Infinity Armament

Vol 14 Chapter 15: Meet

It is not the secret of the murder of the infernal sect, and it will surely allow the adventurers of the opposing camp to invest in themselves - to analyze the problem, to be simple and essential, but to solve the problem, to be complicated, to be prepared. .()

The development of things has never been single-threaded, and the creation of any one thing can lead to different consequences and create different endings.

Take the current situation as an example. If Shen Shen goes to find the other party, the first thing is that the other party may not believe it.

Shen Yu is also not sure whether the system tells the adventurers in the West. There are only ten people in the Eastern District and one is still dead. Before the other party has yet to understand the real situation, the words of the adventurers from the hostile camp are not sufficiently credible.

Secondly, even if the other party believes, there is no need to be lucky. The result of Shen Yu is inference. There is no fact to prove his inference. Shen Shen can't count on his own temperament, saying that everyone else can listen.

In the end, even if the other party believes in this inference, it does not necessarily have to cooperate with the Broken Blade team.

After all, even if it is a cooperation, it is only a situation of 20 to 20 or so, and the party to the cooperation will pay the price regardless of whether it wins or loses. Win, the mission failed. Lose, life is lost.

For the non-sectarians of the Western District camp, the better solution is to start negotiations with the ashes by the pressure of the Broken Blades, forcing the ashes and their non-aggression agreements, as long as the non-sectarians promise to be conservative. Secrets, and the ashes are not too stupid, or it is entirely possible to continue to join forces.

So if you want to plan anti-water, there are still many practical difficulties that need to be solved.

In this regard, Shen Wei gave several solutions.

"If you want the other party to fight against water, you must first let them die on the ashes. As long as there are people who can hold the ashes of the chariot, they will definitely not vote for us. It is not necessary to do this. It's easy, but it's okay to think about it, but the most important thing is that we can't just find someone who is not a purgatory sect at the beginning to tell him about the innocent disaster."

Indeed, if you take this out when you come up, no one knows what the other party will do. Once the ashes know, even if they do not buy in time, as long as they first get rid of the adventurers other than the sect, it is enough to let the Broken Blade plan to go bankrupt.

So to talk, you must choose the right time and the right target.

"The second point is that if you want the other party to fight against water, you will let the other party give up the task. Therefore, it is necessary to promise a certain degree of blood. According to the high-risk and high-yield principle of the city, the system will create a desperate situation for the innocent victims. Give a higher reward, this time we are nine people to perform the task, the reward share is calculated by 32 people, you can completely draw a part of the purchase."

“How much is it?” asked Zhuang Yu.

"That depends on the situation at the time. The adventurers who are able to go to the three levels of difficulty are not necessarily flexible. But certainly not all are good, and if they can get more benefits, they will never be less." They thought they had decided to eat us, so we will definitely take a tough stance in the early stages of negotiations, and we will not even negotiate. So we still need the third condition, that is, we must first prove our strength, let them know our bones. It’s not good enough, and they understand that the ashes are not as powerful as they think. Only those adventurers realize that in this war, the West End is not necessarily the party to victory, or the victory will pay a huge price. And when the ashes are not credible, they can really make up their minds."

"That is to say that you still have to fight a fight?" Bei Ming asked.

Shen Yu leisurely replied: "Maybe more than one. Never expect to solve a problem with a negotiation or a war. When you talk and talk, you can talk about playing, this is the true nature of politics."

Zhuang Yudao: "The problem is that there are no politicians here. [very literary] extracurricular books"

Indulging in a meaningful answer: "Politics itself is everywhere."


As Shen Yu said, no matter how the plan is specified, a fight that is still inevitable is inevitable - you can't expect to just say others by mouth, the fists are hard, and the words are weighty.

The plan has been agreed and the next step is implementation.

The benefits of having fewer people and fewer people will not be repeated, and there will be no thoughts, no wrangling, and more efficient decisions.

Shen Wei first made a decision: "Yi Yu, put the car out, ready to receive TV signals."

"What are you watching TV?" Bei Ming did not understand.

Shen Yu replied: "The problem with this movie of Dragon War is that it never explained the specific date of the event, and after we entered the mission, the city did not give us the event process, so we must first do it. It is to know which stage of the story is in the stage. The film's protagonist, Ethan Kenrick, is the host of cgnn's show. There is a lot of information in the movie that is transmitted through TV programs. There are many battles that are carried out in a large audience. So it’s a relatively simple way to understand the story through TV shows."

It turned out that everyone understands.

Shen Yu has continued: "This is the first time I answered your question. I don't mind answering the question, but I hope that you understand that now we are the ones who are alone, efficiency is our only advantage. If I decided when I was fighting, and I want to explain to you why I am doing this, I am worried..."

He didn't talk anymore, just looking at Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu already understood that he nodded: "When I came, the boss asked me to listen to your opinion. He said that it is not uncommon for a person to create a miracle occasionally, but it is not easy to make a miracle." We can listen to you on this mission, headed by you, as long as you don't treat us as cannon fodder."

Sinking and laughing, he patted Zhuang Yu’s shoulder: “I like your boss and have the opportunity to introduce me.”

"Sure!" Zhuang Yu also laughed.

At this time, Zhou Yiyu had released black lightning, and the car computer received the TV signal and began to play cgnn's program, but the TV station was playing a certain love movie at the moment.

Bei Ming has some gloating: "It looks useless."

Shen Yan looked at Bei Ming: "The first thing to note about intelligence gathering is: Never expect that every source of your information will work. All you have to do is to sow the seeds and then wait for some of the seedlings to grow. Yes, even if I am wrong, you don't have to be proud. Have you seen the soldiers assault? Don't treat your comrades as competitors."

Bei Ming snorted and ignored him. Zhuang Yu was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, my friend is a bit proud."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Yu replied: "Being a man is not afraid of arrogance, I am afraid that there is no arrogance."

Zhuang Yu immediately said: "He is still a bit of a skill."

"That's good."

"What do you do now?" Zhou Yiyu is very smart to open the subject.

Shen Yu replied: "The first problem now is to find Sarah Daniel first. We have her address, but this is also my headache, because our opponents also have."

In the movie of the Dragon War, the address of the heroine Sarah Daniel has appeared publicly, so no matter whether it is the ashes or the broken blade team, they do not need to look for it.

This is extremely unfavorable for Shen Yu – the more open the information, the less likely it is to generate variables and the worse for weak parties.

At the same time, this means that they and the ashes are likely to meet in the first time!

This is definitely not what I want.

After thinking about it, Shen Shen turned on the computer: "Zeus, check out how far we are from No. 546, Effie Street."

"About sixty blocks, considering the road conditions in the city center, it takes at least thirty minutes unless you intend to repeat the drama of the death car."

"Thirty minutes... then the West End should be similar. We must grab Sarah Daniel in front of the West End, otherwise it will be very passive, but this will only come directly to the past..." Shen Hao touched his chin for a moment, immediately : "Check out Sarah Daniel's phone."

There is a full name for the address, and the number is quickly checked out.

Shen Hao picked up the car phone dialing number: "Is it Sarah Daniel's home?"

"Yes, it is me, may I ask..." There was a beautiful girl voice on the phone.

"Miss Daniel, please listen to me, you are in great danger now, and someone will come to you soon..."


The phone hangs.

Look at him gently: "Is it bad?"

Sinking hand: "I think she already knows about the appearance of dragon scales, and is currently in extreme panic."

The movie of Dragon War begins with a recollection of the story of 500 years ago. It tells the story of a Korean princess who is reincarnation of Dragon Ball. Just 20 years old, her body will breed Dragon Ball, and she will be sacred to Imoji. After use, you can become a dragon, and the princess himself will die. On the eve of her birthday, the evil Blatche led its Dragon Army to come to **** the Dragon Ball, while the Dragon Ball Guard Harlan, who fell in love with the princess, refused to hand the princess to Imoghi, and eventually The two men died together, and the current guardian, Ethan Kenrick, was the reincarnation of Harlan.

It should be said that this is part of the whole movie of the Dragon War, and a few are still a bit of a plot, because from the time of returning to the present, the whole movie is built around the pursuit and pursuit. The film's picture is still gorgeous, the war scene is not bad, but if you seriously remember, you will find that there is almost no recollectible content.

In other words, this is a movie with almost no plot.

There is no doubt that this is also the city's favorite type.

The so-called dragon scale appears at the beginning of the movie. At the end of the recollection story, the heroine Sarah Daniel (the reincarnation of the princess) saw the show about the mysterious scales by Ethan Kirrick, causing panic in her heart and returning home to lock herself in the house.

Perhaps because of this, when Shen Yan called to tell her that someone was not good for her, she would immediately hang up. This is a typical kind of vigilance against strangers because of fear.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that the city will be stalked from it.

Shen Hao called again, but this time Sarah simply did not pick up.

Sighing and sighing: "Tender, go drive your little cute."

"Just wait for you." Gentle smile. They are now not far from the expressway, gently ran up the road and called: "Yi Yu, help me clear the runway."

Zhou Yiyu raised his hand and all the Mercedes-Benz vehicles rushed out of the road and fell over the roadside. A flight track was cleared in the blink of an eye.

Then gently release the f22, jump into the cockpit, and f22 begins to taxi on the road.

Seeing that the Broken Blade team had released such a thing to hurry, Zhuang Yu and Auntie both opened their eyes.

This time, the gentle technique is much better. I flew into the sky without hitting any vehicle.

"I have taken off and I am expected to arrive at Effie Street after forty seconds... It feels like I am driving to a neighbor's house."

Shen Xiao smiled: "It is very similar, and there is a common trouble in these two situations, that is... there is no parking lot."

Effie Street has no place for fighters to take off and land, unless Shen Yu intends to give up the f22, otherwise gentle can only keep flying in the sky.

Fortunately, Shen Hao did not intend to let the gentle landing.

Just waiting a moment, he picked up the phone again.

Sarah still didn't pick up, this time he was speaking to the phone:

"Sarah, I know you are listening. You don't know who I am, but I know you. You are a different existence, your destiny is related to many people, even the fate of this world... I know you It’s scary now, but Sarah, cheers up, listens to me... I am here to help you, I am not your enemy, you see I know your address, your phone number, your name, I even Know that you have a dragon tattoo on your body..."

The phone was picked up.

On the other end came Sarah’s horrified voice: “Who are you? How do you know my tattoo?”

"To protect your people." Shen Yanzhen said: "Listen to me, Sarah, now a group of people are approaching you, they may soon arrive..."

"I am here!" A gentle voice came from the team channel.

Shen Yu continued: "Those people are going to be against you, and I may not have time to save you, so Sarah, you must learn to save yourself now. Listen to me, now leave your house, take your cell phone, and then go to Dan. Don Street, there is a coffee shop, where are you waiting for me, I will get there as soon as possible."

"I don't know you, I don't believe you... If I am in danger, I can find the police!"

"Trust me, the police can't help you, only we can save you."

"Why do I believe in you? I have never seen you!"

Shen Yan sighed. He grabbed the microphone and said to the channel: "She doesn't believe me."

"What do you decide to do?"

"Give her a shot."

"Understand." Gentle smile.

Gently press the ground attack button, a missile has already been fired, and it is hitting an open space far from the address of Sarah’s address. A huge wave of flames is rushing, and the violent explosion sounds directly through the wires to the sinking In the ear, it is accompanied by the horror of Sarah.

"Sarah! Sarah! Are you okay? What did I hear? Is it an explosion? They chased it, they want to kill you! Get out of there!" The voice of Shen Qian is quick and fast, full of anxiety and concern. Listening to the sound alone, you can't imagine him on the other end of the phone. His face is full of smug smiles.

"I will come over!" Sarah answered quickly.

Shen Yan put down the phone and said to Zhuang Yu: "She promised, we went to the coffee shop in Denton Street and waited for her. It was much closer than going to Effie Street. The important thing is that the ashes will not know where she is. ”

Zhuang Yu shook his head and smiled: "Your thoughts are really eye-opening. I am now hopeful about this war."

"Don't be eager to win, the enemy will not easily surrender and surrender." Shen Yu said to throw a few talkers to Zhuang Yu, and then released the Hornet and Hera Road: "Hella's temper is not very good, you three Sitting on a bumblebee, a bumblebee, they took you for the first time, and when you were deformed, remember to say hello."

"I will Bumblebee replied, thinking about him and added another sentence: "Is the honest man being bullied?" ”

Auntie was shocked and liked: "It turned out to be a bumblebee, ha, I was fascinated when I was young!"

He first jumped into the driver's seat and fell in love with the bumblebee, touching the hornet's console all over.

This made the bumblebee very dissatisfied: "My **** is itch by your touch."

"You still say fucking?" Auntie was more and more excited.

King Kong came over and threw a sentence: "It has recently been closer to the wave, and the near ink is black."

Turn on the car.

Honglang shrugged innocently: "Turn me off."

Looking at the look of Auntie’s face, Beiming was a little dissatisfied: “We also have our own car.”

Zhuang Yu sighed: "Don't take it out."

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