Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 12: Sinking counterattack

Rushed out of the door, everyone has returned to the city. *.~

"Wang Ba Gu! Wang Ba Gu! Wang Ba Gu!" Hong Lang yelled when he returned to the city, apparently already very angry.

The Broken Blade team has not eaten such a big loss since its debut, and even the people who have been chased and killed have no power to fight back. They can only watch each other destroy their own satellites.

When the missile flew toward the satellite, everyone seemed to watch the missile flew to himself, and the heart was extremely sorry for the heartache, and at the same time there was a heart that escaped from the dead.

"Enough!" Shen Yu has stopped Honglang: "Isn't it just because he killed a satellite? He knocked out one, we won't put one more? What's the use of it here? Have that energy, good Go to the training ground to exercise yourself. Honglang, remember today's loss, we are still too far away from the real strong, if you don't want to be chased by the ass, then let yourself become stronger !"

"Become stronger?" Hong Lang stayed.

"Yes! Your attributes are enough. Now you have to learn to fight with your brain! You are never stupid, but you never bother to think! Yes, you are lazy! Don't tell me that you are never lazy when fighting. Lazy has a lot of performance, lazy brain is also a kind of lazy! You are too lazy to think, let your brain rust there, only want to beat with a fist! But sometimes it is not a matter of using a fist to solve the problem! Hope Today's events will make you understand that before your fist can sweep through all the troubles, it's not bad to learn to use your brain!"

Honglang was dumbly listening to Shen Yu’s reprimand. For a long time, Shen Yu rarely confessed to him, but this time, Shen Yu seems to be really angry.

He looked at Shen Yu, touched his head, and finally he stopped talking.

Shen Hao has patted the shoulders of Hong Lang: "Go, if you feel unwilling, send all your anger on those custom targets, think about how to improve your combat effectiveness, don't let the resources leaning on you waste. It is."

Then he turned to King Kong: "You go to sell all the things you got, put the account back, and then put the **** point into the big universe plan to speed up the production of the warship."

Since the settlement has been reached with the Supreme Council, the Great Universe plan can naturally resume normal investment.

I have explained what I have to explain, and Shen Yan turned and left.

"Where are you going?" everyone asked.

In the eyes of Shen Yan, he passed a murderous murder: "Of course, to recover some of the money, no one can take advantage of me cheaply... the general will not do it!"

Said that Shen has been striding away.

Go all the way and enter the West End.

Shen Yu came to the trading market and stopped a passerby to ask: "Would you like to go to the Purgatory Church for a pilgrimage, how should you go?"

The man should also be a believer. Hearing that he was going to pilgrimage, he immediately became active and pointed to a red high cathedral in the distance: "There is there."

Due to the large size of the city and the small number of people, many places are vacant.

These vacant venues can be rented by adventurers and transformed into the shape they want.

Because of the high rents on the grounds, the **** points are hard to come by and the life is strong, so few people spend money to rent a place.

But for the Inferno sect, a church for pilgrimage and prayer is inevitable.

In fact, it is not a church, but a whole five, located in five difficulty areas, so that all sect believers can pray in the church.

Of course, it will inevitably cost some money, but not too much, just enough to pay the rent of the lease - in terms of money, the requirements of the purgatory sect are not high, their purpose is the talent itself.

With enough strength, they can naturally get more benefits from the mission world and the wilderness.

The church of the Inferno sect is a typical medieval architectural style with a circular dome in the middle and tall columns on both sides. There are three arched porches, of which the middle gallery is wider. After entering, it is the traditional evangelistic hall. Every day, the pastor is responsible for explaining the teachings. , guiding the lost lamb.

The costumes of the Inferno sect are mainly red, with a flame pattern in the middle. In the flame, an angel with four arms is flying in the air. Above is a majestic giant eye, overlooking the earth.

This is the famous purgatory angel image of the Inferno sect.

The Infernal Angels also existed in the most prominent position above the church, replacing the cross and becoming the new soul totem in the hearts of believers.

When I came to the church door, Shen Shen stood in front of the door for a moment, then strode to the church.

The two red robes who were in charge of the guards stopped him: "You can't enter without a robe."

The **** light in the eyes of Shen Yan appeared: "Don't worry, this dress will soon be red... the battle is open!"

His right hand protrudes, and the deformed iron claws clasp the head of the person on the right: "cracked claws!"

The five-finger hole pierces the skull and closes it inward, directly picking up the man's skull.

The guardian held his head and screamed and screamed, sinking his right arm and deforming the hammer, and smashed the brain that had no skull protection.


Brain pulp splitting.

This scene shows that the believer is completely sluggish. His position is low. He does not know the authority of the Son of Heaven. He did not expect anyone to kill in the city.

This slow reaction brought a terrible disaster, sinking his hands and simultaneously forming a sharp cone, and launching a combo against the adventurer, instantly damaging the adventurer, and the adventurer finally reacted, flying and jumping, and one more in his hand. The sword is about to be stabbed, and the sinking has thrown the vampire's touch. The dagger passes through the adventurer's throat and takes him to the fly, nailing it to the church hall.

Indulging in a trick, the vampire touch has returned to his hands, and the adventurer’s long sword has been touched, and he has stepped into the lobby. Since the city is not a world that allows killing, unless you use plunder, killing the adventurer will not get any benefit. //

Inside the church, a evangelistic meeting is unfolding. The priest above is Clifford: "The Lord guides us..."


The church door was kicked open.

Cliff looked up and saw the murderous entry, and shouted: "Not the Dane family's followers immediately rolled away, and today's old Kato's disciples are dead!"

However, his kindness was apparently not accepted by the believers. A red robes of an infernal sect stood up and pointed to Shen Shen: "Whoever dares to roar in the sacred land! Get out!"

The Purgatory Church is a land of urban leasing. Although it is not inviolable without personal residence, in order to avoid being disturbed, it still has the power to expel uninvited guests.

The speaker who was speaking was apparently a higher-ranking member of the sect and had the power to initiate a church deportation order. However, at the same time as the church expulsion order was launched, a group of holy light appeared on Shen’s body, which prevented the expulsion order.

Shen Yu has already said coldly: "Is it by you? Is there that qualification?"

Speaking of permissions, the authority of the Son of Heaven is higher than the church!

The believer saw that the deportation order was ineffective, and a slight glimpse, Shen Yu had already flew and deceived, and the left hand vampire touched the other's throat.

This believer is much more responsive than the two guards outside. The attack is not superstitious of urban defense but instinctively biased, and the dagger has crossed his neck skin.

The believer screamed and yelled backwards, and whispered: "He is sinking! Open all defenses and kill him!"

It is reasonable to say that Shen Yu did not do anything to other people. Others did not have the right to counterattack. However, since this is a church, the authority is relatively higher than that of the outside adventurers. This believer obviously knows the permission restrictions of the Son of Heaven, the first time. Launching the church's self-defense power, and bundling the fate of all believers with itself, thus forming an expansion of counter-attack rights.

More than 20 adventurer believers also took out their weapons and rushed toward sinking.

"Just with you!" Shen Yu suddenly took out BFG, facing a rushing adventurer is a shot.

The three-difficult adventurer is not the existence of Averys. He was indulged in a bombardment and screamed and flew out on the spot. Fortunately, his vitality has already exceeded a thousand, and he is injured and not dead.

However, the next moment, Shen Yu has changed back to the shooting gun. The adventurer is a shooting moon. The bullet passes through the adventurer's head, and the adventurer falls on the spot.

The bullets continued to fly to other people, and a whistling pop-up in the air took place, shrouded the entire church in the whistling sound of the bullets, sprinkling a piece of blood.

At the same time, Shen Yu single-handedly, violently said: "Spike armor, instant supplement, long!"

The T1000's full-spirited armor is fired in all directions. This is the strongest killing of the T1000 against group attacks. It is also very energy-intensive, but there is no need to worry about the energy supplement in the city, and don't care about energy. Consumption.

A lot of silver spikes burst wildly at this moment, some slow-moving adventurers were directly penetrated, and more adventurers used weapons to cut off the silver thorns, while remote skills were released together. .


In the insulting rapid command, the T1000 quickly recovered and turned into a huge shield, blocking the attack of all adventurers, and the energy was also consumed, which was an instant bottom.

"Heavy Cannon!" With the first-line fighters won by the T1000, Shen Yu has released two skills in succession, playing on several adventurers and playing several people.

However, the next second is a round of crazy blows, in the end is more than 20 adventurers, one person and one skill also kills.

Sinking blocked the first wave of fire with the T1000, but could not stop the second round.

But the next moment, Shen Yu has shouted: "Terminate the battle!"


The urban protection energy cover has been shaped in the sinking body, and countless attacks hit the sinking body, stirring a colorful energy light, but no one can hurt him.

"Restoring counterattack!" The former red robe believer screamed and the protective cover on his body was stripped. This is the home of the Inferno sect. The Red Robe believer is also a devil of the devil. In addition, he is the first to take the initiative, so he has the right to resume the battle.

However, he can only resume the battle, but can not open the battle. Once he has left the church, he can only watch the sinking and swaying away.

Just as he resumed the battle, Shen Yu’s left arm suddenly soared, and one hand crossed the distance between the two, and the vampire was touched into the throat of the believer: “Bloodfall!”

The believer never dreamed that his recovery counterattack actually brought a life crisis to himself. This subordinate was severely wounded, but his reaction was fast, and he hurried back, and at the same time he whispered to himself and made a hoarse voice: "Repair !"

The wounds that have been hit hard have begun to heal. At the same time, more than 20 adventurers in the church once again launched a third round of group blows, but they are about to hit the moment of sinking. The body shape suddenly splits into two, most of the attacks are directly lost, and a few attacks Then Shen Shen and the avatar each bear part.

Two sinking ones rushed to the many adventurers, one rushed to the red robe believers.

The red robe believers pushed forward with their hands: "Fire Dragon, Purgatory Inflammation!"

First, a fire dragon rises flat, and it is directly entangled in the sinking to let him move, and then a large group of raging anger will completely bury the sinking.

This is his best double-fire stack, the fire dragon is trapped and the enemy is injured, and the purgatory inflammation is persistent high-intensity fire damage.

If the opponent does not have enough fire resistance and life, direct spikes are possible.

He believes that this sinking to himself is true. After all, it is better to break his finger, so it is a killer.

However, this double fire was sent out, and Shen Shen was so fearless that he could let the flames rise and burn his life.

"Is it fake?" The red robe believer stunned, and on the other side, Shen Yu was already close to the more than 20 believers.

Unless it is a gunner or archer, the adventurer's remote skills are limited. After three rounds of remote skills have been sent, most of the adventurers have no remote skills available. Without enough adventurers to gather firepower, only three or four can attack at the same time. To sink.

Even so, at the same time as the attack, the indulgent and despicable treatment has already started, and the syrup syringe has injected a bottle of quick recovery syrup into the sinking body.

The most important principle of one-to-many is to keep your life in full state, otherwise you may be spiked if you are not careful.

In such a battle, never forget that the potion will be wasted.

Sinking against the crowd with an attack, it is already violent: "Energy storm!"

A large piece of lightning flash suddenly swept around.

Today's indulgence, after a turn in the wilderness, the energy has once again increased by 300 points to the point of 2800 points, this full energy release, the power is stronger than ever.

This is also the first time that Shen Yu has used energy storms for adventurers.

A few quick-moving adventurers released their defensive skills in time, and finally blocked the blow, but more adventurers were caught in the energy storm, and they were hit hard.

However, there may be restrictions. The energy storm seems to cause harm to the adventurer and can not cause death. This energy storm is not killing any adventurer.

But Shen Yan didn't care. He released the energy storm and he fired again: "Spike gun!"

This scatter gun is quite terrible, and three hundred bullets directly took away three people.

However, Shen Hao himself was hit by several counter-attackers at the same time, and his life plummeted a lot. Fortunately, he always kept his life full, and the defense was higher. Although he was not injured, the life syringe was started again.

"Shooting Stars Sirius Arrow!"

"Twelve links!"

"Wind, respond to my call, kill the enemies in front of you!"

All kinds of voices sounded at the same time, and another round of fierce attacks flew to sink.

At this time, Shen Yu suddenly shot at the ground, a large group of black smoke rose in the church.

smoke bomb.

"Ah!" The scream of an adventurer rang when the smoke rose.

"Light of guidance!"

There is a radiance in the smoke, which is about to dispel the darkness. The adventurer who uses the light of the guide suddenly has a pain in his neck, and a blood spring bursts out.

Lighting the light in the dark is undoubtedly the first goal.

The sullen brush passed over the unlucky guy and had swooped down to the next person.

Just as he was about to kill again, a dark pike had blocked his vampire touch: "Sink!"

It is Cliff.

He had not shot before, until this moment finally moved.

"Hey? When can you ignore the darkness?" He smiled and stabbed back to Cliff.

Cliff swept away: "After seeing your means, you have to be prepared."

"Want to be against me?"

"No, it’s always a friend, just prepared."

"I like your thoughts."

"That is, we are a class of people, but you have done too much this time, and even came directly to my place."

The two played ping pong in the dark, the sound of the collision of the weapons covered the conversation between the two, a group of people could not find the target, and many people could not play the advantage, it can be described as anxious.

Shen Yu and Cliff continued their quick conversation.

Cliff quickly said: "Get out of here, don't think that there is no one here to live with you, you have seen it, even if you stop the battle, we can forcibly recover. Once the ashes chased them, you want to go too late. ""

"I want to go, no one stays."

"That's good, I will continue to believe you, this is for you, is the information of the people who will chase you next." Cliff and the indulging intertwined, each other hit a palm, a note has been stuffed into the sinking palm .

"It's almost the same." When he got the information, he was going to retreat. He went to the troubles here. He only wanted to kill a few people and he didn't plan to kill him.

In the end, there are more than 20 people. If you don’t know what to expect, you can’t do it. Now that the powerful skills are almost seven or eighty-eight, it is time to go.

I didn't expect Cliff to say: "Wait, the guy who just resumed the battle, Aris, one of the priests of the sect, is someone's effective dog, and I don't have to deal with it, help me to do him!"

"No problem, but you have to help me, the guy reacts quickly, it looks like he is very handy, don't let him run." Shen Yan gently pushed a palm and borrowed to fly to the red robe believers.

At this time, all his abilities have been used almost, and there is only one last choice to kill the opponent.

Flying to the red robe believer called Aris, although Aris could not see the sinking, but still felt the sound of a keen whistling, the instinct retreat, Shen Yu has been bullying him, the left hand to the air: "cracked claws !"

Grasping Aris's arm and not letting him back, while the right has pulled the trigger against Aris: "piercings!"

The double A-level armor-piercing projectile, the terrible fierce attacking power, hit the Aris body shock.

"Hey!" This guy reacted quickly and fiercely, and directly shook Shen Shen to the body and couldn't move. There was even a second control technique.

Aris has roared and pulled out a giant sword of burning flames and squatted at the top of Shen Yan’s head: "The flames!"

Seeing that this sword is going to sink into the top of his head, even if he is not dead, he can be seriously injured. He suddenly puts out a black pike in the sky and blocks the flame sword. It is a dark spear.

Aris was shocked: "Cliff!"

Cliff also called: "Aris!"

His voice was louder than Aris, drowning Aris's voice directly, while pushing his left hand forward, and his left hand rubbed his fingers against Aris's throat: "Lock the throat!"


Aris's throat has been crushed directly by him.

Aris couldn’t call it out this time. Cliff knew that he was a double-sound, so he started to abolish his sound skills, and at the same time changed his hand to palm, and his palm was shot on Aris’ chest. The ice seal has frozen Aris.

Cliff has already pierced Aris's body, and the dark spear was sent. People have passed Aris and left: "This is a skill that is specially developed for you."

His ice is the nemesis of Aris Flame.

The next moment Shen has also restored his ability to act. Although Aris's sound wave has a shocking control effect, it is the same as Zhou Yiyu's missile bombing. It is group control, so the time is extremely short.

Sinking out of control, right again, double A-level armor-piercing bullets penetrated Aris's body and completely regained his life before the ice freeze was eliminated.

Cliff hit a hand against Aris and smashed Aris's body into a powder, so that no one would see the trace of his shot.

He said to Shen Shen: "Go!"

"I have time to find me to drink tea." Shen Xiao smiled, first a plunder took the flame sword to the hand, and then launched a blast to leave.


Not long after Shen Xiao’s departure, the old figure appeared in the church.

He looked at this wolf church, and the number of bodies tied together, and the believers Alice was hard.

The body wreckage pieced together, the whole person excited and trembled.

"What the **** is going on? Why can he go alone in our infernal sect and even kill Aris!"

No one dares to answer his question.

Or Clive went forward and said something about it. When it comes to Aris’ death, Cliff said: “Because of the smog, we can’t see the surrounding environment, and the result is that he gave the sneak attack. This guy seems to be very powerful. The armor-piercing project... He used it to kill Aris in a flash."

"Fart! Aris has two control skills, an escape technique, a recovery technique and a defensive technique, as well as four powerful flames and an A-level flame sword! Even if the guy has an S-class armor-piercing projectile, don't think about it. Kill Aris easily!"

Cliff quickly replied: "Some use, maybe it's not too late."

"What about you? Where is your darkness and ice freezing? Where is Eva? Isn't she very close to you recently?"

Cliff hurriedly replied: "The darkness and the freezing of ice must have accurate targets to be launched. Eva did not come to pray today, in his own residence..."

"Bastard! Useless guy!" Old Kato had a slap in the face of Cliff. He was a senior sect of the sect. He taught Cliff in the church and didn't even have to fight.

Cliff was stunned by this slap, but he didn't even dare to lick his face, just bowed his head.

An old voice suddenly sounded in the church: "Stienne! Your behavior is excessive. Cliff is always the second heir to the family. You are a priest who is not a heir to the heirs. It’s over the moment, commit it!”

This sound was actually sent out from the image of a well-prepared purgatory angel behind the church's preaching platform.

Old Kato was shocked: "The patriarch? Why are you coming back?"

He turned back and replied to the statue and said, "I am out of control, patriarch."

"You are not out of control, but Cliff and Christine go to kill and sink, but only he is alive and back, even replacing your son as the second heir. You feel uncomfortable and even have doubts about him, right? ?"

The old Kato’s heart glimpsed, and the statue continued to make a sound: “I had some doubts, but Cosgrove and Averys jointly shot and failed to kill the kid. Cosgrove even lost Raytheon. Warhammer, it is obvious that he is not simple. Did you not capture him this time? Although Cliff has talent, it is normal to face such an enemy. He can safely come back and even collect information about this person. Most of the strength information is not easy. So... apologize to Cliff!"

"Yes!" Lao Jiatu had no choice but to bow.

Cliff quickly said: "No need patriarch! It is my incompetence that led to Aris's death. It is normal for Sister Anthony to be angry. This is the punishment I should be punished."

The patriarch did not seem to be willing to make Laojiatu too embarrassed. In the end, he said "Choufu", you always talk so well, but this is where I am dissatisfied with you. Here is the world of **** cities. For the warrior, we will eventually fight the battlefield. At that time, whether it is the patriarch or the heir, it is the same. Your calmness is sometimes not suitable for the **** and cruel on the interstellar battlefield, although you are good at commanding, But before you become a true commander, you still need blood and fire. In this regard, you need to learn from Hercules."

"Yes, patriarch." Cliff pledged with humility.

The Purgatory Angel has re-voiced: "In addition, the original killing plan has changed slightly. Add another team to Hercules, and then find a spit, ready to launch innocent disaster."

"Innocent disaster?" Cliff and the old Kato at the same time looked at the image of the purgatory angel.

"Yes, innocent disaster. People who can become the sons of heaven in three difficulties cannot be overemphasized. Go, arrange a spoiler and tell him that the Lord needs his time of dedication... It is here."

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