Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 37: Full attack

If there is anything worse than an accident, it is two accidents. Book (m)

The night demon did not expect that the one who had been injured, there is no reason to cause any threat to the district, and it would be a threat to break the net at this time.

\"This is not necessary!" The night magic screamed: "I never thought about killing you!"

He really didn't think about it.

He just wants to control the two men by controlling them to pave the way for hidden missions and other adventurers.

It’s just that he didn’t expect the hidden task to be a part of the witness. The second did not expect the temper of the district to be so hard.

The blade is even more murmur: "I said that Chu Xiaoshen is a cow temper, eating soft and not eating hard, I did not expect even his men are all the way."

Just now that I understand that these are meaningless, Li Nali shouted: "Boss..."

I saw that a substitute doll had been smashed by Megatron, and the silver silkworm net was gradually unable to survive Megatron, and he was about to get out of trouble.

The night screams a slap in the face: \"All shots, take him down!"

In this case, the night demon can not care so much, and finally issued a collective attack command, but fortunately he has already killed Megatron 5,000 armor, the lowest evaluation of a defeated heavy body Megatron is Will inevitably exist.

Just as he made this order, the night demon yelled: "" gentle, Megatron has recovered to a minor injury, my Scorpio team is finished, you have no good days! If you and I join hands, I am going You promise that the Nanshan thing will be written off, and my Scorpio team will never find you later!"

At this moment, the night magic is also considered to be decisive, if not, the gentle and restrained Scorpio team is also unable to fight against Megatron.

Gentle just hesitated a little, then nodded and agreed: "Well, that's it, I won't let him live here. Bumblebee, ready to fight."

\"No problem!" The hornet's screaming screamed, if the Scorpio team had been defending him, he had thought of attacking Megatron, and this order was for him.

The bumblebee raised his hand was a shot against Megatron. He did not expect Megatron’s right hand to grab the shell and let the shell explode in his palm. He also snarled: “The little man, your firepower is still Stronger?"

As he turned his hand, the giant palm has been shot against the ground. This palm is not shot to anyone, but directly shakes the ground. The huge shock makes the adventurer unable to stand up and jump. At the same time, Wei Four missiles from Zhentian were shot, and they hit the night demon, Li Nali, left shaving and blade. He was previously hit hard, not only for the loss of armor, but also for many large power weapons. At this moment, under the activation effect, all the firepower systems have returned to normal, and their strength has increased several times stronger than before. At this time, Megatron is the real Megatron.

The next four missiles were fired, and it was the time when the four men were flying in the air. There was no place to dodge, which showed Megatron’s ability to grasp the timing of the battle.

Watching the missile flew to himself, the night demon screamed and punched a punch. He also had the demon's bloodline bonus, and used the power reel to increase the power by forty points. And the side will explode, but he was also launched by the waves of tens of meters, hitting the wall. Fortunately, it is built with the highest strength concrete, and the general missiles are not bad, otherwise the night magic has already flown out of the hall.

On the other side, facing the blade of the missile attack, the sword of the warrior was crossed, and a sharp knife was blown to the missile. The missile was also bombed, but the distance was closer than that of the night demon. The strong explosion directly shocked the blade of the samurai sword. For two, but the blade is finally avoided.

The method of left shaving is the simplest, and the right-handed large **** arm is in front of the body, and it is hard to resist this missile attack. In the huge explosion, the left shaved body was blown up with blood. This guy didn't seem to care. He looked at his own flesh and blood, and even pulled out his lizard-like tongue and squatted on himself, as if it were delicious.

Only Li Nali, her avatar doll had just been used once for the night demon, and now she can’t continue to use it for a while. She is not a defensive or sensitive adventurer. She can’t resist, can’t resist, seeing the missile fly in shock. Next to a phantom suddenly rushed out, hugged Li Nali on the ground, the missile flew over the top of their heads, bombing on the wall, hitting a burst of flames. Li Nali discovered that it was gentle to save herself.

\"You..." Li Nali looked at the gentleness.

Gentle has already thrown her up: \" Less nonsense, attacking his right hand with all his strength, first abolish his main weapon!"

Said that the blade of power has gone to Megatron.

Have the gentle experience of combating Diablo, in fact, in the face of this powerful SS experience is actually more abundant than the night magic and other people. She is very clear that in the face of the existence of Megatron, the most important thing is not to destroy his armor value in a short period of time, but to make a huge loss of function as soon as possible, weaken his attack ability, and then can In the next war of attrition, I use my ability to respond, flexibility and organization to deal with each other.

Megatron's laser main gun, the attack power is extremely powerful, the damage is 900 points, the attack frequency is about once every minute, and it can be used for a long time without recharging. The single damage is stronger than Diablo, and the only defect is probably Group attacks are insufficient and will be damaged.

At this moment, a gentle reminder, everyone is aware of this, the night demon is first sorghum: \"Do as she said!" Then a pair of hands, the **** long blade flew out of the blade, back to the night magic hand It was once again arrogant against Megatron. Following his attack, Fang Liang, Blade, Li Nali, Zuo Sha, Bumblebee and Jiutai Terminator also rushed together and began to bombard the right arm of Megatron.


The gentle blade of power slammed on the laser cannon, and it ignited a splendid spark. Megatron swept his arm and did not hit the gentleness. He saw that the seven or eight attacks had come one after another, and his huge metal body was shaken. A right arm is also taken care of. The heavy machine bullets from the Terminator are hit on the super-alloy metal arm, and the ping-pong is like a scorpion. Although these attacks are not strong, they are as dense as rain, just like mosquito bites. If you bite too much, you will be mad and mad.

\"Hey!" Megatron screamed: "A group of nasty ants, you never want to win my Megatron!"

Speaking of Megatron's fiercely received right arm, the laser cannon was recovered in the deformation of the click. Instead, it was a huge energy light sword. The lightsaber also flashed a red energy flame. Like Optimus Prime's energy sword, it's just a bit bigger.

As soon as the energy lightsaber appeared, Megatron’s vibration arm was cut, and some of the silver giant nets were split. The giant sword remained unrelenting and continued to be gentle.

Gentle and less dodge, cross-knife, only feel a huge force from the sword, kneeling on the blade of power to shake the edge of power back, knocking on the gentle body to hit her.

Megatron slashed softly and screamed loudly: "All died!", the arms slammed together and the force, the split silkworm net could not withstand this giant force, 啪啪啪啪The sound of the break, which was exchanged by the Scorpio team for a very high price, was so forced to break by Megatron with endless brute force.

Out of bounds, Megatron is like a tiger, roaring and screaming forward, but a step shortens the distance between the people. First, the left arm rises, and a heavy gun hits the hornet on the rush. Retired, the left foot kicked the flying beam, the right hand energy light blade swept, and a dodge-stopper was split into two pieces by his sword. The Terminator's half body was still on the ground trying to crawl and grab the Megatron, but he was trampled into a discus, arrogantly arrogant: "Useless garbage!" The right arm waved, like the iron column swept Then sweep the night magic.

A group of adventurers, no one can stop the pace of Megatron's progress!

Previously, Megatron’s legs were broken, the body was bundled, and the fighting ability was greatly reduced. At this moment, the injury was completely removed from the shackles of the silkworm net, and the power was greatly developed, which truly showed the majesty and strength of a large SS.

\"Left shaving!" The night demon screams: "Set him!"

The left shaved hands grabbed his clothes and yanked outwards, and screamed up. As he shouted, the face of this guy was constantly twisted, as if it was full of great pain, but the body expanded and expanded in an instant.

Unlike the Honglang rock intensification, the expansion of the left shaving looks more like a living tear. The body is exploding and the black blood flows out. The blood vessels are in the process of violence. The roots rose and the blood poured through the body. His face was also deformed during this ascent. One eye was swallowed up by the muscles, and only one eye was barely able to see it. The whole head looked more like a huge sarcoma.

\"嗷!" The left shave made a painful crazy roar, but the whole body muscle continued to swell, and the surface of the arm was covered with a thick layer of cuticle, making him look more like a serious injury. Beast.

After this painful change [Dragon Beads] was completed, the left hand shaved the right hand and pushed forward forward. The five fingers stretched out like tentacles, and they continually rushed toward Megatron, which would have Megatron’s The body was entangled in a circle with his right hand.

Megatron was unable to break under a shock, and half of the body was once again bound.

\"Fast! This guy is too strong, I can't hold it for too long!" The left shave has screamed.

The blade was the first to rush like an ancient warrior. The brush jumped up and the right arm was lifted up. It turned into a huge arm and fell against the right hand of Megatron. Although his samurai sword was destroyed, this arm is a stronger existence than the samurai sword, and it is also the unique skill of the blade. A knife slashed on the right arm of Megatron, and even fell into a third of the depth. It was so painful that Megatron made a loud noise. He was so embarrassed that a huge sound wave exploded in the ear of the blade, and a bang, shock The blade flew up and there was a lot of blood in the mouth and nose. At the same time, Megatron's head slammed forward and hit the blade body. This was like a big iron scorpion slamming over, and the blade tumbling in the air and falling to the ground for a while. Can't climb up.

Megatron also wanted to step on another foot, but was rushed from the rear by the bumblebee, grabbing Megatron's body and left arm.

Immediately after the gentleness, the night demon, Zhao Bing, etc. also flew over, screaming at the right arm of Megatron when he was entangled. This guy's right hand is really terrible. Not only does it have a powerful laser cannon, but also a laser sword that can be used for close combat. He must abolish his right arm to hope for victory.

At this point, Megatron is not as good as Diablo, whose skills are completely immune to the limbs, and the consequences of disability are far less serious than Megatron.

However, it is not an easy task to cut off the arm of Megatron. The left-handed shaving of Megatron only feels that the giant force is constantly impacting his tentacles. It is Megatron. In full force, he tried to get rid of his bondage.

\"Fast! I can't hold it anymore!" left shaved and shouted.

\"Persevere!" Gentle and high jump, hold the blade of power with both hands and squat: "The burst of ice!"

The next heavy blow was hitting the wound that had been thrown by the previous blade, and once again broke into a large section. Megatron’s entire right arm had only one third of the connecting part. Not only that, but the effect of destroying the thunder of the blade of power is also launched, and the arm of the Megatron is blackened. If it is not a living robot, there is no short circuit. It is this destruction of the thunder. Can let the arm lick.

\"Get out of the way!" Megatron's right shoulder was shocked, and several arms were actually ejected on the arm. The fly was gentle and hit the gentle chest. It was like a heavy artillery bombardment that hit her madly. At the same time, his left arm was completely, and an elbow hit the back. In the chest of the bumblebee, the hornet's chest was pulled out of a large depression. Then the left arm was twisted and twisted, grabbing the bumblebee's head and slamming forward. A slap, a over-the-shoulder fell the bumblebee out.

But just as he fell out of the bumblebee, the night magic's **** long knife has also fallen: "The Blade of Blood Festival!"

These two weapons, which are sacrificed by the blood of the adventurer, have a power bonus of 40%, and the sharp ability of the blade, which can ignore 60% of the defense, under the urging of the night magic. In the absence of a strong reminder, he scored the blade and the wound that was previously tender.

\"Break!" With the scream of the night magic, Megatron's right arm finally flew away from the body.

\"No!" Megatron screamed wildly, and the power of the whole body boiled to the top at this moment. His surviving half of his right arm was violently shocked, and the tentacles that entangled the body of Megatron all collapsed immediately.

This time the collapse, the damage caused by the left shaving was too big to be added, almost let him faint on the spot.

However, Megatron did not let him go. At the same time he broke free, the tiger rushed to the left, and his left arm was five fingers, grabbing the left and shaving: "Go to hell!"

\"Left shaving!" Everyone shouted at the same time.

However, the left-handed shave that had just been hit hard had no time to deal with it. He could only watch the big hand rushing. He printed it on the wall with only one palm. The whole person was born into the concrete wall of the control hall of the seventh district. in. This is not counted, Megatron's left hand finger mutated into a knife, facing the left shaving brush, has left the entire shaved open lap, then a finger hook, the fire has flew out from the left shaved body.

Megatron returned his left hand and grabbed the fire. He even caught the fate in his hand.

\"Left shaving!"


There are two sounds in the hall at the same time.

The former is secluded, Fang Liang and other people cry distressedly, the latter is the night demon, gentle and bumblebee unwilling to scream.

\"Quickly rush back to the fire!" Gentlely yelling at Li Nali.

\"Thinking beautiful!" Megatron's body was swayed, and four missiles were launched. This time all flew to Li Nali, apparently never giving the other party the opportunity to use the transposition. www.mtlnovel .com~ Li Nali has no choice but to be busy with the four missiles.

Just as she was avoiding, Megatron had used a fire to point at a point not far away, and shouted: "Get out, Decepticon! The fire gives you a new life!"

With the scream of Megatron, the source of the fire fired a light and was hitting a control computer in the hall.

The computer was revived in an instant, flying into the air, and a dazzling deformation, a small Transformer has appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the Little Tigers appeared, they screamed and screamed. It seemed very exciting that they had a new life and shouted: "The great Megatron King, naughty for you!"

\"I will inform all the Decepticons of my position immediately, my communication system is broken!" Megatron yelled. This guy actually did not rely on his own brave and single-handed thinking, and summoned the helper whenever he had the chance.

\"Understood, Megatron King!" The self-proclaimed mischievous Decepticons have issued a series of signals: "All the Decepticons pay attention, find Megatron King, all attack! All attack!"

\"Sound wave received! Immediate attack!"

\"Red Spider Received! Decepticon Attack!"

\"Stunning wave received! All the Decepticons, follow me!"

One voice reverberates in every corner of the world...

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