Infinity Armament

Vol 12 Chapter 69: Final battle (5)

As the dominant SS, the Royal Enemy may be the SS that kills the fastest and the easiest in this life. It takes only two minutes to play before and after, and the royal enemies die because they are integrated into the energy core by the fire. Color @虹文¥学% net m bubble () This was originally the privilege of Megatron, but at the last moment for the royal enemies to enjoy.

No one thought that there would be such a way to kill the enemies, so that when the royal enemies fell, the shock wave did not even die, and it was so scary that Chu was so nervous that he was so nervous that he did not speak with confidence and shocked him. wave.

However, after all, the game did not do that.

He just waved his hand to the sky after closing his eyes and hearing the **** coat of arms. As the energy escaped, the five energy transfer columns in the sky stopped running and flew toward the hands of the game.

They become smaller and smaller until the formation of five beams of light fall into the hands of the game.

Heraldic tips:

\"You have obtained an energy transfer column that can form an inanimate one-way transmission array for any material transfer other than organic life, including inorganic life. The transmission array has the characteristics of ignoring the space-time barrier and can be transmitted in all directions before transmission. The transmission target needs to be spatially and temporally positioned. The energy column needs to be recharged every time it is transmitted, and the transmission array has the highest priority of 200 points."

After hearing this series of prompts, Shen closed his eyes slightly and seemed to be thinking about something.

Hong Lang and others came over and touched the energy column. After hearing the prompt, he wondered: "I don't think it's great, isn't it a matter of material transfer? We have a heraldic space, and we don't need any remote material transfer capability. Probably the most valuable SS-level reward."

\"No." The answer to the game: "This is probably the most valuable reward we have ever received."

Zhou Yiyu stayed: "What do you mean by this?"

There is a blazing ray in the eyes of Shen: "Breaking the time and space barriers... Have you understood the meaning of this? If it can break the time and space barriers of the city to the home world, what will be the result?"

Everyone at the same time \"ah" opened a big mouth, they pointed at the silence called: \"You will not think..."

Shen Yi has quickly put away the energy column: \"嘘..."

He lowered his voice: "This is just an idea. I only know that the city will not give meaningless rewards, but in the end, we have to wait until we go back."

\"Do you not try now?" The fat man was excited. If the idea of ​​the game is true, then this thing may be the baby that solves their biggest bottleneck.

\"If successful, there will be many people jealous." The whisper replied: "I don't want to let this thing go on the auction."

The crowd immediately understood and stopped talking.

At this time, the shock wave finally fell under the attack of the Bulls. Looking at the surrounding battlefield, there was no Decepticons. Chu Sheng finally strode to the game: "Good job, man. Now the battle is over. , what do you promise me?"

Shen Yi smiled slightly and took out the fire that was inserted into the enemy's body. With the flaking of large fire wrecks, only a small piece of debris left in the hands of the game.

The fire fragments were raised to a liter, and the game said: "It is yours."

After picking up the fragments of the fire, Chu Sheng smiled and put it into the coat of arms: \"Thank you brother, wait for you to drink after going back."

\"Don't be in a hurry, you have to go through the auction."

Chu Sheng Yang Tian hit a haha: \" As long as you do not fight, no one can grab the old man."

The coveted piece of the source of the fire that he dreamed of finally came to his hand. At this moment, he was in a good mood. He suddenly went to the sky with his hands and screamed: "The war is over!"

\"Hey! The war is over!" Not far away, all the Bulls team members cheered at the same time.

Take a look at Optimus Prime, and the automakers also screamed at the same time: "The war is over!"

Then there was Hong Lang and they screamed: "The war is over!"

An arduous battle, now hit, has finally won, everyone's face is full of ecstasy expression. Even in the distance from the rumbling fire, there are other adventurers who have come out: "The war is over".

It indicates that this war seems to have really come to an end.

At that moment, the joy of victory is filled with everyone's heart.

Looking at this almost crazy mood, Shen Yi smiled a little, and he whispered: "I don't want to disturb your good mood, but the war seems to have not completely ended."

\"Several remaining small shrimps, already look down on the wind and waves." Chu Sheng laughed and said: \"Sweeping work only."

\"The problem is that we are no longer responsible for it."

Chu Shengyi: "What do you mean by this?"

Shen Yi looked at the time and said faintly: "There are still five minutes. The US government's nuclear bomb will be cast. Now I will not run. I am afraid that everyone will not have a chance to run again in the future."

\"Nuclear bomb?" Hearing the word, Chu Sheng was also obviously shocked. He quickly turned to his team and shouted: "Everyone retreats! Retreat! Leave and leave the city!"

Without paying attention to cleaning the remaining Decepticons, Chu Sheng ran with his own players. Just two steps, think of something, look back at the game: \"Why don't you leave?"

\"We have our own way to leave."

Chu Sheng suddenly realized: \"Team assembly order?"

Shen Yi smiled and nodded: "We see you in New York."

\"New York see." Chu Sheng retired a few steps, turned and left.

\"Chusheng!" Suddenly shouted.

\"What else?" Chu Sheng stopped.

Shen Yi laughed: "" Say hello to other people, let them bear your feelings, the auction will be much more convenient."

Chu Sheng was a glimpse, and then he understood it. The big head slammed: \"Thank you!"

Then he ran and yelled at the talker: "All the adventurers pay attention! All the adventurers pay attention! There are still five minutes, the human government will put a nuclear bomb on the city, leave immediately! Leave immediately!"

\"What? Damn the US government!"

\"Thank you, Chu boss!"

\"Go! Go! Leave here!"

\"Withdraw from Las Vegas!"

There was a sound of chicken flying dogs in the talker.

Seeing that they are running away, they will look back at Optimus Prime: "What about you?"

\"I guess this time, we will have a hard time meeting again, right?" Optimus Prime is not an ordinary person, it seems to have guessed what is going to happen.

Shen Yi thought about it and replied: \"We will leave for a while, but we will come back."

\"So...Bumblebee, have you decided to follow this young man?" Optimus Prime turned to the bumblebee to look.

\"Yes, the great Optimus Prime leader, I am sorry that I will not be able to follow you again." The bumblebee squats down on Optimus Prime.

\"This is your choice. I respect your choice. May the **** of the universe bless you." Optimus Prime helped the bumblebee and took a deep look at the game. This eye has a hole in all eyes, as if to tell the game, he already knows all his actions, and even let the silence of the sinking a cold sweat.

Optimus Prime turned around and shouted his famous saying: "Autobot, set off!"

Seeing that the four cars were deformed and driving toward the city, the bumblebee was frustrated and said: "They used to be my most cherished comrades. I thought I would fight with them until they died. I didn't expect the victory to come. At the time, I have to leave them..."

Shen Yi took a picture of the bumblebee's legs: \"Believe me, Bumblebee, you will see them again. The car people will not leave the earth, and we will not abandon the world."

\"I want to believe in you, my master." The bumblebee smashed into the game.

With the bumblebee, the **** coat of arms suggests:

\"Hidden mission is completed, you get the hornet's follow, 8% of loyalty, get a soul call, can be used to collect bumblebees."

Despite the death of two autobots, due to the efforts to rescue Optimus Prime and others, the hornet's loyalty to the game has increased on the basis of the original. Although not 100%, the game is already satisfied. After all, how many people in this world can be 100% loyal to others? Moreover, with the future of getting along and fighting side by side, Shen Yi believes that the hornet will further enhance its loyalty.

In any case, this future is beautiful, and the road ahead may not be tortuous.

At this moment, with the **** coat of arms, there is already a soul call in the hands of the game.

The summoning order was put away, and the screaming was called: "Well, there are fifteen minutes. Now everyone is immediately dispersed, clearing all the remaining Decepticons and killing them all! Before leaving Las Vegas, Earn as many points as possible. Hornet, Hera, both of you follow me, I don't want to send you when you are not around."

The team assembly order can't take the bumblebee and Hera away, they must be put into the summoning order before the transfer, so the game will not let the bumblebee and Hera act alone.

Hong Lang Daqi: "Isn't that still five minutes? How to become fifteen minutes."

Shen Yi smiled: "What do you say?"

Honglang stunned and immediately realized: "I wipe, the head is too human."

\"Less nonsense, work." Shen Yi has taken the Hornet Hera to other locations in the city.

Zhou Yiyu, King Kong and the fat man laughed and dispersed together.

Due to the double blow of adventurers and the United States and the United States, Las Vegas now has almost no piles of Decepticons. Only a small number of Decepticons are still in the ruins of the city. This kind of goods is simply to give you points. Under the slogan of Chu Sheng, the adventurers in the city began to escape. The most relaxed and wealthy work in the war has now reached the hands of the Broken Blade.

It’s so good that no one is robbing!

For fifteen minutes, the Broken Blade team spent all the time in the crazy hunting remnant Decepticon, all the way to soaring. After experiencing the help of the car man and the 15 minute sweep, the personal points of the game have already broken 300,000, and even the fat man has gained more than 60,000 points.

When the last second came, the sky appeared a dazzling light, as if a sun was rising in the air... No, it was landing.


The team assembled and ordered, and the five teams of the Broken Blade disappeared at the same time.

At the same time, a nuclear bomb exploded over Las Vegas, completely flattening the entire city.

Standing in the distance, watching the mushroom cloud that emptied up to cover the entire sky, the hearts of the adventurers also felt the rest of the life. As for the ten minutes of the error, no one cares.

Only Chu Sheng, faintly felt the middle of the problem, but he only smiled a bit, and whispered to himself: "The guy who swears..."


Washington, White House.

An assistant hurriedly walked:

\"Mr. President, the nuclear bomb is released, Las Vegas... no longer exists. This is the statement you will read out."

\"唉." A soft sigh rang.

This is a black president who has been a young man. He has made many statements in his life, but there is never a statement that makes him sad as he is today. He just ordered the destruction of a US city with a nuclear bomb. And let the land not survive in the next few tens of thousands of years [eternal life] anyone.

Just picking up the report and preparing for the inspection, the lights around it suddenly darkened.

The assistant who had just stood in front of him was unconscious without warning.

The president suddenly looked up and did not know when several young people had stood in front of him.

Among them, there is also Secretary of Defense John Keller.

\"You..." The president stood up.

\"No need to be nervous, Mr. President, at least so far, we are not going to hurt anyone." Shen Yi sat on the sofa and waved his hand lightly.

Gentlely walked over, the hand was gently pressed on the shoulder of the president, and the old president had already sat down involuntarily.

Shen Yi came to the sofa opposite the president and sat down against the president. "I am called Shen Yi, a member of the Earth Guardian Alliance. To be exact, it is the leader of this alliance. Our responsibility is to protect the world from inviolation. ”

\"Does it also include holding a president?"

\"No, this is not a reserved, just a negotiation." Shen Yi laughed: "It is to confirm that we both have a need for each other, not some unfair treatment."

Said, Shen Yi picked up the report on the president's desk, flipped a few pages, and tapped a few fingers on it: "For example, about this part... Some human beings with special abilities use their abilities to do whatever they want, Destroying the unity and peace of human society... Do you know the difference between doing what you want and eradicating evil? If you don’t understand, I can show you the true meaning of what you want.”

The president swallowed: "It was a statement drafted by my assistant. It didn't mean what I meant. I was actually checking the statement."

The game closes the body to the president: "This is the reason why we came here... We have an obligation to ensure that this statement is fair, just, not worthy of any good person, and most importantly, when we continue When guarding the world, he allowed us to walk freely."

\"Do you want me to amend my calibre and recognize your legitimacy?"

"Exactly, there are some car people. The Decepticons are no longer there, but there are still a small number of car people living in [the world of eternal life]. They are just and brave, they can be friendly with humans. Mr. President, we hope that you can recognize the justice and legitimacy of the Autobot and Earth Guard Alliance, which is good for us all."

Speaking of this, the game paused a little: "It is up to you to join hands in creating a better tomorrow, to pull the people out of the pain of war, or to continue to create new enemies and let the war continue."

The old president hesitated.

He looked at John Keller: "Keller Minister, are you supporting them?"

John Keller replied: "I saw their battle, Mr. President. They are a group of strong, brave, and full of sense of justice... I believe in them."

John Keller smiled and looked gentle.

\"So... I accept." The president replied.

Shen Yi’s face overflowed with a sunny smile: “I am very grateful, Mr. As he spoke, the old president was black, and then he discovered that these sudden intruders were gone. Only John Keller stayed here.

The young assistant climbed up from the ground, confused and touched his head, and some feared: "What happened? I passed out... I am sorry Mr. President."

\"It doesn't matter, Miller, you are just too tired to work. I will give you a day off, go back and have a good rest."

\"But this statement..."

\"I will handle it well."

The president replied indifferently. Looking out the window, several young people are waving at themselves outside the White House.

The line of sight was taken back from the presidential window, and the gentleness leaned on the shoulders of the game: "They are a group of people with a sense of justice... This evaluation is really interesting, isn't it?"

\"Maybe, maybe not." Shen Yixiao answered: "But if you can choose, I would rather stand in the middle of justice and evil, give the conscience a price tag, and then swing around depending on the choice of interest."

\"This is the real you...but I just like it." Gentle and closed eyes.

Shen Yi squats with a gentle waist: "So... how about shopping? We have some time before the guys come."

\"Hey... I like this idea more." Gentle and funny, giving the game a sweet kiss.

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