Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 59: landing

\"I am coming to the place, Frost, haven't found the sound wave yet?"

In the cockpit of the F22, gentle is communicating with Frost through the talker. The fighters fly through the sea of ​​clouds and fly over the territory of the United States. Up to five minutes, she can reach Washington.

\"Sorry, sir, I haven't found the sound wave yet, but we are working hard."

\"You better find it soon, I hope to meet the uninvited guest directly at the same time."

\"Yes, sir."

Pulling up the joystick, F22 begins to slow down, just like a silver-winged giant bird flying freely in the sky. Looking down from the height of several kilometers, the scenery here is indeed a taste.

\"I never thought I would have the opportunity to be a female pilot." Gentle self-speaking.

\"I hope you like it." Zeus interface.

\"Not bad." Gentle and faint.

At this moment, the fighter suddenly came to call: "The Eagle's Nest calls the Eagle II, and the Eagle's Nest calls the Eagle II."

Gentle and slightly glimpse, casually said: \"Eagle received on the 2nd, what?"

There was a rustling sound in the channel, and then I heard a voice first cheering: "" finally connected!"

Then there was another screaming voice: "Eagle No. 2, what happened? Why is the contact suddenly interrupted? And you are appearing where it should not be, return immediately, and return immediately!"

\"Who are you?" asked gently.

\"I am the base commander Major General Niland, Eagle II, you are about to fly over Washington, as long as a missile can hit the White House, do you know what you are doing?"

"I have no interest in the White House, I just want to make a turn around in Washington." Gentle and lazy to answer: "Nothing, don't bother me."

\"Damn, what are you talking about?" The general Nilan violently thundered. He turned and cried: "Command the aircraft to take off, ready to intercept!"

As early as the discovery of the Eagle II, several identical F22 fighters have also entered the state of readiness. At this moment, the order was issued, and three raptors were launched at the same time, flying toward the Eagle II.

Andrews Air Force Base is located in Maryland, only a dozen kilometers from Washington. This distance is almost a blink of an eye for fighters.

Not waiting for gentle entry into Washington, three F22s have appeared above Washington's airspace.

They flew in a gentle shape, and one of them passed almost gently with gentleness. It turned around the Eagle II. You can even see the driver in the plane through the porthole. The driver is now big. The thumb is facing the gentle, making a downward gesture, apparently commanding her to land immediately.

The other two have already fixed the missile's target and can launch an attack at any time.

Really want to play air combat, gentle, there is no chance that these experienced drivers are opponents, of course, even if it is hit, gentle and not worried about anything. She has too many ways to escape, but it is not necessary to do so for the time being.

There was a screaming voice in the channel again. The voice of a pilot sounded: "Eagle No. 2, I ordered you to land immediately! Don't try to do any dangerous moves any more. Maybe I should remind you that all the air-to-air missiles now. Already aimed at you, you won't have any chance!"

\"Ah, is this the last warning?" Gentle carelessly, she was about to say something again, Zeus suddenly said: "Continue to talk to them and delay the time."

\"How?" Gentle.

\"I detected an abnormal signal entering the communication channel. It should be that the sound wave is listening to your communication, keeping the communication, I may be able to find his position."

\"Understood." Gentle immediately adjusts the direction and begins to lower the height. At the same time, he replies: ""Eagle No. 2 received, I accept your command."

\"Very good, first reduce the height to 3,000 feet, then leave here and return to the Maryland base, you must be investigated."

\"Okay, what do you want to investigate for me? I can answer now." Gentleness began to talk without a ride, and the plane began to fall.

\"Who are you? You are not the pilot of the Eagle II!" The Major General Nilan finally heard the problem.

Gentle smile: "Is it heard? Your reaction is really slow."

\"Damn!" Major General Nilan shot the table: "Where are they from?"

\"One is dead, two are alive, and now they are living with Minister Keller."

\"What are you talking about? Keller is in an emergency meeting with the President at the White House!"

\"Hey, I am telling you now, you will not believe the real answer." Gentle and casual. Then she asked Zeus: "I haven't found it yet?"

\"Positive positioning... Be patient."

\"The problem is that we don't have much time." Gentle sighed, she has now dropped to a height of 3,000 feet.

The three F22s held her tightly in the middle, almost flying on the side, not giving any chance to be gentle.

A pilot called: ""turn to the southwest!"

\"Why are you so anxious, handsome, don't you want to ask me for a drink after getting off the plane?" Gentlely take off the pilot's helmet and say hello to the porthole.

So there was an exclamation in the channel: "Ghost, it's a beautiful person."

Fortunately, the long machine is located above the gentle, can not see the gentle look, this moment is the color: \" Shut up, number seven! Eagle No. 2, immediately turn back to the base, or we will fire on you!"

Gentle and lazy to answer: \"Which gun do you plan to fire on me? M61A2 aircraft gun? Or the baby you left?"

This made everyone stagnate, and even Zeus screamed: "God, would you say that?"

Gentle and glanced at it: "This is so strange. In a sense, I am already a woman, not a girl. You know that when women are hooligans, they are much more terrible than girls. Besides, I don’t know what to use. Ways to delay time, this is the only effective way I can think of now, not to mention finding a handsome guy is also a good choice."

\"Sinking and hearing this will be mad."

\"That is what I want."

The pilots on the three F22s were finally awake after being gentle and "shocked" for a while. One of the pilots said: "This woman is really a ruin."

The gentle face changed, she pretended to sell the slogan no problem, some people yell at her, she did not want to, she noticed that this is the pilot on the right side of the parallel F22 said.

Then the other long-distance driver said: \"Eagle No. 2, please do not delay the time, you can not continue to stay, turn immediately! Otherwise I will use the M61A2 aircraft gun to fire on you!"

This last sentence shows that the other party is obviously affected and stimulated by that sentence.

Just then, Zeus suddenly cried: "Found, the signal comes from the Washington Communications Building!"

\"Received!" cried softly to the talker: \"Everyone immediately went to the Washington Communications Building to block the streets there."

\"Understand, sir!" Frost replied loudly.

At this time on the F22 outside the right side, the pilot who was previously smirking and gentle was still gesticulating, and ordered to gently turn with her.

In the gentle eyes, the killing flashed, and the F22 suddenly turned sideways and slammed toward the right side.

This downward change suddenly came. The right wing of the Eagle II was being shot on the left wing of the opponent. The huge body weight combined with the high-speed impact during flight, the wings of the two F22 were hit and split. It is lucky to have no explosion on the spot.

The two planes immediately lost control and fell to the bottom.

\"No!" The former smirk gentle pilot made a desperate cry. The spark on his console was flashing and he lost control.

\"Eagle No. 2, what are you doing?" The long-range pilot also shouted in horror.

Gentle and unreasonable, the Eagle II is like a broken winged bird falling sharply below, the scene is rapidly expanding in front of the eyes, the weight loss effect brought by the speeding fall has no effect on her.

Two F22s hurried down to the bottom, chasing the Eagles to fly down, and the long-range pilots were desperately shouting: "The Eagle's Nest, the Eagle's Nest, I am the Hawkeye No. 1! The impact event, the Hawkeye 7 and the Eagle The second wing is damaged and is falling!"

\"Damn, how could this be!" Major General Nylan yelled: "The plane fell in Washington, this is a serious political incident, and immediately shot down!"

\"Are you sure? General, there are people on us!"

\"Can only do this!"

\"...I understand, sir! Hawkeye VII, immediately ejected, I will launch a missile to shoot down your plane after three seconds!"

no answer.

It seems that the driver of the Hawkeye 7 is not in a coma, or the communicator is faulty. Three seconds passed, the Hawkeye No. 7 did not eject, and the long-distance driver bit his teeth: \"Emission!"

Six missiles flew to Eagle II and Hawkeye 7.

Boom! boom!

Two bursts of sound, Washington, like a holiday fireworks, blew two large flames.

The pilot who fired the missile sighed with a sigh of relief: "The target is destroyed, sir."

\"Dry beautiful." Major General Nilan was relieved.

\"Colum is dead."

\"He is a **** for the country, children."

\"I understand... that **** stinky woman." The pilot slammed his fist.

Just then, his downtime suddenly called out loudly: "Look, what is that?"

Below the flame burning, a figure flies out of the air and falls straight down.

\"Is that woman? Hell, she is not dead! How is this possible?" the pilot shouted.

He clearly saw the gentle flying in the air, and turned into a parachute bag like a trick, so that while floating in the air, he carried it on his back, and the movement was leisurely and relaxed. It was the F22 flying umbrella bag. Where she was hiding, she was not burned by flames and explosions.

At the same time of the sharp fall, the woman even waved her hand to the sky, her eyes full of banter.

\"Bastard!" The pilot on the other side of the plane is about to launch a missile. The long plane has called: "No, don't! If you don't hit the target, the missile will land in Washington! Dive, she always has to open the parachute. !"


Two F22s chased down gently and subducted.

All the way to the fall, gently looked at the F22 chased in the air, sneer, the Skynet chip taken out from the onboard computer will be put back to the coat of arms, no umbrella, let the body fall straight, under the effect of gravity acceleration Her fall is getting faster and faster, and she is getting closer and closer to the ground.

\"Hell, this girl is crazy!" cried the horror.

Opening the parachute too close to the ground means that it is very likely that the umbrella surface has not yet been fully opened and the person has already landed. The danger is enormous.

However, gentle but totally do not care, she fell all the way from high altitude until she passed a skyscraper and flew to the distance of forty meters from the ground to open the rope.

The bang, the falling body suddenly paused in the air, and the huge reaction force even rose with gentleness and rose for a while before it began to fall again. However, the parachute does not wait for the automatic drop, and the gentle has already broken the umbrella rope with a knife. So it falls directly from the height of tens of meters and is falling on a taxi, directly smashing the roof.

This scene from the sky is that everyone is completely stupid.

Lightly jumped out of the car and gently walked toward a stunned citizen: "Hey, hello, do you know how to get to the communication building?"

The man reacted for a long while, and stuttered: "When... of course, you are here... going north, you can see through twelve blocks... that blue building is ~www you."

The guide person is brave and asks: \"Excuse me... Are you a superwoman?"

Gentle back and smile: \"I guess it."

Gentle smile and leave, looked at the sky as he left.

Due to the presence of a large number of skyscrapers, it is impossible for the two F22s to fly too low. They can only watch the gentle landing in the city.

\"Calling the ground commander, the Eagle II pilot is still alive, requesting immediate dispatch of the ground forces. Directions southwest of Washington, visually for Asian women, long hair, black leather..."

With that voice call, the gentle figure has completely disappeared into the sea.

A taxi driver holding a hot dog returned to his car and looked at his car. He stayed and then yelled: "Which **** made my car like this? I want to tear him away." !"

The referee quits and answers: \"Linda Lee."


PS: Linda Lee, the name of the Superwoman in American comics.

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