do not hide their thoughts, of course The cricket team also does not expect gentleness to pray for their success.

The bumblebee looked at the gentleness and looked at the Scorpio team. After a while, he finally asked: "What if they really failed?"

Waiting for a gentle answer, the night demon has rushed to answer: "" Then you don't need to do it, we will suffer the bitter fruit of failure. And the battle between us and Megatron, no matter what the outcome, will be yours. I’m happy to see it, isn’t it?”

\"It is true." The bumblebee slowly lowered the muzzle.

\"So... our only requirement is that when we act, you don’t want to mess up. Otherwise everyone here will pay the price of life.” The nightmare is very popular.

Then the night magic waved a hand, and Yu and Zhao Bing came to the console and began to take over the control center here.

The blade went to the fire room and brought the fire out. This thing originally required Transformers to personally take the shot to narrow it down, but now there is no bumblebee shot, the Scorpio team did.

The two soldiers rushed up to take John Keller down. Obviously, if the gentle and gentle area is a **** that forces both the bull and the broken blade, then Minister John Keller is a gentle pawn.

The other four soldiers took the gentleness and the district went to the corner of the hall. The district was not so gentle and treated as good. His chest was beaten with a big hole. The body grew a rose, and the stems were like blood vessels. Part of the physical function of the district. This is a special skill of secluded. It was originally a ability to save people. It can replace the body function of human blood with blood, and it can also be used to control the target. Once the blood rose is removed, the district will be seriously injured. Did not use this skill for gentle, can only say that the Scorpio team has been very gentle face, this is also a thank you for her initiative to give up the battle.

Of course, trust can't be said. The four soldiers in charge of the surveillance are pulling apart their clothes. Each body is wrapped in a large number of bombs. The black holes are aimed at them. Once they change slightly, they will immediately launch a suicide attack. Not far away, Li Nali personally stared at them to prevent them from destroying.

In this way, the night magic seems to be still insufficient.

The explosives previously contained in the boxes were carried by the remaining soldiers and placed in various corners of the hall, apparently ready to destroy the entire space if necessary.

After all the preparations were completed, the night magic finally sighed and said: "The first step begins!"

As his voice fell, the beam had moved to the frozen Megatron. The air-conditioning of the ice-covered Megatron continues to be sprayed to prevent him from waking up. Due to the ultra-low temperature, ordinary people will be frozen into ice sculptures once they are close, even if they are risk-taken.

The transparent film on the beam of the beam rises again, and the cold air falls on the light film, condensing a piece of frost, but has no effect on the beam. His transparent film has little weakening on melee damage, but obviously has a strong elemental resistance. It is no wonder that the previous gentleness caused him to burst into a knife, which caused him to be injured but did not produce a freezing effect.

Standing next to Megatron, Fang Liang looked up at Megatron and sent a feeling of embarrassment: "It's a huge monster."

Then he handed it out and the two soldiers had sent C4 plastic explosives to him.

The beam will soak the explosives on the metal legs of Megatron, just like a tile, all the way up, and only he can move freely in the ice envelope.

Gentle and shocked: "Do you want to kill him or do you want to convince him?"

The night konjac smiled: "Of course it is to conquer him, but this guy is really terrible. Before he can accept him, he must first be severely wounded, so that he will negotiate with us."

\"Use his life to threaten him?" Gentle has realized how the night magic wants to do it.

\"Yes, but not enough." The night demon laughed and raised the fire in the hand: "So we still need this. Isn’t Megatron coming to Earth for the fire? This thing is now in our hands. With it, I am not afraid that Megatron will not bow."

Is it threatening to threaten it? I have to say that the night magic method is simple, but very practical.

But the bumblebee has roared: "Do you give the fire to Megatron? This is absolutely not possible!"

\"Don't worry." Gentlely stop the bumblebee: \" Even if you want to pay, it will only be a piece of debris, they will not give the complete fire to Megatron."

\"How do you know?" Bumblebee asked.

\"Because that is the task they have to accomplish, it is our mission to come here... no matter what they want to do, they are against this basic Megatron will not be satisfied."

\"Yes, so they can't rely on these two points to impress Megatron... but they can have the qualification to talk to Megatron." In the last sentence, the gentle voice hangs down. She has fully understood the plan of the night magic.

Just as Shen Yu’s acceptance of the Hornet needs to complete a hidden mission delivered by the Hornet, the Scorpio team must face Megatron’s mission in order to conquer Megatron. As for everything that has been done before, it is only a necessary condition for starting the task.

Of course, this hidden task must be extremely difficult. It is difficult for the Scorpio team to complete it with its own strength - perhaps this is why they want to capture the gentleness and the district.

So what is the content of that hidden task?

When thinking about this problem gently, Fang Liang has also completed his work - he almost put the explosives on all the places where Megatron can stick, even the head is not missed.

From Megatron, Fang Liang nodded to the night magic.

The night demon finally ordered: "" Lille, the person who took you controls the chilled liquid injection pipe, secluded, reducing the supply of 20% of the chilled liquid, the first stage of blasting preparation, all the blasting points below the leg, detonation!"


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