Infinity Armament

Vol 13 Chapter 24: Alone Longtan (below)

The indulgent words made the entire elves quiet.

If they still hate to use Daniel to do the trick before, then there is a bit of respect for Shen Shen.

The world of Azeroth is the world of the brave, so the warriors must reverence, whether it is the barbaric orc, the deceitful human being, the rancid undead or the proud elf, have their own warrior spirit.

Despite the indiscriminate attack on the outpost, killing a large number of elf soldiers, but one thing he said is true, that is, this is a war.

Killing people in war is the duty of soldiers.

And with the captured prisoners of their own rushing to the front of the enemy camp, only seeking a battle, it shows its heroic spirit. For this reason, those night elves can hate indulging, but they can’t really look down on him.

Of course, if they know what they are thinking about in the mind, I am afraid that this idea will disappear.

At this moment, I heard that Shen Shen said that Isador is also a little surprised: "Do you want to play against me?"

If Isador did not hand over Shen, he might have thought that this kid had something he couldn't see, but after he had handed it, he had a general understanding of the ability to indulge, so he looked at it. Shen Yan shook his head: "You can't stop me from attacking three times."

\"I know." Shen Xiao smiled and said: "But after that fight with the adults, the bravery and style of the adults is really memorable. I can play with the characters like adults, even if I take some risks? Of course I don't I think I can win, I just hope that if I can withstand the ten tricks of adults, adults can let me leave safely."

This kind of flattering is really obvious. It is normal, and Isador is absolutely unbelievable. But now Shen Qianli has been running here with Daniel only to invite the war, to say that it is not like lying.

Can only be understood as Shen Yu is a real Wu Chi.

The hero cherishes the hero, Isador is also a martial art singer, and he is quite familiar with the mentality of Shen Yu’s "Chao Wen Dao shou dynasty".

Isador is quite satisfied with nod: "Good, in this case, I can promise you, as long as you can block me from ten tricks, then the Elf will not shoot you."

He has a lot of confidence in his own force, and he does not think that the ten strokes can't solve the opponent.

And he promised that Shen Yan also has his own ideas - he knows that Shen Yu is a teleporter, but he does not know whether it is a prop or a skill. Since you know that it is impossible to kill each other, you may wish to be generous, at least to appear as a night elf\"greatness and kindness." If there is no teleportation ability, then it is hard to say whether he will be so generous.

For Shen Yu, it is better to let the other party give up the shot and leave safely. It is better to waste a momentary shift. After all, this thing is hard to come by, and one less one. Moreover, Liu Sen and others may have prepared space seal props, and the teleports may not be used at the time, but this point, Isado does not know...

In this way, a psychological cycle is formed, which is mutually jealous, calculating each other, and pretending to be generous, and finally forms this result.

And as long as Isador agrees, the facts will be cast and no one can change.

However, Isador has promised that others can be shocked.

The blood wolf Liu Sen first jumped out against: "The adults can't, this is putting the tiger back to the mountain!"

Isador glared at Liu Sen: "Are you teaching me?"

Liu Sen’s heart trembled and immediately shut up.

Isado has said coldly: "I know that you have a holiday with this orc, but personal feelings cannot override the glory of our night elves. Since this person is only asking for a fair battle, then the night elves will There is no reason to retaliate against him. As for the hatred of the elf warrior he once killed... the battlefield, the battlefield."

Liu Sen didn't dare to speak, and the bitter bile in his heart spit it out quickly - I knew why I had to admit that I had a holiday with Shen Yu? This is good, and everything has become a public feud.

He and Shen Shen have played against each other twice, and they have a good understanding of Shen Jin’s style of acting.

This guy is the insulator of light and heroic, a mixture of despicable and deceitful, ferocious and sinister affinity, brave and fearless semiconductor...

To say that people like him are daring and do everything, then it is okay, but to say that he will talk about the samurai spirit and pursue a fair duel, it is impossible to kill.

His only hope now is that he can't support the ten tricks. He was killed by Isadoro, but he looked at it and tried to fight for it. In his style of acting, he said that he was not sure. Liu Sen is absolutely Do not believe.

The two sides have already said that Shen Yu will return Daniel to the night elves.

The hostages were let go, and the elves’ soldiers retreated.

In the front of the moonlight forest, there is a place like about two football fields as a battlefield. For a strong person like Isador, such a range of fighting fields is the minimum demand.

Standing in the field, Shen Yan first smiled at Isador and said: "Before the duel begins, I have to declare one thing first. I am a person with the ability to summon. Although you and me are one-on-one battles. But using the summoning ability to create a helper for myself, I believe that it does not violate the rules of a fair duel."

Isadoro replied: "As long as it is your own calling ability, then it does not violate."

There are also summoning professions in Warcraft, such as the Beastmaster, the Prophet, the Guardian of the Jungle, and so on. Isadoro naturally cannot prohibit the other party from using the summoning ability.

However, if he knows how scared the call of Shen Yu, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to agree.

Fortunately, Shen Hao did not intend to reveal all the cards. At this moment, I heard Isa’s words and smiled. First, I summoned three airborne soldiers. It was Arias and other three. This was followed by two T850 Terminators and one Reaper.

After being smashed by Red Spider, the reaper was rebuilt and re-created. Now it can fight again, but this time it faces a more powerful and horrible demon hunter, and destiny is destined to continue to be miserable.

Seeing the emergence of three robots, Isadoro finally showed a horror in his eyes: ""Mechanical 傀儡? Very interesting new variety. Have you discovered a goblin ruins?"

In the world of Warcraft, mechanical products are almost inextricably linked to the race of Goblin. According to Isado, only those dwarves who are good at digging holes can easily find the remains of the distant Goblin period and obtain their inventions. For example, the current dwarf fire, dwarf steam locomotive, dwarf helicopter and so on.

I didn't expect that Shen Zhi would have such a thing, it would not look inferior to the dwarf.

\"The legacy of the predecessors." Shen Yan shrugged and replied.

\"Unfortunately the number is too small, you still can't win me."

\"As long as you can support ten strokes." Shen Xiaoxiao replied.

\"Try it!"

Isador jumped up and the left-handed moon blade brushed to sink.

The moon blade whirls in the air, flying a graceful arc, bypassing a T850 in front of it, straight into the chest.

With Isaardo’s fighting wisdom, it is of course impossible to entangle with these summoners and take the core directly.

Although he promised to indulge, he would let him go if he had ten strokes, but the fierceness of the shot, there is absolutely no meaning of mercy. This guy is a **** who has stolen the treasure from his own hand. Kill and kill!

The moon blade smashed the shackles of the sky, sinking through the vampire's touch, and the moon blade slammed on the dagger's dagger, making a loud bang, and a huge force was uploaded by the moon blade. The shocking arm is numb, and the man has quickly retreated. By reversing the force to counteract this horrible power, this is so, the vampire touches or slams into the chest, like a head-to-head Punch, sinking and snoring.

That month, the blade failed, and Isado had a left-handed move. The moon blade flew back to the hand, and the body suddenly accelerated to sink.

His speed was so fast that even the three robots didn't even have time to react. They saw a shadow that had passed over the robot. Isadoro's right-handed blade had crossed the chest: "The second move! ”

Seeing that Isado's right-handed moon blade is going to cut the whole sinking into two pieces, the silver light in front of Shen Shen suddenly flashes, and with the right hand of Isado, the splattered silver liquid, it is the T1000. This fierce and quick blow.

\"咦?" Isador stunned, apparently did not expect to have such treasures.

However, he failed to make a contribution to this move. Shen Yu has quickly reacted, his body flashed sideways, and the right pistol has been aimed at Isado: \"Shooting!"

Isadoro changed his face and suddenly jumped into the air, and the two moon blades crossed.

The bullets, such as the poke of the sky, slashed the Isa multi-faced door, and Isado's two moon blades criss-crossed each other, drawing a cross knife and hitting the bullets on the head.


The bullet was actually crushed directly by Isador.

This is the first time that Shen Yu has failed to shoot!

Shen Qian has already shouted: "The third move!"

The left-handed vampire touched his backhand to Isadoro, and at this time the Isadoro was in the air, and it was difficult to dodge. At this moment, Isador's right hand blade sharply stroked, the speed is so fast that the human eye can not see clearly, but it is blocking the touch of the indulgent vampire, while the left hand moon blade has been drawn toward the sinking neck.

Even in the moment of dodging in the air, when there is nowhere to borrow, Isador still has a strong counterattack ability.

This is what Carlos calls the ability to react and fight beyond the limits of the human body. But Carlos is better at counterattacking, and Isador is better at resolving.

If Carlos had just faced the gun, he was mostly hard-hitting, but he would also give a ruthless fierce counterattack.

It’s just that the counterattack from Isador is not as deadly as Carlos.

Seeing that the Moonblade is about to pass through the indulgent throat, the indulgent body suddenly bends abruptly at this moment, like a snake, making an action that the human body can't do at all.

The moon blade almost wiped his face and cut a few long hairs.

Isador is slashed and the man has landed.

He also wants to chase, and there is a sharp whistling sound behind his back. Isado did not return, and the left-handed blade returned home, blocking the gear piece from the reaper.

This guy's ability to resolve the offense is really powerful. At the same time as the smashing of the flying gear piece, the moon blade has rotated a piece of the cutter wheel net in the hand. The two T850s shot the bullets at this time, and they all hit the knife-wheel nets, and they were all flying by Isador.

Even so, he did not forget to sink, kicking a kick in the middle of his chest and sinking his chest. This sinking can no longer escape. He was kicked by his kick, and the whole person flew more than ten meters away, but people were In the air, he still fired several shots at Isadoro.

Isadoro's energy was mainly used to deal with the attack of three robots. This time, he couldn't hide. Three bullets flew into his body, only three small holes were made, leaving some blood.

Isadoro frowned and suddenly snorted, and three bullets flew out of his body. Isador has already had a spine to deceive a Terminator, and his right hand has a strong blade. The Terminator has not reacted slowly. The cross arm blocks, and the Moon Blade has smashed one of its arms.

The Terminator made of stainless steel alloy was cut like a piece of paper under the attack of Isadoro, but the robot did not know what the pain was, but continued to attack Isado, but it was kicked by Isador. Kicked open, Huo Ran turned back and looked at Shen Yu.

The sinking has climbed up from the ground, and a trace of blood oozes from the mouth.

He erased the blood from his mouth and smiled: "The size of yours is really shocking, but you don't use your special abilities. It's not so easy to beat me in ten strokes. what."

Isadoro did not object: "You are better than I thought. If this is the case, then... mana burns!" A green stream of light is directed at sinking, which is the most terrible and powerful mana burning of Isador.

At the same time, Shen Yu is also facing Isadoro's hand: "Death gaze!"

The Death Scythe, which once made Isador feel terrible, reappeared.

But this time, Isador did not rush to dodge as before, but rushed to sink.

The last time I was indulged to release the gaze of death, mainly used to scare people. If Issado was frightened and hurried, the treasures would not be lost. But this time he was psychologically prepared, and he thought that this trick was not enough, so the prevention was greatly reduced. Of course, there is another reason. This time, there are thousands of elves who are watching their battles. If he is scared to retreat himself, then this face will be lost.

But just as he was staring at the gaze of death, the three summoned soldiers who had been standing behind the indulging in the back were finally armed at the same time.

Three key points are locked in Isadoro, and Isadoro has once again produced an unparalleled feeling of fear. He jerked his head up and saw the flash of the gun in the distance flashing. Isadori knew it was not good and jumped up.

This next day jumps and jumps out of the height of more than ten meters, but the critical mode is a must.

I saw that Isadoro’s body suddenly burst into three blood flowers, and Isador was screaming in the air, and the right hand was slamming, chasing the three soldiers.

Shen Hao quickly turned around: \"收!"

The three soldiers have been recovered by his coat of arms. After the shot, their mission has been completed.

The moon blade smashed the three-person afterimage with a thunderous sensation, and made an unwilling voice. Isadoro had fallen from the air, and the left-handed blade was once again thrown into the sinking.

Fortunately, a T850 flew over and blocked in front of Shen. The moon blade hit the T850 and cut the T850 into two breaks.

It’s just that the T850 is in the style of Jenny Arnold. Although it is cut in half, it is still climbing on the ground and trying to attack Isado.

Isador has turned over and fell back to the ground, glaring at the sinking.

The three blood holes in the chest are terrifying.

Shen Yan sighed and eventually failed.

Isador is not hurt, but it is just the damage of the heavy mode itself, and it does not lead to the lethal effect of death gaze.

Indulge in the dangers and create a chance to fight with Isadoro in order to kill Isador with the gaze of death.

If you can kill a strong general of the Elf before the start of the battle, then it will be of great help to the future battle. Although this will cause the hatred of the Elves and the full counterattack, but the four races always have opponents?

What it is to avoid is to blame the three tribes at the same time, but it is not to avoid grievances.

From the choice to let Liu Sen enter the Southern District, Shen Yan did not intend to get along with the night elves.

It is a pity that this hate he wants to end, but after all, he can't get it.

However, Isadoro felt the danger of the three shots just now.

He doesn't know what the role of death gaze is. The danger reminder only tells him that he is dangerous, but he doesn't tell him what is dangerous. Therefore, he does not know the existence of a chance hit, but his instincts let him know. The three shots just made it very terrible.

Although the three bullets that hit the body are not too small, the distance is terrible but far too facts and the intuition are in contrast, even Isador himself can’t figure out how this is going back. It’s a thing.

But anyway... these three shots hurt him really is true.

The killing of Isadoro's plan failed, and Shen was not discouraged. Anyway, killing the benefits of killing, and killing can not kill the benefits.

But before that, he had to solve the problem of Isadoro's crazy counterattack.

In any case, Isador will not look down on him anymore, and the next attack will be even stronger.

\"There are six tricks." Isador is cold and cold: "I will kill you!"

Saying that Isador was screaming in the air, the whistle screamed and screamed.

As the whistling sounds, all the elves have faded at the same time, and I saw that the head of Isador has grown a pair of sharp corners, and the back pair of wings stretched out from the joint.

Isadoro's body grew louder in the howling, the whole body squeaked loudly, his hands turned into sharp claws, and his eyes showed an amazing blood red.

At the same time, Isadoro ignited the blazing flames, and if the **** fires linger around, the prestige is impossible.


The devil turned!

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