Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 9: Secret store

They will soon complete the design of the super artifacts they have conceived. Great literature

This is a mechanical defensive hood energy source that is about the size of a grinding disc. It can freely convert various energy to provide a protective cover for the warship technology. The effectiveness of the defensive hood depends on the protected area and the attack. All energy sources can be infinitely superimposed and function as long as they are on the same target body.

The reason why it is designed so large is mainly because the size of the item type is directly related to the cost limitation factor. As a bodyguard, the larger the volume, the greater the limit of use, the better the effect.

Indulging them to give full play to the large-volume characteristics of the warship itself, the props are designed so large that it is not suitable for ordinary machinery.

However, in order to try the effect, they have additionally designed some smaller energy sources, which can be specially used for small organisms. This makes the Terminator's strength stronger and can provide a lot of force for them to collect a lot of work behind them.

The energy source is named as the eternal heart, meaning the defense is invincible, standing still, eternal existence, a total of ten grades, from D grade to double S grade, and then provide I, according to volume and function, three models, A total of 30 categories, no matter which model, can coexist in the same body, work together, which makes their collection of eternal heart greatly increased.

The design of the Eternal Heart was quickly passed through the system to the Supreme Council.

For half a day, the Broken Blade team did not get a reply.

Indulging in the fact that the Supreme Council may be quarreling and arguing over time, the X003 is afraid that he will never like the indulgent design.

No one would like a design that is only useful for a particular adventurer.

However, they must not deny that this design can indeed pose a threat to the ultimate parent nest.

After six hours, the results finally came out.

“Confirm that this design can create a high-level threat to the ultimate parent nest, and has the possibility of actual completion, accepting the eternal design. The eternal heart dream map is formally submitted to the system, and the Supreme Council application becomes the first completion sequence.”

“Accepting the application, the eternal heart will be in the urban prop system in one hour. Obtaining the way 1: The wilderness and the special life target of all corresponding levels in the mission world, the probability of occurrence is 5%. Access method 2: Secret store.”

Sinking brows: "Special life? So ordinary life can't? Why is there only a five percent chance? And why not open the Temple of the Devil?"

"Eternal heart is a special prop. According to the rules, only special life can give special props. Every special life of Da Literature can provide a variety of props, and the probability of five percent is already the upper limit. Selling equipment or abilities for artifact evaluation, your design is not an artifact evaluation and cannot be entered."

"So good, that's it." When it comes to rules, Shen Yan can only helplessly. In any case, the degree of eternal heart has been largely open, and the next thing to do is to work hard to fight and gain.

The system gives a hint again:

"The Supreme Council is grateful for your efforts. I hope that you can reduce the hostility towards the city. The existence of the city is not meaningless. People here are fighting for the survival of the universe."

“Parliament member X001 applies to the system for a special award for number E5371.”

"Apply for review..."

“If the application refuses, E5371 still retains the system locusts and makes special rewards before the locusts are cleared, which does not meet the basic safety guidelines.”

“Parliament member X001 applies to the system for a base award for number E5371.”

"Apply for review..."

“Confirmed the pass, you can get the basic reward. The member of the parliament X001 completes the dream design: the search for a thousand miles, as a designated reward.”

Then Shen Shen only felt a hot heat on his chest. A strange mark appeared on his chest. It was a picture of Tai Chi, printed with yin and yang gossip.

Heraldic tips:

"Thousands of miles to find: special imprinting props, the owner of the life created by the city, has the right to query the reward after death. This ability does not consume the spirit, no cooling time, each use needs to pay 100 blood points, to the surrounding hundred The life created by all the cities in Mina has an effect."

Shen Yanran, can you know in advance the rewards given after death? This feature is quite novel.

Shen Yan immediately understood that this must be a design specially designed for him to collect the eternal heart.

However, if it is for the eternal heart, it only needs to be designed to be effective only for the eternal heart. Why not give it a defense? In the name of 100 points, you can indulge their current family, a hundred points as a fart? It takes no problem to use a task for hundreds of times.

At this moment, even the rest of the team was aware of this problem, gentle and strange: "This speaker is really good for you."

"Some people hate someone who loves. Big literature" swears and replies.

Gentle white gave him a look: "There are so many people who hate you now, does it mean that there are still a lot of women who love you? Otherwise, it is not in line with the principle of fairness!"

Sinking full of black lines.

A woman is a woman, and sure enough, anything can be pulled up to the vinegar jar.

The coat of arms is prompted by:

"Retelling the members of the parliament X001 message: The Supreme Council chooses to trust you. I hope that you can also choose to trust the Supreme Council. All the inconveniences have made it disappear."

Shen Yanran, thought about him and replied: "Thank you."

"System judgment: No. E5371 is not lying, hostility is falling..."

"...your sister!" Shen Yan did not expect the urban system to finally give him such a sentence.


Now that the design has been completed, the next thing is not what the Broken Blade team can care about. Everyone quickly reverts to the original working procedure - some things, after all, they have to solve it themselves.

The first is the collection of life-saving props. The Supreme Council is not asking them for trouble. The Dane family can still come. The Supreme Council stated that it would not be involved in it. In other words, this trouble has to be broken.

Due to the acquisition of an over-limit purchase privilege, Shen Yan will naturally be polite.

The benefits of the 270,000 special points are far beyond imagination.

Two catching nets (introduction), the highest level of restriction. Each nine thousand points.

The pedigree restarts two bottles of pharmacy: the used pedigree can be reused, and it is invalid for half time (that is, King Kong used the Devil in the World of Warcraft twice, and the next mission world can only be used once, even if it is zero, it is still once. The total is added twice), the highest limit, nine thousand points per bottle.

Six kinds of drug injectors: The drug injectors placed in the coat of arms can directly enter the user's body through injection. No manipulation is required. The manipulation can be carried out in a variety of ways, such as heraldry and password. premise. Six thousand points per piece.

14 rewinding reels (introduction), after using a drop-off reel, Shen Shen found that only 3 points of power attributes and 2 points of agile attributes were reduced for Raytheon Warhammer, so 13 additional purchases were made. One thousand points each.

Two upgrade kits (four-piece C) can be used for package upgrade without affecting the suit effect. The maximum limit is 12,000 points each.

Ten ordinary fixed-length characters (introduction), no purchase limit, nine hundred points each.

Six advanced fixes (introduction), medium limit, up to three in a single purchase. One thousand eight hundred points each.

Two A-level armor-piercing shells, two bullets, 105 damage (disregarding defense damage). 54 points.

Two A-level holy light bombs, two boxes, bullet damage 120 (normal damage) +450 (holy damage). 54 points.

Two A-level medical bullets in two boxes, the bullets recovered 62 seconds. 54 points.

Two skill lifting scrolls, each with nine thousand points.

The final escaped two reels, automatically detached from all types of cages and space constraints after use, and can carry all designated personnel within 30 meters, escape distance of 300 meters, priority value of 200 points, the highest limit level, each nine thousand points.

There are two substitutes for the body, the body image is consistent with the user's image, accepts user control, has user attributes, but does not have user skills, can use general weapons, lasts for ten minutes. Within ten kilometers, the user can interchange the position with the steadicam at any time, each with 5,000 points.

A small tactical nuclear bomb with a damage of two thousand points and a diameter range of two hundred meters, ignoring the enemy and the enemy, the highest limit (all nuclear bomb sharing restrictions), each one thousand eight thousand points.

A medium-sized tactical nuclear bomb with a damage of 3,000 points and a diameter range of 300 meters, ignoring the enemy and the enemy, the highest limit (all nuclear bomb sharing restrictions), each 27,000 points.

Two high-level blessing reels: one-time consumables, immune to all damage within 5 seconds after use, valid for all team members and designated members, and up to three designated members outside the team. The highest limit, nine thousand points each.

One of the eternal hearts, D-class I, each three thousand points.

The last is a battle upgrade scroll, two thousand points.

More than 270,000 special points were so waved by everyone.

This time, the purchase is basically a one-time consumable, but the effect is huge. A considerable part of it is life-saving props, such as a fixed-length character, a blessing scroll, a escape scroll, etc. In addition, there are some things left before the broken blade team. For example, there are a few bullets and invisible characters.

The skill-raising scroll is prepared for plunder. After use, the plundering is increased to B-level, but the number of plunders has not increased, but the priority has been greatly improved. The priority itself is improved. probability.

The set upgrade reel is prepared for the fat guardian suit.

The guardian suit is a good thing, but the single-piece level is too low, which limits its future. As a result, Shen Yu spent two big purchases and upgraded the guard set to the C-class suit.

After the upgraded guardian set, the original single-piece special effects remain unchanged and the defense doubles.

The skill source of the set skill adds a little effect and becomes 13 points of life per point.

The skill of the suit is not moving. When standing still, the defense increases by 50%, lasts for one minute, and after moving, it disappears by 10% of the increased defense, and disappears after five seconds.

Raytheon Warhammer finally reduced the demand to 150 and Agile 144 under the action of the Rolling Reel.

After using the fighting to raise the reel, Honglang finally upgraded the fighting specialization to the top level, and then bought a basic throwing specialization and two throwing specialization lifting reels. Finally, you can use this warhammer, but this also breaks the blade. The rest of the team spent a lot of money.

As for the eternal heart, as its designer, the Broken Blade team is also the first purchaser. This thing is a D-class I type, which is small in size and can be used for the defensive cover design of the mech. It is said to be used by Zhou Yiyu. On the one hand, it tests the effect of the eternal heart, on the other hand, it also enhances Zhou Yiyu's real-time combat power.

In the afternoon of the training field, Zhou Yiyu wore the armor with the eternal heart, and was held in the hands of the sacred firecracker as a live target, and died a few times.

After trying the effect of the D-class I Eternal Heart equivalent to about five hundred points of energy defensive hood, Shen Yu expressed initial satisfaction. According to their design principles, the D-class can provide a thousand energy The double S-class can provide about 5,000 energy hoods, and can further increase the defense effect by increasing the number. This is already the defensive limit that a double S-class item can provide, and is the standard that can be reached after increasing the number of restrictions.

Considering the huge size of the warship, this defensive effect is estimated to be cut, but the self-charged warships can be more compensated by self-charge. As for how much it can play, it depends on how much they can collect.

In fact, even if they decompose the super artifact into a combination of countless props, it is not an easy task to collect so much with personal strength. The investment in the universe is not filled yet, and the new bottomless pit reappears.

But whether it is sinking or other people, everyone is full of confidence.

Once they have such huge difficulties, they have overcome them. What are the new demands of today?

Since the Dane family is looking for their troubles, it is good to let this family and the sects it manages become their new resource growth point.

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