Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 46: sneak into

The Hoover Dam to Las Vegas is actually just over forty kilometers away. m bubble! book. Right

At the speed of black lightning, it is more than ten minutes.

Of course, it is a matter of rush to get to Las Vegas. It is one thing to find Optimus Prime. It is another matter to rescue the Autobots and eliminate the Decepticons.

When all these things are concentrated on one point, things start to get in trouble.

\"What? There are still forty minutes?" Shen Hao almost didn't drop the talker: \"When you arrive at the daylily, it's cool!"

\"What is the solution?" Chu Sheng did not scream: "We came from New York. Do you know how many red lights have been smashed along the way, how many car accidents have you created? The ticket issued to me is enough for you." Hand paper used in the previous year! Now there is a police car chasing behind my ass!"

\"Ah, you can still be chased by the creature of the police car! You and the police can be leisurely!"

\"Okay, I will kill the police car!"

\" are coming over soon, man." Shen Yan was speechless, and he could now see the rising flames over Las Vegas and the large black smoke.

Thinking about it, he said to the team channel: "Everyone gets off the bus and is ready to fight."

\"Are we not rushing in? I feel that Optimus Prime is inside." The bumblebee hurried.

\"I can't force it!" Shen Yan said with no anger: "My adventurer's partner hasn't come yet, and the human government hasn't done it yet. Only our team can't do it." Go in and deal with so many Decepticons. We can only fight on the outer edge!"

\"So what about Optimus Prime? Don't forget that you promised me!"

\"I have not forgotten, but I will not sacrifice my team members to save the car. I am not Optimus Prime, I am not as noble and great as he is!"

The bumblebee is silent.

If it was before, the bumblebee might blame it for being selfish.

But after experiencing a "betrayal", the bumblebee felt that he could no longer blame the act of indulgence.

Even so, the hornet's heart still has a very uncomfortable feeling. He couldn't tell why this was, but he just felt uncomfortable.

It seems that I saw the idea of ​​the bumblebee. Shen Shen sighed: "Don't worry, Bumblebee, I won't let my ministry go to death, but I will go in and save Optimus Prime."

\"What?" The bumblebee stayed.

Hong Lang has been screaming: "What joke are you doing? This is going to death!"

\"Shut up the flood, even if we can't save, we also have a build order, don't worry about my safety."

\"I am afraid that you will not die when you die!" Honglang is quite aware of Shen's temper. He knows that once he has made up his mind, he will only be absent if there is a way out.

\"Ah... then you wish me luck." Shen Xiao smiled.

At this point the car has entered Las Vegas, several Decepticons are attacking wildly, and civilians are everywhere in the call sign.

The sound of guns resounded through the sky in Las Vegas, and occasionally some people attacked with guns. Unfortunately, this pale and weak counterattack only attracted more crazy and violent fire.

The car stopped, Shen Yan and others walked out of the car, watching the scene of this scene, Mikaila could not help but say: "Oh my God, here is simply human purgatory!"

\"A group of cruel guys." Zhou Yiyu also echoed a sentence.

\"What are you waiting for?" The bumblebee has stood up impatiently: "Get rid of them!"

A Decepticons who are attacking saw the presence of a bumblebee, and it roared loudly: "It's a car man, kill it!"

Several Decepticons rushed toward the Hornet at the same time.

\"Go to hell! You are this group of mechanical debris!" The bumblebee roared and rushed, knocking down a Decepticon with a punch, then jumping high, kicking three legs in the air, two in the middle The chest of the Tengu, when the landing, the arm is supported, the person has been turned up, the right arm and shoulder gun protruded, and the Decepticons fired in succession.

Don't forget to throw a locator to Shen Shen: "With this, you can find Optimus Prime!"

Don't look at the Hornet being thrown and thrown like a child in the hands of Starscream and Megatron. That's because the opponent is too strong. To deal with these ordinary Decepticons who don't go to the table, the Hornet really shows his main level. The real strength of the car people.

\"It seems that these guys will not form too much trouble for us." After taking over the locator, Shen Hao looked at the big hornet of the show, and then turned to look at King Kong: \"Next, I will hand it over to you. Now, fight on the outer edge, push in layers, and make sure that the road is unimpeded. Take a rest at the break, don't rush to end the battle... This is a war, and it is destined not to end in a short time."

King Kong patted Shen Yan: "I understand, you are also a little bit, you are always a little uneasy."

\"Who said that I am alone? Hera also went with me." Shen Yan smiled and pointed to Hera who had become human.

\"What?" Hera yelled: "You don't even think about it! I didn't promise to go in with you!"

Shen Yu has walked from another street to the city: "I can't do it, Hera. Your loyalty to me is too low. We need to work together and experience life and death and storms together to cultivate a profound revolutionary friendship. ""

Hera catches up from behind: "You think beautiful, it only makes me hate you even more!"

\"Don't say that, don't forget that there are all Decepticons. You can still surrender. Although the queen of Megatron, you can't be, but you can still consider the queen of the natural enemies."

\"What do you think of me? A slut?"

\"No, a small pepper full of metal texture, baby."

\"Don't call me baby!"

\"That can't be done, you are the only woman who can make me call baby and not be jealous, so I must call you so... baby."

\"Oh!" Hera clenched her fists, and she was almost mad by this **** man.


The bustling Las Vegas has become a ruin, with collapsed buildings and burning flames. Despite the large number of Decepticons, hundreds of Decepticons seem to be stretched to control a city with an area of ​​712 square kilometers.

Therefore, the strength of the Decepticons is mainly distributed in the main roads of the city, blocking and monitoring the main routes. This arrangement prevents the car man from escaping, but it is difficult to avoid being infiltrated.

Fortunately, the Decepticons don't care about human penetration: seeing killing is.

In this case, it was very easy to pass through the outer city. But the more you go, the more the Decepticons will be. It is not so easy to pass quietly.

When Shen Jin went to a secluded neighborhood, he finally encountered obstacles - three Decepticons are flying towards this side.

Shen Yi turned and hid in the building next to him, only to find that Hera also came in with her cat and cat feet.

He is a little surprised: "What are you doing?"

\"What else can you do? Of course, avoid them!" Hera replied bluntly: "Do you want me to be discovered by them?"

\"But you are a Decepticons, you can walk here with great brilliance."

Hera stayed, looked down at the madness mark on her chest, and then looked at Shen Yu.

I am smiling.

Hera looked at it for a while and finally walked out of the building.

\"Stand up!" The three Decepticons found Hera and pointed the muzzle at her.

\"You three garbage are calling me?" Hera proudly raised her head and shook her hand in the spear.

\"Wow." A Decepticons whistled: "It turned out to be a beauty. Why haven’t I seen you before?"

\"Do you still know that every Decepticons are not going? Go away!" Hera pushed one of the Decepticons and strode forward.

\"Hey, she is still a temper!" A Decepticons laughed.

\"Her **** can be really upright." Another Decepticons also screamed and laughed.

Seeing that Hera’s figure gradually disappeared into an alley, the three Decepticons left the patrol and left.

Shen Yu came out of the building and entered the alley. Hera was waiting there.

He smiled: "I am right, right? They won't stop you."

Hera didn't breathe a sigh of relief: "What about you, what do you do? I just went to see it before, there is a bridge, the Decepticons are there. Unless you hit hard, you can't go." ”

Sinking and climbing over the roof of a small building nearby, I saw a bridge not far away, and a Deceptic Tiger is standing at the bridge.

Shen Yan looked at both sides of the bridge and found that some Decepticons were patrolling. This means that once he is attacked, it is easy to get into a hard fight.

After thinking about it, he pointed to Hera and then pointed to the Decepticons on the bridge and made a gesture that led him.

Hera didn't look up at it: "I don't think about it!"

\"Hera!" The voice of Shen Shen became very serious: "If you don't want me to shut you in, listen to it."

\"You **** bastard!" Hera squinted at her teeth, and she was unwilling to walk out of the alley.

The Decepticons on the bridgehead were bored, and suddenly they saw a slim figure coming towards themselves. A pair of far-infrared eyes stood straight.

Hera Tingting came to the Naha Tianhu with a step and smiled at him: "Hey, I said... are you interested in accompanying me to a gas station for a drink?"

The Naha Tianhu is obviously stupid: "Oh... Of course... I want to accompany you, but you see... Shockwave asks me to hold the bridge..."

Hera’s hand had blocked his mouth: “Hey... don’t talk.”

She whispered, grabbing the body of the Naha Tianhu and stepping back, stepping back from the bridge.

At the same time, Shen Yu also sneaked to the bridge from the other side. He walked behind the Nazi Tiger and walked carefully and step by step onto the bridge.

While teasing the Decepticons, Hera smiled and said: "Come on, baby, use your oil pipe to lick my fuel tank cover..."

The sinking that was preparing to rush out almost almost fell.

He looked back at Hera and he was fully rushing forward. At this time, a Deceptic tiger is about to turn around, sinking a few steps, and rushing out of the bridge while leaping into the ruined building next to it, finally escaped the sight of the Nagotian.

Back against the wall, Shen Shen took a deep breath, this is the phone to the phone: \" I have crossed the bridge ~ ~ heard this sentence, Hera's face suddenly changed, will Naha Tianhu Grab it, throw it outward, and cried: "Get out of the idiot. Are you really a casual woman?" ”

Then he swayed and swayed to the bridge.

Seeing Hera coming over, Shen Yan shook his head and smiled: "Use your oil pipe to lick my fuel tank cover? Ah? You can do it, Hera."

\"Any questions?"

\"Nothing, I think you don't have to be so direct."

\"Then what do you want me to say?" Hera asked: "Well... Come on, baby, spray me a face oil... or... give me a plastic bag, I will send you to heaven?"

\"Plastic bag? Oh, understand." Shen Yan listened to sweating: "Okay, okay, you are free to play. I just think you can make this kind of words more poetic."

\"Poetry?" Hera licked her head: "What do you think of this? My chest can spurt fire, enough to melt your cold steel heart."

\"...this is good, there is a bit of poetry." Shen Yan helplessly answered.

\"Are you sure? Don't you need to be better?" Hera has already crossed the bridge.

\"No, it is good enough."

Shen Yan feels that it is better not to discuss anything with Hera on such issues in the future.

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