Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Arrangement of fate (on)

When the animal is in danger, there will be a phenomenon of frying, and the hair will stand up. This is an instinctive performance of life in the face of crisis.

This phenomenon also occurs when people are in danger.

But for Shen Yu, this phenomenon has never happened since he entered the **** city.

Until now.

It was an instinctive, beastly intuition that had nothing to do with his thoughts.

He felt that every pore in the whole body was expanding, and the hair was upright, as if death was coming.

On the other side of the dock, there are five people standing.

The first one is a young man with a thin face and a deep-eyed look, wearing a strange helmet.

"Million magnetic king."

These words were slammed in the mouth of Shen Yukou.

Even without mental exploration, Shen Yu knows who the old man is.

One of the most powerful mutants in the world of the X-Men has suddenly appeared at this time.

How strong is the strength of Wan Wang Wang, Shen Shen is simply clear.

Where there is metal, it is equivalent to the field of this guy.

Any metal can be his shield, his sword, a weapon that can be omnipotent in his hands.

For such an enemy, Shen Yu may not be afraid, but he does not want to be easily provoked.

Unlike Count Dracula, killing the Count of Dracula is a fixed task, with a clear reward reward after killing, and despite the huge risks, the rewards are equally large. Kill the magnetic king, but don't expect to have a good return.

This is the competition task, the competition ranking is the biggest value.

Indulge does not mind taking risks, but he definitely minds risking no value.

Or it is a risk of not enough value.

So don't say that it is a magnetic king, he is not even a stormy woman, Wolverine is not willing to provoke.

The reason is that pay and return are too infinite.

However, he did not go to trouble, but he took the initiative to find him.

Wan Wang Wang came, without warning.

Hearing the whisper of indulging, Wan Wang’s face also showed a surprised expression.

"You ever met me?"

"You are a celebrity."

"Then I can save the program I introduced myself."

Wan Wang Wang waved his hand gently, and the top cover of a car flew to his feet, carrying him to Shen Yan’s side.

It seems that as long as he is willing, he can turn this big iron into his flying carpet at any time.

Indulge in sweeping around, I don't know when, the neighborhood is full of mutants, and the entire terminal has been controlled by them. But in this seemingly random movement, Shen Yu has quietly used spiritual exploration to the other party.

"Magic King Eric, a 5th-level mutant. Power: Metal Control. Evaluation: Extremely sophisticated metal control."

Unsurprisingly, the information that Wansong can get is very poor, and even the vitality of the other party is not known. Unexpectedly, the spiritual exploration has given an evaluation that has never been seen before.

Is this the special effect of talent bonus? Sinking doesn't know, but he knows that only the analysis of the details of the data, the power of this old man can be imagined.

He is by no means an old man in the movie who has a strong metal control ability but is dead.

At this moment, slowly descending from the iron carpet, Wan Wang Wang looked at the young people with interest.

Although the old man is old, but his gestures are quite majestic, his movements are soothing and natural, that is an expression of extreme self-confidence. His eyes are cold and cold, indicating that he is quite conceited.

He looked at Shen Yu, and after a while he used his unique low voice: "It's funny, you are not a mutant, but have more powerful power than the mutant. I used to think that the mutant is the only evolutionary direction of human beings, but now You made me see a new branch."

In the eyes of King Eric, the mutant is the ultimate expression of human evolution in the future.

In his view, the future world must be a mutant man who rules mankind.

Humans cannot accept the rise of mutants, and mutants are eager to have treatments that match their abilities. The old forces want to retain their original status, the new forces try to get more, at least not to lose to the old forces. The inevitable conflict caused by this different position is like the authors hate piracy, but the readers are justified, everyone is Naturally, it is entirely due to the difference in understanding caused by the different ass.

The change of power caused by the differentiation of races is the root of the conflict between humans and mutants. From this point of view, such conflicts are inevitable and inevitable.

In contrast, Professor X, who has always been committed to the peaceful coexistence of humans and mutants, is actually a beautiful idea.

The reason why humans launched wars against mutants was also because they realized that as the population of mutants grew, their influences were growing and they really threatened the existence of human government.

In time, the mutants truly become the masters of the world, and humans may only be slaves.

New racism will be born as a result, and like capitalist socialism, it will become a new banner for future social development.

It sounds very mysterious, but with the soil to survive, any strange seed may bloom.

Think about the experience of black people, which is understandable.

Therefore, humans have resolutely launched a war against mutants when they are still strong. They may be in the wrong side now, but in the future they may be human saviors.

From the perspective of history and humanity, this is entirely possible.

The oppression caused by the proliferation of power is more terrible than the oppression of power. At least the power oppression is only a minority of evils. The proliferation of power means universal people*.

Of course, from the perspective of Wan Wangwang, the problem is much simpler: the mutant is the ultimate expression of human evolution, and the stupid human being is trying to stop this evolution and try to oppress the mutant. This kind of injustice is naturally to be *, to fight.

But the adventurous people have complicated the original simple opposition.

A strange group of people with super powers, like mutants, launched a near-crazy attack on the mutants... they are like mutants and not mutants. Their abilities are not as singular and pure as the mutants, but they are more diverse, but they are closer to the human beings than the mutants. They attacked the mutants, but they did not have any connection with the human government. They came to freedom, were unconstrained, and behave differently... They killed the mutants and even killed each other.

This is why the King of Magnetics will appear here.

At this moment, he looked at Shen Yu and said in a word: "Who are you guys?"

He did not ask why he wanted to kill a mutant, and he did not blame the other person for his passionate expression. He showed that the mutant is innocent. He simply asked someone who you are, but it is this sentence that makes the heart of Shen Shen tremble.

This old man is far more sober than what he has seen in the movie.

What he thinks is not an ordinary grievance, but a question related to the future direction of the mutant.

Unfortunately, he is wrong.

Shen Shen said: "We don't have any necessary connection with you, not the new direction of human evolution that you think. In fact, these people are just sitting on a death train to hell, but here is We need to go through one stop."

The "here" referred to by Shen Yu refers to the entire X-Men world, but Wan Wang has understood it as New York.

He frowned slightly: "Can I understand that you are a group of mercenaries? Are you trusted? So you are hunting around the mutants?"

The work of the mercenaries is like embarking on a death train for sightseeing in hell.

Every stop, the tourists get on the bus and get off.

Some of them got out of the car and couldn’t go anymore.

There is no end to the train, and there is no stopping in hell. It is always on and off when you get on and off the bus - no matter how long you stay in the car, **** is your eternal destination.

Wan Wang is a wise old man, so he immediately heard the indulgence of compulsion.

They don't kill the mutants because of hatred or for other reasons. This explains why they will let go of Jerry, and even run to save him now.

Hearing the question of Wan Wang Wang, Shen Xiao smiled and he nodded: "You can understand this."

"So who hired you?"



"Yes, fate. You and I are enemies. This is the fate of the decision. It cannot be disobeyed unless the fate changes its mind."

"This is simply ridiculous, fate is not will, I ask who is instructing you to do this!" Wan magnetic Wang's face has revealed a thin anger.

Sinking and shrugging: "Real is often harder to believe than lies, but it is true. Maybe you don't believe it, but I know that you include it here, including the wars you are engaged in, even your ideals, yours. Ability, also the fate is secretly dominated, you, me, and everyone here are dominated by fate. Destiny exists, it has the will, just as you have the ability to control metals You are invincible. Do you think this is what you and the living thing have? No, Mr. Eric is the fate given to and we are also the creation of fate. The difference is... We are judged by fate to be your enemy."

"That's why we are here." Looking at the magnetic king, Shen Yan coldly said: "You want the answer, this is the answer."

"Unfortunately not what I want, maybe I should change the way I ask." Wan Wang Wang shook his head, his fingers slightly hooked, and a car flew to the top of the inflated head. The whole car began to deform and twist in the air, just like the external ones squeezed into a twist, forming a huge iron rod in the air, and its front end was even screwed into a gun tip. shape……

Shen Yan looked at the deformation of the air oversized iron gun, and sighed.

Wanquanwang's metal control ability has been so strong that it can be artificially manufactured into Transformers.

In the face of such a terrible opponent, Shen Yan has no fear, just faint: "I answer your question, Mr. Eric, not because I am afraid of you, but because I have not deceived you on this issue. If you think that I can change my answer by putting my five flowers on the barbecue grill, then I regret to tell you that you are wrong. No matter now or in the future, no matter how the ending changes, the answer will always be It won't change, the only thing that changes...just you and me."

Saying, Shen Yan’s eyes swept a smear of light, and he saw the heart of the magnetic king.

The next moment, he saw a bundle of explosives suddenly appearing in the palm of his hand.

Triggered yellow explosives, the common rewards obtained after killing mutants.

Wan Wang’s face has changed greatly, and Shen Yu has been cold and cold: “You better not move, otherwise everyone will die together.”


Today's five more broke out, seeking rewards, seeking collections, seeking red tickets! ! ! ! ! !

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