Infinity Armament

Vol 13 Chapter 22: Duo Longtan (on)

When Shen said this, the muzzle was facing Daniel’s head. M_&&)

Look at this situation, if anyone does not want to, he does not mind a shot to break Daniel.

So for a time, everyone looked at each other and finally shrugged together. Obviously the default was handled by Shen Yu.

Chu Sheng is very depressed, watching Shen Yu said: "Can kill and kill, why do you still have to live. Isn't this a piece of braised pork in front of Laozi?"

\"Keep useful." Shen Yan bluntly transferred Daniel to a large group of mechanical soldiers and his own orc soldiers to guard, if any adventurer wants to get cheap, his men will definitely kill Daniel in the first time. As for Daniel himself, this guy has completely lost his combat ability after being subjected to a series of fierce blows. At this moment, he can only look fiercely at the sullen look, and the face of "I use your eyes to kill you".

Indulge in the innocence, just looking at the distant base road: \"Run back to one hundred and twelve, of which there are about 60 left in the elf shooter. The strength of the iron thorn wooden tower is definitely insufficient, but it is still not easy for us. solved……"

Chu Sheng Daqi: \"How do you know that it is one hundred and twelve? Did you just count all of them?"

Shen Shen faintly looked at Chu Sheng, slowly spit out a few words: \"I am not so big, I have to count the number of people who fled when fighting, but I still can't count the bodies? The people who came here lost the dead. Don't you know the result?"

\"What if it’s not three hundred people? For example, this guy? What if he is three hundred and one hundred?"

Shen Zhengzheng replied: "Then I am wrong, you deduct my salary?"

\"..." Everyone is speechless.

Chu Sheng grabbed the scalp and thought about it very seriously: \"... Anyway, you count very fast."

Guo Farong interjected: "He is very good at math."

Chu Sheng gave him a look: "I want you to talk more."

Although indulging does not make its own figures accurate, mathematics in war often does not require precision, as long as the estimate is as close as possible to reality.

Since the remaining soldiers in the base still have nearly half of the remaining, plus the help of the arrow tower, it is still not an easy task to attack. Therefore, Shen Yu does not intend to continue the attack for the time being.

Since you don't want to attack, you have to think of some methods. This is why Shen Wei wants to leave Daniel... Maybe you can find a breakthrough from him?

In any case, their command is also captured for these soldiers, isn’t it?

So he excuses to let everyone rest first, and he is calculating how to make good use of this live.

As a matter of fact, the team channel suddenly came up with a call request.

It is fat.

\"What?" Shen Wei asked the channel.

\"Boss, everything on my side is done."

\"Is it done?"

\"Well, twenty catapults, how are you, good?" The fat man smiled.

\"Great!" Shen Yan punched his hand and shouted excitedly.

During this time, the tasks that the fat man has been busy doing are almost always related to the construction of the base. The main purpose is to make these catapults.

Although the development of the base has been completed, it does not mean that the catapult will be able to obtain some resources and produce it. It still needs to continue to consume manpower and resources to produce.

What the fat man did was to speed up the production process in this area, and at the same time, to continuously improve the friendship with the petrochemical production department, and finally, after the first batch of catapults were mass-produced, they bought 20 stone stones with all their honor values. The car, as well as the Orcs who are responsible for controlling the catapult.

Of course, due to the relationship between good feelings, this group of catapults is a 20% discount to the fat man.

Shen Yan thought that the fat man had to wait for some time to complete all the tasks, but he did not expect his progress to be advanced. For the sinking of the base to overcome, this is just an opportunity.

\"I will bring the catapult to the base immediately, and we will blast all those towers!"


An hour later, the fat man arrived with a catapult.

These catapults are very different from the image in the game. They are about three meters high. The triangular base is made of giant wood and must be fixed to the ground before use. There is a fixed pendulum above the pedestal, and the pendulum head is a tough net pocket with a boulder-sized boulder. The stones are all processed and processed, and the burning bottles are attached to them. Once they are thrown out, the burning bottles will be broken and will burn automatically. The iron thorn wooden tower used to deal with the elves is simply a nemesis.

Twenty huge catapults lined up together, and it looked magnificent and shocking.

Chu Sheng looked at the fat man who was commanding the Orc hard work, and muttered: "No wonder this kid is specializing in engineering tasks... You have long been good at this time, is it?"

Shen Xiaoxiao A: "Well, unfortunately there is still a disconnect, wasting an hour."

Chu Sheng gave him a punch: "You will be content."

The plan is only a plan, and it can be accurate to the second. The early completion of the sinking gives the fat man great pressure. If he did not finish it in advance, the catapult will only be delivered at night. In that case, Shen Yan would like to use Daniel to change.

But now, this elf can be saved.

With all the 20 slings in place, the fat screaming, the rumbling boulder flew one by one toward the opposite arrow tower.

The huge stones smashed on the iron thorn wooden tower. The old trees made unbearable shackles, the branches broke, and the burning bottle ignited a flame.

Occasionally, when there is a hollow, the stone falls directly on the base barracks, and the building collapses and collapses everywhere.

There was a wailing call in the camp, and occasionally a sparse arrow shot, but because of the distance, it was impossible to get close. There are one or two arrows that may be shot by the strong, so that they can be shot in place, but unfortunately there is no threat to the adventurers.

The catapult war is perhaps the biggest and most magnificent war on the ancient battlefield. In the historical siege war, there were 5,000 catapults launching the city together. The whole city was covered by stone rain and suffered the most horrible history. Thunder stone storm.

Although the current 20 catapults do not reach this scale, the outposts are also inferior to a city. In terms of coverage theory, a hundreds of squares of outposts encountered such a number of catapults, which can be said to be everywhere.

Some unfortunate Elves soldiers were even directly smashed into the boulder, and died on the spot. Fortunately, they were also burned by the flames and screamed by the flames. The scenes were so fierce that even the adventurers could not stand it down - the night elves were in four The big camp is considered to be the most beautiful race. The soldiers are mostly women. Both men and women are beautiful and handsome. Their historical and cultural environment is also a peace-loving race.

The adventurers who deal with such races and whose conscience has not yet been completely annihilated are always unbearable - even though it is a mission, such killings seem to be too **** and cruel.

If it is used to deal with undead, it may be a lot better. Damn indulge, why didn’t this guy choose the undead outpost to start?

There are many adventurers who have thought of it.

Shen Yan looked at it all with no expression, as if there was nothing in this world that could touch his heart-like cold heart. Next to the fat man muttered low language: \"They are just, they are just..."

Shen Yan looked at the fat man: "You are sad for your opponent?"

The fat man smiled and smiled: "Do you feel nothing at the boss?"

\"I have, I also feel very uncomfortable." Shen Yan honestly replied, it was unexpected to the fat. Shen Yu continued: "But I will not show it. I will only say this in my heart, not in my mouth."

\"Why?" The fat man asked dumbly.

\"Because goodness is the greatest weakness... Don't let people see your weakness." Shen Wei whispered: "You have to show the feeling of enjoyment, enjoy killing, enjoy blood, even if it is loaded."

Said, Shen Yu has turned his head to face the blazing flame of the opposite base, took a long breath, loudly: "What a beautiful atmosphere, I smell the fragrance of victory."

Everyone was stunned and whispered at the same time: "Transmorphism!"

Although the pressure of life in the city has caused many people to be mentally disturbed and to be happy with killing, such people still cannot become the mainstream of this special society. For most adventurers, the mission world is always a job that must be performed once a month. They don't get any enjoyment from their work. Only after the work is paid is their interest.

Although this negative attitude is not suitable for survival in the city [eternal life] and strong, at least it can make everyone's humanity not completely lost, at least when they are alive.

But in the same way, when they see those adventurers who are already inhuman, the feelings are quite complicated. These people usually have two characteristics, one is cruel and the other is strong.

Obviously, what Shen Shen is showing now is this trait.

Suddenly, my eyes closed: "They have to fight back."

The gate of the outpost was finally opened and twenty brakes were launched.

Sinking quickly called: "" Turning the direction, the goal: the enemy army!"

The catapult began to re-adjust the range of the projectile. With this period of time, the Elves’ car has begun to be in place, and it seems that it is necessary to prepare a battle between siege devices.

However, the catapult and the car fight, the car is destined to suffer.

The Elf's brakes have great penetrating power and can be used not only against buildings but also against soldiers. However, compared with the catapult, the power is obviously worse.

Not to mention that there are a lot of adventurers on the side of the catapult.

At this moment, the two sides shot, and a row of giant smashing arrows screamed.

Screaming: "Protect the catapult!"

Despite the hard work of the brakes and the catapults, Shen Yan does not want to lose even a catapult. These catapults can play more roles in future battles.

Chu Sheng yelled, and the violent meteor hammer slammed into the giant bed and slammed into the past. He only heard a loud bang, and the giant python was hit by Chu, and Chu Sheng himself was shocked and retired. Road: \"Enjoy!"

Sinking released the bumblebee and Hera, pointing to the front of the car front line: \"Bumblebee, destroy those cars, Hera, block the arrow!"

\"No problem!" The bumblebee shouted and rushed to the brakes, and the shoulder guns began to roar against the brakes, firing shells again and again.

Hera turned back and glanced at it: "You always let us out when we need us!"

\"You always complain when you come out, you should learn from the hornet, talk less, do more!"

Hera spears a slap, and has picked up a giant scorpion, while the left-hand shield greets, blocks another arrow, and then yells at the sinking: \"Complaint is a woman's nature, you are too I don't understand women!"

The fat man laughed and said: "No wonder the soft sister is always dissatisfied with the dissatisfaction."

Shen Yan didn't have a good look at the fat man: "She doesn't look like this girl, she is the woman I have ever seen the least complaints... well, although sometimes she does complain."

The battlefield was once again showing a one-sided trend because of the appearance of two Transformers. The Hornet's heavy artillery bombarded the elf car with a fierce and unparalleled situation. He himself was an agile car man to deal with these cumbersome cars. The bus is simply a nemesis, and four cars are destroyed in an instant.

Looking at the two Transformers, the adventurers watched the eyes of Shen Yan again changed [Tianzhu change]. The bumblebee is familiar to everyone. Who can think that Shen Yan has brought this guy out of the mission world, but this can be done by ordinary people, not to mention the fact that there is a female Transformer in addition to the Hornet. Although the female King Kong did not know where to come, it seems to be an extremely powerful existence.

Some people speculate that Shen Yu is a rich reward for completing a hidden task, and then associates everything he has done before, and he feels more awe.

If the previous indulging of the adventurer is only tempting, then from now on, Shen has at least one more means to use: intimidation.

Perhaps it was a dissatisfaction with Shen Hao’s arrogance, and Chu Sheng also released his Transformers.

However, he is obviously wrong in this matter. The strength of the iron bull is obviously not as good as that of the bumblebee and Hera. The difference in firepower is not big, but in terms of agility, reaction, defense, armor value, etc., the iron bull is far away. It is.

If Chu Sheng does not need iron bulls, everyone is still not comparable. He released this, and other adventurers immediately knew two things: a barbarian team also went to the Transformers world, it is clear that both of them are from the world. I got the benefit, no wonder the two are so close. The income of the two bulls is obviously not much more.

The income represents the strength, the bulls are also considered to be the middle and upper reaches in the three difficulty levels, and the income is still far from the sinking. It can be seen that even the bulls are not as good as the sinking.

If Chu Sheng knows that everyone thinks so, I am afraid that he will not release the iron bull.

But he didn't know, so at this moment he fought back and looked forward to his life. He thought that he finally grabbed some eyeballs from Shen Yu.

My own children love themselves, don't look at the way the iron ox is smashing, at least in the eyes of Chu, it is much more lovely than the hornet Hera - at least not to arrogant to his own master?

Three Transformers plus 20 slings quickly hit the Elf camp's squadrons with a score of seven and eight, and twenty of them were all dead.

Seeing that there is no more money to compete with the adventurers, the elf soldiers in the outposts rushed out, this time they finally have to attack.

Without the cover of the arrow tower, the adventurers were completely afraid of the more than 200 elf soldiers.

More than 30 adventurers are not eating dry food. Of course, it is not enough to deal with the entire elves. To deal with such an outpost that has already weakened half of its strength is a steady ten.

Not to mention that under the sinking hands, it is now the Orc troops, the robots and a small number of summoned soldiers are all dispatched, and the number is not worse than the other.

A fierce battle started on this, but the outcome was already doomed.

Everyone is madly killing their opponents. For them, the life of each enemy is the honor value, the **** point, their life, and their strong fundamental guarantee.

Once sympathy, kindness and compassion, all of them disappeared at this moment, as if they had never sighed for these elf soldiers before, all of them were **** eyes, vying to kill opponents.

Chu Sheng’s voice screams from time to time on the battlefield: \"All his mother, don’t grab it with Laozi!"

On the contrary, Shen Yu and the fat man hardly fight, just watch all the adventurers carefully, and whenever the adventurer is in distress, he will immediately save.

For Shen Yu, there are mechanical army, orc soldiers and hornets. They don’t have to worry about robbing their glory. The most important thing is to protect the adventurers and stop making new casualties.

This behavior undoubtedly increased the goodwill of the people. When the war ended, seven or eight adventurers were rescued by sinking. Although some people may not die if they are indulged, but this situation is still leading.

As the war ended, the bodies of hundreds of elf soldiers were smashed on the battlefield.

Blood flows through the earth, and the entire land is dyed red.

Without the support of the soldiers, the solitary arrow tower was eventually dismantled, and the entire outpost was thus filled with smoke and flames.

A group of orc people began to enter the base, extinguish the flames, rebuild, and prepare to use the original building to transform the front into a front position of the orc, establish a new arrow tower, and also block the throat of the elves to Mount Hyjal. .

The land has become muddy due to the moisture of the blood.

Shen Qian walked on this muddy land and muttered: "This is war."

Although it was only a small-scale war of 500 people, what he saw was an endless and cruel killing.

In contrast, those who used to fight were really pediatric.

The adventurers in the base were still laughing, and some took out the wine and toasted each other.

Some people also sweared for the dead elf soldiers, and issued a "satisfaction!"

But the lament that once was done for life has all disappeared.

This makes the fat man very ignorant: "Why is it a person, when you are watching, you are always kind, and when you start it, you are so embarrassed?"

Shen Yan replied indifferently: "It’s like you are always cruel when you watch others killing chickens, but when you need to do it yourself, you can always succumb to your heart... If you don’t care, you won’t eat meat. So to eat Meat, you will let go of all your bondage."

\"It sounds like this conscience is really cheap."

\"That also depends on who is at least, for the enemy, it is enough to have this kind of guilty heart. If there is more, the unlucky one is himself."

\"There is definitely less of your guilty heart than they are."

\"Not necessarily." Shen Yan leisurely replied: \"The conscience of these guys may be four to six, and my, it may be two to eight ~ What do you mean?" Fat man does not understand.

\"The small value measures the compassion of the outsider. The big value is used to measure the compassion for oneself, and the total amount does not change."

The fat man suddenly realized: "I understand, Optimus Prime is a forty-six goods, and the enemy's kindness is fast enough to match the people."

Sinking and laughing: "He, he is a five-five product."

Speaking of the recall of the bumblebee, let him transform into a car, put the elf leader into the car, and then take a few summoned soldiers to the car: \"I leave, you are responsible for the base construction here, help me put Thirty arrow towers are erected."

\"What if the elves call back?" The fat man asked aloud.

Since Carlos divides the task into two parts, the reconstruction of the tower will certainly not be a smooth thing. The return of the elves can be said to be a matter of iron and steel.

At this time, Shen Shen actually left, so that the fat man did not understand.

\"The elves will not bother you." Shen Yan replied loudly, driving the bumblebee to the base.

Looking at his driving direction, the fat man stayed, then he understood, he yelled at Shen: "I rely! You are going to Moonlight Woodland?"

The wind sent a sinking answer: "Don't worry, I went to the second one, and I will be back soon..."

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