Infinity Armament

Vol 13 Chapter 13: Grab the blame (below)

For mobile phone users to read synchronously, please visit. Or see the dust of the development of Isadoro's blast, and it is not good to know. [This chapter is provided by W.langlang.] He doesn't know how Isador discovered him, but at that moment he did not retreat, and at the same time he raised his gun at the jīng spirit behind the wind.

Under the silencer, the shè month sounded softly, and then I saw a flaming flash in the air, and the bright air bō pattern pointed directly to a jīng spirit shè hand.

\"Bold!" Isadoro Blast did not expect the attacker's response to be so fast, he just saw a vague figure through the development of dust, the other side has quickly launched a counterattack. These jīng spirit shè hands are the closest guards of Isadoro, Isador naturally can not accept even one person's casualties, the right hand moon blade instinct wave, eager to fly shè bullets, while the left hand moon blade draws a half moon The airflow crosses the sinking.

A T50 Terminator appeared in front of Shen Yan, blocking the blow, while sinking his gun and shooting two shots at the rock king.

The king of the sorrow was so painful that he did not fall. Shen Yu is about to make up a shot, Isado suddenly took the edge, facing the sinking of a distant finger, a blue sè flame has hit the sinking, it is the most daunting powerful skill of the demon hunter: mana burning.

Just as the mana burns and sinks, Shen Shen also plays a skill: the gaze of death.

The two men recruited at the same time. When the mana burned into the indulging body, Shen Yan only felt that a flame in his mind was burning, and the bombardment burned all his jīng gods. Instantly dropped to zero. Not only that, but also caused the same amount of damage to his life, more importantly, with the disappearance of jīng's power, his head is also a halo, if not the hand's awake ring at this time Cool, I am afraid that Shen Shen will faint on the spot.

It was only when he realized that the horror of Isadoro - his mana burning is simply the nemesis of the adventurers.

If it is not the awake ring body, when he is the power of Isaudo chōu, I am afraid that it is the moment of his death.

After all, some things can't be explained by the information. No one thought that Isaardo's mana burning would be so terrible.

Even so, Shen Yu was still dizzy because of the exhaustion of jīng power. Fortunately, Isador did not seize this opportunity to counterattack.

Just as Isador had a mana burning, a round of crescent-shaped death sickle shape appeared on the top of Isadoro, and Isador immediately felt as if he had been pinned by something, and a chill of death suddenly swept. The whole body, scared his face quickly changed back.

This guy is worthy of being a well-known squadron with Carlos. While retreating, the body has continued to make a rapid change of direction in multiple directions. The body pulls out a phantom in the air, which is so fast. Make a point, be sure not to let anyone lock yourself at this time.

It was this experience and intuition that made Isador survived the dangers and made him stronger, but this time, Isador lost his experience and intuition.

Just as he was retreated by the gaze of the **** of death, Shen Yu has already woke up from the process of short dizziness.

\"piercings!" He turned his gun and fired three shots at the king of the rock. ~~wW.nohu. ( free novels hand net)~~

At this time, the king of rock scorpion is already the end of the strong, not to mention three shots, even if it is a shot is enough to kill its life. Indulging but has not considered saving and calculating, Isadoro's strength is really terrible, only he can easily kill the indulge, must take advantage of his chance to be scared by the death mark and seize the opportunity.

At the same time as the three shots were opened, Shen Yu had already rushed toward the king of the rock.

The bullet hit the body of the king of the scorpion, and after the unspeakable roar of the king of the scorpion, the huge body fell into a pile of stones. At this time, the sinking rushed into the pile of stones, and the ground flashed. When a box appeared, it was indulged in the hands. It was almost impossible to disappear even after a single stop of the box.

\"hún蛋!" Seeing Shen Shen get the box, Isador sent a resentful call, at this time his head sickle has not been eliminated, the body is still doing crazy rapid change movement, the moon blade in the hand has been released And out, fly shè sinking.

The huge moon blade screams like a screaming screaming, and as soon as it sinks in the middle of it, the sinking body suddenly fades like a mist.

The moon blade brushed through the indulgent méng figure, crushing the residual image left behind by the teleportation, and deeply plunged into the opposite rock wall without any gain.

\"No!" Seeing the attacker disappeared like this, Isador sent out unwilling roar: "I will find you, hún egg boy, I swear I will tear you!"


In the open plain, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, just a stop is a risk of falling.

Shen Yuhu’s breath grew out, and after all, he couldn’t help but sit down and his heart was exhausted.

Not only because of the jīng's power consumption, but also because the previous World War was too shocking.

Despite just a few seconds of fighting, Shen Yu has struggled several times between life and death. If he is not responsive, he is right, and he is afraid that he will not be able to come back.

Even so, in order to eat from the tiger's mouth, he still consumes an invisible character and a teleport and a T50 terminator - the latter is too late to recover, it is estimated that it is too late to recover. This time it has been ruined by the angry Isador.

The loss of the Terminator is not distressed, but the loss of the teleport makes the indulge not to be distressed. It is necessary to know that these things are cheap, but they are all produced by the secret store after all, but they can't be bought at ordinary times. According to his original plan, this teleport is not used. It is his idea to use the invisible secret to approach the target and kill it quickly. After stealing the item and using the stealth opportunity to run away quickly.

I didn't expect this idea to be in trouble at the beginning, which led him to pay extra price to achieve his goal. Until now, Shen Hao can't figure out how Isaardo found himself, but the most important thing is to see if the harvest can make up for it.

Take out the box and open it to see it, but it is a rock 傀儡 summoning prop. After use, you can summon a level 10 rock raft to assist in combat, using one hour.

This thing is a good prop in the game, but the game and reality are different. The good things in many games are actually nothing in the mission world, and many things that were originally used to be useless have become treasures in the mission world.

This rocky summoning prop is one of the depreciating items.

\"Depleted..." Shen Yuy ù crying without tears.

There are many kinds of equipment given by the King of Rocks after death. The best one is a shield. It has 70% of the damage damage of the ranged damage. It has the ability of remote anti-shè, but the explosion rate is extremely low. Is

The call of the rock 傀儡, because of a limited use, does not make much sense.

This time, the luck of the game, Shen Hao regrettably failed to benefit, considering that what he paid and what he had harvested, it was really a big loss.

Fortunately, I’m already mentally prepared for this. Since Bo’s luck is not enough, it’s only psychological. From the beginning, he didn’t expect to get a good return from the Rock King. Luck Things, sinking is never expected, and will not be included in the plan.

Look at the sky is not early, Shen Hao summoned Hera, driving the lightning on the 1st back to the orc camp.

Going back to the orc camp, Shen Yan went directly to see Carlos.

When he took out the rocky summoning props, Carlos was very surprised. After listening to the introverted commentary, Carlos was more straightforward in his fierce eyes:

\"So, you grabbed the treasure that belongs to him directly from Isador?"

\"Yes, the great leader of Carlos. I think the gain from the enemy is the most valuable gain." Shen Yucheng replied.

He is now really betting that gambling Carlos’ interest in this rocky prop is far greater than it should be.

Know that the Juggernaut and the Demon Hunter are innate oppositions, just like the relationship between the Paladin and the Death Knight. For Carlos, the ability to make Isador more unhappy is a great credit. As for the gains, he is the leader of the orc tribe. Are you afraid of one or two treasures?

Sure enough, after hearing the insulting words, Carlos was very interested in this rocky summoning prop. He muttered his chin and said to himself: "If you next time with Isador on the battlefield, if you let him see this thing... Do you say that he will be mad at him?"

\"Math may not work, vomiting blood is very likely." Shen Yu seriously answered.

Carlos glimpsed, then suddenly laughed up: "Ha ha ha ha, good, soldier, I like your statement."

\"There is another saying that you might prefer it, adults. Why don't we make a banner and write a few words: the king of the rock is good for you. Then when the battlefield meets, just hang it here. What about rocks?"

When Carlos stayed, his eyes turned quickly: "Oh... this is too vicious, but this is really a good idea." The more he thought, the more he felt that the idea was good, and he laughed wildly again: "It is very vicious. But I like it very much! Poor Isador, he will hate you."

Heraldry reminder sounds: "" Carlos adds 50 points to your goodwill."

Fifty o'clock!

Unexpectedly, grabbing a treasure from Isadoro can actually improve the 50 points from Carlos.

To know that Carlos is not an ordinary person, the goodness he gets from him is generally 10:10, and it will become more and more difficult as you continue to contribute.

Unexpectedly, a robbing action, even directly let Carlos add 50 points to his goodwill, this alone, all the money consumed before the sinking is worth the money.

\"The hatred of the enemy is our glory!" At this moment, he bowed reverently to Carlos.

Everything that can be done has been done, and the idea has come out. Now look at Carlos himself. He only hopes that the generosity of Carlos can match his current mood.

Sure enough, Carlos thought after a smile and said: "Good job, my boy. Since you are willing to give it to me, then I should also give you the corresponding reward. Say, what do you want?"

He didn't even give a reward directly, but asked what he wanted, and it seems that this kind of feeling is really important.

Sinking slightly, he thought for a while: "I want to ask the leader first for a few questions."

\"Oh, you said."

Shen Yu said that he used the invisibility to approach Isadoro but he discovered it. He couldn't get an answer to this matter, and he has been psychologically unsettled.

And this question, ask the Juggernaut who has the first stealth ability of the world in the sky. It can be said that it is really right.

Sure enough, when Carlos heard it, he laughed: "Do you really think that with stealth ability, you can make it impossible for anyone to find you?"

Sinking and staying: \"The leader, you mean..."

Carlos loudly: "Well, look at the contributions you made, come with me, I will teach you something. But remember, I only teach you an hour, how much you can learn this hour, it depends on you. Your own skills. Also, treat this as a reward for my contribution to you. Of course, if you don't want to, you can also ask for a reward."

Where is the sinking of the shackles, you can get the guidance of the Juggernaut, which is a good thing to ask for. To know that he came to World of Warcraft, it is the ability to go to the Juggernaut.

For him, this kind of guidance is more good.

Although this time of learning is unlikely to let him learn a fatal blow, for Shen Shen, this is undoubtedly a good start.

With the first point of learning, will you be afraid that there will be no second or third time?

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