Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 50: Melee (on)

Killing the red spider, sinking the reaper of the harvester and rushing toward the iron sheet, this time is also playing hot.

If there is a contest between Shen Yu and Red Spider, and the conspiracy is more passionate, then the process of their impact on the Decepticons will obviously be much more bloody, and the battle scene will be more gorgeous.

Both the Autobot and the Decepticons are madly pouring their own powerful firepower. The bullets hit the other side, and even smashed the sound of slamming the iron, all kinds of shouting sounds, explosions, guns firing, bullets whistling From the fire, the fire generated after the barrel is fired, the smoke generated after the explosion forms a combination of sound and light with a thick color and a cool and dignified metal texture.

\"Come, you rabbits, feel the anger of your iron-clad master?" The iron screamed wildly, and the firepower of both arms covered the space at dozens of meters, and the air was filled with a strong sulphur atmosphere.

\"You have been strong enough for a long time!" With a loud shout, a fierce electric light hit the iron sheet in the distance.

The iron sheet was too late to be prepared, and it was hit by this electro-optical light. In the distance, a sky blue Decathlon rushed toward the iron sheet, and was about to fire again. The side guns had already rushed: ""Hurricane, you mean this villain!"

Just as the horizontal gun was about to catch the madness, the arrogant body suddenly moved to the side, and when it flashed the horizontal gun, it quickly circumvented behind the horizontal gun, and it was a punch against his back. .

This punch will hit the new defensive steel plate of the horizontal cannon and sag it down. The pain of the horizontal guns screamed: "Don't hit my back! I hate people hitting my back!" At the same time, the elbows of the back arm are smashed by the arrogance, and his movement is very fast, the next moment is actually Directly behind Hera, it is a shot against Hera.

Heracco was out of reach, and was hit by a smashing electric light cannon. The whole body was surrounded by electric light and flew up.

\"Be careful, his degree is very fast, and the attack is very disgusting!"

As an old rival, the horizontal gun is very familiar with the arrogance. The arrogance has always been known in the Decepticons. Its predecessor is the famous Skywarp in the Decepticons. It has the ability to resemble teleport in the original.

In the mission world, the city canceled the function of arrogant teleportation, but gave him unparalleled mobility to make up for it, and also gave him a new attack weapon - electric light cannon.

With a short time, the electric light cannons of the car man's ability to move, coupled with their own high, arrogant strength is amazingly terrible. Fortunately, in addition to this, his other means of attack is limited, which makes him and King Kong somewhat like, taking the agile plus control route. Therefore, the armor value and defense of the arrogant are lower than the main Decepticons of the same kind.

Unlike the ordinary Decepticons, he is the famous Decepticons in the animated version, but there is no chance to play in the movie, so the mission world does not add much to his story. The strength is roughly between the main Decepticons and the ordinary tyrants. Between the tigers.

Still, he is still one of the most difficult guys in the Decepticons, like an assassin in the shadows, making it hard to defend.

At this moment Hera was hit by a mad hit and the whole face was twisted: "Bastard! Are you trying to compare with me?"

The arrogant giggles: "How? Girl, can you still be faster than me?"

\"That must be tried to know!" Hera leaped from the ground and rushed to the madness.

After a mad rush, he yelled back and yelled at Hera: "This is not enough, girl, you haven't got me back yet!"

The red light flashed in Hera's eyes: \"You are looking for death!"

There was a sudden flow of two flames behind her, and the body suddenly added to the charge, and instantly rushed to the arrogance. This change [Tianzhu change] came suddenly, and the arrogance has not yet been able to react. Hera’s spear has stabbed the body and screamed at the same time, and the body continued to call before it, followed by a knee hit and smashed.

Hera was hit in a row, and a scream of screams flew out. This guy reacted quickly and the electric light gun fired again. Hera was just a big shield in front of her body, blocking her body. The large amount of energy on the shield sparkled, but it didn't affect Hera. Hera smashed her spear and deformed again into a shuttle dart. Arrogant.

While stabbing in the arrogance, the chain snarled and snarled, Hera had rushed over to the arrogance, and the hands and feet used to scream at the madness.

She followed the indulgence for a while, and even learned a lot of indestructive fighting styles. Therefore, when attacking, it is often an offensive, one wave after another, not giving the opponent a breathing time. Changed to a power-type Decepticons, the defense is strong, even if it is attacked, it can withstand, but this endless means of attack is precisely the most fearful of arrogance - the arrogance of sacrificing defense in order to promote the degree The ability to fight is a weakness.

After a round of painful sorrow, the arrogance has been completely defeated by Hera and I can't climb up. I shouted loudly: "I admit defeat!"

This scene shows a group of Decepticons and four car people stunned at the same time, Hera has screamed on the arrogance: "What is good looking? Remember, don't irritate women!"

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded next to him: "It's fun, I like to deal with women."

Hera screamed, the ambulance suddenly called: "Hella is careful!"

Then I heard a loud bang, Hera only felt that something had hit him and hit her whole person.

In the distant dust, a huge metal robot came out, and the thick gun barrel on the right arm was still running out of smoke.

\"Noisy you this animal, actually put such a heavy hand on the woman!" The iron has been angry and mad.

The Decepticons of this sudden attack are noisy.

Just like the status of the iron in the car people, noisy is also the strongest attacking firepower in the Decepticons. As a heavy-duty tank, his right-arm long-range cannon is no worse than the tin-throwed Thunder, and possesses the instantaneous ability that the iron does not have. It is the nemesis of the agile King Kong like Hera.

The only thing that can be more powerful than the noisy in the pursuit of powerful firepower is probably Starscream. Unfortunately, this is unfortunate. First, the broken arm loses the most important weapon system, and then it is simply smashed.

This moment is a noisy laugh: "I want to be a flower protector? Tin, I can give you the opportunity to pity the jade, come and single with me, I will teach you well!"

\"Get it, noisy, you never want to win me!" The iron rushed over, and the firepower of his arms was concentrated on the noisy body in an instant, and all the firepower was poured into the iron sheet. At the same time, step back.

Like the iron sheet, he is a heavy-duty fortress-like robot with no energy weapons, but the firepower is extremely strong. Once you fight it, you are fighting for firepower and see who is going to fall down first.

No tricks, but more bloody, cruel.

The difference is that the iron sheet has a stronger advantage in firepower. His thunder and heavy artillery is slightly stronger than the noise in the attack power, but the noisy weapon is higher in precision and effective attack.

Therefore, once the two fight, it is usually the front of the iron, as close as possible to the shooting, full swing of their firepower advantage. If you are noisy, you can pull back and avoid the fight with the iron. Since the offensive side has more innate power, the majority of such a match is dominated by the iron sheet.

However, this time, the situation has changed a bit [Dazhao].

Just as the iron sheet was about to get close to the noise, a bully rushed out to the iron sheet. The iron sheet was out of reach, and was hit by the Naha Tianhu. It was a noisy shot and hit the iron sheet, and he once again opened the distance.

\"Despicable!" Tin sheet screams.

\"This is war, do you really think I will be one to one with you? Idiot!" Noisy and crazy laughter.

\"Shameless!" The horizontal gun rushed over.

\"Take us through this!" Two rushing out of the figure, it is the crowbar and the hatchet.

\"It’s two of you guys.” The crossgun stepped back a few steps.

He noticed that after the initial fuss, the main Decepticons have arrived.

Just then, a red figure suddenly rushed over, and it was a punch at the crowbar. At the same time, he grabbed the hatchet and threw him away. It was the tyrannosaurus.

The crowbar also wanted to fight back. The tyrannosaurus had rushed over and hit him in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the body had a sharp turn, and the right arm scimitar had been kneeling on the shoulder of the crowbar, almost slashing his arm.

\"Get out of the way, you guys, there is the ability to come to your grandfather!" Tyrannosaurus roared. His whole body is full of scars left by the attack, but the arrogance is increasing.

\"Mom, how did this guy become so powerful?" The crowbar and the hatchet were all shocked and went back together.

\"One don't want to run!" The tyrannosaurus has once again rushed to the past, plunging into the tyrannical tiger group, scimitar madly waving, and dancing two groups of terrorist whirlwinds, rampaging in the Decepticons.

\"The tyrannosaurus you are slower, you can't deal with all of them alone!" Yokohama yelled.

\"I think I can! I feel that I can even challenge the whole world!" Tyrannosaurus replied loudly, he just finished speaking, only heard a bang, the tyrannosaurus has been shot and returned to the ambulance.

Waiting for the ambulance to lift him up, the tyrannosaurus has jumped up and punched the ambulance. The ambulance screamed and flew: "Damn, Tyrannosaurus, you are playing me!"

\"Sorry... it’s purely a miss... But it’s a great person like me, you should feel honored.” Tyrannosaurus patted his head and rushed back.

\"I am honored? You are really a lot of drugs, tyrannosaurus, now become as stinking as Hera, the mind is unclear!" The ambulance did not get angry and shouted, yelling at the tyrannosaurus.

\"Shut up! I am not that idiot!" Hera yelled: "I am sober!"

\"You are certainly awake, you are not the first time to use that thing. You have been solidified by the fire, so the tyrannosaurus can return to normal, and you... never, stinking and arrogance is destined to become your character The components!" The ambulance did not respond with a good breath.

\"I am normal!" Hera cried.

"This is true. For mentally ill patients, madness is normal!" The ambulance was loud.

\"I said that you are noisy enough? They are getting more and more people, we can't hold it anymore!" Yokohama shouted as he fired.

Not far from the iron sheet was noisy and was shot by a gun, fell to the side of the gun and the ambulance, he climbed and cried: "Damn, if it is one-on-one, I can tear you into a pile of parts!"

\"Unfortunately not!" Noisy screaming, pressed with crowbar, hatchet, and arrogance.

The four main Decepticons rushed toward the iron, and there were a large number of Decepticons in front of them and on the left and right sides.

The situation has turned sharply.

\"Damn, the situation is not good, we have to retreat!" Yokohama shouted.

\"So what is Optimus?" asked the iron.

\"Don't worry about Optimus Prime, the more we chase us, the less we will deal with Optimus Prime!"

\"Okay, you can only do this first, the tyrannosaurus is coming back!" The ambulance yelled at the tyrannosaurus who was still struggling in front.

Tyrannosaurus sorghum: \"Don't worry, guys, there are great tyrannosaurus, they are destined to become my chickens. Attack! Offensive! Attack! Kill Megatron! Kill the enemies! Kill Die all the Decepticons!"

\"Oh!" Iron, the horizontal gun and the ambulance with the head.

Hera forked her waist: "This guy is more arrogant than me!"

As the ambulance said, the side effects of dimethyl hydrazine have actually become part of Hera's character, so Hera is awake despite her arrogance. As for Tyrannosaurus, it is already a great thing for him to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

\"This blames the **** man, what is his name?" Tin complained.

\"Sinking!" Hera replied.

\"Yes, it’s a scum!” The iron shouted.

Then there was the depressed voice: "Why did I hear someone say bad things behind me when I came over? Who said it?"

The four men turned back at the same time, only to see Shen Yan standing behind them ~ ~ ambulance, Hera and the horizontal gun three look at each other, while pointing to the iron, and then turned to open fire, and then look at the iron.

\"It’s not loyal!” The iron felt his head, and he smiled at Shen Xiao: “I’m so happy to see you come back alive, Starscream?”

\"Of course it is dead."

The crowd was shocked at the same time.

This guy actually killed the spider spider, it really is not simple.

Tiny iron thumbs up: \"Good, man. But since you came, I will help me to treat it. I am being beaten up by the **** all over the body, and the barrel is also damaged. It hurts me. !"

Sinking and narrowing the way: "Do you know that I need this **** to help you?"

The iron color is correct: \"Who said that you are a git? You are the best friend of our car people! Whoever dares to say a bad word about me and he is not finished!"

He was righteous, as if the deaf person had nothing to do with himself, and he was shocked: "Are you sure you are a righteous car man rather than a deceitful Decepticons?"

\"Of course!" The chest of the iron creaked, and he replied confidently: "If you change it!"

Shen Yan grew a sigh of relief: "Now I know why you have to call the iron sheet... Your skin is really iron."

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